Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 147: Party of Four

Last chapter of the year as I need to go to the hospital and then rest because of surgery.
It's nothing bad by the way, so don't worry.

The giggling deer in between my arms started to giggle even louder as I started kissing her from her ear all the way down to her neck. “So the naughty girl decided to bite the vampiress, hey?” I whispered into her ear. 

Instead of replying, Ria chose to go bold and lifted herself from the bed just enough so she could nom my neck a second time. 

“I see how it is. Then you should prepare for some payback.” I grinned and opened my mouth. I felt my teeth grow just that tad bit more just before I bit someone, and I made sure that Ria could see it. She was just smiling from ear to ear in anticipation. 

A little high-pitched moan escaped her lips once I sank my teeth into her skin. Her blood immediately sent waves of pleasure through me as I felt my thirst ebb away. I pulled Ria close to my body, and while I still had my mouth firmly around her neck, I pulled her up into a sitting position. 

“If you don’t mind, I’ll also get into a bit of biting action.” Em commented and went ahead to sit on the other side of Ria. From my position I couldn’t really see it very well, but by the way her body was moving I quickly deduced that Em had started to softly nibble on Ria’s ear, after which she also moved down slowly over the rest over her exposed skin. 

Ria was now just melting in our arms. Clearly not regretting her life’s decision, more like basking in them and their consequences. 

But we would have it no other way. Both of my girlfriends deserve only the best treatment possible. So let it be known that Aurora Beaumont-Gattilusio, Lady of Montbrun and daughter of Alessia Gattilusio, Marchioness of Montbrun, always treats her girlfriends like the divine princesses they are. Even if she got her lips around them in the most extremely gay way possible.

Ria trembled softly as I continued to drink from her. I wasn’t drinking very fast, as I wanted us both to savor the moment as long as possible. Every sip I took, made her shake a little bit more, her moans getting just that tiny bit louder, helped by Em’s effort on her other side as well. I had expected her to tap out sooner, but perhaps it was because of the combined effort of Em and I that she managed to go on for so long. When she finally tapped me on the back. I slowly guided her back down onto the mattress, the look on her face showing the complete state of satisfaction she was in. 

“I’m sorry, this was meant to be your treat, Rora.” She smiled at me. 

“Don’t worry, I’ve had my treat for damn sure.” I replied and booped her nose, after which I took off her little fluffy reindeer ears. 

“Good present?” Em asked. 

“The best.” I leaned to the side to give Em a kiss as well. “Probably my best new years present I have ever had in my entire life.”  

“It’s going to be tough to follow it up next year, but Ria and I will definitely think of something, won’t we, Ria?” 

Ria chuckled exhaustedly from her position. “Yeah… we will.” 

“Hmm.” I smiled at my girlfriends. “I love the both of you so much.” And then proceeded to give them a couple of kisses. 

“We love you too.” They replied. 


While it probably would’ve been a good idea to shower again, neither of us really wanted to do so. It was about time for a change of bedsheets anyway so I would just do that tomorrow morning instead. 

My girlfriends found their sleep rather fast once they had settled hugging up to me and as for me, I did manage to sleep a little bit too.

We spent most of the 31st of December testing out our new computers, after getting the aforementioned bedsheets up and ready of course. 

As we now had plenty of time we had been able to play a couple of games that required a bit of downloading, one of which being Em’s favorite game, Turn of Destiny Fourteen, and for the first time ever, we could all play at the same time. While Ria and I could just make new characters, Em used a function of the game that allowed her to replay the entire story so she could follow along together with us, even though her character was already max level. 

“Are you sure we shouldn’t buy the story-skip, Em? It would be no problem for us.” I proposed. 

“No no no no no.” She shook her head violently. “Turn of Destiny isn’t a game you should rush through to get to the end-game. It’s very much a story based game. If you would skip you would lose like 95% of the experience. The beginning might seem pretty slow right now, but thrust me, it pays off in the end.” 

“Then why do they offer the story skips?” Ria asked. 

“Well, there’s people who are like hardcore raiders who don’t care about the story, but those generally don’t really stick around after they’ve beaten the content, or they quit even before they’ve done that. Alternatively, if you have friends on a different server, and you really want to play together with them while you’ve already played the story on your own once. Buying a level skip makes little difference in that case. Apart from it costing money, of course.” 

“So it’s a bit like skipping an entire book series just to read the last one that’s out?” Ria asked. 

“Yeah, pretty much.” Em nodded. “You won’t be involved with the characters at all. So people who buy them generally just skip the new cutscenes too. So let’s just take our time to go through the story, there’s no one chasing after us.” 

I turned around on my chair and looked at Em. “And you don’t mind playing it again with us?” 

“Not at all. I’ve played the story three times already.” 

“Three times?!” 

“Yeah, and it never really gets boring. Sometimes you find things that you’ve never noticed before, just like it is with rewatching movies and series.” 

“Ah yeah… that makes sense.” I nod and turn back around to face my own pc screen. But before we can continue, Em does speak up one more time. 

“By the way, let me message my sister first so that she can join too if she would like. You don’t really mind, right?” 

“Of course not.” Both Ria and I replied at the same time. 

“The more the merrier.” I smiled. 

It was only natural that Ria’s best friend would like to play together with her as well, and on top of that, as my future sister-in-law, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to spend some time with her as well.


Naturally, Karin took the opportunity to play with us too and joined in on our little noob adventure. Me, a tall human woman, the tank of the party. My two girlfriends, both Nekote, the dps of the party and Karin, also a Nekote, being the healer of the party. 

Thus, our adventure began through early quests which mostly involved getting stuff for people and one also involved cheese, although I was really wondering why that was in any way relevant to the story. 

We ended our play session a couple of hours later as it started to be about time for our new years dinner and Karin had to go as well. 

“And what do you think about the story so far?” Em asked as she turned off her computer. 

“As you said yourself, it is rather slow in the beginning. But I do like the way we gradually get more recognition from the npc’s the more quests we do.” 

“I like that part too!” Ria said enthusiastically. “I’m also very happy we have mounts too! I love my fluffy mount!” 

“It’s a rather funny bird, this is true.” I agreed. 

“You should see the mounts you can get later on, or the ones from the stores. They are really good as well. And later on, you also get the ability to fly everywhere.” Em said. “It makes things a lot faster if you are doing side-content.” Em took out her phone, browsed the internet for a couple of seconds, and then turned the screen towards Ria. 

“Ohmigosh! So cute!” 


Em turned the phone to me too. She was showing a picture of a mount which basically looked like a cat that ate way too much food. “Wow, that’s a little chonker isn’t it?” 

“And you can buy a cushion from it from the developer’s official store. It’s about this big.” Em held her hand above the ground to about halfway her thigh. 

“Oh damn.” 

“I want it! I want it now!” Ria proclaimed. 

“They are currently not being produced, sadly enough.” Em nodded and put her phone away again. 

“Fate! Why must you tempt me so!” Ria pouted. 

“Don’t worry, they’ll be back up to order soon enough. It would be a financially stupid decision not to sell them anymore.” Em reassured our girlfriend. Knowing full well that she had set Ria on this course herself. 

-If you put something cute in front of Ria’s nose. You can bet your butt that she will want it. Cuteness attracts cuteness, after all.- 

Don't know when I'm gonna be back but like I said, probably not before January :)

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