Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 166: The Sly Bastard

Might keep the bi-weekly schedule going for one more chapter batch, I'll see.

I didn’t know if I was going to be able to keep my energy up for maths for the rest of the year, but I definitely did know that for the next lesson of the day I was, in fact, going to be able to. History, my beloved, pray don’t leave me. 

Miss Peeters had a thematic class prepared on how different societies throughout history celebrated the turn over into a new year and then also informed us on how the current new year traditions in our region had come to life. Nonetheless it was interesting to talk about as quite a few of our classmates had grown up with new year's traditions that were not similar to the ones we were celebrating here. In Portugal for example it is tradition to drink champagne and eat twelve raisins, one for every month of the year, and how there is a cake with a hole in the middle which holds one single bean. The person who finds that bean has to pay for the cake next year. I actually quite enjoyed hearing about that. To me that sounded like you were already planning to hold the same celebration with the same people next year, which I guess you could interpret as a kind of well-wishing to everyone involved. 

“My mother told me there used to be a prize in the cake in the past, usually made of metal. But people don’t do that anymore as the European Union has forbidden that.” Beatriz, our classmate whose family lives in Portugal, explained. 

“Well… That’s probably not a bad idea.” Miss Peeters replied. “So it’s probably for the better.” 

Beatriz nodded profusely. “One time a couple of years ago we couldn’t find out who had the bean as all our plates ended up empty. I still think my uncle had it because he ate so fast that evening. I’m very happy there wasn’t a metal toy in that, or that could have ended up pretty badly.” 

From that grim story we moved on to a couple less grim ones in the classroom before the History lesson of the day had reached its end already. Time sure flies when you are having interesting talks and that’s probably one of the things I liked about this school the most, the possibility to learn about other cultures just by talking with the people around you. 


What followed history were two back to back hours of art-class before it was finally time to have a well-earned midday break.

“Claire, you coming with us for some food?” 

“Hmm, I think Anya wanted to have some alone time with me so I think I will decline. My apologies.” She almost sang that which meant it was probably some fun times she had been promised by her girlfriend. 

“That’s fine. And what about you, Pres?” I looked over at President Rosehip who was just putting away her cup for the moment. 

She shook her head. “I have a student council meeting so I can’t sadly enough.” 

“A student council meeting on the first day of school? Isn’t that a bit early?” 

Prez smirked. “Are you already forgetting this is technically the second week of school?” 

“Oh, right.” 

“No, but you are right.” She smiled softly. “It’s not really an official official meeting so to speak. It’s more of a tea party. Somewhat of a new years reception as you would.” 

“Ah, a tea party you say?” I chuckled. “Sounds like it’s right up your alley.” 

“Not untrue.” She stated. 

“Is it a fancy tea party, Pres?” Ria asked. 

“I’m not too sure but I presume it will be.” She replied. “I also heard the rumor that it’s about seeing who will be, or want to be, the candidates for the seat of student council president.”   

“Hmm.” Em chuckled softly. “We’ve been calling you Pres for so long that I forgot you aren’t even officially the student council President.” 

Pres continued her smile. “Only the class president for now.” 

“Having any ambitions?” I winked. 

“I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t want the function. In any case it’s going to be a boon on any resume if you can say you’ve been the StuCo President at Saint-Katherine’s. And that’s not even taking into account that I also like the sound of the function description.”

I smiled and gave Pres a confident thumbs up. “Well, if you ever put up your candidacy, I will vote for you, Pres. I know you would do an amazing job.” 

“The same goes for us two too!” Ria pulled Em close to her and mimicked my pose. To which Em just chuckled and gave an affirmative nod. 

Pres nodded politely in return. “Thank you. But now I should probably go. I don’t really want to be too late. Considering my ambitions.” Pres bowed ever so slightly to excuse herself and then walked out of the classroom while my girlfriends and I waved her off. 

“I hope that she doesn’t poison anyone so that she’s the only candidate.” Claire joked. 

“I don’t think Pres would ever do that.” Ria replied. 

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, she is very ambitious after all.” Claire winked. “Anyhow, I should go too now. See you all at Diplomacy class.” 

“Have fun.” I smirked to which Claire winked back, again and shot me some finger guns. 


As the rest of the classroom emptied, Em, Ria and I were still standing around trying to decide what to have for lunch. 

“What if we go for just a sandwich today? It’s been a while since I’ve had a regular sandwich like that.” Em proposed. 

“Oh yeah, now that you say so…” I thought back to the last time I had one and that must have been from before the time I got turned. I quite like the taste of those though so… “Yeah, let’s go for that if Ria is fine with it too.” 

“Of course I am!” She replied enthusiastically. “Those sold in the French resto, right?” 

“Yeah.” Em nodded and slung her back over her shoulder. “Let’s go and get some.” 

We made our way out of the school building and crossed the school courtyard to the rather fancy French resto. Sandwiches really felt out of place in that kind of setting but the sandwiches were offered by popular demand and as the other restos didn’t really fit the theme any better they got assigned there. Which is somewhat of a debate at times as there is also a tomato and mozzarella sandwich but in the end they still picked the French resto. Well, in any case, to me it didn’t really matter where I could get them, as they were tasty no matter where you ate them. 

When we walked in I immediately noticed that they had cranked the heating quite high in this establishment, almost overwhelming me and making me open my jacket per direct. Em felt the same as she swiftly copied my action. Ria however didn’t seem to really mind and just walked to the counter where we could order the sandwiches. As there was already a buffet, not many people lined up to ask something different, except for sandwiches of course. 

The lunch lady, more dressed like a butler rather than an actual lunch lady of course, behind the counter greeted us with a smile. “Would you like to order something?” 

“Uhm, I would like a ham and cheese sandwich without the cucumbers please.” Ria asked politely. 

“Me too.” Em added. “

The lady then looked at me. “And me three.” I smiled. I could have gone for something else but I might as well make it easier on the people at work here.

We then waited for the sandwiches to get prepared which didn’t take long at all. Being served the sandwiches on a plate barely two minutes after we had ordered them. 

After which we continued to pick a table that was close to the window so we could have a nice view while eating.

Em and I hung our jackets over our seats before we sat down while Ria kept hers on for the time being. 

“Ria, please don’t tell me you are cold right now. I’m almost dying because of the heat in this place.” 

Ria shrugged. “I’m not really that warm. And I like this jacket because it’s super soft.” 

“You goofy fluffball.” Em laughed and sunk her teeth into the sandwich in front of her. 

“Hehe.” Ria giggled and did the same. 

While I also took a bite out of my cucumberless sandwich my mind went back to the Student Council Election. “Say, Em, do you know when the elections for the student council are?” 

“Hmm.” She hummed as she swallowed her food. “I think they should be in spring. I heard that it’s actually quite a big thing at school with campaigning, flyers and all that stuff. So it will be hard for you to miss. Although I don’t think that’s impossible for you.” 

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I chuckled. “I know I’m not the most engaged person, but still.” 

Em chuckled but stayed silent. Teasing me even more with her silence then she could by actually explaining her quip. 

-The sly bastard.-   

Barely got anything done writing wise the last week.

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