Virtual End

Chapter 78 - Speaking from 1 super dream

Du Guanqi was stunned for a moment, he thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that what Captain Chen She said made sense.

Yes, if you don’t even have the courage to start an education industry and challenge Qiyuan Education Group, then how can you change the world?

If you say you want to change the world, but when you actually act, you are afraid of the first and the last. I dare not dare to do that. I always find many excuses and reasons for myself. It will only make the slogans I chant very hollow. Also let his goal become a kind of empty talk.

Du Guanqi nodded: “Well, since Captain Chen She is so self-confident, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman, and I will do my best to help you make this industry a success.”

“I just don’t know what our education industry should be called?”

Chen She said: “I have already figured out the name, and it is called Struggle Education Group.”

Du Guanqi was stunned for a moment. “Struggle Education Group? This name doesn’t sound like a feature.”

Qiyuan Education Group. The name sounds very domineering. Of course, this is the translated name, but this translated name also shows the ambition of the Origin Education Group. It can be interpreted as inspiring concepts such as source resources. From this name, we can see the ambition and goal of monopolizing the entire education industry.

But Struggle Education Group doesn’t sound so exciting. After all, struggling is too common and ordinary, and there may not be many people in this world who will buy it.

Compared with Qiyuan Education Group, the name Struggle Education Group does not highlight its core advantages.

Chen She explained: “Struggle itself is a behavior worth promoting, but the important thing is not the struggle itself, but why we strive, and what is the goal of our struggle?”

“The Struggle Education Group does not encourage everyone to fight for the few places in the colleges for the poor, but encourages everyone to think clearly about the goal of their struggle. And this goal is to be subtly indoctrinated to everyone through this education group.”

“In the beginning, we will adopt online education methods, starting from a few specific professions, and continue to attract and recruit talents. We will identify the main groups of people as ordinary people, especially people at the bottom of society. We will charge them the minimum amount. The tuition fees and the most practical knowledge taught to them.”

“In other words, our target audience is the last two audiences of Qiyuan Education Group, mainly for ordinary people who spend wronged money in training bases and special training camps.”

“On this basis, we can effectively screen these students in the course of teaching, and we can find ways to absorb those students that we value.”

“In addition, we can promise that as long as the results meet our requirements, we can come to Lishan Technology Group to work.”

The popular point is the distribution of graduation packages.

Origin Education Group does not have a similar quota at all because it does not need it. Every year, countless people are squeezing their heads and want to join these big consortia. As for the fresh graduates, they are not in the turn.

Therefore, if Endeavour Education Group can allocate packages to outstanding graduates, it is still very attractive.

As for whether it can eat so many people, it is of course no problem, because Lishan Technology is developing very fast now, and when various departments are employing people, there are only so many resistance fighters in the original, and it is already somewhat of maintaining the current industrial layout. It’s hard work. If you expand further, you must continue to recruit talents from the outside world.

Chen She considers basic education for the punks and homeless people recruited from the bottom of the society, but they are getting older and their learning ability is degraded more seriously. Some positions that require high-quality talents may not be competent. At this time, young people with systematic education and professional knowledge are better choices.

Du Guanqi nodded, “Okay, then I will sort out a bit and give a plan as soon as possible.”

“But before that, can I arrange the spatio-temporal broadcast first?”

Chen She nodded, “Of course, education is not something that can be accomplished overnight. The important thing is not to be fast, but to avoid detours, or to do it after careful consideration, otherwise it will only be counterproductive. You see. Just move on.”

After Chen She left, Du Guanqi looked at the scenery outside and thought in silence: “Sure enough, my guess is correct.”

“Captain Chen She does have the same goal as me who wants to educate the world, but compared to my previous superficial and naive ideas, Captain Chen She thinks deeper and more long-term.”

“And the super dream of “Another Possibility” is actually a reminder given to me by Captain Chen She, which points me to the direction.”

“I must also do my best to repay Captain Chen She’s hard work!”

Before, Du Guanqi had nothing to do in the base, so he spent a lot of time hitting many endings of the super dream of “Another Possibility”.

At the beginning, Du Guanqi was full of doubts about the world described by this super dream.

He is a little hard to imagine, why there is no time, activity, time and space creatures, the world is still so chaotic and disorderly when there is no strong external threat, why the people at the bottom still lead such a miserable life?

This is obviously unreasonable in Du Guanqi’s view.

But as he experienced this super dream deeply, many of his thoughts changed.

He has deeply experienced the different lives of these four characters, and brought them into the perspective of these characters to make the right choice he thinks. These choices interact and connect with other decisions, and ultimately build a huge network of relationships.

The four characters of tramp, gangster, vendor and boss are like four key nodes on this huge network of relationships. Through the intricate relationship between them, the form of the entire society is fully revealed.

After deep thinking, Du Guanqi finally realized that although space-time activities, time particles, and various powerful high-tech have indeed brought tremendous changes to the world, and to some extent, they have played a role in this tragic trend. The role of fueling the flames. But even without the existence of these things, certain phenomena will still appear spontaneously, independent of human will.

Everyone knows that in the face of difficulties, human beings should unite and work together to overcome difficulties, so that everyone can live a better life. But in reality, this beautiful wish always fails for various reasons.

Maybe it’s because of selfish interests, maybe it’s because of the evil side of human nature, maybe it’s because something magnifies them infinitely.

Du Guanqi has already thought about the new content of this time-space broadcast. He wants to completely overthrow his previous views and explain a new idea to everyone.

And “Another Possibility” this super dream is the best textbook!

Monday, May 19.

In the inner city of Liming City, in a mansion in a wealthy district.

Su Zhi sighed and threw the statue on his hand aside.

“Hey, why is the statue I sculpted so hard, still has such a huge gap with the master’s statue?”

“The statue of the master is simply natural, impeccable from any angle, and the various details are even more impressive.”

“But no matter how hard I try, what I carved out is just a poor imitation of the master. Not only the details are poor, but there is absolutely no way to reproduce that kind of artistic conception.”

“I’m too good.”

“But this also proves how exquisite the master’s skills are and how superb his artistic attainments are. Unfortunately, the surrealist art genre has not yet been completely popular. The master is still too low-key, or that he does not have it. Focusing all your attention on the arts, is this the distress of genius?”

Su Zhiyong has only one mood, that is, envy, jealousy and hatred.

The master looks very young, at most two or three years older than him, but his artistic attainments have reached such a pinnacle. The key is that the master seems to be a bit wasteful of his artistic talents, and he has not thought about promoting his art genre in higher art colleges, nor has he considered holding art exhibitions and the like. Every day I just sculpt in the shop and then look after the business of the experience shop.

It can only be said that the master has top talents in Chaomeng design and sculpture, and he decided to focus on Chaomeng, which is a very huge loss for the entire art world.

Speaking of Chaomeng, Su Zhiyong thought of Lishan Technology’s new Chaomeng “Another Possibility”.

So far, this super dream has not caused much heat. Because the early dismissal rate was too high, most people were dismissed in the promo part, and a large part of the remaining people were dismissed in the beggar part of the beginning.

Those who really persisted, the evaluation of Chaomeng itself was not very high. The only well-received food is the food part of Chaomeng.

The producer relies on his own rich imagination to reproduce the taste of many extinct marine creatures in the super dream. Su Zhiyong also experienced it, and it was really delicious.

But the problem is how delicious this thing is, in fact, it can’t be passed on to other people.

Many Chaomeng players said on the Internet that the fish, shrimp and crabs in this Chaomeng tasted very delicious and interesting. But when this kind of speech does not reach enough heat and volume, it is difficult to attract ordinary players.

After all, Chaomeng’s price is not cheap, and it is difficult for others to tell how true these words are.

What’s more, the emotions and feelings transmitted by Chaomeng are also relatively limited, which have caused some restrictions on the only bright spot.

That’s why Su Zhiyong felt a little regretful, after all, there are so many excellent super dreams. Even if the master has worked hard to create a super dream, it may not be successful. The possibility of overturning still exists, but this is the only top artist in the surreal genre.

The master chose the super dream industry instead of the artistic direction, which is indeed a pity in Su Zhiyong’s view.

After finishing today’s parody of the master, Su Zhiyong checked the time, lay down in the Super Dream game cabin, and entered the time and space broadcast.

“Mr. Guanqi hasn’t turned on the space-time broadcast for two weeks. I’m really worried about his safety.”

“I don’t know if today’s time-space broadcast will start as scheduled.”

Su Zhiyong told Chen She about this path of the previous time-space broadcasting, so Su Zhiyong is actually a loyal listener of the time-space broadcasting. In fact, for some wealthy children, listening to time-space radio is a common phenomenon. After all, everyone is rich, and the gray nature of time-space broadcasting allows them to access a lot of content that is not available through daily channels, which is very novel and exciting for them.

It’s just that the content that these wealthy children are willing to listen to in time and space radio is also different.

Su Zhiyong also heard the truth broadcast of Mr. Guanqi under a special opportunity. Slowly develop into a loyal listener of the radio.

In the last live broadcast last month, Mr. Kanki revealed the secret of the Fujido Group’s ongoing Naraku Project. But then the related news was tightly sealed. Mr. Guanqi did not start a new broadcast, and there has been no news for nearly three weeks.

Su Zhiyong was a little worried, so he deliberately asked his sister. But he didn’t expect that even his elder sister didn’t know the current situation, only that the Jiren had their own astronomical phenomena, and there shouldn’t be a big problem.

This made Su Zhiyong even more worried.

After entering the space-time broadcasting, Su Zhi used it to go under the huge stage of the truth broadcasting, and found that there were still a lot of listeners gathered. Obviously, most of them were as persistent as he was concerned about the safety of Mr. Guanqi.

As listeners, they cannot communicate with each other, they can only emit emotions like shouts and applause to form resonance.

Everyone was immersed in a mood of worry and silence.

Su Zhiyong didn’t hold much hope either. He planned to wait here for 20 minutes. If Mr. Guanqi hasn’t shown up yet, it’s probably hanging up again today.

At this moment, a cheering mood swept across the audience. Su Zhiyong raised his head and saw that Mr. Guanqi appeared on the stage again.

Everyone couldn’t help but cheer up.

Obviously, their worries were unnecessary, Mr. Guanqi was safe, and the time-space broadcasting was finally restored again.

On the stage, Du Guanqi saw his audience, and he never left it, and seemed to have a feeling of rejoice and gratitude.

“Sorry for worrying everyone! In the past two weeks, I did encounter some dangers, but please rest assured that I am now in a very safe environment.”

“Please get ready, our broadcast today will begin soon.”

Mr. Guanqi didn’t say too much about his experience in the past two weeks, just a brief introduction. He is still in danger, and any information may reveal his position in reality. This caused some unnecessary dangers and even affected the resistance.

None of these audiences were too concerned about it. As long as Mr. Guanqi is safe, most of them still care more about the content of the time and space broadcast.

What’s more, even if they want to ask, they can’t ask. They are just listeners and can’t convey their thoughts. They can only use emotions and feelings to give the broadcaster some feedback.

Mr. Guanqi said to everyone in the audience: “Today I want to completely overthrow my previous thoughts.”

“Before I said that the root of all suffering in the old soil lies in space-time activities and space-time particles, but now I have changed my view.”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone in the audience was obviously a little confused.

Because this view of Mr. Guanqi has been preached repeatedly, the details are very rich and detailed, and it has also won the support and approval of most people.

Because this kind of thinking is already widespread among the people in the old land, but Mr. Guanqi systematized this point of view and showed it in a more scientific way.

It is precisely because of the extensive soil that Mr. Guanqi’s views can gain such widespread support, making him a very famous dissident leader in time and space broadcasting.

But now, Mr. Guanqi actually denied his point of view.

Isn’t this tantamount to denying a statement shared by everyone on the scene?

If the person on the stage was not Mr. Guanqi but someone else, then there might have been a wave of opposition from the audience, perhaps someone had turned and left. But most people still cherish their trust in Mr. Guanqi and choose to continue listening.

Mr. Guanqi continued: “In fact, I was just like everyone else in my own opinion. When we compare the pastoral era before the emergence of space-time activities with the current life, we will find that our lives not only seem to have not changed. Get better, and get worse. From this, it is natural to conclude that space-time activities are the root of all suffering.”

“The harsh living environment and the rapid development of technology have induced greed and evil thoughts in people’s hearts, and the warmth between people has ceased to exist.”

“But after repeated research and thinking over this period of time, I think this view is not wrong, but it is far from the true facts.”

“Perhaps the harsh living environment brought about by space-time activities and the technological development brought about by space-time particles have indeed brought us some misfortune, but this is definitely not the root cause.”

“And this has to start with a super Yes, it is the new super dream of Lishan Technology, “Another Possibility”!”

“This super dream uses all kinds of detailed details to depict a parallel world without space-time activities and space-time particles, showing us another possible world.”

“Although there are certain differences between that world and the real world as we know it, there is no essential difference.”

“At the beginning, I also thought this was very unreasonable. I thought it was a slander on the beautiful pastoral era.”

“But after in-depth experience, I discovered that all of this has a reason. After removing the interference of space-time activities and space-time particles, some problems can be seen more clearly and clearly.”

“Next, let me explain to you in detail how the world depicted in the super dream of “Another Possibility” is similar to our real world?”

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