Virtual End

Chapter 54 - trial

Chen She looked around at the high-ranking resistance army in front of him, his expression becoming more serious.

Obviously these people are not as aware of the seriousness of the problem as he is.

After Chen She reviewed the incident, he couldn’t help being shocked in a cold sweat. Obviously, any mistakes made during this period may cause very serious consequences.

There are indications that the main envoy behind the scenes this time is mostly the Fujitang Group.

The other party asked the gang to besiege the experience store for the dead ghosts, but it was just a feint. Their real goal was to steal Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi.

If their plan can be implemented smoothly, it will definitely be a very big blow to Lishan Technology. And for the Resistance, it is absolutely unacceptable to lose two key high-level personnel.

At that time, even if the experience store repelled the attacks of those punks, the loss would have been irreparable.

What’s more, the Fujitang Group didn’t want to rush over the wall, but just withdrew. The big reason for going back was that the Temporal Knights suddenly attacked their warehouse in the wild.

So this victory has a lot of luck.

For example, the reason why Lin Luxi did not fall into a coma during the first mental attack of the spiritual teacher was because her mental strength was very high and she was able to withstand all kinds of extreme negative emotions and mental attacks completely unaffected.

It is precisely because of Lin Luxi’s characteristics that the Resistance decided to let him be the editor of Chaomeng.

In addition, there are many other unexpected factors.

If Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi didn’t hide their strength, if it wasn’t for Chen She who happened to bludgeon the Temporal Knights to intercept the warehouse of the Tengtang Group, if it didn’t happen that Embers had gained strength and stopped the tamper, if it wasn’t the mysterious mechanical thoughts of Aunt Li. The teacher intercepted the ascetic…

Then the situation at this time may make Chen She extremely passive.

Since these big consortiums have already focused on Lishan Technology, they will definitely not let it go. Will they misjudge the strength of Lishan Technology next time they come back?

The Fujitang Group definitely has a lot of masters with energy fluctuations above level 5. When these masters come out, can Chen She still survive the difficulties like this time?

The answer is mostly no.

However, it is clear that other high-ranking resistance forces do not seem to be sufficiently alert to this danger.

Because they have become accustomed to fighting when the strength of the enemy is great, and they are accustomed to winning victory because of luck for various special reasons.

Their mentality may bring good results when fighting guerrillas in the wilderness, but now that they have entered the city and are already under the eyes of the major chaebols, this kind of thinking is very dangerous.

Although Chen She had already considered moving the rebel army to a base in the wilderness in advance, that was the last way out. Whenever there is a little other way, he doesn’t want to go to the wilderness.

Once the connection with the big city is severed, it means that the rebels have really become guerrillas in the ravines, and it will be even more difficult to quickly grow their strength.

Because the wilderness is uninhabited, there is nothing but a few wanderers and space-time creatures. You can’t incarnate into the time-space knights at that time, and bring a group of time-space creatures to overthrow the big chaebol.

In that case, these people are rebels, or time-space knights?

Thinking of this, Chen She knocked on the table and said in a very serious tone: “I don’t think everyone has paid enough attention to this incident.”

“Although on the surface, we succeeded in turning the risk into a bargain, and hardly suffered any loss, it is clear that we have attracted the attention of a large consortium. This incident may be the chief executive of the Fujitang Group or the chief executive of the Long Night Entertainment Group. It may even be the confluence of these two consortia.”

“Think about it, everyone. How many factors were involved in our success this time was because of the poor information we had hidden, and how many factors depended on luck.”

“If they reassess our strengths and counterattack again, can we still have such luck?”

When asked about Chen She’s words, everyone was speechless.

Zhao Zhen nodded: “Yes, although we have successfully overcome the difficulties this time, we must not take it lightly. This is only the beginning of the crisis, not the end.”

Zhang Sirui said: “If you are afraid of anything, just do it with them! Originally we were going to fight these big consortia, but now we just want to advance this process a bit.”

Chen She shook his head: “How much can you be sure of rashly? How do you know that there is no strong bodyguard with a level 5 energy fluctuation or more around Fujitang? We are too weak compared to these big chaebols. “

“We were able to win this time only because of the poor information and the protection of the “Special Enterprise Law”. It was really head-on, and we have no chance of winning.”

Zhang Sirui couldn’t help but feel a little irritable: “The captain, what do you want to do?”

Chen She looked around everyone: “If we want to win, we must make full use of our advantages, and plan every step of the way steadily.”

“In terms of hard power, we are not dominant, but we have the identity of Lishan Technology as a disguise. In addition, we can also ask for help from other aspects.”

“We must be good at making use of these soft conditions. If we don’t encounter problems, we always want to go head-to-head.”

“First of all, we must buy time. Only when we catch the key evidence that Fujitang Group is planning everything behind the scenes, can we use the “Special Enterprise Law” to defensively.”

Chen She looked at everyone: “From today, everyone has no special circumstances. Don’t leave the headquarters for the time being. Especially Lin Luxi and Li Yunhan. You two will stay at the headquarters and concentrate on studying the new super dream.”

“Little Deer, can you please use your acting skills. I will contact a reporter from the Skyline Network Group to come to the headquarters for an interview.”

“Not only can the development plan of Xinchuangmeng be unstoppable, but it must also be carried out with great fanfare. We must use this new superdream as one of the entry points of our public opinion war, so that this kidnapping incident will get enough attention.”

He looked at Zhang Sirui again: “Third brother, follow me to the prosthetic clinic near the experience store.”

Friday, April 18.

A floating vehicle of Tianji Network Group parked at the headquarters of the Chen Consortium.

A female reporter who appeared to be in her early 30s got off the floating car and shook hands cordially with Li Yunhan, who was in charge of welcoming him.

“Editor-in-Chief Nancy, hello, hello.” Li Yunhan was full of spring breeze, smiling He Xu.

The editor-in-chief named Nancy, who is just in his early 30s this year, is the gold-medal editor-in-chief of Skyrim Network Group in Dawn City. She herself is a mixture of East and West, and has been more influenced by Eastern culture, so she feels a kind of intimacy when she sees Li Yunhan naturally.

“Hello, Mr. Li, hello, I have heard what happened to you. It is really infuriating, too indignant. You can rest assured, I will report truthfully. Use public opinion to give you justice.”

Li Yunhan nodded: “Please come in.”

The kidnapping case on the highway quickly attracted widespread attention. After all, it was a fierce gunfight on the main road leading from the city to the satellite city. This matter cannot be completely hidden.

According to Fujido Yuki’s original plan, he will leave people tied up, and even if public opinion is raging, even if the Chen consortium is crying in the media, or even accusing the Fujido Group, it doesn’t matter, because there is no proof at all.

At best, dcpd made it into a suspenseful case, and it is impossible to actually go to the headquarters of the Tengtang Group.

But Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi weren’t caught, and the situation became completely different.

This time, Chen She deliberately found Tianji Network Group, but did not find Time Media, who originally interviewed Lin Luxi, mainly because of two considerations.

The first is because Times Media is very close to Fujitang Group. Looking for Times Media is very likely to accidentally become an insider. The Skyrim Network Group and Times Media are deadly rivals, and have nothing to do with the old chaebols like Fujitang Group. Although they have a cooperative relationship with Changye Entertainment Group, they also have a mentality of watching the excitement.

After all, Tianji Network Group has the largest network channel. They are not only eager for traffic and popularity, but also have a tendency to attract Long Night Entertainment Group as a channel provider of Chaomeng.

Secondly, because Tianji Network Group and these media are vying for popularity, it can raise the attention of the entire incident to a very high level the fastest. Even if Fujitang Group wants to suppress the popularity, it is too late.

Under the guidance of Li Yunhan, Nancy met Lin Luxi.

At this time, Lin Luxi’s eyes were slightly red, as if he had just cried.

A strong sympathy suddenly emerged from Nancy. She came to Lin Luxi and held her in her arms: “Sister Lucy, don’t cry. Don’t worry, the bad guys who bully you will be brought to justice!”

“Quickly tell my sister about the specific situation that happened at that time!”

Lin Luxi seemed to be trying to calm down his frightened mood, and began to speak with added vigour.

To tell the truth, it would not work. If you let everyone know, it was actually Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi who killed the Quartet and beat the kidnappers violently. Then this can also arouse the sympathy of the fart, and it will only arouse everyone’s attention to the abnormal combat power of the super dream producer of Lishan Technology.

Therefore, Lin Luxi just described the process of the tamperer’s carjacking and the mental attack by the spiritual teacher in detail as much as possible, saying that he was shivering in the business car and was very scared.

And because she was overly frightened at the time, some of her memories have become blurred, only that it was Li Yunhan who fought blood and tried his best to repel the two kidnappers, which protected her safety.

Of course, Nancy wouldn’t ask what kind of strength the two kidnappers really are.

Because Lin Luxi’s character is just an ordinary person with little combat power, how can she tell whether the opponent is a level 3 energy fluctuation or a level 4 energy fluctuation?

Moreover, when Lin Luxi seemed to be frightened, it was impossible for Nancy to ask for details without emotional intelligence, causing Lin Luxi’s soul a second time.

This was obviously a conspiracy, because the Fujitang Group and those gang members had already hacked the surrounding cameras in advance to make the operation smoother. There is currently no image data saved.

Since no one knew what happened at that time, Lin Luxi could use his own image to make up with great effort.

On one side is Chuchu’s poor and talented female super dream producer, and on the other side is the vicious kidnapper. Who would you believe? Isn’t this obvious?

Of course, the messenger behind this incident must know the situation at the time, but it is impossible for them to jump out and correct it.

Announced directly to the public that what Lin Luxi said was wrong. In fact, this girl is a powerhouse with third-level energy fluctuations. She beat up the robbers we sent?

Isn’t that not a confession?

So no matter what Lin Luxi said, the people behind the scenes can only hold back at this stage and let the storm of public opinion continue to ferment.

Whenever they dare to reveal any wind, the overwhelming public opinion will instantly drown them.

Once the public opinion is heated up, and the evidence of these big chaebols secretly instructing is found, then the iron fist of the “Special Enterprise Law” is likely to be smashed.

While Nancy asked questions, Lin Luxi shed tears to herself while telling the whole process, and the lovely and touching scenes were also recorded.

After the interview, Nancy hugged Lin Luxi again. “Sister Lucy, you really suffer! But you can rest assured that all the citizens of Dawn City will be your strong backing. We will never tolerate such vicious crimes. We will do our best to seek justice for you. Catch the real culprit.”

He looked at Li Yunhan again: “Mr. Li, then I will go back first, and I must publish this video clip as quickly as possible, and try to get public opinion to get justice for you!”

Li Yunhan sent Nancy away looking at the floating car going away, with a smile on his face.

In fact, the tamper was still kept underground at the headquarters of the Chen Consortium, but he does not plan to hand him over at this time.

Because this tamperer had seen the whole process of the battle, if he were asked to repeat the whole battle, then for Lishan Technology, it would generate unfavorable public opinion.

After another interrogation, it was determined that the tamperer did not know more inside information, and then he was dealt with secretly, letting him disappear in this world forever.

At the same time, Chen She and Zhang Sirui also came to Jill Lee’s prosthetic clinic.

Chen She and Zhang Sirui immediately thought of Aunt Li’s thoughts about the spirit of the former mechanical teacher to Li Yunhan.

Knowing Chen She is a strong mechanical way, and at the same time, he is tracing the Fujitang Group, and there really is no other person who meets the conditions.

Today, Aunt Li’s prosthetic clinic is also quite deserted. After all, as the shark gang and the jungle club were all caught by Chen Shequan to the factory to screw the screws, there were fewer and fewer gang fights nearby, and naturally fewer and fewer people came here to repair mechanical prostheses.

But obviously, Aunt Li didn’t expect to make money with mechanical prostheses. This prosthetic clinic was just a necessary cover for her. Without business, she could free up more time to do other things.

Chen She noticed that Aunt Li seemed to have a new wound on her right arm. This should not be the wound left by the fight with the ascetic, because according to Li Yunhan’s statement. At that time, the mysterious mechanical teacher gave an output to the ascetic who had fallen from the high-speed main road, and directly used unreasonable firepower to suppress him and beat him to a half maimed.

This new wound may well indicate that Aunt Li has experienced other battles since then.

After seeing Chen She, Aunt Li didn’t explain anything, but waved at the two of them: “Come with me.”

Only then did Chen She notice that this humble prosthetic clinic had an underground secret passage. The entrance of the secret passage was under the operating table of the prosthetic clinic.

There are many cameras and traps densely surrounding this area, closely monitoring the interior and surroundings of the prosthetic clinic.

Obviously, Aunt Li can be said to be as cautious as Chen She in terms of safety.

Coming to the underground secret room, Chen She saw the beaten half-dead ascetic.

He was leaned against a chair by various alloy locks, and he was beaten to blood, but his vitality was still very tenacious.

Aunt Li took out a cigarette. Just about to light it, she remembered that the air in the secret room was not well ventilated, so she took it back and said, “I have finished all the questions I want to ask. You can take it away.”

Chen She asked. “Why help us?”

Aunt Li looked at him: “I am not helping you, I just have to deal with the Fujitang Group just like you, but my strength alone is not enough.”

“Although you are also a chaebol, you still have to do some personnel affairs. It’s okay to cooperate with you.”

Obviously, after Chen She opened the experience store here, Aunt Li’s perception of him has undergone some changes, especially after seeing those shark gang and jungle gang gangsters have changed their minds and re-behaved. Aunt Li also realized that Chen She was different from other chaebols.

At least it is different for now.

In addition, Chen Sheding asked the tramp, and he should have expressed some good feelings in front of Aunt Li.

Chen She didn’t take the person away directly, but looked at the ascetic carefully and asked, “He is from the Tengtang Group.”

Aunt Li nodded: “Yes, although my mouth is very hard, I have a way to get him to speak. If you don’t believe it, you can take it back and ask.”

Chen She asked again: “How did you happen to be at the location of the Fujitang Group’s ambush?”

Aunt Li glanced at him meaningfully and smiled slightly: “I seem to have said that it is better for you to know less about some things. The more you know, the more dangerous it is.”

Chen She sighed softly: “Do I have other options now? If I don’t know all the information, I will only be more dangerous.”

Aunt Li stared at him for a while, seeming to be sure of his determination, and finally nodded: “Okay, then I will tell you everything I know.”

“Just knowing this, you have no turning back.”

“This matter is related to the Time and Space Knights. But the Time and Space Knights are not the mastermind. Do you still remember the frequent disappearances of homeless people before?”

Chen She listened patiently, even Zhang Sirui next to him was a little curious.

Before, he did ask the soldiers of the Resistance Army to secretly investigate the whereabouts of these homeless men, and concluded that their disappearance was related to the Time and Space Knights, but the clue was broken since then.

Later, the priest Grantham of the Time and Space Knights took the initiative to approach the door. Chen She wanted to ask about the tramp several times, but Chen She has not yet established sufficient trust with the Time and Space Knights. There are some problems. Sensitiveness is not easy to speak, on the other hand, because there are more important topics every time, it is delayed.

As a result, I didn’t expect that these things were actually connected.

Aunt Li said: “It was not these homeless people that I wanted to track down, but the Fujitang Group’s Naraku plan.”

“I also came to Liming City after obtaining the corresponding information in other cities, because there are various signs that the Fujido Group base in the field of Liming City is the main experimental site of the Naraku Project.”

“The so-called Naraku plan is actually to connect people’s thinking with the virtual world in a certain way, which can transfer people’s thinking to the virtual world, and can also write the thinking in the virtual world into the human consciousness.”

“Once this is achieved, it means that the Fujitang Group can directly edit human thinking, whether it is to create artificial intelligence or war machines that far exceed the current level, or to brainwash some powerful people, or even to kill some people who are dying. Human consciousness upload.”

“Once it succeeds, then only imagination will limit it.”

“But it is not easy to do this, so the Fujitang Group needs a large number of people to do experiments. It is definitely unrealistic to arrest people directly, and large-scale disappearance cases will cause great concern. And such experiments by the Fujitang Group will inevitably It will trigger collective interference by other large consortia.”

“So the Fujitang Group found the Temporal Knights and established a cooperative relationship with them. The Temporal Knights kidnapped some homeless homeless people for the Fujitang Group to do research, and the Fujitang Group uses time-space particles in return.”

“I have conducted some investigations on the Fujitang Group base in the wild, but I have not been able to go deep so far. So I have been tracking down the people who placed orders in the Fujitang Group.”

“It wasn’t until this ascetic was caught that some information came out of him.”

Chen She couldn’t help but suddenly.

Once the Naraku plan came out, many things were connected in series.

He originally thought that the Time and Space Knights were catching these hobos to supplement the combat power of the Time and Space Knights, but now it does not seem to be. Many of the hobos were given to the Fujitang Group in exchange for space-time particles.

Thinking of this, Chen She couldn’t help but feel a little scared. If he hadn’t had some special connection with the Time and Space Knights, then Xia Lirong would probably not be able to come back either. Either he would be developed into a member of the Time and Space Knights, or he would become the Tengtang Group. Experimental mice.

And this incident also made Chen She more certain that the people of the Time and Space Knights were absolutely unreliable.

This matter must have been secretly led by Grantham. In other words, for space-time particles, the people of these space-time knights can actually do anything, even if they send these innocent homeless people into the fire pit!

Sure enough, in addition to the Resistance Army, most of the other powerful people in this world, whether it is a great chaebol or a time-space knight order, have not put the lives of these ordinary people in their eyes.

However, Chen She possessed a piece of information that Aunt Li didn’t know, and that was that the Temporal Knights and the Tengtang Group had fallen out.

Because the previous cooperation let the Space-Time Knights know that the Fujitang Group stores a large number of space-time particles in the warehouse, so when the performance cannot meet the target, it started to rob the Fujitang Group warehouse directly.

After all, it would be troublesome to catch the tramp one by one, so it’s easier to grab the space-time particles directly.

Aunt Li said again: “Oh yes, he also said that this time it is not only Fujitang Group, but also Long Night Entertainment Group. It’s just that Fujitang Group has obviously underestimated your strength.”

“In the short term, I still advise you not to act rashly. To be safe, and until the Fujido Group completes the Naraku plan, there should be no more large-scale actions against you.”

Chen She couldn’t help but shook his head slightly, thinking, if you say so, our resistance army will be despised.

Is that safe? That obviously just sits and waits to die.

Aunt Li didn’t say much, she looked at the ascetic and said, “You take him away. If you can prove his relationship with the Fujitang Group, it should help you win the battle of public opinion.”

“Regardless of whether you intervene or not, I will use my own way to deal with the Fujitang Group, so we don’t need to deliberately cooperate. Of course, if you can find a way to weaken some of the Fujitang Group’s power, of course I can’t ask for it.”

Chen She nodded and looked at Zhang Sirui: “Take him back to the headquarters and interrogate him first.”

After returning to the headquarters of the Chen consortium, the ascetic was locked up next to the tamperer.

Although Aunt Li has asked for some information, she still needs to be interrogated again at this time to verify the authenticity of the information.

Although this ascetic is indeed related to the Fujitang Group, how to prove this is still a question.

Give it to dcpd? But whether dcpd dare to provoke Fujitang Group is still unknown.

Maybe this ascetic would die in a strange way at that time, and there is no evidence of his death.

Even if the ascetic is handed over to the Skyline Network Group for an interrogation, the Fujitang Group can also say that this is slander. After the battle of saliva is fought, it may not necessarily have the upper hand.

Therefore, Chen She had to carefully consider how this ascetic should use it.

He still needs to be interrogated first, and his psychological defenses are completely broken, and then things will be easier to handle.

Zhang Sirui volunteered to take on the work of the interrogation, while Chen She paced back and forth outside, thinking about the next step.

Chen She couldn’t help but sigh. Before he crossed, he was just an ordinary game tester, how come he became the IQ of the resistance army. Constantly challenging the limits of one’s thinking ability, where does this make sense?

At this moment, Zhao Zhen hurried over.

“Mr. Chen, there is bad news.”

“I just urged the high-tech group about the chip and communication module. They still pushed to postpone it. I think there must be a problem behind this matter.”

“It is very likely that someone is making a fool of yourself and deliberately not letting Gaoke Group sell us chips and communication modules.”

Chen She couldn’t help but his face sank.

Just know that things are not that simple.

I just don’t know if it is the Long Night Entertainment Group or the Fujitang Group that reached the deal with the Hi-Tech Group. They all have the motivation to make Lishan Technology’s new game cabin dead.

But for Chen She, this is not unacceptable.

As a result, the shackle bracelets and uncovered game cabins he planned to produce were originally niche products. Although a new production line has been invested, it has not yet overwhelmed all the assets. Even if it fails, it will not hurt your muscles and bones, but can reduce the risk of profit to a certain extent.

Secondly, he also made a plan in advance for this possible situation.

Chen She said: “It’s okay, then we will no longer consider the Gaoke Group and buy a batch of first-class chips and communication modules from other companies.”

Zhao Zhen nodded: “It can only be done. Although the second-class chips and communication modules will make our products uncompetitive, as long as. A slightly lower price can also stop the loss to the maximum.”

Chen She added: “This batch of chips and communication modules must be delivered as soon as possible, and delivered to me as soon as possible. In addition to purchasing some space-time particles to supplement, I am useful.”

Zhao Zhen nodded, did not ask much, and went to do it immediately.

Time is running out. The production line of the new factory that relies on the bracelet and the Super Dream game cabin is still running normally, and there is a backlog of goods. Electronic products themselves are very time-sensitive. Once new products are launched, old products will quickly depreciate.

The high-tech group’s chip preparation this time has already let Lishan Technology lose the opportunity to a certain extent. Any further delay will only increase the loss. So we must race against time.

And Chen She has made up his mind, he wants to try to use the creator’s ability to slightly modify this batch of chips and communication modules.

Direct hand rubbing is not realistic, because the internal structure of the chip and communication module is too complicated. This is the top technology product of the Gaoke Group. Although Chen She is the creator, he wants to rub the latest hand directly with his current strength. The chip is still very difficult.

Buying a batch of first-class chips for research and research, and making some simple modifications, may be able to redeem the fate of these two products a little bit.

The soundproofing of the interrogation room is very good, but there are still screams and screams from time to time, faintly.

Chen She opened the safety door and stepped in.

Zhang Sirui was stunned for a moment: “Mr. Chen, why are you here? Just leave this dirty work to me.”

Chen She sat down on the side seat and said, “You are busy with you, don’t worry about me.”

Zhang Sirui didn’t ask much, and continued to turn around to work.

There was a scream, Chen Sheqiang endured the discomfort. Forced myself to watch Zhang Sirui interrogate the ascetic.

The reason why Chen She walked in to face this tragic scene was that he could no longer deliberately escape, but to start adapting to this cruel situation.

Whether it is killing Buano or interrogating the enemy, this is a stage that must be experienced in this environment. He is now the leader of the Resistance Army. If he loses his emotions in some extreme situations, the consequences will be disastrous. It is very likely that he will suffer all the soldiers of the Resistance Army.

Being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself, and Chen She must be strong. Let yourself become a person who is ruthless to the enemy, so that you can successfully overcome every difficulty in the future.

However, Chen She found himself adapting faster than he thought.

Perhaps it is because he has a high psychic talent and strong spiritual power, or it may be that Epsilon and synaesthetic power are subtly affecting his spirit. Chen She quickly suppressed this discomfort, and he could look at everything in front of him relatively calmly.

He found that although Zhang Sirui volunteered to take on the work of the interrogation, it was clear that the rebels were not very good at this job.

Although Zhang Sirui is also torturing each other, the profession of ascetic is known for its high tolerance.

Ascetics can endure physical and mental pain. This strong endurance allows them to endure pain in battle and kill the enemy, and also allows them to persist in the interrogation for a long time.

Chen She guessed that the reason why Aunt Li was able to get this ascetic to speak was probably done by using some similar hypnotic methods with mental power.

However, Zhang Sirui could only physically torture this ascetic through conventional means, of course, with little effect.

What’s more, Zhang Sirui himself is not a murderous person, and he can’t do some cruel punishments.

At this moment, Chen She moved into his own world of consciousness.

The moment Chen She entered the world of his consciousness, he found that there seemed to be some slight changes compared to before.

Time snow floated in the sky.

Although Chen She can make any changes in his conscious world, most of the phenomena are directly related to the realization of a certain power in his conscious world.

The time snow represents space-time particles and synaesthetic power, which is definitely not a good phenomenon.

Epsilon still sits in front of the tea table and sips tea leisurely, but this time there is no place for Chen She on the opposite side of his tea table.

“You noticed it too? Although you did limit my strength through embers. But it just delayed the time by a few minutes, and there will be no essential change.”

“Because I have an inseparable connection with the space-time realm, I can still gain power from the space-time realm. Although this process is slow at the beginning, these forces will continue to accumulate.”

“Even without the help of you, my strength will continue to improve.”

“The good news is that you can also use these powers, you can directly use some of the curse scholars’ abilities, and I highly recommend that you use them, because too much synaesthetic power accumulates, and you will be more unable to suppress my power.”

“But please note that every time I use my power, my power will grow faster in the future. So, should I resist these powers, or take a lot of squandering? This is really interesting. s Choice.”

Chen She didn’t say a word, he could tell that Epsilon’s words were indeed true through the changes in the conscious world.

Epsilon’s spirit is in the realm of time and space, and what he appears in the world of Chen She’s consciousness is nothing more than a projection. And because of the existence of this special connection, the synaesthetic power of Epsilon can be continuously transmitted from time and space to Chen She’s conscious world.

Previously, Chen She used Ember’s upgrade method to solve the problem of improving his ability and suppressing Epsilon by mistake, but things are obviously not that simple. Epsilon has other ways to gain power.

Chen She could feel that over time the snow accumulates more and more, and the surrounding black tide is constantly rising.

Chen She can use these powers to consume it, but the problem is that the more frequently it is used, the faster Epsilon can gain power, which is somewhat similar to the effect of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Chen She couldn’t help but sighed. When he wanted to sleep, someone handed him a pillow. It seemed that he was going to be the leader of the cult and was gone forever.

But what can be done? Faced with the threat of a large consortium, Chen She had no other choice.

So he said “thank you”, and then left his conscious world.

Epsilon was stunned, he was a little unbelievable.


According to Epsilon’s original idea, shouldn’t Chen She be furious and yelling at this time? Or at least it should be entangled, not knowing what to do.

Why did you say thank you?

Seeing that the script did not develop as he had expected, Epsilon couldn’t help but was greatly disappointed, standing still on the spot, even the tea in his hands was not fragrant.

Back in the real world, Chen She stood up and said to Zhang Sirui: “Brother, please go out first and leave it to me here.”

Zhang Sirui wiped the blood from his hands, and said unexpectedly: “Mr Chen’s dirty work is not suitable for you. There is no need to dirty your hands. Let me come.”

Chen She shook his head: “You go out first.”

Zhang Sirui didn’t ask much, and before leaving, he said, “Mr. Chen, please call me anytime if you have anything.”

After the safety door closed, Chen She began to look at the ascetic up close.

From the appearance point of view, this person looks a bit similar to Fujido Yuki, and he should have a good life. At this time, his hands and feet were all locked on the chair by alloy locks, and the whole person was already dying, basically not too dangerous.

But even so, his eyes were as firm as a lone wolf. It made Chen She a little doubtful that if he let go, he would cut his stomach and kill himself in minutes.

It has to be said that ascetics do have an advantage that no other profession can match in terms of resisting torture.

But Chen She did not intend to use the same torture method as Zhang Sirui.

Chen She took the space-time particles from his side and put his fingers into the container to absorb the power of some space-time particles.

Then he placed the right hand that had absorbed the space-time particles on the left arm of the ascetic.

“From now on, you will see with your own eyes the whole process of your left hand from aging to decay, and finally turning into bones.”

The ascetic was stunned for a moment, seeming to be a little puzzled, what on earth Chen She was talking about, although he understood every word, he couldn’t understand the true meaning at all.

But in the next second he understood.

Because he watched his original scars, but his muscular left hand gradually became shriveled, as if he was getting tens of years old in just a few seconds.

And this was not over yet, this hand quickly continued to rot, and he could even see maggots crawling on it, and in the end only the thick bones were left. In the end, even the bones were turned into ashes.

His entire left arm just disappeared in front of him.

Immediately after a kind of pain that was difficult to express in words, it pierced into his brain, causing him to scream with extreme screams.

This feeling is like his own arm, first severely burned, and then cramped by peeling skin, and even the sensation of insect repellent drilling back and forth in the arm is mixed, and it suddenly enters his brain. The various pains did not cover each other, all clearly appeared in his consciousness, causing all his ability to withstand it to collapse instantly.

Chen She bent down and said softly in his ear: “I can make this process very fast or slow, UU reading, I can also let you in as long as a year. Slowly changing from a conscious corpse to bones, I think that should not be an enjoyable experience.”

“Do you want to try it, and then share your experience with me?”

Outside the safety gate, Zhang Sirui was a little restless.

He was a little worried that the ascetic still had accumulated power, which might endanger Chen She’s safety. At the same time, he felt that Chen She was wasting time. After all, Chen She was inferior to him in terms of being cruel.

What can be the result of this trial?

However, just as he was nervous, the security door opened.

Chen She said lightly: “He has recruited all of them, let’s keep a record.”


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