Virtual End

Chapter 66 - The rebellious army (thanks to the fanciful leader for the reward)

Compared with the chaos on the ground, the basement of Fujitang Group is a completely different situation.

In the core area of ​​the underground base, Fujido Yuki was pacing back and forth anxiously.

His location at this time is the core area of ​​the Naraku Project’s research and development. A large number of supercomputers are piled up like a mountain, and many senior hackers lie in the Chaomeng game cabin, neatly arranged in rows.

The consciousness of these hackers has been connected to these supercomputers, and they are constantly using these powerful computing powers to construct a special space in the hash space.

At this time, the connection between the outside world and the hash space had been almost completely interrupted, which was caused by the Naraku plan.

These supercomputers consume a large number of space-time particles all the time. They are not only changing a specific area in the hash space, but also continuously expanding the boundary of this area to stabilize it.

Once the transformation of this space is completed, the area will remain in the hash space forever with a special rule, and you can enter and exit at will as long as you pass a special key.

At that time, even if someone destroys the entire base, blows up all supercomputers, and kills all hackers, it will not affect the results of Naraku’s plan.

In addition, there are also many captured homeless people in the underground base, and they are detained not far from here.

The “consumption” of these homeless people is actually very slow, because only when the Naraku Project has phased results, they will catch the homeless people and try to upload their consciousness to that special space or upload some special ones. Consciousness is written into the brain of the tramp.

However, before Naraku’s plan was completely successful, these attempts basically ended in complete failure, and the tramp either became a vegetative or died on the spot.

But even so, the Fujido Group has spent countless lives to gradually pile up a path of death to the Naraku Project.

Now, this road is about to pass through.

Fujido Yuki didn’t know the situation on the ground. He only knew that the special forces originally used to protect the Naraku Project had also been deployed, and most of them went to the ground to support.

This means that the battle is coming to an end. Either the Fujitang Group will eliminate all the time and space knights and preserve all the results of Naraku’s plan; or the time and space knights will come in and turn them all into the rations of time and space creatures.

Fujido Hiroki feels that the former is becoming more and more possible.

As long as it successfully resists this time and space beast tide and preserves the results of Naraku’s plan, then it is logical to blow up the entire base and throw the pot on the head of the time and space knights.

At that time, everything will be dead and unmatched, and neither the Silver Star Federation, other big chaebols, or any other organization will know the truth of all this.

Even if they had doubts, they couldn’t get any more evidence at all.

At this moment, a sharp alarm sounded from the underground base. Not long after, a soldier rushed to report: “Mr. Fujido, an unidentified armed force suddenly broke into the base of the base. We couldn’t prevent it and suffered heavy losses!”

“From the point of view of the combat uniform…it seems to be a resistance army!”

Fujido Yuki’s face was full of shock: “What did you say?”

Did these people fall from the sky? How could it be possible to inexplicably appear inside the Fujido Group’s base in such a short period of time?

Fujido Yuki hurriedly called up some surveillance cameras on the display next to him. He saw a few shield machines breaking through the underground external structure of the base. He also saw the resistance fighters fighting with the unprepared Fujido Group’s corporate defense forces. .

“Why is there a resistance army? Is this the one that hijacked our convoy before?”

Fujido Hiroki was puzzled, because this rebel army was too conspicuous, and he couldn’t grasp any laws at all.

After the Fujido Group’s motorcade was robbed before, Fujido Yuki conducted some searches on the surrounding area. However, after searching the surrounding outlying settlements, they did not find the whereabouts of this resistance army. They seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

And now that these rebels suddenly reappeared, it was definitely the worst news for Fujido Hiroki.

Fujido Yuki said immediately: “Hold at all costs and close all security doors. They must not be allowed to come to the core area of ​​Project Naraku!”

He quickly clicked on the screen in front of him, and then decisively pulled down a physical lever.

After a series of repeated confirmations, all entrances to the entire underground base were locked, and even high-level personnel within the Fujitang Group had no authority to open it.

The security door and wall in the core area of ​​the Naraku Project are already much stronger than the periphery. It takes a long time to break open layer by layer.

For Fujido Hiroki, all he needs now is time. As long as he can get the key to Naraku’s plan, it is equivalent to taking all the results of the plan in his own hands. At that time, he can use the last escape channel to escape.

After Chen She and Zhao Zhen drove a chariot from the underground passage to the base of the Fujitang Group, the fighters of the Resistance Army had already extended their battle lines to the core area.

There are many dead bodies of Fujitang Group staff on the ground, as well as many destroyed equipment parts scattered all over the place, making it a mess.

Not all the people in the internal base are the corporate soldiers of the Fujido Group. Many of them are staff who carry out the Naraku Project and other scientific research projects, and many are those who maintain the daily work of the base, but in this case, it is impossible. Screening them one by one can only eliminate them all.

At this moment, Zhang Sirui’s voice sounded from the shackle bracelet on Zhao Zhen’s hand.

In combat mode, the shackle bracelet will directly use a special communication channel, a bit like a walkie-talkie mode. Zhang Sirui can directly issue instructions to various combat teams to ensure information exchange and transfer in the smoothest form.

Zhang Sirui said: “Come here quickly. The Fujitang Group has blocked all the internal security doors. We must crack the security system of the entire base as soon as possible. The computing power of Lin Luxi and the others is not enough.”

Zhao Zhen said immediately: “I know, I will rush to your place immediately.”

He turned his head to look at Chen She, and Chen She said, “Go ahead and leave me alone. I have enough leeway to protect myself.”

What else did Zhao Zhen want to say. Obviously he was a little worried about Chen She alone, but after thinking about it, he nodded when he was not entangled in this critical juncture. The mechanical exoskeleton on his body burst out with powerful power instantly, and he rushed to the location where Zhang Sirui was.

Fujitang Group closed all security doors in the core area of ​​the underground base. It would be unrealistic to break open layer by layer, and it would take a lot of time.

However, the security system of the entire underground base can be cracked by hackers, so that all security doors can be opened automatically, which is much more efficient.

Of course, this matter is not so easy. After all, although most of the Fujido Group hackers are busy finishing the Naraku Project, there are still a small number of hackers responsible for the network security of the base. The rebels must concentrate all the people with stronger computing power to successfully crack the security system.

As a high-level mechanic, Zhao Zhen and Lin Luxi as a network monitor are of course indispensable at this time.

For Chen She, Zhao Zhen’s absence is a good thing, after all, this will be more convenient.

Chen She was wearing the combat uniform of the Resistance Army, and a full 8 units of space-time particles were hung on its belt.

Of course, these space-time particles are used for combat.

He first recreated the embers in the real world. This time, the embers were neither the super-dream look nor the passers-by dressed in a hoodie, but instead they wore the same combat uniform as Chen She.

After wearing the protective masks, the enemy could not tell the true identities of the two of them, and would only treat them as ordinary resistance soldiers.

Then Chen She and Yu Jin directly rushed to the monitoring room in the base according to the information of the underground base that had been searched from the ascetic before.

The monitoring room is also underground, but not in the core area of ​​Naraku’s plan.

Chen She asked the main force of the resistance army to attack the core area of ​​Naraku’s plan in order to eliminate the core force of the Fujitang Group as much as possible, and by the way, completely destroy the Naraku plan.

The Fujido Group has no bottom line at all. Once the Naraku plan is passed on to the Fujido Group headquarters in various forms, a series of things that will happen next will become unpredictable. So the safest way is to destroy all the research bases of Project Naraku.

As for Chen She himself, he felt that going to the frontal battlefield would not help too much, so it was better to go to the monitoring room to take a look. If you can control the monitoring room smoothly, you can get a good grasp of the combat situation of the entire base and command the rebels to attack more decisively or retreat more safely.

Embers ran in front of him quickly, his body healthy. As a servant of the creator, he does not feel any fatigue at all.

However, Chen She directly took out two units of space-time particles and let them surround him.

Some of the space-time particles are attached to his feet, allowing him to support himself to move quickly through willpower.

This fighting method is actually not unfamiliar to Chen She, because the original owner has a similar fighting method in his memory.

Of course, the original owner’s profession is a superpower. He can control almost all objects, and he can also directly attack the human spirit, but he can only control the substances related to synaesthesia, especially the space-time particles.

But after Chen She became the creator, the situation was completely reversed. He could only manipulate space-time particles. However, due to the creator’s special ability and the magical characteristics of space-time particles, Chen She can give space-time particles a variety of different properties, so as to achieve a combat effect similar to that of a superpower.

Embers ran swiftly in front, and Chen She followed the two closely behind, one after the other. At first glance, one might think that this is a battle combination of new humans and superpowers.

At this time, the security gates in the core area of ​​the Naraku Project had all fallen, and the outer parts had fallen into chaos. The corporate army of the Fujido Group does not have the communication function of the handcuffed bracelet. At this time, it has not received any instructions from the superior and can only fight separately.

Several soldiers of the Fujitang Group were holding their guns on guard. Suddenly, a vigorous figure stomped on the wall quickly. Then, the long knife in his hand instantly slashed, like cutting melons and vegetables to the two soldiers on the spot. Beheaded!

The remaining soldiers fired in panic, but suddenly, a pale golden wall stretched out in front of them, like a huge shield blocking the bullets.

Although some powerful kinetic energy bullets successfully penetrated the pale golden barrier, Embers had already taken this opportunity to jump behind these soldiers from above.

At this close range, several soldiers had no time to resist. Whether it was turning around and shooting or drawing a knife, it was too slow. Embers took the knife and dropped it, and even the man with the gun cut it off!

Not only that, the pale golden walls also instantly turned into pale golden sharp blades, piercing the bodies of these soldiers in an instant.

It is a pity that these pale golden sharp blades are still somewhat ineffective and hard to kill in a single blow, but this sudden attack caused a mess of the remaining soldiers and was quickly resolved by Embers.

These pale golden sharp blades turned into flowing time particles again and returned to Chen She’s side. The two did not stop and continued to move forward quickly.

Chen She couldn’t help but sigh. He didn’t expect the creator’s combat effectiveness to be much stronger than he thought.

Although the strength of these soldiers is not strong, they are basically ordinary combat power with first-level or second-level energy fluctuations. But after all, Chen She himself is only a second-level energy fluctuation and has not yet risen to a third-level.

The reason why so many soldiers can be easily wiped out in an instant is mainly because the creator’s magical characteristics endow Embers with a very powerful combat ability, and Chen She, as the creator, can also provide perfect cooperation in the back.

Because Chen She is actually using his own will to control the space-time particles and embers at the same time, this coordination is close to a perfect state.

On the way, I met many soldiers from the Fujitang Group, and even several bullets flew past Chen She’s ear.

At present, Chen She’s physical fitness is only better than that of ordinary people who have just been injected with genetic medicine. What the creator’s profession has brought him is the powerful mental power and the ability to control time and space particles, and it has not significantly improved his own physical fitness.

But even so, Chen She did not feel any fear or panic, on the contrary, he was very calm.

This obviously stems from his special connection with Embers. After entering the fighting state, Chen She’s spirit was highly overlapped with Embers, which allowed him to analyze the current battle situation in an absolutely calm state like Embers, and make the most efficient and correct decisions.

Moreover, Chen She can also use part of the body skills and fighting skills that Ember possesses. Although his weak body cannot be used to the extreme, with the assistance of space-time particles and spiritual power, it is enough for Chen She to deal with all kinds of things calmly. Danger.

What’s more, Chen She’s thinking speed in the conscious world is countless times faster than reality. At the moment of encountering danger, he can instantly borrow Epsilon’s power to save himself.

Therefore, Chen She and Ejin ran across the chaotic Fujitang base and went straight to the location of the monitoring room.

The Fujido Group’s base was already in incomparable chaos at this time. The most powerful combat power had already come to the ground to fight the Temporal Knights to the death. The second-class protective force had also rushed to the core area of ​​the Naraku plan to block the rebels.

Zhang Sirui, Zhao Zhen and others need to deal with the support of the Fujido Group while trying to crack the security system inside the base in the fastest way and enter the core area of ​​the Naraku plan.

And just when Chen She was about to arrive at the monitoring room, he suddenly heard a loud bang!

Amid the violent explosion sound, a figure was directly exploded and hit the wall next to it heavily, knocking out a huge pit.

And a huge war machine with a height of two meters, took a heavy step and raised the muzzle of the black hole on the right arm.

Although this war machine was a purely mechanical transformation like Fujidō Kopei, the two people’s specific transformation methods were obviously very different.

Fujidō Kohei still retains his characteristics as a human being. He looks small and flexible. He can also control cold weapons and hot weapons at the same time during the battle. Various combat skills can be passed down.

But this war machine can hardly be called a human. Only a small part of the internal organs of the body still retain the human form, while the other parts are all changed into large and bloated machines. He also had no skill in his battle, just using the various thermal weapons equipped on his body to kill the opponent at all costs.

Seeing this behemoth, Chen She couldn’t help being stunned, because he could vaguely feel that this terrifying war machine was probably close to level 5 energy fluctuations.

Why are there such terrible monsters inside the base? Shouldn’t you hurry up to fight the Knights of Space and Time on the ground now?

Chen She felt that the situation was not right, so he drove off quickly. In order to go to the monitoring room to have a look, he couldn’t make a smash with a war machine with level 5 energy fluctuations.

But at this moment, the figure that had been blasted out by the violent explosion quickly stood up and launched a counterattack against the huge war machine.

A man wearing a mechanical exoskeleton battle armor that completely covered his original appearance began to counterattack with various miniature electromagnetic cannons and electric arc pulses. The narrow space was instantly shaken by the roar of explosions, and the debris from the explosion blasted the surrounding passages into chaos.

Chen She felt that this figure was a bit familiar. Although she was wearing an exoskeleton armor, this armor fits her body better, and it can be seen at a glance that this is a She could not help it. Frozen for a moment: “Aunt Li?”

Obviously, taking advantage of the Temporal Knights’ attack, it was not only the Resistance Army who sneaked in in the muddy waters of the Fujitang Group base. Jill Lee has been investigating the Fujido Group’s Naraku plan, so how could he let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Just looking at her current state, it seems to be completely suppressed by this war machine.

This is because Aunt Li’s profession is a mechanical teacher. Although it is possible to fight through mechanical capabilities, it is not as good in terms of firepower, and the advantage of flexibility in this narrow terrain is also difficult to play.

Not only that, but Aunt Li’s movements seem to be restricted, making her movements seem a bit slow.

After seeing the Resistance Army combat uniforms on Embers, Aunt Li didn’t know where they came from, but she also guessed that they had the same purpose as herself, and they were all for fighting the Fujitang Group.

So she yelled: “There is a mental hacker hidden in it, hurry up and find him, otherwise we will all die!”

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