Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 9


A brief silence.

In unexpected news, the ceremony rolls its head.

‘… expulsion? Is this how it’s always been? Or has the future changed?’

This situation was very embarrassing for him who did not know everything until the time of ‘Chang-sik Kim’s Cadet.’

As the ceremony did not react, the vice president continued to smile.

“Cadet Kim Chang-shik, admitted to the academy as an anaesthetic role model, noticed that she used traits.”

He pauses and gazes at the ceremony.

“Do you acknowledge that Cadet Kim Chang-shik is Awakened?”

The solemn thought gives you a silent nod.

“Very well. That should be quick. This case is a forced expulsion due to fraudulent admission by candidate Chang-shik Kim.”

The Vice Chancellor continues his conversation as if it didn’t end here.

“But is it true that the candidate defeated Flame Circle along with the incarcerated candidate?”

“… is that important?”

“Of course. If that’s true, you can’t miss out on talent like a Cadet.”

She was furious as she was listening to the story.

“Vice President, you didn’t say that!”

“Oh, this is a story from when Professor Mi-Hwa left. I’m Bill’s executive, and I’m not sure I should be rewarded enough for that.”

“No, the premises were wrong in the beginning. You lied to me! How are the two candidates supposed to catch a Class A Billon?”

I opened my mouth in a bold tone.

“That’s true.”


“…… why don’t you check the CCTV instead?”

The words of the ceremony gave a fierce expression, but the Vice Chancellor quickly responded with a swift face.

“Here you go, Professor Mi-Hwa. As a professor at the Great Academy, please stay in shape.”

The Vice Chancellor strokes his chin as he looks back at the ceremony.

“Few CCTVs were installed in the Academy’s outdoor branch, so they were not properly authenticated. That’s why I called Cadet Kim Chang-sik myself.”

The Vice Chancellor sighs a small amount of consciousness as he tackles his suspicions.

“Yeah? Well, guess what. If I tell you the truth right now, you’re the ones who don’t believe me. What am I supposed to do?”

“…… Speaking of which. Can you show me what kind of traits the candidate has?”

The greedy desire in the Vice President’s eyes.

Changing ceremony triggered ‘rock cancer’ without hesitation.


A statue with a lifted hand made of stone.

Then, the deputy director, who examined the hand of the ceremony, asked as if he was embarrassed.

“…… Is that the end?”

“What more do you want?”

“No, eyewitness reports of multiple explosions…”

The ceremony reminded me of the skill ‘full burst’ that explodes space.

However, the ceremony, which had not been intending to reveal its extra-specific characteristics since then, shook its head.

“I think that’s a characteristic of oldness.”

“…… I see.”

The Vice President shakes his hand with a face full of devastation.

“I’m afraid not.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We thought we had a special trait for Cadet Kim Chang-shik. But this is just a stone…”

The Vice President’s face was disfigured.

Then, the door opened and a man rushed in with some paperwork.

“Huff…! Vice President!!”

“Hmm? I’m in the middle of an interview right now.”

“Sorry! It’s urgent….”

Deputy Chancellor couldn’t let him sweat out how urgent he was.

“… What’s the matter?”

“We just received a request for assistance from the association.”

“The Hero Association?”

“Yes, it is. We have formally requested your assistance.”

Formal support requests from the Hero Association were that urgent.

The deputy general sighed a little and looked at the ceremony.

“Cadet Kim Chang-sik? I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to ask you to step aside.”

Of course, the ceremony had no intention of responding to such a reception.

At that time, I caught the document that the man was holding in the view of the ceremony.

[…… Villain Workforce Office, Mouse]

‘…… Is that it?’

It was a memorandum with a name that was very familiar to the founder.

‘Hero Association, Mouse and Hero Academy….’

Auto-reflectively came up with an event in the mind of consciousness.

And a cheerful system in the ear of the appetizer.

Tiring “The Path of a True Hero: The Fourth”

The Hero Academy has teamed up with the Hero Association to target the prestigious Billon Building “Mouse.”

State your intention to participate directly in this operation to inform the Vice President of your potential and continue your stay at the Academy.

[Clear condition]

1. Villan Archit, Mouse Attack (0/1)

* Cadet Kim Dae-chun will inevitably accompany the operation.


1. Sword ‘Carl Pentadium’

2. Hero Academy Withdrawal

The ceremony made a momentary expression of embarrassment on the window of the system that covered its eyes.

Vice Chancellor expects such recognition with an unflinching look.

“…… Cadet Kim Chang-sik, I know it’s unfair, but it’s the Hero Academy doctrine. So don’t make that face. Just go out for a second.”


It was too noisy to check the system contents slowly.

The ceremony suddenly stood up and headed out without a word.

“I, I! You son of a bitch!”

I heard Professor Mi-Hwa’s voice behind me.

The ceremony ignored her and left the Vice President’s office.

Chop chop.

Silence has subsided in the Academy hallway.

The ceremony slowly began to settle the situation with a stiff face.

The Hero Association’s “Mouse Sneak Operation” is a very famous event in the future.

As soon as the ceremony regressed, the notebook had its name on it.

He would, too.

‘We are largely screwed.’

A colossal creature that killed more than 30 veteran heroes, except for two.

The system was hoping for a ceremony to participate in such a future operation.

“…… this.”

Immediately, his stiff mouth loosened and he drew a smile.

“Sounds like fun.”

He was confident in the system’s mission.

Because he knew the only other way this operation was going to go down.

‘I just need to find him.’

The reason this operation failed, despite the dispatch of a fairly famous team of heroes, was because of an information leak.

It was because François was on the task force.

And it was a daily feast for the ceremonies who already knew that and even who Franzi was.

Until that moment, he cast his gaze into a tightly closed Vice President’s office.

“… Is this bread rolling in?”

* * * * *

After Chang’s ceremony left the Vice President’s office, the Vice President asked.

“…… What kind of a plan is this that requires our trainees?”

“That’s ……, because this time, the Association has decided to attack Billon’s ‘Mouse’ and needs a replacement for him to infiltrate it.”

The man was sweating and handing over the paperwork to the vice president.

The deputy secretary quickly examined the documents handed over, fixing his face.

“Huh… Mouse? You’re putting students in that dangerous place who aren’t even formal heroes yet?”

“The association didn’t ask for trouble with him directly, so it seemed like it was okay…….”

“…… no matter what.”

The deputy general, who was looking at the paperwork while talking to himself, finally sighed.

“…… I understand. Well, I guess I’ll have to guess a few B ranks.”

“I, I……, Vice President.”

“Hmm? Is there another story?”

The vice president questioned me and replied as if the man was embarrassed.

“The association emphasized that ‘faceless’ is more important than talent…….”

The guy with the head down.

The Vice President sighed.

Looks like the elders, the upper line of the Hero Association, who planned this operation, have gone ‘old man’ again.

“…… What does that mean?”

“Choi, at most C, he seemed to want an educator with a ‘bold, anonymous mission’ of Class D.”

Vice Chancellor’s got a sore spot.

An anonymous, bold mission? ‘

It could have been a wonderful way of equating objects to how they look.

In this case, I was referring to those trainees who were victimized by the operation.

‘…… nasty old people.’

A matter that cannot be ignored due to an operation directly off the Association’s upper line.

The Vice President sighed in frustration.

“…… First of all, I understand. If you don’t have any more stories to tell, get out.”

“Yes, yep!”

* * * * *

The ceremony waited a while in the hallway, and as soon as the man who came to announce the news came out of the hallway, he entered the vice president’s office.


The deputy prime minister, who was troubled by the sudden request of the association, did not welcome a visit to the ceremony.

“What is it? Cadet Kim Chang-sik, I must be….”

“Need some help?”


The deputy general looked at the ceremony with a voice that he didn’t know in English.

The ceremony smiled at the Vice Chancellor.

“Something happened, didn’t it? I’ll take care of it.”

The vice president was absurd because of the sudden gesture of the ceremony.

Then he sighed as if he was not working and tried to throw out the ceremony with a wave of his hands.

Suddenly, I remembered a matter that the Association had asked for.


First, a face is an unknown person.

Secondly, a man with a “bold mission.”

It was difficult to find this person in Hero Academy.

Most of them are children of the Hero family, so the Academy had no choice but to go on a dangerous mission.

However, Kim Chang-shik entered the Academy as an anaesthetic.

‘… I thought you said you were an orphan without parents?’

Despite the perfect fit for the person he was looking for, the Vice President sweeps the ceremony up and down.

And he tilted his head as if something was wrong.

“…… But do you know what the mission is for Cadet Kim Chang-sik?”

“Villain Workforce Office, Mouse.”


At the ceremony of picking up and talking precisely, the Vice President thought he had heard it wrong.

“Uh, how?”

“Before I left, I saw what was written on the file.”

“Well, I see.”


When did you see it again? ‘

The muttering deputy general slowly nods.

“…… so you know you can actually face the real Villains?”

A shrugging ceremony, as if you knew.

In his appearance, the Vice President felt a beautiful feeling.

“If you knew that, you’d step up?” A candidate who’s not an official student yet? ‘

The Vice President gave the ceremony a swollen scroll with a trick to think about it.

“… Cadet Kim Chang-sik. If this mission seems easy, it’s a rash judgment. If you do something wrong, you could die.”

“That’s why I’m going to show you my potential in such a difficult task. Well, you can decide if you want to be expelled after that, right?”

I leaned against the back of the chair as if it didn’t matter what happened.

“… Haha. Oh, my God.”

He was a deputy general with an embarrassing smile.


Inside, he laughed at the ceremony.

No matter how brilliant a hero may be, he or she must fulfill his or her duty to his or her own.

And when the Vice President saw it, the ceremony was a fool who could not fathom his fountains at all.

‘Only the candidate subject….’

I have to make him realize the terrible reality.

I hit the calculator hard in the head.

‘Someone has to go anyway.’

Then, even if it goes wrong, Kim Chang-shik is perfect.

Howbeit, the ceremony is a worthy candidate.

‘He’s going to be expelled again, so I should be comfortable after sending him away.’

The deputy general who pretended to think for a while opened his mouth.

“That bold mission of yours…… I can’t stop you.”

And the Vice Chancellor smiled proudly at the ceremony.

“All right, let’s give it to the candidate.”

The ceremony also smiled at the Vice Chancellor.

‘…… I can see everything. Bald.’

* * * * *

The ceremony had one more reason to succeed in this system mission.

‘Sword, sword Pentadium….’

It was because the sword he was looking for was stuck as a reward.

A legendary artifact of immense power that turns the tide of battle upside down with use.

It may be difficult to fully harness its power right now, but it was a weapon to be gained.

‘…… But why does the system want Daechun Kim’s company?’

It was a ceremony that I didn’t understand what Kim Dae-chun had to do with this mission.

“Well, if you’re being noisy, you can just leave it there.”

Daechun Kim said something that would freak him out.

“By the way, a mouse…”

The mission’s operation, Billon Azit and Mouse, was also quite memorable.

“By the way, is it still Mickey’s time in the mouse?”

Reminds me of his old memories, he smiled at his mouth.

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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