Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 92

92nd coin

A few years ago, a comet appeared in the association.

He was a late bloomer and had no background.

A class hero Cho Hyung-jun, who gains the trust of many people with a lot of good deeds and receives the love of Kim Sun-gi, the head of the association.

His real identity was Franz No.23 of the organization, Billon.

“What is the matter with you, General Manager Lee Jong-hyun?”

Well, you get it right away? Anybody around?

I looked at my old aunt again with the creepy half-moon eyes of Jo Joon.

“… well, there’s an old deaf person I can ignore.”

Yeah? Well, take care of that.

Cho Joon picked up the phone as if it were his room in the house and began rubbing his old aunt’s shoulders again with both hands.

On the contrary, Jang Chul himself gave the order this time.

“Hmm? What’s going on? Is this about the Hero Association terrorism?”

Well, think of it as an extension. Remember that report they sent you a couple months ago called “Project Incognito”?

I thought about Jo Joon for a moment.

“That destroyed report?”

Yes, we should investigate the project.

“…? Abandoned projects?”

I think there’s something wrong with Jang Rail. Find out as soon as you can.

It was not only because of Kim Sun-ki that he realized the existence of the report.

Jo Hyeong-jun looked at the handset where Kim Sun-ki called.

“… just in time.”

Hmm? What, do you have something else?

“Oh, it’s nothing like that. Anyway, can you think of it as information that should be handled first?”

Yes, from now on, that information is top of the list.


The first rank made his eyes glow fiercely.

‘… Jang Rail definitely felt something?’

He nodded as if he knew that he was keeping quiet for a while.

“Yes, I understand. I’ll make this quick.”

I’m sure you’ll be fine on your own. Let me know as soon as you have any reliable information.

After disconnecting Lee Jong-hyun’s phone, Jo Joon put the handset deep into his arms.


Then I glanced back at the old analog TV screen in front of my eyes.

I saw the Trojan singer’s heat screen on the TV.

The old woman reflected on the screen is now raising her head in applause.

“… Grandma.”

Cho Hyo-jun called her bluntly, but she didn’t answer.

Just clapping for the trout rhythm.

Jo Joon shrugged his face and whispered in her ear.

“Are you sure you can’t hear all this? Fuck.”

Her face is frightened, reflected on the analog TV screen.

* * * * *

Harin and Cristina await the rest of the team in the building summoning room at the New Black Summoning Order.

“Hareen, don’t you think the Academy Riders are amazing?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I thought we were the best riders, but the last time I saw the news, some of these riders were already in class C. Even in class B…”

And that’s when the rest of the team, apart from the rifle and the category, came into the small council room.

Chop chop.

Cristiano, among other things, offered a ceremony.

“And Mr. Kim. He’s a golden rider…”

Cristina looks at the ceremony as if it’s amazing.

The ceremony tilted its head toward him like that.

“Hmm? Were you talking about me?”

“Yes, I heard. Temporary Awakening? I don’t know what that is, but it’s amazing.”

Cristina showed her thumb.

The ceremony sighed deeply, turning its head to embarrassment.

‘By the way, the Hero Association terrorist incident is almost here… When will the third mission be renewed?’

The ceremony was sitting down and I kept thinking.

‘And in this Hero Association terrorist incident, Mickey is definitely on the move.’

In its original future, Mickey will be the first to reveal her existence to the world through the Association’s terrorist attacks.

Of course, a ceremony we can’t just sit by and watch her be branded as a villain.

‘… I also need to get a little ahead of Mickey.’

I have a contact from Grandpa Billan anyway.

The ceremony shakes its head and begins to make plans.

Immediately, the steel gun entered the meeting room and concentrated around it.

“Now that we’re all here, I’d like to begin briefing you on the upcoming New Black schedule.”

Everyone began to pay attention to what he had to say.

“First the Dunn Force breakout, until contact from the organization, Billon….”

However, someone opened the door of the small council room as if someone had cut through the steel.

Chop chop.

The one who opened the door without hesitation was an annoying white belt on his face.

“… pack your things.”


The meeting, along with the other team members, was puzzled by his remarks.

“What are you talking about?”

“Literally, pack your things.”


“Whew…, it is decided to return to the Association.”

He sighed and said, looking around.

“At the top of the Association line, an order has been issued to return to the Association first.”

“Now, wait a minute. So this is what the New Black Project is all about?”

Cristiano shakes his head.

“No, I don’t think so, but I think there’s a little bit of a story about the change in HR for the New Black team.”

“Huh… well. What’s this New Black sound?”

Cristina used to make a lot of weird noises.

For once, the rest of the team felt the same way about Cristina.

‘Human resources changes….’

Right then, the system ringing in the ears of the ceremony.


“The Path of the True Hero: Ninth (Renewal 3)”


The hologram in front of you raises its eyes wide open.

“What, so soon? ‘

* * * * *

Late in the afternoon, a ceremony was taking a taxi to the council that had released its form of billon for the individual return of the Hero Society.

‘… the second mission took two months, so I was afraid the third mission would take too long.’

The ceremony smiled at the renewed mission.

“The Path of the True Hero: Ninth (Renewal 3)”

I got involved in a secret project for the Hero Association.


[Clear condition]

1. Solving the First Mission (1/1)

2. Solving the Second Mission (1 of 1)

3. Solve the Third Mission (0/1) (NEW!)

The question of New Black on the Railroad, the boss of the organization, has reached its zenith.

At this point, you’ll realize that New Black was a secret project for the Hero Association.

Escape the suspicion of railroading somehow before New Black’s true identity is revealed.

And before the Heroes Association begins, alliance with the organization, Billon, to understand their terrorist plans in advance.



(Rewards will be selected based on how you address the situation.)


Final Reward: Characteristics, [2nd Awakening of ‘Modification’.]

A system window with only an answer that does not tell you how to resolve it.

However, the story is different if you combine the contents of the “Journal of the Future” with the ceremony.


Hero Association Secret Project

() The third, a double spy infiltrated the Hero Association.

First, Railroad would have raised suspicions about ‘New Black’ through spies infiltrating the Association. And that’s it.

“There’s a good chance that this HR change is going to bring us in contact with one of Willan’s fractures. ‘

The ceremony lets out a small sigh.

“… good. I have a pretty good idea how to handle the mission.”

In addition, the ceremony demonstrated strong confidence in the mission.

Creativity was inevitable because there was a fraudulent characteristic of having access to the information of the other party.

‘I think I can clear it with my piercing eyes this time.’

But if you have any small question, the reward is…


It was called.

The ceremony briefly thought about the first and second mission rewards that were there before.

‘… were both the trust and loyalty of others.’

Isn’t that the same kind of reward for this mission?

And I thought that if it did, there would be implications for such a reward system.

‘There must be a reason.’

The ceremony leaned against the cab window with a slightly feverish forehead.


The cold window seems to cool down the complex mind of the ceremony.

In view of the city, several buildings continue to pass by.

And familiar streets.


An eye-opening ceremony immediately asked the taxi driver to stand up.

The ceremony that was taken down from the taxi called Chelsea, slowly circling the road that had passed by.

Hmm? What’s going on?

“Wait, can I stop by and return to the Association?”

All of a sudden…

“There’s a must-see place before going to the association.”


Iron Gun, who had not been answering for a while, sighed.

… Well, if you’re moving, there must be a reason. But you have to come back before nightfall.

At the same time, I heard a system tone in the ears of the ceremony.


New Black, the Steel Gun, trusts you deeply.

* Caution: No matter how deeply trusted you may be. Avoid asking too much or asking too often.

“Wow, is this what it feels like? ‘

The head of the ceremony was shrunk.

Number one, the “absolute loyalty of the grieving machine”, which was a reward, had not actually met him.

I didn’t know how it worked.

This call with the iron case made sense at once.

The hung up ceremony led to a narrow, dark alley I had seen in the taxi.

Further down the alley, it was a modern bar with an antique sign called [Bloodbath No. 301].

“… It’s been a long time.”

This was a modern bar that used to be frequented when the ceremony was low.

It was also the first place to meet Mickey, a few of the neighbors of the time.


A small bell announces the visit to the ceremony.


A shop owner with a nice beard smiled at the ceremony.

The ceremony sat on the edge of the bar, without saying anything.

The ceremony, which was slowly looking around the place with a familiar feeling, said to the shop owner.

“Have a bourbon.”

The shop owner tilts his head while gazing at the ceremony.

The ceremony gave him a curious look.

“…? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just feel like I’m used to it somewhere. It’s a strange feeling, not a face that I know at all.”

A shop owner who makes embarrassing smiles with his head down as if he was sorry for seeing me.

The Ceremony smiled at him, knowing exactly who he was.

Then a bourbon in front of the dining room.


The ceremony slowly grabbed the bourbon.

Alcohol for the first time in my life.

The intense heat of alcohol burns down my throat.

The tasting ceremony slowly recalled the past, looking at the empty space next to it.

Why do you keep standing next to me?

A few years ago, Miki, who was hiding the identity of the ‘executioner’ of Billon’s organization, started picking on himself right next door.

Ugh… Joe, it fucking hurts.

Even when she was beaten by herself at that time, she remembered the ceremony and smiled in her mouth.

Once again, the ceremony with the bourbon snapped out the phone terminal.


The reason for the ceremony was to meet Mickey.

Before, she needed her powerful power to avenge the organization, Billon.

‘… We can’t leave them on Billon’s side.’

The ceremony was the moment I wanted to call Mickey’s personal contact number that ‘Grandpa Bum’ told me earlier.

Hiccup! Hiccup!

“Oh, shit! This shit ain’t working.”

A woman with a very rough mouth came into the shop.

Again and again!

The sound of a strong and cute headband on your head.

“Here! Tequila sunrise. Pomegranate syrup!”

She sat next to the ceremony, looking for a cocktail with confidence in the modern bar.

If we look at this, we should call it fate or inevitability.

The ceremony stared at the woman who was screaming right next to her, then drew a smile on her mouth.


Bilbon’s Hero Life

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