Virtual End

Chapter 10 - The location of this shop is great!

After a while, Zhang Sirui broke the deadlock: “But don’t worry too much, Mr. Chen. This price is definitely a good deal. Compared with the two stores in the inner city, the area has more than doubled, but the price is only less than 1. /3.”

   “It’s just that the only problem is the subsequent possible gang conflict.”

   “Fortunately, the security issue is that the gangs are just small gangsters. We can scare them away by showing a little muscle. However, the surrounding turbulence caused by gang conflicts will inevitably affect the commercial activities of the whole street.”

   “Our store is in a good location, and the impact will only be greater.”

   “In other words, the flow of people in this area may continue to decline in the future, which will still have some adverse effects on our promotion of the new super dream.”

   Chen She was relieved to hear this.

   I thought there would be any danger, but it turned out to be less money.

   Since this turbulence is not enough to threaten his safety, on the contrary, it will reduce the passenger flow of the experience store, which is a good thing for Chen She!

   “Okay, the next step is to carry out the pre-renovation.”

   “How long will it take to complete?”

   Zhang Sirui roughly estimated the time: “If you pursue the fastest speed, you should be able to complete the renovation by the end of this month, and you can officially start business on the 1st of next month.”

   Obviously, the decoration speed of this world is much faster than that of Chen She’s previous life.

   As soon as many modular decoration materials enter the venue, a building can be renewed in a short period of time!

   Of course, the premise is sufficient funds.

   Chen She and Zhang Sirui have been coming to the top floor of this building.

   For this building, Chen She doesn’t have too many requirements. Anyway, as a super dream experience store, it can operate smoothly without a big fire.

   After Zhang Sirui came to the top floor, he praised uncharacteristically: “Now it seems that this store is still good, and the purchase is not at a loss.”

   Chen She was a little nervous: “Oh? How to say?”

   He thought that Zhang Sirui saw some possibility that the store would explode.

   Zhang Sirui pointed to the street below the shop: “Look, Mr. Chen, this shop is located in the throat area of ​​this street, which can radiate several strategic locations around it.”

   “As long as you set up a few heavy weapons and pair them with a few guns, you can block the entire street!”

   “I noticed that it is in a good location before I came here, and I found out that it was more than good, it was perfect!”

   Chen She was silent.

   Good fellow, this is what Zhang Sirui meant by “nice”.

   This is good news for Chen She, after all, he wants to build this experience store into his second stronghold of “Cunning Rabbit Three Caves”.

   When I get rich in the future, give priority to the experience store with some heavy defense weapons, and let the security be full first!

   As for the decoration style of the experience store, Chen She is not very familiar with it, but there are ready-made examples for reference, as long as it is similar to the Chaomeng Experience Store of Changye Entertainment Group.

   Zhang Sirui left the two resistance soldiers accompanying him here, and at the same time, he will send some more people to take charge of the decoration work of the experience store in the future.

  As the renovation work progresses, a batch of Super Dream game pods will also be ordered, and there will be no shortage of things in the experience store.

   Although these resistance fighters are not as powerful as Zhang Sirui, they are more than enough to deal with the street gangsters here.

   After everything was arranged, Chen She got into a thought.

   But he did not immediately leave by car with Zhang Sirui, but decided to walk around and take a look at the surrounding environment.

   “Look, Mr. Chen, that seems to be a prosthetic clinic.” Zhang Sirui pointed to an unremarkable underground merchant in a far corner.

   Chen She has seen a lot of merchants along the way, such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs, etc., but this is the first time I have seen a prosthetic clinic.

   Zhang Sirui didn’t make a fuss all the way, but at this time, he pointed out that this prosthetic clinic had a special purpose.

   Zhang Sirui seemed to be in love with the scene and remembered some of the past: “I used to go to the prosthetic clinic to replace the prosthetic limbs when I was in the Hope City.

“Captain Lude helped me change my name. He felt that Zhang San’s name was too vulgar. I hope I don’t be so reckless and learn to use my brain to solve problems. I think twice, so I changed my name to Zhang Sirui. .”

   “When I saw a similar prosthetic clinic, it was inevitable that I was a little bit thinking about things.”

   Chen She suddenly realized, no wonder Zhang Sirui’s name is not at all similar to his personality. It turns out that this is not his real name, but a good wish.

   These things, Chen She did not find in the memory of the original owner, it is very likely that Zhang Sirui mentioned it for the first time.

   Chen She also knows something about the Captain Lu De mentioned by Zhang Sirui. He was the leader of the North Continent’s resistance movement, but unfortunately died when the resistance was strangled by the enterprise coalition three years ago.

   Die before the aspiration!

   After that, Zhang Sirui moved to the resistance army where Chen She was and has been working together until now.

   Zhang Sirui explained: “Generally speaking, there will be no prosthetic clinics in this kind of place.”

   “Because the transformation of the prosthetic body requires quite advanced medical and mechanical knowledge, and even many prosthetic doctors themselves are powerful mechanics.”

   “Although there are some gang activities in this kind of place, most of these gang gangsters are also poor.”

   “Although there are unwritten regulations that gang members cannot attack prosthetic doctors, it is inevitable that there will be some people who jump the wall in a hurry.”

   “Being a prosthetic doctor in such a place is not only dangerous but also meagre. Few prosthetic doctors are willing to do this kind of drudgery.”

   “Unless these prosthetic doctors have some other plans.”

   “For example, Captain Ludd used to be a prosthetic doctor in Hope City, just to find a way to find someone like me in the street gangsters and pull him into the resistance army.”

   Chen She couldn’t help but look at this prosthetic clinic.

   If it is true as Zhang Sirui said, then this prosthetic clinic is likely to have an unusual background and must be paid attention to.

   However, the matter of Captain Lude also made Chen She more certain that his policy line was correct.

   So many powerful characters have not been able to cause any fundamental damage to the big chaebol, let alone ordinary people like yourself?

   It seems that the goal of the Resistance Army to overthrow the chaebol is really out of reach.

   Chen She said to Zhang Sirui: “Captain Lude is a real hero. But because of this, we can’t make more unnecessary sacrifices and must choose a more secure route.”

   Zhang Sirui is noncommittal, but it can be seen that he has some recognition of Chen She’s concept.

   The two of them continued to move forward, and Zhang Sirui pointed to a dark alleyway and said, “Mr. Chen, that’s a businessman who sells black super dreams.”

   “Black super dreams and dopamine chips are the main entertainment methods for these people nearby. Regular super dreams have been difficult for them to form effective stimulation, and the price is too high. On the contrary, it is not popular.”

   Chen She didn’t have as easy-to-use eyes as Zhang Sirui, he looked into the deep alley, and only vaguely saw a figure.

   Chen She also knows a thing or two about Hei Chaomeng.

Different from regular Chaomengs, Hei Chaomeng is often an unreviewed dangerous product produced by some underground workshops. Even some Hei Chaomengs simply brute force and modify some Chaomengs on the market, and are edited by Chaomeng editors. The product of simply adjusting a certain emotion to the maximum.

   Compared with the formal Chaomeng, Hei Chaomeng often has stronger sensory stimulation, and even has some serious violations of the rules.

   But because Hei Chaomeng is not a regular channel, the cost is relatively low, so the price is very cheap.

   As for the dopamine chip, it is more simple and rude. There are only very simple and rough scenes, but in the process of use, it can stimulate the rapid secretion of dopamine in the brain, allowing people to simply and rudely get a very strong sense of coolness in a short period of time.

   For those who are relatively less wealthy, a formal super dream is not only expensive, but also has insufficient stamina. Therefore, there are few formal Chaomeng experience stores in this area, and Chaomeng’s sales are not good.

   On the contrary, Hei Chaomeng and dopamine chips are selling well.

   The two walked for a while, and finally saw the first Super Dream Experience Store.

But unlike Chen She’s expectation, the equipment in this experience store is not the sleeping game pod he had seen before in the Chen’s consortium, but a seated super dream experience device, or even a simple super dream helmet. .

   Chen She was a little surprised.

Because he knows that the Super Dream game cabin in sleep mode has the best effect, can bring the highest degree of realism experience, and will not feel tired after the game, because the whole process is completed in light sleep, which is very burdensome on the brain. small.

   However, the seated Super Dream Game Pod or Super Dream helmet needs to be used in a relatively awake state, and it is easy to cause severe fatigue after a long time.

   And in terms of simulation, it can’t be compared with the sleep mode Super Dream game cabin.

   Since it is an experience store, shouldn’t the main experience equipment be the most advanced sleep game pod?

Zhang Sirui explained: “Most people here would rather sacrifice some super dream experience than spend more money. Besides, the super dreams they like are extremely simple and rude, which can cause sensory stimulation to the maximum. Do you need sleep? The game cabin is actually not much different.”

“My favorite Super Dream to play in these Super Dream Experience Stores is “Castle Escape”. Unexpectedly, three to five years have passed. Now these Super Dream Experience Stores on the street are still one of the most popular Super Dreams. .”

   Chen She couldn’t help thinking, and said, “Go, take me to play this “Castle Escape”.”


   After half an hour, Chen She quit “Castle Escape” and got up from the sitting game cabin.

   He originally thought this would be a complicated super dream, but after playing it, he realized that the gameplay of this super dream is so simple!

   Originally thought that the so-called castle was a large maze, but unexpectedly, there was only one road running from beginning to end, and various organs and traps would appear in the process.

   At the beginning of Chaomeng, the mechanism will be triggered automatically. Behind the player is a huge stone chasing constantly, and what the player has to do is to run continuously on this road, avoiding various organs and traps.

  In this process, players will get some special props. uukanshu. com such as bows and spears and so on. Players can quickly break traps and defeat monsters while running.

   This super dream has no clearance, the longer you run, the higher your score.

   is such a super dream with such a simple gameplay. It has become popular and enduring in many low-end game experience stores on the street. Several years have passed and it is still very popular.

   Chen She instantly had a deeper understanding of the current situation of the world’s super dream industry.

  The serious Super Dreams with huge capacity and complicated gameplay are very popular in the wealthy area, especially the high-priced physical version of Super Dreams can bring high profits.

   But there are also many people who don’t like this kind of super dream. On the one hand, they don’t have enough money to buy it. On the other hand, the gameplay is too complicated and requires brainstorming.

  Many people at the bottom are more inclined to simple, direct, and crude stimulation, such as simple and direct super dreams like “Castle Escape”, or black super dreams that have been cracked and edited, cut most of the gameplay, and collapsed in value.

   It’s even a simple, brainless dopamine chip. It doesn’t need to be too concrete, as long as it can simply and rudely stimulate the player’s brain and produce a sense of coolness, it’s enough!

   It is no wonder that Zhang Sirui has opinions on this location.

   Obviously, Chen She’s current experience store location is not compatible with the super dream “The Embers Will Extinguish” being developed by Lishan Technology!

   After this super dream comes out, it is likely that no one cares about it.

   But what Chen She wants is this kind of effect.

   Not only that, after playing the super dream of “Castle Escape”, I also thought of how to design the super dream that makes money from small blogs.

   Chen She said to Zhang Sirui: “Go, go back to the company.”


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