Virtual End

Chapter 107 - Fear of inadequate firepower

July 3rd, Thursday.

Chen She continued to study the results of this time in the field base of Lishan Technology.

Now, he, the chief copycat of Lishan Technology, has a backlog of many tasks.

The drawings of the advanced base vehicle obtained from Liu Zhilin need to be copied.

The guns and weapons obtained from the Icefield Defense Group and the Melen Bank Group need to be copied.

The daily construction of the base will continue. In addition to the regular training plan, Chen She previously said that he would arrange time for the Snow Farm and Tianchi Road Construction Company, and now it is almost on the agenda.

New Chaomeng is also under development.

As for the fact that the previous investigation team was almost completely destroyed, it did not cause too much trouble.

For Chen She, this quietness is an extremely dangerous hint.

Just like news, the smaller the number of words, the bigger things will happen. News that is not allowed to be reported at all means that this matter is too big!

Sergeant Vaolet, as the only surviving police officer of the entire dpd special operations group, is the direct leader of this investigation. He was picked up as soon as he left the exit, and three days have passed, and there is still no news.

There is no report on this investigation on the Internet or on TV.

Many people on the Internet asked about the results of this survey out of curiosity, but these statements either disappeared inexplicably, or the popularity was very low.

Some other news and hot spots were topped to the top to confuse everyone’s attention as much as possible.

For most ordinary citizens in Dawn City, they still live as usual, and they don’t feel that anything major has happened.

But Chen She knew very well that this matter would never end like this. Maybe in a while, a special investigating team on Silver Star will be sent to investigate this incident.

Although they were not restricted to their personal freedoms, the second-level members who participated in the operation were told not to leave Dawn City and must cooperate with the investigation.

Chen She has no doubt that if he tries to leave Liming City, he will be arrested immediately as a dangerous person with major suspicion.

At present, the Liming City Council must have been in chaos. After all, the survivors’ confessions pointed to the Fujitang Group, saying that it was the Fujitang Group’s forces and the Temporal Knights that colluded with the investigation team and caused such a heavy loss.

Although it is impossible to uproot the Fujitang Group based on these confessions alone. But this kind of accusation has been enough to make the senior figures of the Fujido Group feel devastated.

So far, what happened underground has become a pending case. Before the next investigation team goes deep underground, these big consortia will definitely be arguing. Become a complete mess.

For Chen She, this kind of political structure on the old soil is beneficial to him.

Because the power on the old soil is very loose, the Dawn City Council is actually a loose organization composed of major consortia and does not have such strong law enforcement powers. Therefore, the efficiency of handling such extreme incidents will be very low. In the process, they will inevitably wrestle with each other.

In this way, Chen She will have more time to prepare.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside Chen She’s exclusive workshop.

Chen She looked up and saw that Li Yunhan had arrived.

“Captain, I have something to ask. You said before that “Ultimate Happiness is to build this Chaomeng and also release the Hei Chaomeng version, but I don’t know how to make the Hei Chaomeng version?”

“Now that the development of Chaomeng has entered a critical period, if you want to design some content for Hei Chaomeng, you must reserve a good place from the beginning.”

Although Li Yunhan also participated in this operation, the rest of the Chaomeng R&D department continued to develop this new Chaomeng according to the previous plan.

After Li Yunhan came back and took over the development work, he found that it was almost time to finalize some details.

After all, Hei Chao Meng needs to make some specific modifications on the basis of the original Chao Meng, if the original Chao Meng matrix or gameplay is not supported at all, then it will not be changed.

“Another possibility is that this super dream’s black super dream only greatly enhances the transmission of emotions, and will not conflict with the original mechanism.

But when it comes to “Extreme Happiness is to build this super dream, the situation is different.

Chen She nodded, of course he had already planned for this.

This super dream was indeed made to flatter the Silver Star Federation. Anyway, the funds can be defrauded from the Silver Star Federation, and how much can be deceived.

And not only is it cheating money and space-time particles, but it can also dispel the suspicion of Lishan Technology and increase security.

However, Chen She has never forgotten that Chaomeng, as a special media and art carrier, also shoulders the mission of awakening ordinary people in the old soil.

The role of Hei Chaomeng is to allow ordinary people to feel this kind of rebellious intention more accurately and to arouse the spirit of rebellion.

Moreover, Hei Chao’s dream is good, and Lishan Technology will not be exposed.

The impassioned speech given by Chen She at the regular meeting of the legislators gave everyone a strong sense of confusion, making them feel that Lishan Technology is the biggest victim of the black super dream industry, so even the black super dream promotes No matter how rebellious things are, no one would think that these black super dreams were made by Lishan Technology itself.

Chen She said: “Hei Chaomeng’s approach is very simple.”

“First, change the part of Chaomeng to automatically build robots, and restore them all to become laborers again.”

“Secondly, the player in the Hei Chao dream is no longer experiencing the game from the first perspective, but from the perspective of the laborer.”

Li Yunhan’s eyes lit up: “Wonderful!”

He had thought about several black super dreams before, but after hearing what Chen She said, he realized that there was such a simple and efficient way.

The title of this Chaomeng is called “Extreme Happiness is Construction. The title really fits the content of Chaomeng very well.

People can indeed feel the ultimate happiness in the process of planning and construction. It is human instinct to be able to watch a city rise from the ground under their own planning and be full of vitality. This kind of happiness is human instinct.

But what if what you experience is not the creator’s perspective, but the lowest level of labor?

It’s really fun to be a racer and drag racing on the track, but what if you are not a racer, but the fuel in the tank?

There is no need for any complicated gameplay, just change the perspective, and the content of this super dream will be different in an instant.

Li Yunhan nodded happily, “Understood, Captain! I will simply design Hei Chaomeng, and strive to make Chaomeng and Hei Chaomeng online as soon as possible!”

Chen She nodded, and then exhorted: “Hei Chaomeng appears later than Chaomeng, but it doesn’t need to be more than three months late, it’s about one month later.”

Chen She kept the previous lesson firmly in mind, if Hei Chaomeng and the regular version of Chaomeng appeared at the same time, it would be a fake, and it would easily arouse suspicion.

However, the interval should not be too long, as it will appear deliberate. And it can’t highlight the fatal loss suffered by Lishan Technology.

A month or so late. Let the heat of the official version of Chaomeng ferment a little. At this time, the emergence of a black super dream can not only remove the suspicion of Lishan Technology, but also make everyone’s understanding of this super dream change drastically. The timing is just right.

Just as Li Yunhan wanted to turn around and leave, Chen She stopped him again.

“Wait a minute, I have a question for you.”

“Do you think our previous operations still lacked weapons and equipment?”

“If you were asked to choose a new type of gun, what gun would you choose?”

Li Yunhan was stunned, “Captain, you should ask Zhang Sirui about the gun.”

Chen She shook his head, “No, Zhang Sirui is a gun expert, and his opinion does not represent an ordinary soldier. I hope you can think about it from the perspective of someone who is not very good at using guns, and then rebel soldiers. In what direction should China’s equipment develop.”

After thinking for a while, Li Yunhan said: “If the captain lets me choose, I would like to choose a high-precision smart sniper rifle that is more powerful and can automatically aim.”

“I had fired a lot of shots before, but I didn’t seem to hit the enemy with a few shots. Although my marksmanship is fine, the opponent is also a well-trained soldier who moves very fast and will subconsciously look for cover.”

“The greater power means that the bullet can penetrate obstacles, and if there is an automatic aiming function, it can effectively kill the enemy even if the marksmanship is not good.”

“In this way, people like me who mainly fight with cold weapons can also play a role in this situation.”

Chen She nodded, “Well, I think so too.”

“Our firepower is still somewhat inadequate, and our firearms are not smart enough.”

“Okay, nothing else.”

After watching Li Yunhan leave, Chen She began to consider how this new gun should be made.

The firearms used by the Resistance Army in this operation were also good. After all, it was an elite squad. All the most advanced guns in the Resistance Army were carried.

But even so, Chen She still felt that there were some shortcomings.

The biggest problem is that the firepower is not enough!

This time Chen She brought the rebels and did not know how many times they intercepted the Black Umbrella Group and the Fujitang Group. Although they occupied the dominant terrain each time, they did not cause too serious damage each time, but only caused a certain amount of harassment to them. .

In fact, the main casualties of the two forces, the Black Umbrella Group and the Fujitang Group, were caused by fighting with each other.

If it weren’t for the fact that these two teams happened to kill each other, they would not be able to withdraw from each other. Once they counterattack decisively and rush to the commanding heights, the consequences may be disastrous.

What if the rebels had a more powerful and accurate sniper rifle?

Maybe it will be solved faster.

And there are many fluke factors in this battle. If next time the Resistance has to deal with the enemy alone, or if the terrain does not have an advantage, it will not be as smooth as this time.

So we must pay attention to weapons and equipment!

This time, Chen She obtained some of the latest firearms from the commander of the Icefield Defense Group. Compared with the firearms in the hands of the rebels, this batch of firearms obviously has a generational difference.

If the Bingyuan Defense Group and Lishan Technology were in a head-to-head confrontation at that time, Lishan Technology is likely to suffer a big loss.

The Bingyuan Defense Group encountered the special group of Gao Jingwu who had mastered synaesthesia and was not afraid of bullets, so they ate turtles.

But this does not mean that the gun is useless. On the contrary, Chen She felt that he should make good use of these guns, transform and upgrade them as much as possible, and turn them into standard equipment to arm all the resistance fighters.

Only strong firepower can give people a strong sense of security.

“What are the elements of a good sniper rifle?”

“Able to open the mirror, with automatic aiming function.”

“It’s so powerful, it’s killed by one blow.”

“As long as these two points are met.”

“By the way, there is also a very key point, that is, it is best to effectively kill people who have synesthetic ability, and make up for this shortcoming to be considered an excellent sniper rifle.”

Although the sniper rifle produced by the Icefield Defense Group meets the first two points, the effect is obviously not good when dealing with some enemies with synaesthetic abilities.

For Chen She, of course, the original system of the sniper rifle should be modified to make up for the shortcomings while inheriting these advantages.

But it is not easy to make up for this shortcoming, after all, the caliber of firearms is so large. People who master synaesthesia often have strong self-healing ability and can quickly repair their bodies through time and space materials. Small calibers can hardly cause fatal damage to them.

“In this case, the caliber should be increased a little bit.”

“If you want to cause effective damage to people who have synesthetic ability, then the caliber should be at least. 10 times higher.”

“But this way. The overall structure will change, especially the flight speed may be severely weakened.”

“Um… it’s okay, this is easy to solve, just add more space-time particles.”

Chen She finally encountered his area of ​​expertise. For him, speed and power are minor problems, because they can all be solved by adding space-time particles.

The principle is very simple, that is, Lida bricks fly!

Anyway, as long as more space-time particles are added to the bullet to ensure that there is enough power when it is fired, the speed will not be slow.

As long as space-time particles are added to the bullet, the power of the bullet is greatly increased, or even a small-scale explosion, then the power of this sniper rifle can be guaranteed.

As for the modified sniper rifle, what does it matter if the muzzle is increased by 10 times? It’s just that the power has increased a little bit.

Of course, such a rough change will cause corresponding changes in the structure of the entire gun body, but Chen She does not need to care about these, after all, his profession is a creator. These changes can be done naturally She used rare alloys and space-time particles to quickly create a prototype sniper rifle.

Compared with the original gun of the Icefield Defense Group, the appearance can be said to be quite different.

But on the whole, Chen She thinks it should be considered a sniper rifle, but it has a larger caliber.

This change will also bring some new problems: for example, the bullets are too expensive and inconvenient to carry.

These bullets are also 10 times larger than the original bullets, and there are many space-time particles in them, and each bullet is expensive to build.

But for Chen She, these are minor problems. As long as you can cure your lack of firepower phobia, what does it mean to spend more money?

The lives of resistance fighters are much more expensive than these weapons.

When space-time particles are gone, you can earn again, there is no need to reluctantly.

As the size of the bullet has grown, the number of bullets that everyone can carry will decrease accordingly. Chen She thinks there are two ways to solve this problem.

The first is to avoid fighting unsure battles as much as possible, and to ensure that the battle can be ended before all the bullets are exhausted. This requires every resistance soldier to be more proficient in the use of this weapon, and strive for everyone to become a sharpshooter, and not to empty the gun casually.

The second is to find a way to make bullets on the spot or find other ways to carry them.

But these are not big problems for Chen She, anyway, first solve the problem of gun power. Then solve the problem of bullet logistics.

With the first prototype gun, Chen She felt very satisfied.

He decided to take this gun to Zhang Sirui to see and listen to the opinions of professionals.

If there is no problem, the foundry on the base side can almost be arranged for mass production, and strive to provide all the resistance soldiers with a hand!

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