Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 154: New Year Countdown

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Anyway, promo over, have fun reading my chapter :D

Everyone’s make-up had been done at about 30 minutes to midnight, meaning that we were all in our tip-top condition to really go into the new year together.

“Even though it was a bit out of the blue, I’m very happy that you two joined to celebrate the New Year together.” Em said as she sipped from a glass of cola. 

“We are glad, too.” Claire smiled back. “Thank you so much for the warm welcome.” 

Ria enthusiastically clapped her hands “A celebration can never go wrong with friends!”

“That’s true.” I replied, also taking a sip from a glass of coke. But I have to say, I was starting to get a little bit thirsty for something else at this point… I could always wait until Anya and Claire had gone to bed before I could indulge myself a little. 

“Should we put the TV on the countdown channel?” Ria asked, making her way to the television’s remote. 

“That’s a bit cheesy, isn’t it?” I chuckled. 

“But I like cheesy, especially on New Year’s eve!” She replied. “I’ve never been able to do this together with my friends and my girlfriends before.” 

“Alright then.” I smiled. 

Ria sat the television to the channel of the national broadcaster. Every year on New Year’s eve they would hold a show with music and comedians to celebrate the New Year. And just before midnight they would also do a countdown so everyone who was watching could count down together with them. Hence why Ria cutely called it the countdown channel.

Right now there was an older comedian doing some stand up comedy, I didn’t really find the jokes funny though as they were meant for an older crowd… -Hmmm… I wonder if this is the kind of humor our vampire friends like?-  

“So, Aurora, what do you think about this one ‘myth’?” Claire asks. 

“Mhmm? What myth are we talking about.” 

“I guess it’s a bit much to really call it a myth, but do you think that these shows are actually recorded live, or will they have been recorded in advance?” 

“Oh… That’s actually a good question.” I looked at the crowd that was being filmed on the channel right now. 

“Surely it must’ve been filmed in advance, right?” Em tilted her head slightly, looking at the screen. “I can’t really imagine that people want to be present at that kind of thing for New Year’s Eve when they could be celebrating with friends and family.” 

“Hmm, I think I also follow that opinion.” I nodded along. 

“I think it’s live.” Ria stated, looking very attentively at the screen. “They wouldn’t organize all this fake celebration, right? I wouldn’t be able to fake my enthusiasm, at least.” 

“That’s because you are a very sincere person, Ria.” I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. Making my girlfriend giggle a little.

“I think there are definitely some that are live.” Anya commented. “My uncle Boris has been to one of those shows before, and that actually did play live at midnight. But then again, I don’t know how this country does it.” 

Em takes another sip of her drink. “If only they commented live on the news that was happening right now, at least we would know for sure like that.” 

“But then they would risk sharing bad news, and that would put a bummer on the celebrations. That’s why they keep the news channels on a different channel.” Claire replies. 

“Then what is your opinion on the matter, Claire?” Em presses on.     

“I personally believe this to be a live show.” She replies. “The crowd is a bit too enthusiastic for them to fake it, I think.” 

“As long as nobody knows anyone present at it personally, I guess we will never know.” I shrugged. “So we might as well keep up the illusion that it’s real. It’s more fun to think of it that way.” 

“Yes!” Ria called out. 


Luckily the rather unfunny comedian soon had to make space for a rock band that would play right up to midnight. Funnily enough they were called the Midnight Bikers which was very appropriate for the occasion, apart from the biker part of course. The music was not what I expected for the national broadcast channel as it was going pretty hard with quite a bit of swearing, some good old hard rock. The crowd seemed to be enjoying it and even I was bobbing my head along while I sipped on my glass. 

“Definitely saving that song to my SoundHaze.” Claire got her phone up and started looking. “What was the song called again?” 

“Dark Carnival.” Anya replied. 

“Got it, thanks.” Claire gave her girlfriend a kiss. 

The atmosphere in the living room was energetic with five totally dolled up girls jamming along with the music. Any hints of fatigue that were present earlier disappeared. The only sad thing was that we couldn’t really sing along with the songs, as no one had heard the band before. But oh well. 

So, the final minute before midnight arrived, with the band ending their song just in time for the countdown to the new year to begin. 

As it was tradition, only the last ten seconds to the new year were counted down aloud. A tradition the people in my living room all enthusiastically followed along with. 

“10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Happy New Year!” Everyone chanted aloud as on the television, confetti and fireworks were set alight. Outside the fireworks were missing, no one really wanted to go out to light up any fireworks I presumed. And even if they could, it wasn’t a bad idea to not do so as the emergency services were already overloaded as is. 

We did the rounds wishing each other a happy and fruitful new year, obviously accompanied by the traditional three kisses on the cheeks. Aside from the fact that both my girlfriends got one extra kiss on the lips from me, totally for free. 

“I wish you all good health, great fun and steaming romance for the next year.” Claire lifted her glass to the three of us. 

“Claire!” Anya called out with a blush. 

I chuckled. “And we wish you two the same.” I lifted my glass too and alongside me my girlfriends did so as well. 

“Don’t forget everlasting and profound friendships!” Ria added. 

“That too, of course.” Claire replied with a smile. “But, I have an important question for you all. And this includes Anya.” 

“What question?” Anya tilted her head while she looked at her girlfriend. 

“Now that we are all dolled up, what will we do for the rest of the evening? I take it you don’t want to go to bed just yet.” 

“Hmm, that’s a good question.” Em nodded. 

“We could watch a classic ladies movie.” Anya shrugged. 

“Well… Can I object to that.” I raised my hand and chuckled slightly. “I’m not against a movie, but I’m really not in the mood for something like that. Or at least not for any of the cheesy romcoms if you know what I mean.”    

“I have the Countess of Monte Lespo on my laptop, what about that one?” Em proposed. 

“Ooooh! Is it the 2002 version?” Claire asked. 

“Ye, I think so.” 

“Then I’m all for that, I love that movie.” 

“I’m not against that either.” I nodded. 

“That’s fine for me.” Anya nodded as well. 

“And for me too!” Ria replied. 

“Alright, give me a second and I’ll grab my laptop. I just need to connect it to the television.” Em zoomed off to the next floor to get her stuff. I was a bit surprised she had her laptop along though, as she had installed an entire PC set-up at our house now. But then again, having a laptop to do work if you don’t want to sit at your desk could be fun too, or even a tablet, which she probably had along too. 


When Em came back, laptop and cables in hand, we could watch our movie. It wasn’t the first time I had seen The Countess of Monte Lespo, but it had been so long ago that the entire movie felt like an entirely new experience. By the end of the movie, which I really really enjoyed, I saw that the late hours were starting to take their toll on pretty much everyone present. Em was clearly tired, but she wanted to finish the movie, so she managed to stay awake. As for Claire, she seemed a little bit tired, but it looked like she could go on for another hour or two if she really wanted. But as for Anya and Ria… well, those two were knocked out cold. They were sleeping leaning against each other which the awake amongst us found incredibly cute. 

As the movie ended Em shut off her laptop and stored it on top of the living room cabinet for the time being. “I’m going to get this make up off my face. We can do the cleanup tomorrow, right?” 

“No problem.” I smiled. “Should I show you to your room, Claire?” 

“If you would. We can use the bathroom as well, right?” 

“Of course. The one next to the guest room is pretty much for that room alone, so feel free to use it any time.” 

“Alright.” Claire nodded as she slowly woke up her girlfriend. I did the same with Ria. It was a shame to do so, but otherwise their backs would hurt if they slept in this position. 

-Only the most comfy of beds for our girlfriends!- 

In other news, I managed to write an entire chapter in a day. It's been a while since I've been able to do that (especially after a workday) I'm pretty happy about that!!!

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