Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 56


With an awkward smile on his face, he greeted Jungjo, who was active in a mouse raid operation with a ceremony.

A current hero better known as the founder of Willan’s François No.107.

“Haha… It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. How are you studying Kim Chang-sik…?”

The Lord sits in his seat at the awareness of the ceremony.

The ceremony only nodded its head as he looked like that.

“Um… Actually, Chief Steel Gun is in charge of a covert operation this time.”

He opens his mouth carefully as he looks at the ceremony. Rather, Kim Byungmun, who was next to him, nodded, reflexively.

He leaned naturally toward Kim Ban Mun as if he were more comfortable than the ceremony.

“And I’m going to build a new dedicated team for this operation.”

Jung Joo-ho notices as though it’s awkward to say a half-word to a chant.

The ceremony folds its arms and speaks to itself.

“You want to write me on that team….”

He nods at a ceremony that quickly understands his conscience.

“Yes, I’m going to take away his background or location and build a team solely by my skills. And the captain is desperate for you to take a screening test on the team that was active in the mouse sneak attack.”

“Hmm…. We don’t know what the plan is?”

“Looks like it’s classified, so I’m thinking of letting you know the details of the operation after the team is set up.”

The ceremony was a concern.

This covert operation is due to the butterfly effect of the ceremony changing the future.

And that’s when.



“The Way of a True Hero: The Eighth”

A dedicated team of covert operations will be formed by the Hero Association operations chief, White Bumble Goo.

Head to the Hero Association in person to discover the new Class A hero and team leader Steel case.

[Clear condition]

1. Meet the Hero of the Hero Association, Steel Gun (0/1)


1. Bonus stats 1.

You’re just going to give me a bonus stat? ‘

It was a very tempting reward for the creator to be able to grow simply by meeting steel guns.

‘And Baek Beom Goo…’

A name I haven’t seen in so long.

Baekbeom-gu was the brains recognized by the Hero Association even during the Hojin Seok period.

‘He’s a smart guy at the Association who only shovels…’

We don’t know exactly what the mission is yet.

If his plan is to gain a good understanding of the railroad, it should be a good one to hit Billon’s side.

As the ceremony worries silently, he scratches his head and asks.

“Or why don’t you go to the association and talk to the leader? Steel Gun Team Leader wants to see Kim Chang-sik again…”

Finally, the ceremony nodded with a sign of acceptance as the mission was also given in the system.

“… So when does the Association go back?”

He quickly replied with a reflection of his interest in the ceremony.

“I was thinking of coming back tomorrow as soon as possible, but I actually recommended testing to some promising students in class B, besides Kim Chang-sik.”

A ceremony that reminds me of Kang Jeong-hoon, 6th in Combat Strength Ranking, class B I just met.

Then he went behind his back and added,

“I have to talk to them… I can’t tell you when.”

The ceremony, which was not particularly scheduled, stood up with a nod.

“Well, call me when it’s fixed.”

He stared at the back of the cool ceremony and urgently greeted Kim Byungmun.

“Well, I’ll be going, too.”

“Oh, yes. Well done.”

Chop chop.

Jung Joo-ho hurriedly left the office to miss the ceremony.

Luckily, there was still a ceremony at the end of the hall.

He ran to the ceremony, checking that there was no one around.

“Hey, there…!”


A moment alone with the ceremony.

He took off the mask he was wearing because of the Vice President and made a look of helplessness.

The LORD bows to the altar with his cold, sweaty head.

“I’m sorry for being rude!”

“… Hmm.”

The Ceremony shakes its hand as if it were fine.

Nevertheless, he trembled with fear.

“I… I heard from Nanami Shiki a few days ago.”

He had not been able to sleep at night since he discovered the presence of Nanami Shiki, a franchise exposed to the media.

because he was pretty messed up about it, and he was exposed to the TV screen, and he thought he could be like that.

That’s why I was thankful and afraid of the ceremony that quietly passed over even though I knew who he was.

‘She could have been me….’

Fold the folder like a duck once more.

“I-if there’s anything I can do to help, Bar, I’m here to help. Don’t forget to sing it!”

The ceremony stopped and looked at him.

‘… What’s wrong with this bastard?’

* * * * *


Temporary silence returned from the cafeteria to rest room C.

He grumbles and slams against the restroom wall, expressing his anger.

“Jeong Myung… Calm down.”

Other trainees around him went to try to stop him who was excited.

Seeing his lively eyes, he leaned back countless times.

You take a quiet step and grab the giant metal table.


Boiling anger at Kang Jung-hoon who embarrassed himself in front of countless students.

Kang Jeong-hoon, who was with him, didn’t get much attention until class C.

Rather, it was a time when silence was receiving more expectations.

“That day puppy!”

However, at some point, Guryn, who had hated silence from the beginning, started walking together, and quickly opened the gap with him.

Even a powerful secondary trait was awakened.

Eventually, he was standing in a position where he couldn’t do anything right now.

Silent Jung-hoon’s jealousy and fury over Gurin began to crush the huge iron table.


His face and body gradually began to turn grey steel.


“How dare…!”

Half folded iron table.

A student passed by his head, exhaling excitedly.

“… ugh.”

Redhead resembling a goblin, Goochi Castle.

Right now, the only level of silence I could touch was Guchi Castle.

And I didn’t think this boiling anger would go away if I didn’t step on him.

I began to make a plan to thoroughly trample the man who was holding out in the middle of Class C.


His visible burn mark trembles with his whole body turned to steel.

Scratches of iron ring the C-flat.

“… look forward to it.”

* * * * *

The day after I received news from the Hero Association, I was contacted that the ceremony would leave today.

The Creative Ceremony is thinking of stopping by the association for a bonus stat.

I decided I didn’t need to inform the others.

“Well, it’s not like I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

The ceremony left the room with just a “journal of some regrets” in case you didn’t know.

A ornament that found a familiar red head in the hallway as it was walking towards the outside of the dormitory building.

Gu Chi Sung also found the ceremony and greeted him as if he was pleased.

“You’ve been seeing each other a lot lately, where have you been?”

The ceremony smiled at his smile.

“I’m going out for some personal time.”

“Huh? Outside the Academy?”

During the semester, I tilted my head because I knew I couldn’t go to the Academy without permission.

“What’s going on?”

“No, it’s just personal.”

The ceremony shakes its head and says.

The chieftain nods, presumably for a reason you won’t be able to speak.

“Hmm…, so the other kids don’t know?”

“Well, it won’t take long, so I’m going to take care of it quickly on my own.”

“… Okay, I don’t know what it is, but take your time. You already got a recommendation for a C-class promotion.”

He smiled and looked at the ceremony as if he knew everything.

“I’ll clear a path for you before you come up to class C.”

Playful chieftain.

The ceremony was enthusiastic, even if he said it playfully, that he must have done it.

The one I was telling you about at the restaurant yesterday.

‘I will make them give up rather than give up.’

The ambition was not a mere toss.

So the ceremony smiled at him.

“Good luck. I’m cheering you on.”

“Oh, hey. I don’t think I’ll be seeing you for a long time.”

At the joke of chivalry, the ceremony went on its way with a bloody smile.

“It’s not like that. I’ll see you later. Tell me about it when you see the others.”

“Okay, I get it. You take care, too.”

And they didn’t think that they would be able to see for a really long time.

* * * * *

After the ceremony left the dormitory building, I saw Jung Joo-ho waiting for the car.

A ceremony approaches you and asks him.

“Didn’t you say there were others?”

“Ah…. As a security measure, we had to keep each other out of the picture right now, so we sent them away.”

A sort of nodding ceremony climbs into the car.

“Let’s get going, too.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The ceremony suddenly reminded me of him, who was stunned to see him yesterday.

So I asked the guy holding the wheel.

“Hey, just…”

“Yes! Go ahead!”

He replied before the ceremony was over and the ceremony was silent.

“… Just make yourself comfortable. I used to use Mickey as a pawn, but now he’s just an Academy student.”

“Ah…. Haha!! No. I’m comfortable with this!”

I wasn’t the one who was sweating cold.

His appearance made him sigh a little.

In fact, he had been struggling with one thing for days.

When the ceremony was the absolute ‘Hojin Seok’, he did not care much for his speech.

‘Treating everyone in the face.’

It was a habit of saying what was possible because everyone was under him.

But now he wasn’t the Hojin who put everything down.

Moreover, as his days as a ceremony grew longer and longer, his thoughts gradually changed.

‘I don’t think I need to resent you from the first impression…’

Of course, it’s gonna be hard to fix your accent right now.

It was a ceremony that only those who were older than themselves would change their minds.

And just then, he opened his mouth carefully, looking at the notice of the ceremony.



“With all due respect, If you go to an association, why don’t you speak respectfully to other professional heroes…?”


He hurriedly followed behind his back as his ceremony did nothing.

“I know who Kim Chang-sik is, so it’s okay! I think I can react from the first impression to those who have never seen it. I’m a little worried about that personally….”

Lord, you should be angry with yourself for no reason. You should have noticed the ceremony in the rearview mirror.


If you had just heard Kim Chang Ceremony, you would have snorted and ignored it.

Now, the ceremony was also adapting a little bit to his current body.

And I still noticed that he didn’t look so bad holding the wheel.

The chandelier turned his gaze out of the window as the bear thought.

“… for your reference. Thank you.”

“Yes… yes?!”

It’s like a violent reaction that you didn’t expect.

The ornament frowns at him, looking at him with a frightened young face.

“What, that look?”

“Oh… no! Haha! No. Thank you!”

He pauses, nodding and making a pleasant smile, and continues to drive.

And the ceremony stared at him for a while, smiling bloody and looking out the window.


After a while. A huge skyscraper of the Hero Association stood out from afar.

‘It’s been a long time since that building.’

When he was branded as the worst villain in history, he entered the building alone and claimed his innocence.

But the last thing I came back with was a mandatory assault on an old man from the Society.

In the end, there was a time when he became a target for all the heroes in the building.

‘… Amazing.’

The ceremony was new to the old memories.

As they parked their cars with Australia and entered the building, Steel Gun, who had been contacted in advance, welcomed them.

“Cadet Kim Chang-shik. No, are you an educator now?”

A Class A Hero Steel Gun approaching the Ceremony as if welcoming.

I nodded at him for a long time.

“It’s been a long time…?”

“Hmm? What is it? Something doesn’t feel right.”

A steel gun that scratches the back of the head as if it were awkward.

The ceremony of a short sigh in his appearance reminds me that I should only honor my new opponent in the future.

Then I heard a system ring in the ear of the ceremony.



The Eighth Way to a True Hero (Complete)

You got 1 bonus stat as a clear reward.

A smile spread over the opening of the ceremony, with a bonus stat so easily.

And just then, a cheerful voice came from the other side.

“Chelsea, is this the guy you were telling me about?”

A middle-aged man with a lot of white marlin on his head.

The person who looked at the ceremony as interesting was also familiar with the ceremony.

‘Operation Chief of Hero Association, Baekbeom-gu.’

“Well…, the hebrew looks fine.”

Seeing the ceremony, Baekbeok opened his eyes as if he had found something strange.

And again, the window of the system that rings the ears of the window.


“The Way of a True Hero: The Ninth”

Named “Hero Billionaire” by Operation Chief of the Hero Association, Baekbeom District….



Up to that point, the ceremony looked at Baekbeom with a blank face.

‘… Crazy bastard.’

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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