Virtual End

Chapter 45 - Servants and miracles

   Chen She looked up and down his first servant.

   He is like someone who came out of “The Embers Will Extinguish”. If he goes to play at this time, he will surely surprise all players.

The difference between    is that his appearance is plain, he has no characteristics, and is different from Chen She.

   The brother Persuade in the previous “The Embers Will Go Out” looks somewhat similar to Chen She. But “Ember” is not, it is a public face, and it will not leave any impression on people.

   This is because Chen She, considering some special circumstances in the future, may need Embers to go out to perform special tasks.

   If you look a lot like yourself, isn’t that tantamount to planting and blaming yourself?

   In the future, I will not rule out the possibility of making the servant exactly the same as myself and acting as a stand-in, but it is still not needed.

   Chen She can control Ember to do anything, just like possessing him. But when Chen She didn’t control him, he wouldn’t have too high intelligence, he could only act as a pure thug, executing some simple instructions.

   In addition, the height, weight, figure, etc. of Ejin are all standard ordinary people, even a little thin and weak.

   Chen She can consume space-time particles, embody the ember in the real world, and can modify its appearance. Embers can not only act as a bodyguard to protect Chen She’s safety, but also perform some special tasks if necessary. Even if it is lost, time-space particles can be resurrected.

   As a new human who relies on physical fitness to feed on, Ember is not good.

   This is what Chen She deliberately did.

   Because the faster the minion upgrades, the faster the creator upgrades. Once Chen She upgrades quickly, no matter by any means, Epsilon’s synesthetic power will also increase rapidly, and the situation will become more and more difficult to control at that time.

   Therefore, Chen She hopes that the slower Ember upgrades, the better.

   Chen She’s heart moved, and a knight in heavy armor holding a two-handed sword appeared in the world of consciousness.

   And Emben was wearing a tattered knight suit all over his body, without any protection function at all, and just holding an ordinary dagger in his hand.


   Chen She gave an order, and Embers immediately rushed towards the knight.

   But in the next second, he was hacked to death by the knight.

  Ember, as a servant, has no consciousness and emotion of his own, but constantly acts according to Chen She’s plan, so he can only repeat the process of death continuously.

  According to the normal opening method, the creator should create a continuously improving training environment for the servants. In the process of continuous training, the servant can be promoted, and the creator can also be promoted.

   But Chen She’s goal was exactly the opposite. In order to prevent Epsilon’s goal from succeeding, he could only slow down his combat power as much as possible.

   After solving the servant problem, Chen She began to consider what the first “miracle” he wanted to create should be.

  The so-called miracle is a certain creation that can hardly be completed in the real world and can only exist in Chen She’s spiritual world.

  Although this kind of creation still needs to comply with certain rules in general, the requirements are much more relaxed than the strict rules of the real world.

   And these miracles created through imagination can be used as some kind of secret weapon and hole card to achieve certain specific goals.

   Chen She thought for a while, and felt that the first miracle he created should solve his most pressing problem.

   is safety!

   Because he really can’t afford to die.

   Now he is the leader of the resistance army, and he is passively plotting to overthrow all the big consortium plans. Once exposed, the enterprise coalition army will hit the door, and this resistance army will be destroyed.

   If it’s just like this, it’s okay. After all, Chen She is already preparing to go to the wilderness to establish a base. As long as the enterprise coalition does not lay down a sky and earth net, this resistance army still has the hope of shifting positions and running to the wilderness.

   But now Chen She’s identity is not just the leader of the resistance army, he is also the parasite of Epsilon…

   Once Chen She died, Epsilon would bring him back to life. But each resurrection is one step closer to the complete recovery of Epsilon.

   In the end, all human beings become space-time creatures, the end of the world.

  According to Epsilon, this can be regarded as an immortal body in a certain sense, but it is only in exchange for the future of all mankind.

   So Chen She really can’t afford to die. His death will not only involve the resistance army, but also everyone in this world! If you are not careful, it will be the end of the world.

   Therefore, Chen She feels more insecure than ever.

   live! There is hope when you live!

   Therefore, Chen She considered repeatedly and decided to name the first miracle he created “Pendulum”.

   Its shape is very simple, it is a huge pendulum standing on the desolate snow field, constantly swinging.

   It’s just that every information it reveals is symbolic.

   Above the huge pendulum are three circular instrument panels. There are no specific readings on them, but it can be seen that the pointers point to different areas. From left to right, they are green, yellow, and red. The more the pointer goes to the right, the higher the degree of danger.

   And the readings of these three dials will affect a risk index together. The higher the risk index, the faster the pendulum swings.

In other words, if the pendulum is close to static, it means that Chen She is very, very safe; if the pendulum swings quickly, then Chen She will start to think about his own way; if the pendulum keeps pumping like crazy, then Chen She is almost OK Ready to uncover the coffin and rise up, waiting for the end of the world to come.

   Chen She gave a symbolic meaning to the three instrument panels on the pendulum after some consideration.

   The first dial represents the risks brought by the huge profits of Lishan Technology Group.

   The second dial represents the increased visibility of the company and Chen She, as well as the risks brought about by the changes in the surrounding forces’ attention to him.

   The third dial represents the risks brought about by changes in the morale and fighting spirit of the Resistance Army.

   The more Lishan Technology Group makes more money, not only means more military expenditures for the rebels, but also means that other big chaebols will regard it as a commercial competitor. Various spying activities will certainly emerge in endlessly, increasing the risk of exposure.

   The increase in company and personal visibility will attract attention from all kinds of people, and it will be pitted by some enthusiastic fans, maybe.

   As for the rebels, not only are their morale soaring and they may rebel, but they may also take risks if they are frustrated. Therefore, as long as their mentality is unstable, they will bring risks.

   As for the Time and Space Knights, of course it is also a huge instability factor, but the problem is that Chen She currently has too little information about the Time and Space Knights.

   To put it a little bit more metaphysically, it is that the connection between time and space is not strong enough.

   Therefore, it is impossible to add the element of the Knights of Time and Space on this pendulum.

   There is no specific numerical value on the dial. This is because this dangerous estimate cannot be accurate to the numerical value. It can only be a vague estimate, full of metaphysical meaning.

   Although creators can create miracles in the spiritual world to a certain extent, they can forcibly ignore the logic of reality and various restrictions, but they are not omnipotent.

   This pendulum is the most perfect state Chen She can achieve.

   After finalizing the plan, a huge pendulum rose up in Chen She’s imagination in his world of consciousness!

   Immediately afterwards, all kinds of pale golden space-time particles that symbolize the connection of time and space merged into the three dials above the huge pendulum, causing their hands to fluctuate.

   The pendulum is activated instantly!

   Chen She couldn’t help but be overjoyed, he succeeded!

   Although Chen She feels that the principle of this miracle is not very complicated from a metaphysical perspective, after all, this thing still has a certain chance of failure. It is of course a good thing to be able to activate successfully.

   In the future, it can be used as a danger indicator, always reminding Chen She of possible dangers.

   “Let’s take a look at the level of my current danger?”

   Chen She looked at this huge pendulum seriously.

   After the three meter pointers above each turned and stopped, the huge pendulum began to swing from side to side.

   If 0~10 are used to describe the swing speed and the degree of crisis, the degree at this time is about 7.

   “…Sure enough, it’s actually perilous now.”

   “If I didn’t create this pendulum, but forcibly brainwashed and told myself that there was not much danger, it would be impossible to have a clear understanding of my true situation.”

   Chen She looked at the pointers on the three upper dials, which respectively represented “profit risk”, “attention risk” and “fighting risk”.

   Profit risk and attention risk are both moderately high, while fighting spirit risk is low.

   This result was generally expected by Chen She, but the risk of fighting spirit was unexpected.

   “Sure enough, the popularity of “The Embers Will Extinguish” brought me a huge profit and attention risk.”

“The logic is simple: the more you make money, the higher the reputation, the more attention the whole society will pay to Lishan Technology. Those big chaebols, especially Changye Entertainment Group, who regard Lishan Technology as an important competitor, will definitely do their best. Most likely to watch our every move.”

   “Even all kinds of eavesdropping and spying activities are ubiquitous.”

   “Originally they came to spy on trade secrets, but if they are not careful, they will find out more surprising things than trade secrets…”

   “It is a good thing that the risk of fighting spirit has been reduced. It may be that the previous series of measures have worked.”

   “First, the eight-hour work system was forcibly implemented among the Resistance fighters, and then some gangsters replaced some resistance soldiers to do the foundry work, and the “Embers Will Extinguish” replaced “Desperate War”…”

   “These measures can reduce their fighting spirit.”

“It’s also fortunate that “The Embers Will Extinguish” has played a role in reducing the fighting spirit of the resistance, otherwise the pendulum will not take off? In that case, I have to think about running away now, and it is impossible to stay in Dawn City anymore. NS.”

   The first servant “Ember” and the first miracle “pendulum” have been completed, and then there is nothing else to do in the world of my own consciousness.

   is nothing more than embers will constantly upgrade in the world of consciousness, and the upgrading of embers will also drive Chen She to upgrade.

   As for the pendulum, for his own safety, Chen She must look at the various risk indexes at intervals.

   Now that everything that should be done is done, it is almost time to release Epsilon.

   After Chen She had this idea in his mind, Epsilon once again appeared in front of him in the same state as before.

After    was kept in confinement for a period of time, Epsilon’s temper seemed to improve a bit, and he was still drinking tea leisurely.

   However, Chen She is very clear that most of Epsilon’s state is pretending to be.

In the future, Epsilon will probably jump a few times between “demonstration to confuse the crowd” and “anxious depravity”. He will not simply give up the bewitching of Chen She, and every time the bewitching fails, he will inevitably Will be frustrated.

  Epsilon finished his tea leisurely, then stood up, turned his back to Chen She, and looked at the huge pendulum.

   He is observing the changes in Chen She’s consciousness world.

   “Oh? Not bad, I can see that you have spent a lot of effort to save yourself.”

   “The shape of this pendulum is very good. The creator is worthy of being a professional with artistic talent. Any creation has such characteristics.”

   “Wait, this creation doesn’t seem to be just a simple shape. It is inextricably linked to your spiritual world in time and space, and it is likely to have a function of instruction…”

   “The creator has such a powerful force, you used it to create a danger indicator??”

   “The man in tattered clothes was the first servant you created? You actually created a new human without any strangeness?”

  Epsilon was very calm at first, but he was quickly shocked by everything in front of him.

   After a while, he shook his head with a mocking expression: “Stupid, too stupid!”

   “Creator is a profession with infinite possibilities. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the creator of the world and the creator. In order to limit my power, you deliberately created such a pile of garbage?”

   “It really disappointed me!”

   “Do you think that if you deliberately suppress the power of your servant, you can prevent me from gaining control of this body? You think too simple!”

   “The power of the servant is very weak, and your power is also very weak, and the strong space-time connection will make you encounter more and more crises, and once I die, my process can move forward greatly.”

   “Your struggles are all in vain.”

  Epsilon faced the pendulum and ridiculed Chen She.

Although Epsilon’s profession is a curse scholar and does not fully understand the details of the creator’s abilities, a large part of the creator’s abilities also comes from synesthesia. Epsilon relies on his synesthetic knowledge and You can also guess about the feeling of time and space activities.

   In fact, Epsilon did still take a breath until now.

It was originally a very suitable object to seize the house, but now I do everything possible to not cooperate with me. Not only that, but I also put myself in confinement for such a long time. How can Epsilon, who has always been the chief priest of the Time and Space Knights and the only one, can bear it? ?

   Seizing this opportunity, of course, we must take a good look at Chen She’s mentality.

   Once Chen She’s mentality gets out of balance and he abandons himself, his plan can be easily achieved.

   However, when he turned around, he realized that he was the only one left in the entire spiritual world.

   Chen She has already left.

   Epsilon froze in place.

   A moment later, he made a voice of incompetence and rage.


   After returning to the real world, Chen She took a sigh of relief, feeling that he had settled his mind.

   He didn’t continue to listen to Epsilon’s persecution. In fact, from Epsilon’s non-stop attitude of picking, Chen She had already determined that his direction was mostly right.

   But he is not in the mood for the time being to accompany Epsilon to play in the mud in the world of consciousness, so he should first deal with the things in front of him.

   Chen She went to the Chaomeng R&D department and found Lin Luxi.

   Tomorrow Lin Luxi is going to accept an interview with Times Media Group. Chen She feels that there are some things that must be explained to her in advance.

  The reason is very simple: after Chen She created the “pendulum” in the world of consciousness, he used this very metaphysical method to determine one point, that is, the risk of popularity is still very high!

   And at this time, if everyone knows that the president of Lishan Technology Group is also a hidden producer, then these media will definitely still do everything possible to find opportunities to interview Chen She.

   There are even some media that may secretly take pictures, eavesdrop, and even do more things with no bottom line.

   But Chen She is definitely not a person who can stand a deep pick.

   Therefore, Chen She made up his mind that in the future, all things like Super Dream will be pushed to Lin Luxi.

  Because Lin Luxi is a cute girl who looks harmless to humans and animals, in some cases, she is naturally protected.

   For those competitors and major media, Lin Luxi will not pose too much threat to them, it seems to be relatively harmless.

   And Lin Luxi didn’t know that Chen She’s heart was twisted around, so he wouldn’t be confused. What’s more, Chaomeng was made and edited by her herself, and she knows all the details very well, so she doesn’t know anything about it, and she won’t reveal anything.

   After calling Lin Luxi aside alone, Chen She asked: “I’m going to accept an interview tomorrow, are you nervous?”

   Lin Luxi nodded: “A little bit.”

   Chen She comforted: “It’s okay, it’s true that it’s a little nervous. Besides, there may be many interviews like this in the future, once you’re born and then matured again.”

   “I ask you, if the host asks, who designed this super dream, how do you answer?”

  Lin Luxi thought for a while: “Of course it is the design plan you made, Mr. Chen, and I am responsible for making it.”

   Chen She immediately shook his head: “No, you designed it, yourself!”

   “From design to production, it’s all done by yourself. It has nothing to do with me. Even if I have decided on the general direction of Chaomeng, try not to say it!”

   Lin Luxi was taken aback: “Isn’t it possible? Mr. Chen, what should I do if they ask some questions when I can’t answer them?”

   Chen She replied: “Who told you that you must answer all their questions? As long as you don’t know the questions, they must be some secrets related to the core of our design, and they must not be answered.”

   “So, when you encounter a problem that you don’t understand, I will give you a few templated answers, and you can choose yourself.”

   “The first one: This is inconvenient to disclose, it is related to some core details of the design, sorry.”

   “The second one: I didn’t actually think about this at the time. It was more like a flash of inspiration, so I just did it.”

   “The third, this is the final result of adjustments based on player data dozens of times after the release of the demo version.”

   “When you encounter a question that you don’t know how to answer, just tell these three answers back and forth, do you understand?”

  Lin Luxi still felt something wrong, but seeing Mr. Chen so determined, he nodded: “Okay Mr. Chen, I understand.”

   Chen She nodded slightly: “Well, yes, I look forward to your first interview with victory!”



   April 9th, Wednesday.

   Lin Luxi came under the headquarters building of Times Media Group in Liming City, and looked up, a little nervous.

   Times Media Group, as a giant company, has news buildings in all large cities on the old soil. Although it can be regarded as one of the top consortia, Times Media has been more and more impacted by Tianji Network Group in recent years and is gradually going downhill.

   But for now, Times Media Group still holds a huge advantage in news information.

   Although the world’s science and technology are advanced and the news industry is getting more and more serious impacts, this form of news is not going to die out completely. After all, it has an irreplaceable advantage compared to the Internet media and other communication channels.

   Actually, the media that wants to interview Lishan Technology is definitely not the only one called Times Media Group.

   But of course Chen She doesn’t want to be exposed too much, because the more exposed, the more attention he receives, and the more attention he receives, the easier it is to get into trouble.

   But if you refuse all of them and don’t answer an interview, it will seem strange, but it will cause more suspicion.

   So after some consideration, Chen She decided not to come forward and let Lin Luxi go.

   Moreover, only one interview with Times Media Group will be accepted, and none of the other interviews will be accepted.

   In this way, it will not get too much attention due to overexposure, and it will not be too low-key and lead to suspicion.

   Lin Luxi looked back at the several resistance fighters who followed him, and saw that they were more nervous than himself.

   It’s just that the nature of tension is different.

   Lin Luxi is nervous because she has never given an interview.

   But it was the first time for the rebel fighters to come to the headquarters of these large consortiums. They felt that there were enemies everywhere, and they couldn’t bring weapons when they passed the security check, so they were a little nervous.

Lin Luxi was a little helpless, so he could only comfort him: “We are safe in the inner city, and there will be no danger. Don’t be so nervous, as if you are going to fight, we just come to participate in an interview, and we can go back after it is over. “

   “You have a natural expression, relax, yes, relax.”

   In addition to them, there were three resistance soldiers staying in the car, keeping their guns and weapons. In the event of an accident in the building, everyone fled to the underground parking lot, and they could escape directly.

   Of course, this is just the rebel soldiers habitually planning for the worst.

   But Lin Luxi and others did not bring weapons. After going through the security check, they came to the studio where this interview was located.

   A blonde hostess greeted the group of Lishan Technology Group very kindly, and even hugged Lin Luxi.

   “Hello Lucy, I am Grace, the host of this interview.”

   Grace’s actual age is already thirty-six or seventeen years old. Although she is not too young, due to the existence of some anti-aging drugs, she looks like she is only in her early thirties.

   It is a pity that the genetic technology in this world is mainly used for improving physical fitness. Although there are some medicines for improving height, weight, appearance, etc., the effect is not so obvious, and it can’t talk about earth-shaking changes.

   Many people are more inclined to bionic prosthetics and plastic surgery.

   Grace is the host of Time Media in Dawn City, which shows that Time Media Group attaches great importance to this interview.

   It’s just that when she was young, she was not a very beautiful beauty. Although she was very good, she was not absolutely top-notch. To achieve such a status, she relied on some “special means.”

Fake news and biased reports are commonplace, and a TV show called “Interrogation” that really made her famous, in this show, she is as aggressive as a prosecutor in responding to suspected respondents During the interrogation, many people couldn’t stand the pressure and confessed on the spot, and some committed suicide because they couldn’t bear the pressure.

   As for how many of these are pre-arranged program effects, and how many are true, it is unknown.

However, after that, the TV show “The Interrogation” was closed for various reasons. After Grace gained a high reputation, she no longer made some extraordinary moves in order to be famous as before, because she was already standing The head position of this profession.

   Many people feel that Grace’s interview style has changed. She was aggressive during the “Interrogation” and was always keen on cooperating with some fake news to bombard fake targets, but then gradually became peaceful.

   But in fact, Grace’s style has never changed. Her style is highly consistent with the style of Times Media Group: that is to chase the heat at all costs.

   It’s just that the standing position is different, so the behavior style will naturally change.

   “The Embers Will Extinguish” has set off a revolution in the field of super dream industry, and so far no one has been able to really tell where its greatest advantage lies. This is like a huge mystery that plagues the entire Chaomeng industry, as well as players and audiences who love Chaomeng.

   In this case, this interview of Times Media Group naturally has a huge degree of attention.

   For Grace personally, this interview also has a key mission that is not for outsiders.

   Before the beginning, Grace looked down the stage without showing a trace.

   The two sat down on the sofa where they were interviewed. Grace said softly, “Don’t be nervous, it’s just a chat between friends. Just talk about some of the content during the making of the super dream.”

   “I believe you can make a unique super dream like “The Embers Will Extinguish”, should you have a lot of thoughts you want to share with us?”

   Lin Luxi answered her with a sweet smile very politely, and his heart became even more nervous.

   Because she was talking silently in her heart, but I’m just a tool person, this super dream is all designed by Mr. Chen!

   But she couldn’t really say it, because before she came, Chen She had already agreed with her.

   Mr. Chen said, you are the producer of “The Embers Will Extinguish”. All the content of this super dream is designed and developed by you, and you have also produced and edited it. When the time comes, you can answer when you know, and use those three universal sentences if you don’t know.

   Lin Luxi didn’t know whether Mr. Chen’s method would work, so he could only take one step at a time.


   This interview is for live audiences. It will be broadcast on Times Media’s channel after the recording and editing are completed.

   But Lin Luxi didn’t know that many of these live audiences actually came from various chaebols.

   Fujido Yuki is among them.

   One of his staff members sat next to him, and said in a low voice, “This female producer is mostly a puppet pushed out by Chen She. I think these two super dreams were mostly made by Chen She.”

   “I still think that this Chen She is definitely our confidant. If it can’t be used by ourselves, we should find a way to get rid of it!”

However, Fujido Yuki shook his head: “Too reckless. Assassinating the president of a company? Not to mention that the security of the Chen consortium is not weak. The key is, even if it succeeds, what about the “Special Enterprise Law”? Has the Fujido Group become the target of public criticism?”

   “The’Naraku Project’ is in a critical period. It cannot be extravagant and everything must be shelved. What’s more, this kind of risk is far greater than the benefit.”

   “Also, what you think is too shallow.”

   “At first, I suspected that Chen She was the real producer of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, but after seeing more clues, I changed my mind.”

   “All signs indicate that this Lin Luxi is indeed the soul of the Lishan Technology Group. As for Chen She, although he is Lin Luxi’s boss, he shouldn’t intervene too much in the matter of Chaomeng.”

  The staff was a little surprised: “Why do you see it?”

   Fujido Yuki sold a pass: “Watch the interview patiently first, maybe my guess will be verified soon.”

After    met the host Grace on the stage, he pretended to scan the front row of the audience inadvertently.

   found a few familiar faces.

   “Merlen Bank Group, Long Night Entertainment Group, Tianji Network Group, Weimu Technology Group…”

   “Even Vilford Heavy Industries Group and Pioneer Mining Group have come?”

   “There are more companies. Although they haven’t been there, they are likely to be waiting for the interview.”

   “The Long Night Entertainment Group definitely wants to get some information about “The Embers Will Extinguish” through this interview, and solve this puzzle faster. After all, their stock prices have plummeted, and they must be very anxious.”

   “Merlen Bank Group should also want to invest in and control Lishan Technology, while Tianji Network Group and Weimu Technology Group should want to observe the specific situation of Lishan Technology and seek opportunities for cooperation.”

   “Vilford Heavy Industry Group and Pioneer Mining Group, like us, want to open a breakthrough in the Chaomeng industry…”

   Fujido Yuki started his reasoning habitually again.

   Since the last time that shipment was robbed in the wilderness, the Fujitang Group has also conducted some investigations, and all signs point to the rebels in the wilderness.

   However, the rebels in the wilderness are so fascinating that they may be hidden in some secret bases or in the settlements in the wild. It really takes too much manpower, material resources, and financial resources to track down.

   Although the Fujitang Group was very irritated by the robbery of this batch of materials, even for the Fujitang Group’s branch in Dawn City, this batch of materials is not very important. The loss is indeed not small, but it is completely within the tolerable range.

   Fujido Yuki originally suspected the Chen family group, but after meeting with Chen She and personally spying on information, Fujido himself dispelled this suspicion.

   Then, the investigation was interrupted.

  Because if you want to go to the wilderness to conduct a thorough investigation, it consumes too much resources. The Fujitang Group’s branch in Liming City has more important tasks.

   Someone also proposed privately, hoping to ask the Knights of Time and Space for help, and make some speculations through time and space contact. But Fujido Yuki refused again, also not wanting to grow out of the box.

   Therefore, this incident was temporarily shelved, and Fujido Group only upgraded the security level of the team to try to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

   After that, Fujido Yuki has been busy with the internal affairs of the company. Until now, he has developed a keen interest in Lin Luxi, the super dream producer.

   Recently, Lishan Technology has sprung up and has become the hottest Super Dream production company.

   Fujitang Group was of course discovered at the first time, and checked the details of Lishan Technology Group.

   Fujidō Yuki had been seeking to control the Chen consortium before, and he was fancying the super dream development ability of the Chen consortium.

   Fujido Group is a long-established consortium whose main business includes arms, heavy industry and technology products, etc., but these businesses have some deteriorating trends.

   They are very eager to enter the super dream industry.

  This point is the same for all established consortia, including Vilford Heavy Industries Group and Pioneer Mining Group.

  Because industries will transfer, emerging industries will absorb the blood of old industries. If they cannot complete the timely transformation, they will soon be defeated by the emerging chaebols including the Long Night Entertainment Group and Tianji Network Group.

   It’s not that these old chaebols have never tried to dream of Chaomeng, but they have invested heavily in the establishment of a new department to produce Chaomeng, but they all failed.

  The reason is very simple. Their departmental structure and organizational model are based on the old set. If they have nothing to do with money, they can’t hire talents, so they can’t compete with Changye Entertainment Group.

   Therefore, they can only find a way to buy some ready-made Chaomeng R&D companies.

   Now I found out that a Chaomeng production company that is more promising than the Chen Consortium has suddenly emerged. Of course, I need to investigate.

   After investigating the result, Fujido Yuki was confused.

   Because he discovered that Lishan Technology is clearly a subsidiary of the Chen Consortium?

   Although the “Special Enterprise Law” provides certain protections for corporate information, which cannot be found on the Internet, the Fujitang Group can still find out the clues through some channels.

   This matter made Fujido Yuki very confused.

   On the one hand, the Chen Consortium is not a super-large consortium. It also has a Chaomeng R&D department. Is it necessary to set up a new company and start over?

   On the other hand, “Desperate War” can be regarded as a successful super dream, why not continue to use the trademark of the Chen Consortium? This will also have a certain continuity and bring some old players to the new Super Dream.

   Fujidō Yuki feels that the establishment of an additional Lishan Technology Group is to take off his pants and fart.

   But he was pretty sure that Chen She’s move must be for a reason.

   Fujido Yuki’s various speculations will be finalized in this interview.

   If his guess can be verified, then one point: This cute girl who seems harmless to humans and animals is actually a genius Super Dream producer who Chen She did not know where to dig! And “The Embers Will Extinguish” is indeed from Lin Luxi’s handwriting.

   Not only that, Lin Luxi actually has a very high right to speak in the Lishan Technology Group, and may even surpass Chen She!

   Fujido Yuki reasoned like this.

  Why did you want to create Lishan Technology Group when it is completely unnecessary? This is the key.

   Obviously, this is a concession in order to give Lin Luxi a higher right to speak in the branch.

   After a simple analysis, Fujido Hiroki found that the super dream of “Desperate War” is far from “The Embers Will Extinguish” and “Walking in the Garden”, and it is a completely different design concept.

Considering that Chen She has always been the president of the Chen Consortium, and has not shown much super dream design talent before, there is only one explanation for this situation: after making “Desperate War”, Chen She realized that he was not The material for Chaomeng, that’s why Lin Luxi was hired and asked her to be responsible for the design of Chaomeng.

   After Lin Luxi became the person in charge, he really lived up to expectations. He not only changed “Desperate War”, but also developed such explosive super dreams as “The Embers Will Extinguish” and “Walking in the Garden”.

The reason for the establishment of Lishan Technology Group is obviously to allow Lin Luxi to gain more voice in the branch, so that she does not have to be constrained by the high-level figures of the Chen consortium, and also shows Chen She’s trust in Lin Luxi. And respectful.

   Therefore, after an analysis, Fujido Yuki believes that Lin Luxi is the key figure of the Lishan Technology Group and the entire Chen consortium, and is indeed the producer of the two super dreams!

   Therefore, Fujido Yuki secretly planned with Grace to ask her to ask a few key questions during the interview.

   Fujidō Yuki will use the way Lin Luxi answers questions to determine if she is a key figure in the Lishan Technology Group, as she inferred.

   To be sure, who is the real producer of “The Embers Will Go Out”!


   After simple equipment debugging, the interview officially began.

   Host Grace decided to start with a simple topic: “Lucy, I would like to ask first, what kind of opportunity is it that made you decide to develop a super dream like “The Embers Will Extinguish”?”

   Grace is very clear. On the surface, it seems that this is a very simple question. It is nothing more than talking about the inspiration at the beginning of the birth of Super Dream.

  Inspiration can come from daily life, from design concepts, or even from some other super dream…all right.

   But in fact, this issue will reveal some key information inadvertently.

   Because “The Embers Will Extinguish” is an epoch-making super dream work, you can deduce its core from the source of inspiration. As long as Lin Luxi neglects to take precautions a little, it is possible to reveal some key information.

  Fujido Yuki under the stage also pricked his ears and listened carefully.

   Lin Luxi thinks this is a very simple question, but she is worried.

   How do you answer this?

   If you tell the truth, the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish” was designed by Mr. Chen. How does she know the specific source of inspiration? There is no answer at all.

  Lin Luxi thought for a while. When he encountered a question that he didn’t know how to answer, he could only answer the three omnipotents that Mr. Chen taught him before.

   The first and the third are definitely not appropriate, so you can only use the second one.

   “Actually, I didn’t think about it at the time, just a flash of inspiration, so I made it.”

  Grace was taken aback for a moment, but she didn’t expect that the girl Lin Luxi looked harmless to humans and animals, but she was very vigilant and not fooled at all.

   Fujido Yuki showed an expression of “I knew it”.

  Grace is also a professional host after all. Knowing that it is meaningless to entangle this topic, she hurriedly changed the topic: “Sure enough, such excellent super dream works are often inspired by the emergence of geniuses.”

   “And what surprised us the most was the good results of “The Embers Will Extinguish” in terms of training. How do you do this? Is there any secret?”

   Lin Luxi used the standard answer again: “Sorry, this is not easy to disclose, because it is related to some core details of Chaomeng.”

   Grace Todo Yuki still hasn’t received any valid information.

Grace continued to ask: “In fact, many gold medal producers have speculated that the reason why UU Reading “The Embers Will Extinguish” has such a good training effect is because of its special difficulty. Then I would like to confirm this. How do you consider the difficulty of this super dream?”

   Lin Luxi couldn’t help but feel a little surprised, thinking that President Chen is really amazing, and he has figured out the standard answers to all the questions for me in advance.

   She once again used the standard answer given by Chen She: “Actually, this is the final result of dozens of adjustments based on player data after the release of the demo version.”

   appeared to have answered on the surface, but in fact there was no answer at all.

   because it is just a correct nonsense.

   This is like someone asking, why are you Super Dream fun? The answer is that we Super Dream pays attention to player feedback.

  Excellent Chaomeng must value player feedback, but paying attention to player feedback may not make a good Chaomeng!

   Three consecutive questions hit the wall, and Grace was a little surprised.

   The opposite person is really very vigilant.

   Sure enough, people can’t look at their faces, and the producer who can make “The Embers Will Go Out” is definitely a smart person.

   While in the audience, Fujido Yuki further confirmed his speculation.

   He tilted his head slightly and said to the staff around him: “Have you seen it? My guess is correct.”

   “This Lin Luxi is very vigilant, not fooled, and does not disclose any information that might reveal the secrets of “The Embers Will Go Out”.”

   “This is even more explanatory. She must be the core figure in Chaomeng’s research and development. She is very clear about the core of “The Embers Will Extinguish”. She knows what can be said and what can not be said, so she can answer it perfectly!”

   The staff was puzzled: “Is it…Is it like this?”

   Fujido Yuki nodded very surely: “It must be! If you don’t believe it, continue to look back.”

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