Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 133: Lettre d’Affiliation

I felt weak so I went downstairs and I kind of went on a bit of a eating binge. Whoops.

Alessia and Em’s parents talk for a bit longer before Alessia finally takes a tube out of the inside of her jacket and puts it on the table. “In this container is the official invitation to be an affiliated family. It contains two copies, one destined for the conglomerate and one for you to keep. It has already been signed on our end, the only thing it needs is a signature from you two. We don’t need an answer right this moment, we know it has been quite hectic lately, but we would like to have a reply within 30 days if that is okay for you.” 

Em’s parents looked at each other, smiled and nodded, after which Ilse took the container and opened it. The container came with a rather useful pen as well. “As you have said earlier, it would be in everyone’s best interest to sign this. We believe that you wish the absolute best for us, which you’ve also proven by showing me what I wanted to see most. I thank you for that.” After Ilse said that, she put down her signature in two-fold, once on each paper. Sliding it to her husband after she was done. 

“When it comes to our children, we want them to be as happy as possible. Signing this piece of paper is a means to reach that end. We’d like to thank you for already having taken as much care of our daughter as you have up to this point. And we hope that will extend to the future as well.” With that declaration, Paul put his signature down, too. 

“We will.” Alessia nodded with a big smile. “And as the position of leadership will soon befall Aurora, I don’t think you will have to doubt that one second.” 

“I will do my very best.” I nodded. “Although I still have to learn a lot before we get to that.” 

“Well, I was talking about soon when it comes to vampiric terms.” Alessia chuckled softly and then looked back at Em’s parents, who handed one of the signed declarations back to her. She gladly took it back and rolled it up in a second cylinder. “I’d also like to mention that we do still plan to hold a dinner at our castle. Although I do need to pin down a date first. Would you still be interested in that?” 

“Of course.” Ilse agreed. “We would definitely like to come and visit you. It would after all be a bit of a third home for our Emma, wouldn’t it?” 

“Third?” Her husband looked at her with a bit of confusion. 

“This is Em’s first home, Aurora’s house would be her second, and as Aurora will be the lady of the castle that would extend the third spot to that.” Ilse explained. 

“Oh, right. Sorry, that was kind of obvious, yes.” Paul took a quick sip of his tea after that. 

I looked over to Em, who was just silently sitting on the sofa, blushing it up. It filled me with joy that her family saw it that way. Although it was just a confirmation of the facts. And the same could be said for Ria too, maybe even stronger so. 

“They do have some really good food as well!” Ria chimed in. “Last time we went, it was so yummy.” 

“Then we will look forward to that too.” Ilse held her hand in front of her mouth and giggled. “Do you have a list of dates already, Alesia?” 

“Not yet. But I will keep in touch. I would like not to wait that long.” 

“Is that also in vampiric terms?” Ilse teased.  

“Let’s just say within a month or two, not longer than that.” 

“It better not be because the heating is not fixed yet.” I added. 

“No, that’s been fixed already, luckily. It did take quite a while, though. We had some delivery issues. We had to contact the company, as the parts they sent had gotten shipped back to the sender because they couldn’t find the address.” 

“It’s good to hear that vampires also suffer from these mortal problems.” Paul replied. 

“Exactly, and you’d think that the postal service wouldn’t be able to miss it, right? It’s a rather big castle on a hill.”


With contact info details exchanged, the conversation continued its descent into a more casual tone. This went on for quite some time. It was almost five o’clock when Alessia turned to me. “Want me to take you home, Ria and Aurora?”  

“We could bring them too.” Paul raised his hand. 

“Well, I need to be on my way anyway, there’s no need for you to go out of your way.” 

“That’s fair enough.” It was nice for Paul to offer, but it did make more sense for Alessia to take us. 

“You can always stay another night as well.” Ilse offered. 

“I sadly do need to go home today…” Ria replied. “My parents do want to still do some things together for Christmas.” Alessia looked at Ria with a bit of concern in her eyes, but Ria put her at ease with a smile. “They are being okay, truly.” 

“Good.” Alessia nodded. 

As Ria’s parents had requested Ria to be home for dinner, we decided to not impose on Em’s family for much longer. After packing our bags with the gifts we had received, we all gathered in the entrance hall. 

“Aurora, do let us know if you need anything, okay? And we will be accepting a housewarming party invite of you in the near future.” Ilse smiled and helped me close up my jacket. 

“I will, definitely.” I chuckled. 

“The same goes for you, of course, Ria.” Ilse then moved on to Ria and gave her a kiss on top of her head. “We are just one call away.” 

“Thanks.” Ria then quickly hugged Em’s mom, who gladly reciprocated it. “Thank you for inviting us and for the nice presents.” 

“Any time.” Ilse rubbed Ria’s back. 

Em then took her turn to say goodbye to us. 

“See you soon?” I asked. 

“Yeah, I’ll text you to ask if I can come over.” 

“Already looking forward to it.” I smirked and pulled her close to me, kissing her in the process. “Can’t wait a single second.” 

Em blushed. “Auro… not in front of my parents.”  

Em’s mom chuckled. “Don’t worry, dear, we didn’t see a thing.” 

“Mom…” Em continued blushing as she moved on to Ria. Taking her in for a long hug and giving her a more tender kiss on her cheek. “Love you, Ria.” 

“Love you too, Em.” 

If I was still mortal, I probably would have died because of cuteness. Such an acute big overload of cute is very dangerous. 

We said our goodbyes to Paul and Karin as well, after which we left the mansion into the cold, wintry evening. The snow had let up for now, making room for a clear sky that slowly but surely was turning orange. 


Ria and I got into the back of Alessia’s car and off we drove back to our hometown. 

“I’ll drop you off first, Ria?” She asked. 

“That’s good for me.” She nodded. “Thank you for driving us.” 

“Well, as I said to Emma’s father, I was on the road already anyway.” She looked back at us in the rearview mirror. Ria was stuck to my side. Holding me close against her as she looked out of the window. “Do I need to turn up the heating a little bit?” 

“Nah, we are just fine.” I replied and leant into my girlfriend. “Nice and cozy.” 

Ria turned around and looked at me with a smile. She then kissed me on the lips. “It’s already nice and comfy.” 

Alessia just smiled and kept on driving. 

Eventually we arrived at Ria’s house where we had to part ways for the time being. I said goodbye to my lovely girlfriend with plenty of kisses. After she disappeared into her house, I took my spot next to Alessia in the car. 

When she pulled the car into the road, she started talking to me again. “How are you holding up?” 

“Hmm?” I looked at her. “You mean about the stuff that happened last night?”

“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about it when you were alone.” 

“Well… I spent a big part of yesterday night crying in Ria’s arms… But I do feel a bit better now. Although, I don’t think I will be able to forget any time soon. 

“That’s good.” 


When Alessia had to stop at one of the traffic lights, she let go of the wheel for a second and looked at me. Her facial expression looked both serious and friendly at the same time, with a slight smile on her face. “I would really be worried if it didn’t affect you at all. Even for Aileen, after all this time, it still hurts her, you know?”

“Really? It doesn’t really show… And she’s so good at it, too.” 

“She’s good at hiding it. But taking someone else’s life, especially if you value it as much as Aileen does, does not get easier. I’d even say that it used to be a lot easier when she was still a human herself. Over the centuries, it has become even harder for her.” 

“Then why does she take that role upon her?” 

Alessia had to put her hands on the wheel again as the light had just turned green. “Because she would rather do it herself and not put that weight on anyone else’s shoulders.” After a moment of silence, she continued. “After I heard what had happened, I am 100% sure she was incredibly torn up about calling you too. But the fact that she did, proves to me that she had no other choice.” 


“She may act cool and unbothered on the surface, but that’s not the case on the inside.” 

“Is she going to be fine?” 

“We will take care of her, don’t worry. This is sadly not our first rodeo. But what you can both use to at least soften the blow a bit, is that you helped someone you care for. And don’t forget that you both also have a network that cares about you too. Don’t feel afraid to reach out.” 

“Thank you…” 

Alessia smiled and gave me a nod. “We are here for you.” 

I don't know why I was feeling weak, not that I have used much energy today. Then again, not going to say I feel very rested either.

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