Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 100: The God Of Rage And Life.

''Aahh!'' Lust was sent flying— she crashed on the nearby golden pillar.

One of the Angels grinned and thrusted his spear forwards.

Lust watched with her hazy vision as the spear which would most likely take her life away was approaching her.

''HAAAH!'' But then, out of nowhere, Black Death coated his fist on death energy and smacked the Angel in the cheek.

The Angel was shocked— he stumbled backward, but with anger, thrusted his spear towards Black Death instead!

But Black Death grinned.

The Angel looked confused, but then he saw his skin melting off!

''AAAAHHH!'' He cried in despair and watched as the flesh melted away and his skull became visible.

The death energy started spreading all over his body.

The Angel cried in agony and became a skeleton, but even the skeleton became ashes.

''You alright?'' Black Death offered his hand for Lust.

Lust gave a small smile and used his hand to stand up.

Both of them looked at the carnage in front of them.

Millions of corpses littered the ground, but there are still hundreds of millions more soldiers left!

Everywhere they looked, someone died.

They were close to the Garden of Eden, but they were surrounded by at least millions of soldiers from both sides.

Survival looked incredibly slim.

Lust was worried about Lilith— she hasn't seen her for over a week now.

The War between Heavens and Underworld has lasted over 1 week!

In the distance, the battle between Gods and Titans was happening.

The aftermath of their battles killed surrounding soldiers.

Lust and Black Death were one of the strongest individuals in Paradise, but now they were some cannon fodder with no real meaning in the war.

''Is this how Warliners felt?'' Black Death asked with a tired chuckle.

''Where is Jacky?'' Lust asked with a pained face. She was holding her waist— her ribs are broken.

''Not sure... But, we will die at this rate...'' Black Death looked around him, and his eyes lingered on the Heavenly Temple.

His face went pale, but that seemed to be the only safe place at the moment.

Lust turned her gaze towards the Heavenly Temple.

''That's where Hades' wife is located, right?'' Lust asked with her innocent tone.

Black Death gulped and nodded.

''We might not be able to help them with the battles... But we can help by freeing Persephone.'' Lust puffed her chest, even though her suggestion was suicidal. She didn't look afraid.

Black Death wiped his sweat, ''We will die.''

Lust grinned, ''Probably!''

Black Death rolled his eyes, ''If we stay here, we will definitely die, so let's do it!''

Lust nodded, and with Black Death ran towards the millions of Angels and Underworld soldiers— they tried to fight their way to the Heavenly Temple!

A few kilometers away from them.

Lilith was fighting against Archangel.

Their battle has lasted over a week, the winner is still not clear.

Lilith's adorable face was bloodied, and her beautiful blond hair was dirty with blood and dirt.

The Archangel in front of her was missing a left arm!

The Archangel's aren't immortal like Gods— they can die by human hands!

That's why they are only Angels and not Gods.

The Archangel swung his silver sword, hoping to decapitate Lilith, but his sword only missed her head by an inch.

Lilith jumped backward and crossed her arms, ''Life Destructor!''

The Archangel watched as some kind of green energy was leaving his body— he suddenly felt very cold, like he was about to die!

''KRAH!'' He swung his sword towards Lilith, trying to stop whatever she was doing.

Lilith clicked her tongue and retreated— the green energy returned to the Archangel's body.

She landed in the middle of hundreds of Angels.

All the Angels turned their weapons towards Lilith, hoping to help the Archangel.

But the Archangel paled, ''RUN AWAY FOOLS!''

Lilith grinned and snapped her fingers.

''Severing Life!'' Hundreds of green beams appeared around Lilith, and a hundred Angels around her died!

The Archangel grimaced and put his sword in front of him.

The green beams around Lilith started circling around the Archangel.

He looked pale but didn't lose his concentration.

The beams started spinning faster and faster, and soon it looked like a huge green tornado appeared around the Archangel!

The Archangel felt like death was approaching, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Lilith pointed her frail arm towards the sky and shouted, ''Final Destination! The Life of Decimation''

The Archangel watched as his flesh was getting sucked inside the green tornado.

''N-No... NOO!'' He cried in agony, but soon his entire body was sucked inside the tornado.

He is dead!

The green tornado disappeared, and Lilith saw that the tornado didn't only kill the Archangel.

It killed over a thousand Angels!

Lilith fell down on her knees, she had to catch her breath, but the worry in her mind still remained, 'Lust... I am coming!' She stood up with her last remaining willpower and went to search for her lover.


A week is a long time for mortals.

Endless earthquakes for over a week is not a pleasing experience.

Billions of mortals started praying towards the sky.

They thought that they made the Gods angry.

Heroes ignored their greed and did everything in their power to help the citizens who got injured because of the earthquakes.

Even some of the Villains started helping the unfortunate. Usually, during catastrophes, humanity will be truly united.

Some Villains tried to use the chaos to start robbing, but it was like heavens were angry at them.

A bolt of red lightning descended from the sky and killed them!

That was all Jack's doing!

He can see everything happening in the world of Paradise— he is using this war to change humanity for good, and if he isn't successful... Then, he needs to do it by force.

He is currently battling against Poseidon, but still, he knows everything that is happening in Paradise.

It felt like... He is a God!

He knows if someone is thinking about robbing someone, he knows if someone is thinking about killing someone!

Jack can also see Ariane buying items for their daughter.

It was like she didn't mind the endless earthquakes.

Most of the citizens in Smiley have evacuated to the underground bunker, but only Ariane and her parents remained.

But... He can also tell that some unknown lifeforms started appearing in the ocean.

But... It wasn't only in the ocean.

The golden blood was also spreading through the ground.

Somewhere in Paradise, unknown lifeforms with incredible beauty started appearing.

Paradise doesn't only belong to humanity anymore!

Some of the new races have incredible strength— even after being born only a few seconds, their strength is already reaching Disaster-Levels.

New lifeforms didn't bring hostility with them— instead, they were gentle, and nature instantly grew more beautiful in their presence.

Jack's eyes showed his limitless wisdom, and his demonic look started slowly changing. His horns disappeared, and a small crimson crown appeared on his head. He still had the long crimson hair, but instead of looking demonic... He looked Godly!

''Is this... How Godhood feels like?'' Jack murmured.

Poseidon stopped attacking and looked at Jack with widened eyes.

''Y-You became God?! How?!''

Jack turned his head towards the distance.

He saw hundreds of individuals with long pointy ears and beautiful golden hair bowing towards him.

''Because... I am God to these new lifeforms.'' Jack said and turned his gaze towards Poseidon, ''Godhood isn't something you can earn. It is something you are given.''

Jack Wrathelm, The God of Rage and Life!

He used his golden sword and did a small cut on his finger.

The blood flowed out from it... But it wasn't red, it was gold!

Poseidon was feeling disbelief.

He knows that becoming God isn't impossible. Hercules managed to do it.

But, he was already born as Demi-God!

There has never been a human becoming God before!

There are three things human needs to do to earn Godhood.

First, surpass the limits of humanity. That is to reach the strength of the Gods.

Jack managed to do it.

Second, you need to earn divinity from the prayers of others.

Jack managed to earn that from the Elves.

Third, receive approval of two of the Three Gods of Heaven and Hell!

The three Gods are Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon!

Hades already gave his approval after he met Jack first time. He wasn't sure can Jack reach Godhood, but he gave it anyway.

And unknowingly, Poseidon gave his approval in the form of respect!

Jack's eyes glowed brighter than ever before. He dropped his golden sword.

The golden sword landed on the sea and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

He didn't need Godly Weapons anymore!

Poseidon grabbed his trident tighter. He felt like the end was near.

He watched as Jack's eyes glowed like pair of gems.

A long spear with a length of 3 meters appeared in Jack's hand. The spear was crimson-colored with symbols of crowns on the shaft.

The Heavens rumbled.

Everyone in the Heavens turned their gazes towards the sky and watched as the blue sky became crimson!

Hades grinned, while Zeus couldn't believe his eyes.

Heavens made an announcement...

New God has been born!

Today.... Is the day of Heavenly Ceremony!

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