Virtual End

Chapter 5 - New company, new super dream

   The morning of the second day.

   The serious person-in-charge meeting was held as planned.

   Chen She came to the conference room a few minutes earlier, thinking about going through his plan again, and trying to make sure that everyone can be fooled smoothly during the meeting.

   He had been studying the super dream industry in this world last night, and he racked his brains to conceive a new super dream, and slept very late.

   As a result, it was probably because of nervousness this morning that I was awakened by a nightmare and couldn’t sleep.

   Chen She vaguely felt that it was similar to the nightmare before, and it became clearer and clearer, able to vaguely remember some fragments.

   He dreamed that he seemed to be walking alone in the vast snowy field. Other than that, he had no special impression.

   “The mental pressure has been a bit heavy recently. After the company plan is finalized this time, I have to take a good rest.”

   “But the memory has recovered a bit.”

   “It’s really cheating, restore these memories sooner, I have overturned all the previous plans…”

   Chen She recalled some memories about the original owner.

   The original owner was originally the only legal heir to the Chen consortium. He was brilliant and talented.

   But when he was studying at a higher education institution at the age of 17, he resolutely joined the resistance army.

  , with his wisdom, personal strength and strong personality charm, soon emerged in the resistance army and became a leader!

   The Resistance Army is a place where talents are used. As long as they have strength, they can win respect. Therefore, although the original owner is young, he is very appealing.

   Later, the resistance army was strangled by the enterprise coalition army and was quickly put out. The rebels on various continents lost contact with each other, fighting on their own, and most of them fled into the wilderness.

   The enterprise coalition army did not rush to exterminate them. In fact, these big chaebols did not put the resistance army in their eyes at all, because the balance of power between the two sides was too disparity.

  Only when the power of the rebel army reached its peak, did these big chaebols join hands to strangle it.

   For the big chaebols, each other is the biggest enemy. They would rather put more power into the new round of corporate warfare!

   In this desperate environment, many resistance soldiers chose to give up, but the original owner succeeded in gathering some determined resistance soldiers and proposed a plan to vacate the cage for birds.

   At this time, the father of the original owner died. As the only legal heir of the Chen consortium, the original owner inherited the consortium and slowly vacated the cage for two years, and finally succeeded in replacing everyone in the Chen consortium with resistance fighters.

  As the heir to the consortium, the original owner used the provisions of the “Special Enterprise Law” to exempt himself from the crime of participating in the resistance army and successfully whitewashed his identity.

   Then he decided to use the Chen consortium to earn more military expenses for the rebels, buy more sophisticated equipment, and choose the opportunity to make a comeback.

   It’s just that some accidents happened during this period, which caused the original owner to fall into a coma, and Chen She also crossed over.

   As for the specific accident, Chen She couldn’t recall it for the time being, and he didn’t want to ask Zhao Zhen.

  Because it is at a critical moment at this time, Chen She must allow his plan to be carried out smoothly.

   After waiting for the situation to stabilize, you can consider asking Zhao Zhen on the sidelines, or maybe these memories can recover by themselves.

   After successfully recalling these memories of the original owner, Chen She couldn’t help but sigh that the original owner is indeed a genius.

   He not only has a firm belief and fighting spirit, but also superb wisdom and strong execution. It is no wonder that everyone in the company is godly and obedient to the original owner.

   But Chen She didn’t think he was so awesome. Before he came through, he was just a hard-working game tester for a normal game company.

   want to lead the rebel army to overthrow the rule of the big chaebol?

  Chen She only wanted to ask himself three words: Is it better to match?

   Not to mention whether Chen She is greedy for life and fear of death. As the leader of this resistance army, he must also consider the lives of these resistance soldiers.

  The big chaebol can be attacked at any time, but if all the resistance fighters in the hand are all sacrificed, but the foundation of the big chaebol cannot be shaken, and it can’t even have any impact on the situation, what is the point?

   Most of the rebel fighters have a tendency of military adventurism.

   This is obviously completely contrary to Chen She’s idea.

   Chen She was a bit contradictory and tangled, and involuntarily showed some solemn expressions.

  Zhao Zhen has also arrived in the meeting room ahead of time. After seeing Chen She’s expression, he comforted: “Chen does not have to worry too much. You have already proven your talent in super dream design.”

   “Look, there was a long comment in the comment section of “Desperate War” yesterday, praising your changes for turning decay into magic.”

   Zhao Zhen lightly tapped a few times on the holographic projection of his bracelet, and then dragged it towards Chen She and shared the information on Chen She’s bracelet.

   Chen She clicked on this long comment and glanced casually.

   “When I played this Super Dream for the first time, I almost wanted to scold the 18th generation of the producer’s ancestors. What kind of **** is difficult?”

   “I got a headshot without seeing anyone, even if the real battlefield is not so outrageous, it’s just a super dream made by the producer who wants to retaliate against the society.”

   “Of course, to be fair, the production of this Chaomeng is still very sophisticated, the weapons and equipment inside are very sophisticated, and the environment of the entire battlefield is also very real. It is not lost to the Chaomeng made by big manufacturers such as Long Night Entertainment Group.”

   “The destruction is the balance and gameplay.”

   “But what I didn’t expect was that the producer of this super dream quickly disappeared.”

   “Not only has the numerical difficulty of the guns been adjusted, but also two new guns have been added. In particular, I think the magical thing is that after the player is beaten into residual blood, as long as the player hides for a while, the blood volume will begin to recover.”

   “This magical change greatly enhances the playability of Chaomeng!”

   “I don’t know if the original producer suddenly got the hang of it, or got the advice of an expert. In short, I think this super dream is a super dream of gunfights that is very worth playing. Players who like war theme should not miss it!”

   After reading this long comment, Chen She’s mood is a bit complicated.

   I have to say that what the hero sees is the same, and the problem analyzed by this player is exactly the same as his own analysis!

It’s just that this player is obviously still too young. He never thought that this super dream was developed by a real resistance fighter, let alone the super dream producer who turned decadent into a magic, he was trapped at this time. In the base camp of the rebels, the ground is not working because it is not working every day!

   Chen Shegang also felt that the difficulty setting of this super dream was too outrageous.

   But now it seems that the group of people he laughed at the company didn’t understand Chaomeng, but the group of people at the company laughed that he didn’t understand the real battlefield.

   Zhao Zhen showed Chen She this long comment. He originally wanted to build Chen She’s confidence and convince Chen She that he could lead the team to develop a more lucrative super dream and move towards the overall victory of the Resistance.

   But it actually had the effect of making up the knife.

   Chen She’s mood is even worse.

   Soon, the people in charge took their seats one after another, all looking at Chen She expectantly.

   Their eyes are very eager, and they all seem to have two characters written: make money!

   Chen She sighed silently in his heart, but he settled his emotions and started to follow the plan he had planned for staying up late yesterday.

   “First of all, it’s about the new company.”

   “I decided to name this new company that develops Super Dream as Lishan Technology Group.”

   The people in charge looked at each other and asked, “Does this name have any deep meaning?”

   Chen She was silent for a moment, and said: “All the oppressed people in this world are the slaves of the big chaebols, and we are the ones who want to lead the slaves to defeat the big chaebols!”

   “Although everyone’s strength is small, as long as everyone is united, they can stand up like a mountain!”

   Many people in charge raised their thumbs: “Okay!”

   “This name is indeed very appropriate, in line with the position of our resistance army, and full of momentum, very recognizable!”

   Actually, Chen She’s name was mainly because of auspiciousness.

   Chen She, the leader of the rebel army who had the same name as him, finally failed because of the Lishan tormentor.

   So Chen She thought, I squatted this word first, isn’t it all right?

   But considering that “Lishan” is a place name, there is no specific intention in this world, which may be difficult to understand, so I changed a word and gave some new meanings so that the resistance fighters can recognize this concept.

   Although Chen She feels that as a materialist, he shouldn’t be so superstitious, he always wants to win a favor when he chooses a name.

  The naming of the new company was decided happily.

   For these people in charge, it doesn’t really matter what the new company is called. If they care about the name, they cannot use the name of the Chen Consortium until now.

  The key is to see what Xin Chaomeng will do.

  Chen She continued: “Regarding the new super dream, I want to make an ancient fantasy background, a cold weapon combat super dream.”

   Hearing this, the people in charge were somewhat lacking in interest: “Cold weapons?”

   Chen She knows why their response has been mediocre. The reason is simple. Chaomeng is not only a tool used by the rebels to make money, but also used by the rebels for daily simulation training.

   Most of the Rebel fighters pay more attention to honing their marksmanship, so the first super dream of the Chen consortium will produce “Desperate War”.

   In their spare time, the resistance fighters will enter the game cabin to hone their marksmanship in “Desperate War”.

   But it was for this reason that Chen She decided to make a cold weapon battle game.

   Of course, this reason cannot be stated clearly. Chen She has already thought out another set of arguments.

   “There are too many shooting super dreams on the market now. Although “Desperate War” is of good quality, it is difficult to break through such fierce competition.”

   “What’s more, we already have a shooting super dream, and making another one will appear to be repetitive in genre. There is no need to compete with ourselves.”

   “Cold weapon combat super dreams are relatively scarce on the market at present, with more Western backgrounds, and most of them are mowing.”

   “So, we have to do the opposite and make a super dream of high-difficult cold weapon combat with an oriental background!”

   Zhao Zhen was a little confused: “Mr. Chen, are you sure you want to do it with high difficulty?”

   “In “Desperate War”, didn’t we just lose the difficulty, and only made money after lowering the difficulty?”

   Chen She smiled slightly. He had expected everyone to ask this question, and immediately said in a very determined tone: “Gunfights and cold weapon fights are fundamentally different, and they cannot be generalized.”

   Zhao Zhen was obviously not completely persuaded by this sentence, but he couldn’t think of a good reason to refute, so he bowed his head and said nothing.

   Other people in charge have similar expressions.

   Obviously they don’t fully agree with Chen She’s statement, and they have quite a bit of criticism about such a super dream that is difficult to use in the daily training of resistance fighters.

   It’s just that Chen She’s previous achievements in turning corruption into magic and saving “Desperate War” have made everyone recognize his super dream design level, so it is not easy to refute directly at this time.

   In fact, Chen She completely agrees with Zhao Zhen’s view in his heart.

   “Desperate War” has proved that the difficult super dreams in this world are not very popular. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

Because the top Super Dream production company represented by Long Night Entertainment Group, the current trend is to give players a strong sensory stimulation through various refreshing or even completely unreal battles as much as possible, and to maximize the characteristics of Super Dream. .

  Super dreams are different from games. Traditional games are an indirect stimulus, while super dreams are a direct stimulus.

   The feelings of refreshment and pain in the super dream can be directly reflected in people’s consciousness.

   That is to say, compared to the traditional game form, the happiness and pain of Chaomeng will be doubled!

   In this case, of course, happy super dreams are more popular.

   And Chen She believes that cold weapon battles cause more pain to players than gun battles.

   The player was shot headshot in a gun battle, but it didn’t hurt much. However, in a cold weapon battle, the player may be chopped a lot of knives to die, which is tantamount to cutting meat with a dull knife.

   This feeling is completely different.

   The resistance army has just robbed a batch of materials from the Fujitang Group. The current economic situation is very good, and the follow-up income of “Desperate War” is gradually increasing.

   Chen She must ensure that this super dream will not catch fire, and must not add fuel to the already high fighting will of the rebels.

   Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen’s opinions are not consistent, but they support Chen She’s ideas more.

   “I think this idea is not bad. Although the cold weapon combat super dream can’t hone marksmanship, it can also hone body skills and fighting will. It’s good to make up for the shortcomings of the brothers. It can’t be said to be completely useless.”

   “Chen, do you have the name and general story background of this super dream?”

   Chen She nodded: “I have already thought about it. The name of this super dream is: “The Embers Will Go Out”!”


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