Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 105: Heavenly Neighborhood.

''Y-You bastard...'' Zeus said with a hoarse sound. His body was charred black, with countless cut wounds.

Hades was breathing roughly while holding his bident.

''Y-You have lost...'' Hades said with venom in his tone.

''F-Father will kill you!'' Zeus screeched.

''No, he won't.'' A sudden voice came behind them.

They turned their heads and were shocked to see Jack.

''What happened?'' Hades asked with hope.

''He is dead,'' Jack replied with a smirk.

''N-No...'' Zeus felt his heart sinking.

Hades gritted and slammed his foot in Zeus' torso.

''UGH!'' Zeus coughed out mouthfuls of blood. He felt cold and exhausted.

''I d-don't want to die... Please... Spare me...'' He pleaded for mercy, but Hades and Jack looked at him like he was already dead.

''This was the destiny... Destiny wanted you to die. Even Heavens abandoned you. No one will miss you.'' Hades raised his bident. He is ready to kill his brother.

''I-I can change...''

Hades snorted, ''Too late.'' He thrusted the bident towards Zeus' chest!

''NOOO!'' He screamed one last time, but then he felt a sharp item penetrating his body.

''UGH!'' Zeus tried to pull the bident out of his chest with his last remaining strength but didn't manage to do it. It didn't even budge.

''P-Please!'' Zeus shouted for mercy, teardrops left his aged eyes.


But then a spear appeared and pierced through Zeus' forehead.

Zeus became quiet and lifeless.

Jack took his spear and looked at Zeus' corpse.

Hades fell down on his butt. He looked at his dead brother with disbelief.

He hoped that this day would come for so long, but now it happened, and he couldn't comprehend it.

Jack offered his hand, ''Let's go.''

Hades took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.

Jack took one last look towards the prisoners of Tartarus. He recognized one of them. A ruthless-looking individual was looking at him with anger.

It was Ruthless Karabu!

Jack snorted and turned his head away.

He and Hades started flying towards the portal of the Underworld.

Leaving destroyed Tartarus behind.

Cerberus was taking care of Demeter, who was already healing with visible speed.

Hades and Jack went through the portal, leaving Underworld once again.


Jack and Hades left the portal, and they were about to continue their way to the Heavens, but then one individual was waiting for them in front of the portal.

She was a beautiful young woman with a lot of jewelry. She had a gentle smile on her face, and she was wearing a very revealing outfit. The outfit showed her cleavage and her smooth thighs clearly.

''Aphrodite...'' Hades narrowed his eyes and grabbed his bident tighter.

''I don't bring harm.'' Aphrodite said with an innocent smile, ''Heavens has already lost the war.''

Hades looked slightly shocked. He wasn't prepared for this news.

''What do you want?'' He asked, but he didn't lower his guard.

''I am here to meet the new God.'' Aphrodite turned her gaze towards Jack. She bowed with a blush on her cheeks, making her look very innocent and cute.

Hades snorted. He whispered in Jack's ear, ''Look out... She is more persistent than a cockroach.''

Jack nodded, ''You go, I will take care of this.''

Hades nodded and started flying towards the Heavens.

There was still a hole on top of the portal room. It was caused by the Titans.

That allowed him to leave with ease.

Jack's eyes glowed like pair of gems.

Aphrodite looked mesmerized as she gazed at his eyes.

''Your eyes... Are so beautiful...'' She started walking closer towards Jack. Her breasts swaying side to side.

''What do you want?'' Jack asked with a poker face.

Aphrodite stopped in front of him. She grabbed his hand and said lustfully, ''I want... You!''

She moved her lips closer to Jack's lips. She closed her eyes and was about to savor the taste of his lips, but then something collided with her face.

''Ah!'' She fell down on the ground with her nose bleeding.

''Hmph.'' Jack snorted. He simply headbutted her.

Aphrodite looked at Jack with anger and humiliation. She tried to stop her nose bleed as well.

Jack started floating towards the hole in the ceiling, but then he heard Aphrodite's words.

''I-I will make you regret this!'' Aphrodite screeched. She stood up and shouted, ''I heard your wife is quite beautiful! I am sure there are many who would want a taste of h—'' Before she could finish her sentence, a crimson beam appeared in front of her and hit her face.


Aphrodite's head exploded, she slowly fell down on the ground lifelessly.

Jack's eyes stopped glowing, ''Stupidity indeed doesn't have a cure.'' He left the portal room and started flying towards Heavens with incredible speed.

Only a sonic boom was heard, and soon he arrived in the Heavenly Bridge.

He flew all the way to the top, and the destroyed Heavenly Gate became visible, but also a sea of corpses.

He already saw Titans and others recovering while Angels were locked up.

Underworld Army was cleaning up the corpses, which will take a few weeks at least.

Maybe even months.

Hades was talking with Poseidon, who was locked up in a cage. He looked malnourished and melancholic.

Soon, Persephone appeared next to Hades and hugged him tightly.

A hundred Goddesses were gathered in the Garden of Eden. The Heavens will change from now on, and they were part of it.

Lust and Lilith have disappeared somewhere. They were in the Garden of Eden as well, but they were hiding behind bushes and was venting their stress with each other's bodies.

Black Death was helping to clear the corpses but looked uncomfortable. He looked very out of place. But, he received a lot of respected looks from the Underworld army. He was one of two who freed Persephone after all.

Jack entered the Heavens and walked past the corpses of both armies. Titans looked at him and gave small nods.

The Underworld army bowed deeply.

Ares was standing in the middle of the Underworld Army. He looked at Jack and chuckled. If he didn't have that one moment of impulse, Jack wouldn't be here.

When Jack's anger spiked almost 5 years ago, Ares felt it. He has never felt such anger before.

He was surprised to see it coming from human. Jack underwent Ultimate Awakening, but that was supposed to give him A-Ranked ability, but Ares had sudden impulse.

He gave Jack some of his Godly essence, which allowed his Ultimate Awakening to become much stronger than it was supposed to be.

But Jack's focus was somewhere else, and he didn't notice other people's gazes. In the distance, gates to the Heavens Neighborhood were seen.

He walked slowly but steadily, and soon he arrived there.

He put his hand on the gate, and it started glowing on crimson.

Only God can open the Gates, and he is one.


He pushed them open, and instantly fresh air assaulted his senses.

There was a stench of corpses in Heavens, but Heavens Neighborhood was pure, no sign of war.

He walked in the streets. He noticed quite many taking sneaky glances at him from the windows.

Their faces were filled with fear and dread.

Some of them recognized him...

Some of them were the Charity citizens whom Jack killed!

One door was opened, and a muscular man with blond hair and middle-aged appeared.

Jack looked at him with a poker face.

The blond-haired man was Kenturion!

Kenturion looked at him without fear.

More and more doors were opened, and everyone who died in the hands of Jack looked at him without fear.

Jack turned his head away and walked down the streets while millions of gazes were locked at his Godly figure.

Slowly, he walked for another 30 minutes, but then... He felt a familiar presence.

He saw a beautiful two-floor house with a beautiful garden and backyard. It shows the gentle nature of the person who took care of the garden.

Jack crouched and touched the small flower in front of him. The person living in this building must love nature as much as he does.

He could tell who it was...

Jack stood up he walked towards the front door.

The house was quiet and calm. He could feel hundreds of gazes locked at him. Most of them wondering, why is he here.

The people living in this house are extremely important.

Very important for God of Rage and Life.

Jack closed his eyes, and memories of watching the camera feed surfaced in his mind.

It showed how he lost his wife.

Then he remembered his visit to the News Station, how he got humiliated and insulted.

Finally... He remembers his house being on fire. Heroes trying to cover the incident while calling Jack a villain.

That was the start of Jack's journey as a villain, and now...

His journey has come to an end.

He arrived at his final destination.

To greet his dead wife one last time.

And... To meet his daughter.

Jack gathered his courage. He raised his arm and knocked on the door couple of times.

*Knock* *Knock*

The knocking echoed in the house.

And Jack watched...

As the door opened slowly....

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