Virtual End

Chapter 49 - Spatiotemporal broadcasting

Spatio-temporal broadcasting?

Chen She seems to have some vague impressions, and there seems to be something similar in the memory of the original owner.

However, Chen She hadn’t thought of this before, mainly because in the eyes of the original owner, this thing was obviously useless, so he didn’t leave much memory and no deep impression.

But for Chen She, this did inspire him to some extent.

So Chen She threw the sculpture that was just finished to Su Zhiyong: “Take it.”

Su Zhiyong was overjoyed and retreated thankfully, while Ji Yongkang envied and hated him. Why didn’t he hate himself earlier?

But after Su Zhiyong had already rushed to answer, he really couldn’t think of a better answer.

Chen She did not intend to follow up in detail, because he had not yet fully figured out the details of the two men. It’s not a big problem to pretend to ask casually, but it’s not appropriate to ask in depth.

Moreover, most of Zhang Sirui also knows this information.

Chen She asked: “How is space-time broadcasting used?”

Zhang Sirui briefly talked about it, and Chen She had a more comprehensive understanding based on his previous memories.

Of course, this world has the Internet, but its structure is different from Chen She’s previous life.

After all, the wilderness of this world is a large area of ​​no man’s land. Whether it is cable or optical cable, it will be quickly eroded by time and snow. The traditional network architecture model cannot sustain the long-term and large-volume transmission demand.

But after all, there is something magical like space-time particles in this world.

Therefore, the Internet in this world is called the “hash space”. Its characteristics are similar to the hash algorithm of a hash function, which can convert data into a sign, which is very close to every byte of the source data. Relationship.

And its biggest feature is that it is difficult to find the reverse law.

Therefore, the hash space can be regarded as the world’s Internet based on computing power and space-time particles. It can use space-time particles as the media to integrate all intelligent terminals in the world into such a virtual cyberspace.

But it exists completely in the virtual world, it is the second home of hackers, and no company or organization can fully control it, not even the Silver Star Federation, because its existence does not depend on any entity. The server or host is a virtual space formed by the communication modules of countless devices under the action of space-time particles.

Even some powerful companies can only control a part of this space, but cannot control all of it. And the basic rules of this space rely on extremely complex algorithms and the characteristics of space-time particles, which can hardly be changed.

Moreover, the boundary of the hash space can be expanded, but it requires a lot of computing power to mine it slowly.

Of course, for most ordinary people, they don’t need to understand these characteristics of the hash space, they just need to know, whether it’s the daily communication used by the bracelet or the Internet, or some networked gameplay methods used in the Super Dream game pod. , It is enough that the architecture is based on the hash space.

The spatio-temporal broadcast is a special existence attached to the hash space.

In fact, although it is difficult to find the reverse law in the hash space, it is difficult for ordinary people to trace the source, but for some top hackers, this is not a problem.

After all, there is a way in this world called “computing power”, and the stronger the computing power, the more able to get in the hash space.

For example, the profession of primary gene and secondary computing power is called “network surveillance”. As the name suggests, their advantage lies in tracking the position of the enemy on the Internet and physically destroying the enemy in reality.

The profession of the primary computing power and the secondary gene is called “stray hackers”. They are essentially different from the “hackers” who use pure computing power. They are physically good, and they are very good at changing places and being monitored by the network. The possibility of touching it and killing it is lower.

Therefore, the hash space is not absolutely secure. This anti-tracking function can prevent some small fish, but it cannot prevent top hackers.

Although space-time broadcasting is also attached to the hash space, with the help of mysterious space-time particles, the mysterious synaesthetic ability is added to it, making it a more mysterious and untraceable special channel.

In this world, the five ways of ability can be integrated with each other. Although the greater the path gap, the higher the difficulty of integration, but the rarer and more powerful careers will be generated after successful integration.

For example, synaesthesia and arithmetic are two incompatible ways, so the professional curse scholar with the main synaesthesia and the assistant calculation, and the professional forecaster with the main arithmetic and assistant synaesthesia are very rare professions.

Needless to say, the curse scholars, Epsilon relies on all kinds of weird abilities to become the handle of the time and space knights; and the forecaster, although the combat ability is slightly weaker, can accurately estimate the time, snow and time and space activities. It is also as rare and precious as the giant panda.

When and who created spatio-temporal broadcasting, it is difficult to verify because it is too mysterious. It may be related to the Temporal Knights at first, but since it is an open channel, anyone can join.

As a result, it slowly developed into an existence somewhat similar to the “dark web”, where it can transmit and exchange information that is not visible and afraid of being physically eliminated by network surveillance along the network cable.

Zhang Sirui explained: “Although space-time broadcasting sounds very good, in fact, it has a lot of problems.”

“The reason why the Rebels did not maintain their channels in time and space in their heyday was because it was not cost-effective.”

“First of all, if you want to join the space-time broadcasting, you need to consume precious space-time particles. If you want to build your own channel and spread your thoughts to other people, the space-time particles you need will increase exponentially.”

“In other words, if you can’t make money from time-space broadcasting, then this thing is a pure loss.”

“Secondly, because of the untraceability of spatiotemporal broadcasting, its rules are elusive, and the information received is also unpredictable, so it’s completely random.”

“Space-time broadcasting has two modes, one is similar to simple broadcasting, and the other is close to chat rooms.”

“The former is a broadcast source that broadcasts content to many people, while the latter is where several people communicate freely in the virtual space of time and space broadcasting.”

“But the problem is that both the former and the latter are completely random. The person who broadcasts the radio cannot be sure who his message will be broadcast to; the person who listens to the radio is not sure what kind of broadcast he will hear; and chat It is completely unpredictable what kind of people will be met in the room.”

“Because space-time broadcasting has a certain relationship with synaesthesia, how to match it is very metaphysical, no one can tell.”

“What’s more, time-space broadcasting does not mean 100% security. Although it is indeed impossible to track technically, the matter of’information dissemination’ is inherently risky.”

Chen She nodded slightly, and Zhang Sirui had already made it clear.

Space-time broadcasting is indeed a very special existence. It is attached to cyberspace in a rather mysterious and metaphysical way.

Unlike the characteristics of the network, its advantage lies in a high degree of confidentiality. If you set up a channel on space-time broadcasting, you can broadcast some content at will. It is impossible for anyone to reversely lock the position of the broadcast source in reality in space-time broadcasting.

In the hash space, many top hackers can be tracked back and physically eliminated.

However, spatio-temporal broadcasting just looks beautiful, but it actually has many problems.

It needs to consume time and space particles, which burns too much money; it is completely impossible to choose the audience and the object of communication, and it depends entirely on luck and metaphysics; and it is not 100% safe.

For example, to broadcast, there must be content, right? The wider the scope of the broadcast, the more content to be disseminated, others can always infer and guess your identity, and gradually it is still possible to lock the approximate range in reality.

Therefore, many large consortia have joined the space-time broadcasting, mainly because it is not bad for money. You can use this channel to get some information that is not available through conventional channels.

But for small businesses and small organizations that don’t have much money, they burn space-time particles to join space-time broadcasting, which is a bit of a prodigal, and the price/performance ratio is very low.

It’s just that Chen She wondered, isn’t this perfectly meeting his needs?

Because his original purpose was to spend money, burn space-time particles, and balance the risks. Space-time broadcasting can learn some information. For Chen She, information is always the most precious.

You never know that a seemingly trivial piece of information will come into play in some future event.

As for the issues of time-space broadcasting, they are not so important.

The matching mechanism is very metaphysical? It doesn’t matter, Chen She himself is full of metaphysics now, even if he matches the people of the Space-Time Knights, it will be fine. Anyway, in the time-space broadcast, he will not threaten the real self, and can obtain more information.

As for safety issues, there is no need to worry about it in the short term. Because Chen Shegang didn’t plan to broadcast by himself at first, he was going to be a low-key listener. As long as he doesn’t speak, he is absolutely safe in the time and space broadcast.

Thinking of this, Chen She stood up: “Go, go back to the company.”

At the same time, the Liming City Branch of Fujitang Group.

Fujido Yuki looked at the holographic projection opposite the desk, slightly surprised.

“Mr. Rob Ryan, our two companies don’t have any cooperation projects. You suddenly called me this time. Any advice?”

In fact, Fujido’s remarks were already very polite.

Long Night Entertainment Group and Fujitang Group are more than nothing cooperative projects? It’s almost like a state of incompatibility!

Because Fujido Group is a representative of an established consortium.

Originally, Fujido Group relied on the business of ordnance, foundry and high-precision technology products, and the mix was pretty good. Although it is not the best in every field, the product quality is often criticized, but fortunately there is a certain price. The advantages.

But with the rise of many emerging consortia, Fujitang Group, like the old chaebols such as Vilford Heavy Industry Group and Pioneer Mining Group, has gradually gone downhill.

It’s not that Fujido Group has never thought about dreaming, but almost all attempts have failed.

Here, the obstruction of Long Night Entertainment Group is of course indispensable.

The old chaebol and the new chaebol were already in a state of incompatibility, so the Fujitang Group was surprised by Rob Ryan’s communication request.

Rob Ryan, President of Long Night Entertainment Group, smiled slightly: “The friction between our two companies is just normal business competition. From a personal point of view, I admire Mr. Fujido’s talents very much. In the face of interests, I believe that we will each other. You can let go of your prejudices and work together.”

Fujidō Yuki was silent for a moment and asked, “You mean…Lishan Technology?”

Rob Ryan nodded: “Mr. Fujido is really smart.”

Fujido Yuki connected many things in an instant.

Lishan Technology has posed such a substantial threat to Long Night Entertainment Group. How could Long Night Entertainment Group do nothing?

If it’s just the success or failure of a Chaomeng, it’s okay, this kind of loss is completely within the tolerable range of Long Night Entertainment Group.

But “Embers Will Extinguish”, as a super dream that Long Night Entertainment Group cannot understand and cannot replicate, has achieved great success. Not only has the stock price of Long Night Entertainment Group plummeted, it has also caused an earthquake in the entire Super Dream industry.

In other words, although Lishan Technology is still a small company, it has actually broken through the moat of Changye Entertainment Group and dug its foundation!

Long Night Entertainment Group can develop into such a huge giant chaebol, but it does not rely on law-abiding operations.

Rob Ryan is not a weak leader, it is impossible to remain indifferent to this.

Fujido Yuki smiled slightly: “But, why do we Fujido Group have to take a trip to this muddy water?”

Rob Ryan said: “Mr. Fujido doesn’t have to be stupid, you should already know the information we can get.”

“Lishan Technology is ordering large quantities of components from some suppliers, and the new production line seems to be launched soon. This is enough to show that they will start to develop and design some technology products on their own, especially bracelets and Super Dream game cabins.”

“Leave aside the bracelet for the time being. With the technical capabilities of Lishan Technology’s “The Embers Will Extinguish”, whether this super dream game pod will pose a threat to the Fujitang Group’s business… You should know more about it.”

“Don’t worry, we have reached an agreement with the Gaoke Group, and neither of the two products of Lishan Technology will be successful.”

“But this is not enough. We also hope to do some tricks around their experience store…”

The smile on Fujido Yuki’s face gradually disappeared and became serious.

Rob Ryan is right, Fujido Yuki did get the news that “Lishan Technology is ordering a large number of accessories to make bracelets and super dream game cabins.”

This kind of normal business activities is not necessary and impossible for Lishan Technology to completely conceal it.

Although these two products have a direct competitive relationship with Fujido Group’s products, Fujido Yuki feels that this matter is a bit tricky and not easy to handle. After all, Lishan Technology is protected by the “Special Enterprise Law”.

What’s more, Fujido Group’s “Naraku Project” is in a critical period, and Fujido Hiroki doesn’t want to be out of line.

But now, with the help and cooperation of Long Night Entertainment Group, this matter can be reconsidered.

Obviously, Long Night Entertainment Group cannot extend its hands to Dawn City and the experience store. After all, Long Night Entertainment Group is headquartered in the Central Federal District, and the security forces of Long Night Entertainment Group are relatively weak. A large part of the security forces are It was bought directly from the Icefield Defense Group.

It is somewhat unrealistic to rely on Long Night Entertainment Group to engage in small actions in these experience stores in Dawn City.

Therefore, Rob Ryan thought of Fujitang Group.

After a moment of silence, Fujido Yuki said: “What about the “Special Enterprise Law”? If we openly act on Lishan Technology, the consequences will be serious.”

Rob Ryan smiled: “I believe in Mr. Fujido’s ingenuity, this little thing can’t trouble you.”

Fujido Yuki looked at the holographic image in front of him and nodded after thinking about it for a moment.

He had planned to wait and see the changes before, but now that the Long Night Entertainment Group is ready to make a move, the opportunity arises and he must decisively seize it.

If Lishan Technology can really suffer a major blow and business plummets, then his goal of digging Linluxi and even Lishan Technology’s entire Chaomeng R&D team will become easier to achieve.

Thinking of this, Fujido Yuki showed a meaningful smile on his face: “Then wish us in advance and have a happy cooperation.”

Conference room on the ground floor of the Chen Consortium Headquarters.

Chen She recounted the matter of joining the time-space broadcasting to several main persons in charge present.

The people in charge didn’t say anything, they were all waiting for Chen She’s explanation.

Obviously, they feel that it doesn’t matter whether there is something like space-time broadcasting or not. It’s a bit of a loss to join at present, but they are still prepared to listen to Chen She’s statement.

Chen She coughed slightly and said, “I think about time-space broadcasting in this way.”

“We must expand the strength of the resistance army, expand the fire of the resistance force, and after all, we must strive to change people’s thinking and cultivate suitable soil.”

“But just a super dream is not enough. After all, the super dreams we make on the surface can’t be too explicit, and this kind of obscure hint is not intuitive enough after all, and some people may not have too many associations. “

“So, I think from now on, we should join the space-time broadcasting, on the one hand, try to obtain more information that is beneficial to us, on the other hand, we can also start to spread our own thoughts of the rebels.”

The people in charge looked at each other and nodded.

Chen She was a little surprised, but no one raised any questions?

It seems that the reason for this time is quite valid. Chen She’s own big tricks and the halo of cursing scholars do not give these persons in charge any opportunity to question.

Chen She stood up and said, “Okay, if that’s the case, then it’s settled. I will first look at the situation of time and space broadcasting, and if necessary, I will open the Resistance’s own channel in the future.”

“Who knows how to do it? Help me debug it.”

Li Yunhan immediately volunteered: “I’ll come!”

Since coming to Lishan Technology, Li Yunhan has been studying “The Embers Will Extinguish” seriously, and has nothing to do.

This makes him a little uncomfortable, and he always feels like an idler.

Now that I have finally caught something I can do, of course I have to be more active.

Chen She and Li Yunhan returned to their office.

First, put a whole unit of space-time particles into the Super Dream game cabin, and then start debugging.

While busy, Li Yunhan explained: “Captain, the real-time air broadcast is nothing special. You may be disappointed after entering, because whether you can receive useful information and enter some special chat rooms depends on luck. “

“I had a public expense experience at Long Night Entertainment Group before, and I came out within a few days after insisting on it. It’s really meaningless.”

“But this thing is really too expensive. If the Super Dream game cabin is used normally, space-time particles will only be used when experiencing some special super-dreams, and a small bottle of space-time particles will not be used up for several years, but if you connect to the space-time broadcast , A unit of space-time particles is enough for two to three months.”

“So, the back door of the Super Dream game cabin is not complicated. You can change the settings of the communication module. However, since all relevant messages have been deleted from the Internet and it is too expensive, there are not many people who know about it.”

“It’s done.”

Li Yunhan quickly finished his work and stood aside.

Chen She nodded: “I see, you can go out, I will find you if you have any questions.”

“Good.” Li Yunhan didn’t say much, turned and left.

Chen She lay in the Super Dream game cabin, and soon entered a state of light sleep.

To enter the space-time broadcasting, you must first enter the hash space, which is a very concrete virtual world.

In other words, the hash space is the network itself, and the concrete scene you see when you enter the hash space is like a game scene of an online version of Super Dream.

Of course, in the eyes of some hackers with powerful computing power, what they see is no longer these fake game scenes, but something deeper and rooted.

After Chen She logged into Hashspace, he entered his own Skyrim cyberspace by default.

Tianji Network Group is one of the top chaebols on the old soil. It mainly provides various network services, including social platforms, forums, and video sites relying on hash space. It belongs to the largest channel provider. At the same time, it also produces super Dream game cabin.

After most Super Dream game pods enter the hash space, they will be given priority to enter the network space of Skyrim Network Group.

Because the hash space is the Internet of this world, it is a rather abstract concept. Except for some top hackers with extremely high computing power, ordinary people cannot directly access it with their consciousness, so it must go through a concrete cyberspace.

And this Tianji network space is also the moat of Tianji Network Group.

Chen She looked up and down and found that it was a very open pastoral scene, with blue sky, green grass and beautiful scenery.

But this space is limited, only about a hundred square meters.

This is the initial space provided by Tianji Network Group. If you want to expand the space, you will have to pay extra.

As for the purpose of this space, it is very simple. It can be regarded as the entrance to the virtual world of hash space. The consumption here can be regarded as buying the appearance and services provided by Tianji Network Group in the online world, and so on.

Of course, Chen She definitely does not plan to spend money in such a place and give money to Tianji Network Group.

After debugging, Li Yunhan has opened the back door of spatio-temporal broadcasting in this space.

Because space-time broadcasting is dependent on the existence of the hash space, this backdoor cannot be completely sealed at all.

For Tianji Network Group, there is no need to spend so much effort to seal it. Sealing might have the opposite effect and reduce its market share, so it turned a blind eye to it.

This back door looks like a pitch-black hole, which is quite indifferent.

After all, it is something that is not visible, and no one will specially beautify it.

Chen She stepped in, and his consciousness instantly entered a special space.

Everything around has changed, becoming a pure black virtual space, and Chen She himself has also become a pure black figure.

At the beginning, I was a little uncomfortable. After all, everything around was black, like entering a strange silhouette world, but after all, all of this is not seen through vision, but directly transmitted through consciousness, so I got used to it very quickly.

After entering the special space of space-time broadcasting, Chen She’s first reaction was empty!

In fact, spatio-temporal broadcasting can be regarded as a dark version of the Internet in hash space.

In fact, the hash space is also an extremely empty virtual space, everything in it is composed of data and algorithms, but after all, the hash space has been packaged by countless Internet companies, and what really appears in front of ordinary people has been beautified. The later scenes can also be seen as a kind of online super dream.

But time-space broadcasting has not undergone any packaging. It is an existence between a tangible picture and an intangible will.

With such a huge and vast space, there are very few people who are willing to spend time and space on the Internet, and it will inevitably give people a very empty feeling.

Chen She found that he could walk quickly in any direction and even gallop.

This speed is very fast, as if consciousness can span a distance of tens of thousands of miles in an instant, but it’s useless, because this place is really open in space, and the surrounding area is full of uninhabited and pure black, so even if you search around, you can’t find anything at all. similar.

According to the previously known information, what kind of information can be received in the space-time broadcast is quite random.

Space-time broadcasting is called “broadcasting” because it is a bit like traditional broadcasting. You can slowly rotate the button on the radio and try to search for each frequency band. After you determine the frequency band, you can continue to listen, but what you find is pure luck.

And for everyone who enters the time and space broadcast, the searched things are different.

So Chen She’s consciousness began to search around in this deserted space, and occasionally he could hear some noises, but after walking a distance in the direction of the noises and hearing fragments of information intermittently, Chen Sheyou changed his mind. , Turned back.

Because he has no interest in that information.

Although the direct purpose of entering the space-time broadcasting is to consume a part of the accumulated funds and space-time particles, since they are all here, the ultimate goal still needs to be advanced.

Chen She did have the idea of ​​expanding the power of the Resistance through time and space broadcasts and enlightening people in this world, so the broadcasts he received and the chat rooms he joined must be carefully considered.

In the time and space broadcast, Chen She heard some big chaebols and the broadcast of the Time and Space Knights.

Among them, the radio frequency band of the Knights of Time is the most, and the content of the propaganda is quite simple, rude, and brainless. It is to find a way to pull people into the Knights of Time.

In addition, there are propaganda content of large consortia. For example, the Symbiosis Foundation is promoting some specific values, while the Avalon Exchange is advocating a case of virtual currency becoming rich overnight.

There are also some relatively serious business groups, such as Via Medical Group, Qiyuan Education Group, Anxiang Travel Group, sus Network Security Group, and even Auburn Prison Group, which all have their own time and space broadcasting frequency bands.

“I don’t have any other objections. Why the prison group still put aside the daily broadcast… to recruit students for yourself, right?”

“However, according to the setting of the Auburn Prison Group, there is some truth in doing this. After all, most of the people who wander in the time-space broadcast have something on their bodies. Once the crime is committed, they will go to jail. Such a publicity is also accurate. Target audience.”

Chen She couldn’t help but complain to himself.

The Auburn Prison Group is the largest private prison on the old soil, and has close cooperative relations with the Metropolitan Police Department of major cities including dcpd.

Of course, it is also a prison that pays more attention to differentiated services, where the rich can get the same treatment as a holiday.

Promote it on time-space broadcasts, give these wealthy people who may become customers in the future a vaccination, and tell them that if you want to live comfortably before going to jail, you must keep enough money for yourself. Very reasonable.

Chen She is definitely not interested in the broadcasts of these big chaebols, because there is no confidential information here, just mere advertisements, which are of no value to Chen She.

Chen She considered that if he couldn’t search for a more useful frequency band, he might as well listen to the Space-Time Knights.

Although the Space-Time Knights is a bit like a new advertisement, I still don’t know much about the Space-Time Knights. Through this broadcast, you may be able to grasp the latest trends in the activities of the Space-Time Knights.

However, at this moment, some intermittent pieces of information caught Chen She’s attention.

“Technology is the root of all pain…”

“…The powerful force makes people lose, twists their hearts, and is swallowed by desire…”

“Only when human beings give up their power, stop continuing the study of space-time activities, and stop the abuse of space-time particles, can they finally obtain salvation…”

Chen She’s consciousness began to wander rapidly in the time and space broadcast, thinking about the source of the information.

And as Chen She got closer and closer to the source, these voices became clearer and clearer.

I saw a huge high platform in the pure black virtual world, and above the high platform was a figure of a person.

This figure waved his limbs, impassioned, and his voice spread far away and could be heard from far away.

And below the high platform, there are quite a few supporters.

The broadcaster on the high platform looks like a burly giant. If visually measured by the height in reality, it is five or six meters high, while the supporters under the stage are just like Chen She, who are like ordinary people. A figure almost ascending.

Of course, this is all virtual.

In the dark world of time-space broadcasting, Chen She could accurately receive most of the information he delivered when he came within a certain range near this high station.

But this kind of information is still transmitted in the form of consciousness, without concrete pictures, but with certain emotions. It can be regarded as a kind of impassioned and inspiring speech, but the amount and speed of information conveyed by consciousness is faster and richer than language.

And at every critical moment, the figures in the audience will be moved by this emotion, and will respond with a cheering and roaring emotion.

The figures in the audience can’t make sounds or transmit information to each other, but when their thoughts tend to be in the same tone, this kind of mood swings will form a kind of resonance, which is passed through the crowd.

The people on the stage still spread their thoughts impassionedly.

“Through these technologies, those big chaebols have actually realized all aspects of monitoring and control of ordinary people, but the vast majority of people did not use this, thinking that they are living in a safe environment.”

“But in fact, all the secrets and all the privacy in your body, as long as these big chaebols are willing to check, can be found out!”

“So, the root of all pain comes from space-time particles!”

“Before the emergence of time and space activities, it was an idyllic era that belonged to all of us humans. At that time, although we did not have the power to easily change the world, we were able to clearly recognize our own insignificance and we were full of awe of nature.”

“At that time, the relationship between people has natural boundaries. You don’t have to worry too much about your privacy being violated, you don’t have to worry about your life being monitored, and you don’t have to worry about your life being controlled.”

“However, with the emergence of time and space activities, everything has changed!”

“The greatest harm caused by space-time particles is not dangerous space-time activities and space-time creatures, but a complete subversion of the social structure of the old soil!”

“When people have mastered powerful forces, they lose their awe of nature; when big chaebols have mastered technology, they have the ability to suppress all resistance and monitor all people.”

“Using technology, these big chaebols can monitor our lives, weaken our spirit, corrupt our thoughts, and manipulate our lives!”

“The more we indulge in the convenience brought by various technological products, the more we become prey to be slaughtered!”

“Whether it is a homeless person at the bottom or a homeless person in the wilderness, whether it is a worker who can be replaced at any time at the bottom or a middle-level employee who is about to overwork, our identities may be different, but our destiny is the same: we All are just victims under the space-time particles!”

“And the more we are deeply bound to space-time particles, and let space-time particles occupy an irreplaceable position in the cutting-edge products of each of our industries, the closer we are to destruction!”

“The more we rush in technology, the closer we are to the end of self-destruction!”

“So, all of us must unite and use our own strength to overthrow these big chaebols deeply bound to space-time particles and technology!”

“All of us must unite and work together to bring mankind back to that beautiful pastoral era. This is the only way for us to save ourselves!”

After listening to a passage, Chen She roughly understood the central idea of ​​the person on stage.

He is actually emphasizing that the development and utilization of space-time particles, as well as the expansion of personal extraordinary power derived from this, and the abnormal development of science and technology, are the source of the suffering of the entire world.

And if we want to save everyone from this pain, we must resist the abuse of space-time particles, and resist these dangerous new technologies that will control people. The overthrow of the big chaebol is an inevitable process.

Judging from the reaction on the spot, this argument has also received very wide support.

You must know that time-space broadcasting was originally something similar to the dark web, and there are not many people who know it on the old soil. Those who are really willing to spend time-space particles, which are more precious than gold, are even rarer.

Moreover, which channel is searched in spatio-temporal broadcasting is actually very random, so there are very few that can really gather here.

But even so, there are still so many people gathered here, a bit like an offline small concert.

Chen She also watched some big chaebol’s radio channels from afar, and the number of people is far from here.

This suffices to show that the views of this person on the stage really resonated widely.

Because these people will have a second spread in the real world, so these remarks may already have a very huge influence in reality.

Chen She does not particularly agree with this view.

This is mainly because he comes from another world. In that world, there is no such thing as space-time particles, and there is no such strange technological line and such high personal combat power.

But… isn’t everything still about the same urinary sex?

In fact, there is no essential difference.

But after all, people in this world have never seen what Chen She saw.

The appearances of time and space particles, high technology, and powerful personal combat capabilities obscured their vision and affected their judgment.

This is a bit like a lot of workers smashing machines during the Industrial Revolution. Although it seemed that this behavior was stupid and unreasonable, in the eyes of the workers at the time, what else could they do?

They can only see that these machines have taken away their jobs, leaving them with no food and clothing, so they vent their hatred on these machines.

And in this world, the control and oppression of people by big chaebols and technology does exist.

Time and space activities have drastically deteriorated the living environment of the entire world, and it is also true that there is no way to return to the original pastoral era.

Therefore, these people attribute the source of suffering to space-time particles, but there is a certain truth.

Obviously, this person’s thinking is somewhat similar to that of the Resistance Army. They both call for the overthrow of the big chaebols. However, compared with the Resistance Army, this person saw something deeper and proposed some solutions.

Although it’s not right.

“He shouldn’t be a member of the Resistance Army. After all, I have verified with Zhang Sirui that the money of the Resistance Army is basically spent on military expenses. He doesn’t pay much attention to the propaganda work of time-space broadcasting.”

“In other words, he is a mysterious civil opinion leader?”

“I don’t know what his identity is in reality. However, from the point of view that he has the money to run his own time and space broadcast, he can be regarded as an individual who betrays the class.”

Chen She actually wanted to talk about his views and brief introduction. After all, Space-Time Broadcasting is an absolutely safe and anonymous forum.

Even if you curse the chaebol here, there is no risk.

But the problem is that Chen She has not set up his own frequency band now. If it is turned on, the consumption rate of space-time particles will take off on the spot. Moreover, Chen She was afraid to be sure that once his argument was made, it would inevitably arouse widespread support and enthusiastic response.

He can’t say that he traveled from another world. The situation in that world is different, so the real pot is not in space-time particles, but in the capital of all evil, right?

The arguments of the people on the stage are supported by sufficient arguments, so it is easy to resonate. After all, everyone has seen that big chaebols control the lives of ordinary people through technology.

But is there any actual case to support Chen She’s argument? How did he prove that without space-time particles and high technology, the world would still be almost urine-like?

Therefore, if Chen She wants to explain his point of view, he must at least do some preliminary work.

At this moment, the speech of the people on the stage gradually came to an end.

“This is the end of today’s truth broadcast.”

“We don’t own the truth, but we are always on the road of pursuing the truth.”

“Thank you for listening on time again.”

“You can try to join my chat room, maybe you will be our destined person.”

After the people on the stage finished speaking, the figure gradually disappeared, but this high station will still exist, obviously for the convenience of continuing to broadcast at the same time next time, so that the audience can accurately find the location.

At the same time, a black crack appeared under the high platform, like a door.

The dark shadows in the audience immediately stepped forward, but no matter how hard they tried to cross, they always came out on the other side, as if they had passed through the phantom.

This is the embarrassment of the time-space broadcasting mentioned earlier.

Facts have proved that everything in this world that is related to the two words “time and space” has a high probability of being full of metaphysical meaning.

In spatio-temporal broadcasting, the frequency band encountered is very random, and the chat room to join is even more random. Even after letting go of the chat room invitation, it was still random whether he could get in.

It’s no wonder that the Rebels are not interested in time and space broadcasting. Obviously, this kind of thing is completely incompatible with their behavior.

When many viewers failed one by one and the crowd began to disperse, Chen She walked forward and tried to cross the black gap.

What if I can get in?

As soon as Chen She entered, he felt that everything around him seemed to be undergoing drastic changes.

He seems to have come to a new space.

The surrounding scene is still similar to that of time-space broadcasting, and Chen She’s own consciousness is still a black figure.

But the difference is that this time it is no longer an extremely vast virtual space, but has become a relatively small space.

In this space, besides Chen She, there are several black ghosts.

They were turning their heads all together, seeming to be surprised and shocked by the arrival of the new members.


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