Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 66


Baekbeom-gu and the steel gun were moving into a separate office where all the members of the project were summoned.

“Hey, Iron Gun. Has the academy gotten any higher lately?”


“No, Chang-shik Kim and the other two honestly seem to be capable of a class B professional hero…? Kang Jeong-hoon or him, too.”

“Well, it looks like it’s been leveled up overall…. In fact, their Black Sugar is quite famous in the association.”

“No, I wanted to be an educator… By the way, are you in a hurry? Take your time!”

I turned my back on the screaming caterpillar.

“Yes? Ah…”

There were already a few steps between the category and the iron gun.

In fact, I was worried that members, founding and smoking of the project would meet.

At first, she wondered if she would suddenly participate in the project.

Now that I think about it, I was wondering if she suddenly changed doctors because of the ceremony.

‘If they were two personalities, they would hit them as soon as they met….’

Iron Gun hoped that the painting he expected would not be drawn, and he quickly took a step at the sound of a category.

Chop chop.

And soon, a woman’s voice echoes in the ears of iron that opens the door of the office.

“… did you? Son of a bitch?”

“…… ha.”

Iron Gun sighed deeply.

* * * * *

“… Do you know me?”


A frowning palate that looks like you really don’t know who it is.

I couldn’t breathe comfortably because of his attitude.

The fastest man alive was Australia. He blocked the gap between the smoking and the ceremony.

“Now, wait a minute! Stop it!”

He immediately turned toward the reed, hugging her and desperately stopping her.

Then I glanced at him and whispered a little.

“… Let go of me.”

“Urgh…! Oh, no. Sis!”

I grabbed her tightly, as if she were a john who flinched for a moment, but didn’t have to die.

“Oh, no! Why are you here all of a sudden?! I thought you said you weren’t going to do this project in the first place.”

Chae Yeon sighs a little in Australia, holding on to herself.

“… I changed my mind.”

“What? No, suddenly?”

Chae Yeon ignored him and stared at him like he was going to kill him.

“Do I know you? I know, I know very well…”

“Hmm, I’m sorry, but I tend to forget small things….”


He could hear the sound of blood splattering. Obviously, that didn’t happen. It just felt that way.

The shadow is deep in Chae Yeon’s face, slightly lowered her head.

“… Then I’ll remind you. What do you say?”

Her frostbite.

The ceremony lets out a small sigh. Then his eyes slightly widened as he tried to say a word.

“Hmm? Ah, the mouse. That’s him, isn’t it?”

“… At that time, that guy?”

As if I could think of it, my head was shaking with a shrugged ceremony and an absurd expression.

Anxiety was Lord’s share in between.

Oh, shit! Please don’t provoke me! ‘

Soon, Chae Yeon threatened to approach the ceremony with a blushing face.

“Yeah. I was right about that. Let’s do it.”

“Y-yeah, stop! Stop, please, Sis!”

He tore his jaws off while drying them, but cried out for one look.

Despite his eager request, the ceremony was only frowning.

“…? I don’t know why I’m so angry. I’ll accept it if you challenge me.”

“Challenge? You call that a challenge? You bastard!?”

Eventually, when the painter came to the door of the ceremony with a flutter of smoke.

Suddenly the weight of landing in the Oval Office.


Everyone in the office looked at the protagonist of that profound voice.

Class A veteran hero, Steel Gun in charge of the project’s team.

He was staring at her with a stiff face.

“Chae-yeon Kim, what are you doing?”

“… Phew! I’m sorry.”

After staring at the ceremony with a red face, Ji-yeon tried to cool down.

“But, sir, I won’t admit to Black Sugar being such a self-absorbed jerk.”

“You, now….”

Iron Gun’s face hardened in Chae’s story. He sighs deeply without saying anything more.

A complex emotion passed through his face.

Baekbeom, who arrived a little late and was watching all of them, smiled and said.

“Hey, what are you thinking about? Just keep the two of you cool. You said this once before.”

“…?! Chief!”

Iron was startled and shouted out loud.

He said with his pinky fingers, one ear as though it were noisy.

“Hey, Iron Gun. The way she looks at it, she’s gonna get into a fight. Let’s just fight and get it over with.”

White Bumble Ball’s face was still red and he looked at her deeply breathing.

“Huh? That way we can relax and do our job. Isn’t that right?”

A white orb tapping the shoulder of an iron ball as if it were fine. Iron Gun suddenly did not understand the attitude of the category.

“No, what…”

At that moment, the atmosphere of the office changed.

He raises his mouth tail so that it is only visible to Iron Gun and shoulders.

“… But now that I think about it, it’s fucking funny!”


“Didn’t Chae-yeon Kim say that he doubted the skills of the team members that Steel Gun and I hand-picked?”

She was surprised and replied without saying anything.

“Yes? No, I mean…”

“… What’s not it?”

White Orb’s eyes became ferocious like a viper’s.

“Chae-yeon Kim, is the boss talking funny? How the hell did Chelsea manage to keep him under control?”

His cold, spilling question made me feel like my whole body was draining of blood.

Then Iron Gun, staring at the White Belfry Ball, sighs a little and lowers his head.

“… Sorry.”

The smokestack who was light-headed by the iron work folded his waist to 90 degrees.

“I’m sorry.”


After reviewing such irony and smoking, the categorist sighed for a long time.

“… steel gun. Hey, man. I’d love to hang out with the rest of the team, but don’t you think this is a little too much? Against your superiors’ decision?”

“Yes, I was careless. I’m sorry.”

“… Yes, yes. Well, this time there’s an anterior and posterior situation, so it’s a disaster. But it’s your fault for mismanaging your subordinates, so it’s a three month pay cut.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Chae Yoon consistently made a sinful face.

However, knowing that Ironclad’s position here is not going to get better, she lowers her head.

The eyes of the ceremony, which was watching the behavior of the White Belief Ball, stood up.

‘… You must be the head of the Association’s operation.’

The prankster quickly changed the mood and grabbed the crowd.

Furthermore, I punished the iron that was not very different from myself in class and planted guilt in the minds of other team members as well as smoking.

In fact, even after three months of salary cuts, it was not a big loss.

‘Once again, it will be a way to hierarchy and solidify the team’s cohesion.’

The ceremony that came to my mind suddenly made me curious about the status window of the White Belt sphere.


Name: Baekbeom-gu

(Hero Association Operation Chief)

§ Force: C +

§ Agility: C

§ Health: B

§ Magical Power:??

[Exclusive Attribute]

Unique Thoughts (Rare [2nd Awakening])

They have a very different kind of thinking. And the projected plans from those incidents are likely to lead to good results.

1. Conduction (Rare)

2. Intimidation (Rare)

3. High Speed Accidents (Rare)

4. Judgment (Rare)

5. Takeover (Rare)

Changing ceremony had already seen a person with the unmeasurable magical power of Kim Byung-myun, so it set the magical power of Baekhyeom.

‘Hmmm, is that guy with at least Class S magic…?’

And the ceremony noticed a part of the characteristic of ‘unique thinking.’

Plans estimated from such incidents are more likely to lead to good results.

It was a rare trait, but with at least Class S magical power.

Hardly any harm would come to a man’s judgment.

‘Somehow… I thought his operation had done pretty well in the past life.’

The ceremony shook its head as if the question had been cleared and smiled.

When Changwoo was thinking that, Baekbeom also was actually watching Changwoo ceremony.

“What the hell is that guy? ‘

He was currently using ‘Intimidation’ and ‘Takeover’ skills.

Even B rank professional heroes were all tense and focused on themselves.

The appearance of a ceremony in which he remained calm even with a small smile was very heterogeneous.

In the end, Baekbeom Goo laughed.

‘Huh, that’s… I’m definitely him.’

The categorist turned around and left the office.

“The atmosphere is too dead to have a chat right now, so I’ll come back later.”

After turning and leaving the office, White Bumble Ball’s mouth was filled with interesting smiles.

‘Kim Chang-sik…’

* * * * *

When Baekbeom entered the office again, he approached Chelsea separately and sincerely apologized.

“Come on, let’s get this started.”

One round of applause to unwind the calm atmosphere.

However, I couldn’t see him, either, because he looked like the previous storm.

And as if the category didn’t matter, he turned on PPT with a smile on his mouth as if this atmosphere was better.

“Now, a total of eight people here are members of the Association’s secret project, Hero Billionaire.”


The name of the project you have already heard of as team’s ‘zero’.

Others, however, felt overwhelmed by the name of the project they had never heard of.

White Orb chuckles in response to their rattling around without saying anything.

“That doesn’t make you a real Billon, so don’t worry. We’re pretending to be Billions.”

For those of you who don’t understand it yet, White Belt has begun to give a detailed overview of the operation and its objectives.


“… You get it, right? Once again, we masquerade as an emerging Billon organization and contact Billon. I know you have a lot of questions, but we’ll talk about it later.”

Cristina who was still unable to escape the shock was embarrassed and mumbled a little.

“Ouch…. Vee, what’s a villain…?”

White Orb wipes him clean and hardens his face.

“Again, this operation is strictly confidential. Be careful not to leak out.”

“… Yes, I understand.”

“We also don’t plan on adding any more members yet. If that happens, don’t worry, I’ll get a thorough verification and approval from both the team.”

The category that talked for a long time asked the mouth of the small barrel of bottled water next to him if he was thirsty.

“And we’ll all live there together, with a different place to live in. In three days, I’ll give you a detailed location and time so you can come back.”

“Yes, I understand.”

All of his words curl their heads.

Baekbeom opened his mouth as he took a big look around such a locus.

“Finally, this project will give you the name of the emerging Billon organization we will be working on.”

The categorist paused and said with a bloody smile.

“New Black is the name of the emerging Billion organization we will be working on going forward. Get used to it.”

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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