Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 136: Döner Kebab

Thank goddess I don't need to work today and tomorrow, I really needed the rest.

To the good luck, happiness and health of literally all the snacks I had stocked up on in my house, the delivery girl didn’t take long to arrive at my door. She was rather grateful when I handed over the five euro bill to her. 

“Thank you so much! Have a nice meal, Miss!” 

“Thank you. Have a nice day and be safe on the roads, okay?” 

“Will do!” With an enthusiastic smile, she jumped back on her bike and off she went, presumably back to the kebab store. 

“You sounded very motherly there, Rora.” Ria chuckled as I closed the door behind me. “She wasn’t much younger than us, was she?” 

“No, in fact, I think she was a bit older. But she called me Miss, so I just rolled with it.” 

“Well… You are very mature.” Ria eyed me up and down. 

“Hey, eyes on the food, otherwise it will get cold.” I laughed. “Microwaved kebab isn’t that great, you know.” 

Ria nodded. “I will try to behave for now.”

“Good.” I grinned and walked over to the table with the paper bag in hand. I could already smell the seasoned kebab. First impressions, pretty good. 

When I took our order out, I just immediately handed the big wrapped blob to Ria who started tearing into the packaging almost immediately. Almost like a raptor breaking through a door like in those Mesozoic Grasslands movies. Ria is a way cuter dino though. 

My kebab was a bit smaller, but still very sizeable for the prize I paid for it. And the veggies also looked richly distributed and very finely cut. Some kebab shops used to cut their veggies rather thick, especially for tomatoes, that doesn't make them very appetizing to eat. But it seems like this shop really does know what they are doing. 

While I was getting the fries out of the bag, Ria had already taken a first big bite out of her kebab. “Mhmm!” I swear her eyes almost rolled backwards. “This tastes so good! Oh My Goddess!” You’d almost forget that almost all her strength had been sapped not that long ago. But I definitely could imagine her feeling now. When I’m parched and I take a bite out of them… Yeah, similar reactions to say the least. 

A bit of mayo was left behind on her cheek as she distanced the doner kebab away from herself for a moment. A golden opportunity. 

I leant in to the side instead of continuing to unpack the back and placed my lips on top of her cheek. Licking off the bit of mayo. 

“Wha!” She yelped cutely. 

“Don’t be so sloppy Ria, I know you are hungry, but still.” I teased. “That mayo is getting everywhere.” 

Ria pouted as a blush developed on her cheeks once more. Not that it looked like ketchup, but I did need to hold myself back or I’d have just done it again. “I’ll pay you back for that.” 

“I’m looking forward to it.” I winked and continued unpacking the bag. As it was the bill inside that had already been paid, I just took the empty bag with me to put it in the old paper bin later and get some drinks for me and Ria in the meantime. “Coke’s fine for you?” 

“Yes please.” In the glass of the cabinets, I could see that Ria was still pouting at me. Glorious, just amazingly glorious. 


I sat down with glasses of soft drinks in between ourselves, finally being able to start on my own kebab. It’s a great dinner to end the day with. Healthy? Not really. Not that health concerns really bothered us due to vampiric circumstances. But let’s not mention that too much to Ria or she will want to eat kebab every day. 

The first bite was just the perfect combination of sauce, meat and veg, and when I looked down, there were a lot of similar bites like that left. Today was going to be a good day. And it already was pretty darn great after Ria and I’s gettogether from earlier. I am a very lucky woman. 

We ate in relative silence, sharing most of the fries between the two of us. It was a sign of enjoyment. The enjoyment of eating a great meal together with someone you love. As expected, Ria had pretty much gotten through most of her kebab before I even got halfway. And hers was twice as big. 

“This is so good, Rora.” 

“It is, isn’t it.” I replied. “We should order from them again.” 

“Yeah, when Em is here too! I don’t want her to miss out on it!” 

As Ria said that, my phone started to vibrate. A familiar name flashing on the screen, asking for a video call. “Speak of the devil.” I chuckled. With a quick swipe, I accepted Em’s video call. “Hello there.” I smiled.

“Oh, am I calling at an inopportune moment?” Em asked, tilting her head just a little. She was wearing a black blazer with a white shirt underneath. Looked pretty dapper if you asked me. 

“Nah, Ria and I are eating some kebab at the moment.” I turned the phone towards Ria so Em could see her. Ria stopped eating for a moment and enthusiastically waved at the phone. 

“Hey, Em! We miss you!” 

“I miss you too!” Em replied. “Are you enjoying your meal?” 

“Yeah! We were just talking about ordering at that restaurant next time when you are over. It’s so good, Em. Look!” Ria held the durum kebab closer to the screen so Em could inspect it a little bit better. 

“Oh, nice! You are making me a bit jealous.” 

I took my own kebab and moved over to the other side of the table so both Ria and I could look at the screen together. “And how is it going over there?”

“It’s fine, but I’m a little bit bored.” She replied with a sigh. 

“Family members not being interesting?” 

“They are not really talking about things I’m interested in. I would way rather prefer to be around you two.” She admitted. 

“And Karin?” 

“She’s just reading books in the living room. She can zone them out rather well.” 

“And you can’t just go off to your bedroom, I guess, to play some games.” 

“Not really.” She shook her head. 

“That sucks.” 


“At least we can be together again starting tomorrow.” Ria spoke up. 

Em nodded. “Believe me, I’m very much looking forward to that.”  She sighed again. 

“Hey, sweetie, are you alright?” A little knock and Ilse’s voice sounded from off-camera. 

Em turned her face, presumably to face the door. “Yeah, mom, I’m alright. I’m just calling Auro and Ria. I’ll be back in just a minute.” 

“Ah! Say hi to them from me, will you?” 

“You can say hi back.” I chuckled. 

“They can hear you. They said hi too.” Em replied. 

I could hear Ilse’s faint giggling. “Alright, I’ll be going back, okay?” 

“Yeah, I’ll be back in a second.” Em kept looking at the door for a couple more seconds before she turned her attention back to us. “Looks like my moping has been noticed. I should probably head back.” 

“Feel free to call whenever, okay?” 

“Will do.” She smiled and gave us a nod. “Love you two.” 

“We love you too.” Both Ria and I said in return. 

At least visibly, Em’s batteries appeared to be recharged ever so slightly as she waved us goodbye with a genuine smile and a blow kiss. 


“Poor Emma.” Ria said as I put my phone back down. Taking her kebab back in hand. 

“At least she’ll be with us tomorrow. We can spoil her as much as we want then.” 

Ria nodded and continued eating. “Maybe we should give her a massage or something like that.” 

“Hmm, that’s not a bad idea… I will need to run to the store tomorrow to get some massage oils then.” 

“Hehe, I can go and buy some scented candles too.” 

Suddenly we had doctored up a plan to completely treat our girlfriend with. And that’s even without Ria knowing what present we had prepared for her in return. 

We discussed a little bit further on what exactly we were going to buy tomorrow while we finished our food. After that, we cleaned up and started to think about what else we should do this evening. The only thing I needed to make sure was to keep Ria away from the room in which I had hidden her computer in. 

“How about we read some manga, it’s been a while since we’ve done that.” I proposed. 

Ria thought about it for a second, after which she gave me a nod. “Yeah, that’s sounds fun! You have that one manga right. I think it was called ‘Throw These Fists’?” 

“Yeah, I think I do. Want to read that one?” 

“Mhmm.” She nodded. “The one girl reminds me of you as well.” 

“Wait… Isn’t that a manga about delinquent girls falling in love?” 


“I don’t know if I should be offended or honored now.” 

Ria just giggled and headed towards the staircase to the reading room, where I’d put all the books I had at the moment. 

As I followed her along, Shima sprinted past me on the staircase. Looks like all three of us are going to do some reading for now. 

Auro's snacks are safe, for now.

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