Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 12 [the begining of an epic fight ]

In the city, there is a pretty big building that building is the development building of F.O.

Inside there is a woman who is walking through a corridor until she opens a door that has a label called "Quest programmer "

[?? Pov]

'Alright he should be here somewhere '

I looked around the room to look for him and I saw the person in a corner beside a window so I walked towards him

"Hey Elera it's good to see you, is there anything you need here," said the person

"Evening Pablo, yes Can you open up the code of the requirement of the first G-type story quest," I said

"Sure," he said and typed his computer's keyboard and clicked the button at a fast pace until a black screen with codes open

I look at the codes scrolling up and down looking for the problem
"Aha found it," I said

"Huh found what I believe the code is working properly "

"Nope look at this "

[ if (child of god: present ) {do the next following if statement }

Else {return false}

If (element present: water, wind, life, light, ice, fire ) {do the next following if statement }

Else {return false }

If (element affinity all exceeds lvl7 ) {start G-type story quest 1}

Else {return false}
"You see the plan is to make this quest start when the child of ice, light, water, fire, wind, and life is present but the way you made this code makes it so the quest can start even when one is present, the remaining element requirement count all the present player not just the child of- wait a minute there's no time in explaining this"

"You always ramble on when we talk about codes and I don't see the problem here I can just fix it later," he said while sipping his coffee

"god do me a favor and check the quest log will you "

Still sipping the coffee with one of his hands he moves the mouse and clicks the quest log.

Seeing the screen he is shocked he sprayed some of his coffee in the process.

"Phfff, what how, when," he said surprised

"That's what I wanna know although I know the when, it starts when two players come to the secret dungeon of mine because no one has been in it I look over them I also have nothing else to do at the moment until a problem arises as the child of life or plant is present and that quest start "

"But still how a player can have two high-affinity elements and some that have the child of a god title can have for up to three they're missing one element "

"We can look at the status of all the players right can you look at the status of the child of life "

"Yes" he starts to type on his keyboard and opens up her statistics

Name: Elly
Lvl:5. 42/300
Gender: Female
Race:divine elf
Class: archer
Affinity: light, water, life, ice
Physical affinity:bow
Strength: 60
Magic capabilities: 225
Speed: 115
Defense: 20<below average>
Health: 150/150

Title: [child of the elven goddess]
[Princess of Ice]
[Key of the elven gate]
[love in denial]

Blessing : [blessing of the ice goddess]

[magical manipulation: this skill lets the user manipulate magic to a greater extent and freedom than others]
[low heal: heal a small amount of health point 20-50 30-second cooldown]
[illuminate: makes light in a desired radius ] No cooldown
[water bullet: makes a bullet of water to deal damage to target ]no cooldown
[snipe: increase range, accuracy, and critical damage for The next range atk ] A minute cooldown
[rhot: making thick vines to mobilize target ] 1 minute cooldown
[water acceleration: increasing your speed at a higher level also turns your body transparent 2-minute cooldown]
[zone heal: heal your ally that's In the zone health is healed little by little at a higher level making it instant with the cost of more mana]a minute cooldown
[light ray: makes a ray of light damage your opponent at a higher level makes the ray faster to chant 2-minute cooldown]
[thorn: forcefully grows a thorn to the ground of your desired at a higher level making the thorn sharper and harder 45-second cooldown]
[ice mist: create ice mist in an area around you this effect can block the perception of everyone around you < except ally and you > making them harder to see. no cooldown ]
[ice spike: create a spike of ice to damage your opponent these pikes can be turned into a form of your desire be that of arrows or swords. 3-second cooldown ]
[flower patch: this skill will grow a patch of flower size depending on how much the user uses magic to make it when in the patch of flower depending on what is the flower grown in it will give a buff to you and your ally or debuff to the opponent <no cooldown]
[barrier: makes and as you know it a barrier to either defend, trap, as a stepping tool or uhh well you can think of a way to use this effectively <strength of the barriers depends on how much you put magic in it no 2-second cooldown]
[water blast: makes a bubble of water that will explode dealing damage to the surrounding area ] 5-second cooldown
[hailstorm: a combination of the skill <water bullet> and the element ice, this skill makes ice bullets shoot at your enemy] no cooldown
We take a look at her statistics it turns out her name is Elly (the author does not want to type child of god a thousand times)

"Yep, she can use 4 elements... How," I said

"the blessing and title it's from the ice goddess she might have gotten that ring "

"What that item is supposed to be unobtainable "

"Someone might have changed its drop rate to make it obtainable Also we have some immediate problems to solve they can't possibly complete the quest "

"What can we do We can't just descend upon them and beat the boss ourselves and giving them a buff would be unfair Also what is this boss again "

"some kind of mutated flesh monster it has two-phase The first should be possible for them to beat but the problem is the second phase, in the second phase the boss will have an overpower regeneration ability, with their current offensive ability they can't overpower the boss's regen rate "

"All alright maybe giving them a buff is not so unfair after all"

"We could just make weak spots for them to hit "

"Why go for the length isn't just giving them a buff just easier"

"Yes but it's not fun to see two people beat the hell of a boss without a thought in strategy, anyway I'll go inform the enemy construction management to change the boss a tad and you go back and help them"

"help? How do I help them "

"I dunno maybe give them a hint on what to do maybe also if they ask you to give them a buff just make some random excuses for not being able to"

"What but"

"Nu-uh go on we have no time to lose "

"Ugh fine "

And with that, I went back to my office to continue my roleplay and not ruin the game plan because if I failed and they lost, half the region of Koronea is going to go up in flames.

Meanwhile in another universe...or the game universe. (pov change)

"What the hell is that!" I screamed looking at the monstrosity above me

"I don't know I have never encountered that thing in the beta test" Nathan answered

While we are talking the eyes suddenly glow red and shoot a powerful red laser at us

"Shi*" Realizing this I immediately summon a barrier using 15% of my mana reserve

The barrier manages to defend against the laser until it shatters in the last second

"Quick scatter around, " Nathan said
We quickly run scattering in the

 opposite direction of each other in the process also dodging another laser.

While running I look up seeing the eye and four tentacles in the ceiling trying to think of a way to hit the boss.

'My arrow can't reach that high ' The length of a football field is 105 meters multiply that by four and you get 420 meters that's the length of the job map building in China that's really tall.

The only attack that I think can reach that high is the light ray magic but that attack takes too long to charge.

Without realizing I have run to a corner of the room you might forget this but there's a big and long tentacle above me well I too forget this.

The tentacle above me grabbed me and threw me into the opposite wall

My body flies through the room at a fast speed, having no way to slow down the velocity I impacted the opposite wall.

"cracks "
Fortunately due to my blessing the automatic defense skill negated the collision damage, Unfortunately, I was thrown not close to the ground but close to the ceiling so now I'm free falling toward the ground.

'I need to break this fall somehow '
I think of multiple ways to break the fall, I can either use an arrow and stab it into the wall, use [thorn] as a stepping tool or use [ice spike] spell to make a tool that can slow the fall gradually to a halt.

One would waste an arrow it would probably snap before it could drag my fall, one would make multiple falls, and the last is the best one... Probably.

"[ice spike]" Using the spell I made a modified climbing pickaxe and stabbed it in the small gap of the wall behind me.

The tool managed to drag me 4/5 of the way until it snapped startling me
Because I was surprised I unconsciously moved away from the wall meaning I can't use the same strategy to go down.

Falling I close my eyes waiting for the impact.
But the impact didn't come.

I opened my eyes and found out that Nathan apparently had caught me saving me from falling.

"Damm you're heavy," he said

"Y- you there's no time for that Look at our situation at hand," I said back
I got off his arms and both looked up to the boss monster.

"So how do we beat that thing," Nathan said

"How would I know " I answer "My arrow can't reach that high and the only attack that I think could reach it takes  time to charge "

"This Is bad my range spell can't reach that high too"

While we're thinking of ideas that could damage the boss monster suddenly a voice can be heard in the room

"[Hello, is this connected? Yes ahem, my name is Elera the goddess of this temple-turned-dungeon you're in ]"

"About time you show up now tell me how we beat this thing," I said
I wanna shout at the goddess because she suddenly bolts out when we need her the most but gotta keep calm in this scenario.

"[Right look around there should be something that can help you to damage the monster ]"

Around us, the only thing in this room is the altar and the 4 big balls at the corner

Gosh it's so obvious why didn't I think of it

"Nathan lets go to the middle and activate the altar again, " I said

"Yes I just realized it's so obvious I don't know how we missed it" he replied

The monster's eye glows red, it's gonna shoot another laser.
"Run, Now," I said

I chant water acceleration and we both run to the center altar
When we run the glow from the eye forms a big red ball of light that separates into multiple smaller balls of light and that little ball shoots multiple small lasers at us(god that's a mouthful).

"[Be careful those lasers can deal a high amount of damage. Especially you girl that ice shield of yours can only defend against 4 of it at the moment ]"

This is bad we can't run while looking up our necks will break, the best thing we can do is just zig-zag and hope luck is on our side.

The lasers make the surrounding a hellscape Fires erupt and explosion occurs while the only thing we can do is run.

In the middle of running a laser hit me from above the ice shield managed to defend against it but it made a visible crack appear in it.
Then another hit me.

And another.

Fortunately, the laser barrage stopped and we reached the altar both of us quickly sliced our fingers to pour our blood in.

[Warning wave fourth has not finished proceeding with the ritual risks of depleting half of your mana reserve and will only activate the lamp ball of the room. Say Continue to proceed or say undo to cancel ]

"Continue! "we both said continue.

After that moment the altar formed a ball of light above us, That ball of light separated into four and go each in its direction to the ball in the corner of the room.

The ball lights up and shoots a beam of light above in doing so it also hits the four tentacles in the corner of the room.

"Wow I didn't think that it would be this easy "

"oh god Nathan you just jinked it "

"Huh, what do you mean? "

"Let's back up now In a moment the eye will probably fall and start phase two of the fight"

"Oh yeah I forgot bosses can have that"

As we back up the boss wiggles violently after some moment the eye in the middle falls down

"Should we attack it at this stage? " Nathan asks

"Don't bother It probably has invincibility, here" I gave Nathan 3 magic potion


"[Careful that monster is gonna switch to its second phase ]"

Well isn't that obvious, anyway.

The monster has fallen.

The eyeball of the eye convulses until it bursts open, and from the remains, there grows a fleshy pile forming a rough ball.

[ mutated harvester. Strength: unknown | 2000/2000
The mutated monster is made from multiple piles of flesh from human monsters all alike. This monster has adapted the ability to use magic and can regenerate/grow body parts like it's nothing.

Warning this monster can regenerate indefinitely just attacking it's body won't decrease its hp ]

Alright if it can regenerate how do we beat it. This game is bull**it

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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