Virtual End

Chapter 7 - In order not to make money, Mr. Chen decided to take part in the performance himself!

   Chen She only knows a little bit about the job responsibilities of Chaomeng editors.

   This job can be roughly regarded as a combination of execution planning in the game and editing and post-production in the film.

   is not only responsible for all aspects of the production of Chaomeng, but also has a very important responsibility to adjust the emotions that Chaomeng brings to a suitable range.

   The core advantage of Chaomeng compared to traditional games is not only the sense of immersion and substitution, but also the transmission of emotions.

   If you want to make a successful super dream, of course, you don’t want to raise the positive emotions as much as possible and reduce the negative emotions as much as possible.

   You must adjust your emotions to the right level, and then match the content of the entire Super Dream to achieve the best results.

   It is like a seasoning added when cooking.

   And Chaomeng editor is the person who spice up the food.

   Zhao Zhen walked over and said a few words to Lin Luxi, and then Chen She saw Lin Luxi’s big watery eyes reveal a dazed and surprised emotion. The little fleshy hand swayed again and again, subconsciously wanting to decline.

   But of course, Chen She was not troubled, and she was fooled by a few words and accepted the new position.

  Chen She turned his head and said to Zhao Zhen: “Uncle Zhao, go and take care of your own affairs. Just leave the affairs of Chaomeng to me.”

   Zhao Zhen nodded, and briefly exhorted Lin Luxi, then turned and left.

   As an ordinary Super Dream editor, Lin Luxi had not directly dealt with President Chen before, and was a little nervous at this time.

   Chen She said with an approachable attitude: “First, give me a brief introduction to the basic process of super dream production.”

   Lin Luxi nodded, and then began to introduce the basic process of Super Dream production and some special uses of the editor in a low voice.

   The overall production process is actually the same as Chen She’s previous inferences.

   Generally speaking, there are two larger types of super dreams. The first is the acting super dream, and the second is the experience super dream.

   The two can be simply mapped to games and movies.

   acting super dream, as the name suggests, is to create a super dream space that can be moved freely, allowing players to go through it and freely play the role in it.

   Players experience various content from a first-person perspective, interact with various elements in the super dream, and have a relatively high degree of freedom.

  Experiential super dream is to bring the experiencer into a fixed process and emotions, which is equivalent to experiencing an extremely real movie from a first-person perspective. Generally, the experiencer is not allowed to take actions outside the process.

   The production of the former is relatively simple. A world is structured through various resources. After setting the interactive elements, it is enough to throw players in.

   The production of the latter is more complicated, and super dream actors are needed on the basis of the former.

  In the process of performing, the producer will use special equipment to collect the actions, emotions and other content of the super dream actors, and then instill them into the player’s consciousness after editing.

   What the players experience is the real emotions collected by the recording equipment. Although they have been edited, they are also “empathetic” in the true sense.

   And the instillation of such emotions is not without cost.

  The completed Super Dream can be obtained on the Internet in the form of pure data, or it can be made into an entity and directly put into the game cabin to experience.

   But it’s not just the difference between the online version and the CD version, they are fundamentally different in emotional transmission.

   The online version of Chaomeng allows up to 10% of emotions to be transmitted.

   Regardless of whether it is positive or negative emotions, it can only be adjusted within this range of 10%.

   The physical version of Super Dream can theoretically transmit more than 100% of emotions.

   Of course, a high percentage of emotional transmission is very dangerous. If the pain sensation is adjusted to 100% or higher, then the player may be hurt alive in the super dream, which will cause serious damage to the player’s life and health.

   Therefore, the relevant laws have stricter regulations in this regard, and generally require that the negative sentiment should not be higher than 30%, otherwise it will not be able to pass the review.

   Of course, those black super dreams circulating in the underground don’t have so many restrictions, so every year there will be news of brain death due to finding excitement in black super dreams.

   The physical version of Super Dream can achieve such a high emotional transmission effect because when the physical version of Super Dream is made, a special substance called “space-time particles” is added.

  In this world, space-time particles are more precious than gold and crude oil.

   It can be used as a high-purity fuel for floating vehicles, or it can be mixed with rare metals to make high-strength alloy weapons. It can also be used to make chips and special communication modules.

   In short, because of the magical properties of space-time particles, it occupies an important position in almost all high-precision industries in this world.

   It is the absolute hard currency that countless consortia in this world dream of.

   The more negative emotions the entity super dream has to transmit, the more space-time particles need to be added, and the higher the cost naturally.

   For Chen She, the existence of space-time particles is quite unscientific.

   It seems to be a derivative of the supernatural power of this world, full of mystery.

   In addition, the various resources needed to construct the virtual world also need to be produced, not without cost.

   However, due to the advancement of technology, many resources can be bought ready-made, or can be used with simple modifications, so the production time of Chaomeng is greatly shortened compared with the production time of traditional games.


   After hearing what Lin Luxi said, Chen She relaxed a little.

   Except for the limitations of space-time particles and the transmission of super dreams, he was a little surprised, and other aspects of the content were not bad from his inference.

   The design of “The Embers Will Go Out” does not need to be changed much.

   Thinking of this, Chen She began to explain the design details of the entire game to Lin Luxi, including the overall story background, large map settings, various props and equipment that players can obtain after entering, and so on.

   Lin Luxi listened attentively, his big eyes blinked and blinked, like a primary school student attending a class seriously.

  Chen She is very satisfied with her attitude, he likes this kind of tool person with little thought, which is easier to control.

   For most of what Chen She said, Lin Luxi did not raise any questions until Chen She talked about the negative emotion setting of this super dream.

   “Make the negative emotions that this super dream brings to people as high as possible. I am a kind person, so let’s adjust it to 25% first!”

   Chen She has a pitiful expression.

  This value of course refers to the value of the physical version of Chaomeng, because the online version is only 10%.

   Lin Luxi was taken aback, and said with some surprise: “Mr. Chen, 25% is too high, and the maximum value allowed by the law is only 30%!”

   “Most Super Dreams now have a customary rule, that is, negative emotions should not exceed 5%, otherwise such negative emotions can easily interfere with the player’s playing experience.”

   Negative emotions not only include pain, but also the frustration caused by Super Dreams to players.

   The higher the tone of negative emotions, the easier it is for players to be dismissed, which is obvious.

   The reason why Chen She set the negative emotions so high is to dissuade players on the one hand, and on the other hand to make the physical version of Super Dream consume more space-time particles and increase the production cost of the physical Super Dream.

   Under double insurance, it is even more difficult to make money.

  Chen She didn’t explain too much, he just smiled slightly: “Our super dream is to stand out among the many super dreams, of course we have to make some amazing moves.”

   Lin Luxi nodded with some doubts: “Oh.”

   Chen She was very happy, she was a good obedient girl.

   With such a handy tool person, my arrangement in Chaomeng should be able to go on smoothly.

   After telling his own design plan, Chen She asked: “It’s almost like this. Do you have any other suggestions?”

  Lin Luxi thought for a while and said, “Mr. Chen, our company also has Super Dream recording equipment. Should we add a bit of experience-like Super Dream content to the original design?”

   Chen She thought for a while, and felt that what Lin Luxi said was very reasonable!

   can add a little.

   The crossing super dream and the experience super dream are actually completely compatible and can be mixed together.

   For example, you can put the experience super dream at the beginning as an introduction, just like the opening CG of many games.

  Of course, some more advanced producers will have more fancy gameplay, such as crossing super dreams and experiencing super dreams, which can achieve better results.

   But Chen She doesn’t need to play such fancy things at present. He wants to add experience-like super dream content to “The Embers Will Extinguish” with only one purpose, which is to try to strengthen this super dream’s persuasion effect at the beginning.

   Although he has frantically increased the negative emotional experience of “The Embers Will Extinguish” to 25%, but not every player will carefully check the relevant settings before entering the super dream.

   If some people enter the super dream with a very optimistic and positive attitude and start to challenge, it may greatly reduce the effect of this kind of persuasion.

   But what if players are allowed to experience a period of experiential super dreams before entering the formal super dream process, and implant a feeling of depression and abandonment in their consciousness in advance?

   Then it can play the effect of “a soldier who is defeated without a fight”, allowing players to give up as quickly as possible.

   Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, a suitable super dream actor must be found.

   The actor must first express this relatively frustrated emotion in his heart. UU Reading www. super dream recording equipment can only be collected, after Lin Luxi’s editing can be passed to the players.

   Chaomeng actor is not difficult to find, as long as you can find it with money, but the problem is that Chen She does not want to expose the secrets of the resistance army, and try to avoid outsiders from entering the headquarters of the Chen consortium.

   And good Chaomeng actors are too expensive. It puts a lot of pressure on Chaomeng’s development budget, and the people in charge probably won’t agree.

   Chen She thought for a while, this super dream actor can only do it himself.

   After all, all the rebels are very high-spirited, which does not meet the requirements of this kind of sentiment at all.

   These people have no talent for acting, and it is impossible for them to forcefully perform this kind of depressed and depressed emotional state.

   Throughout the whole company, Chen She himself is the most frustrated and mournful person.

   Chen She thought about it for a while and said, “The content at the beginning of Chaomeng, I will think about it again. You should organize everyone to develop the following content.”

   “I’ll talk to you when I have a rough script.”

   Lin Luxi nodded: “Okay Mr. Chen, then I will arrange the work for everyone at the meeting.”

   After temporarily arranging the development issue of Embers Will Extinguish, Chen She still has two things to consider.

   One is how to make the experiential super dream at the beginning of “The Embers Will Extinguish”, and the other is how to design the low investment super dream for the bottom of the bag.

   He didn’t have any clues for the time being, so he decided to let Zhang Sirui take him out and take a look at the location of the experience store.

   Maybe you can get some inspiration after taking a break?

   And he has been in this world for several days, and he hasn’t left the headquarters of the Chen Consortium yet, so he also wanted to look outside.

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