Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 49: Ebony Ghost House

Looking at the 400 skeleton ribs in my hand, the gravekeeper's eyes filled with a trace of hope.  He struggled to sit up and wheezed out, "Brave young man, you actually finished the quest.  Alright, this is your reward!"


System Notification: You have completed the quest [Gravekeeper's Request].  You have obtained 200000 experience points, 40 gold coins, and 250 Prestige.

There was no equipment given, but I was still satisfied.  Out of the 100 free spaces in my inventory, half of it was filled with level thirty Dark Iron Equipment.  He have a feast once he returned to the city!

After finishing the quest, the gravekeeper was silent for a bit before saying, "Only these few things will not be enough to cure my injuries.  That damn plaque is too strong, I still need a more precious medicine.  Young man, can you help me get that medicine?"

Of course I would do my part so I immediately clicked confirm.


System Notification: You have accepted the quest [Collecting Butterfly Orchids]!  (Current Quest Difficulty: 240)

Quest Details: To the east of the gravekeeper's hut, there is a part of the cemetery deeply affected by the plague where a kind of precious Butterfly Orchid grows.  This herb is very helpful for curing the toxins of the gravekeeper and he hopes that you can collect 100 Butterfly Orchids.  However, you must be careful because there are hard to imagine dangers by the sides of the Butterfly Orchids!

I looked at the details of the quest and found that it had a difficulty of 240.  The quest details warned me of dangers close to the Butterfly Orchids, which also meant that there were monsters I had to kill before harvesting the Butterfly Orchids!

However, none of that was important.  I had the Star Chasing Bow right now, so no monsters could survive under my attacks!

So, I directly went to the east.  I didn't walk far and I saw an impressive looking giant cemetery in front of me.  The ground was black and there were blue orchids scattered all over, perhaps it was the Butterfly Orchid the gravekeeper needed!

However in that area, there were new undead creatures walking around.  They were a bunch of skeleton warriors with impressive bodies as strong as armour.

[Skeleton Demon] (Normal Monster)

Level: ???

Attack: ???

Defense: ???

HP: ???

Fuck!  They were all questions marks!

I cursed in a low voice before raising the Star Chasing Bow and directly releasing an ice arrow!


A damage figure appeared above the Skeleton Demon's head and instantly its HP dropped by a segment.  With a rough estimate it dropped around one eighth, which meant that the Skeleton Demon's total HP was around 6000.  Its level should be around 45 which wasn't too high for me.

Moreover, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Skeleton Demons did not move too quickly.  They limped as they moved and they didn't attack quickly either.

So, I did not think about it too much and ran right into the cemetery.  After running around in a large circle, I had gathered close to a hundred Skeleton Demons behind me!

Deliberately pulling the Skeleton Demons into a line, I activated the Thousand Bladed Arrows.  I saw a fan shaped range and most of the Skeleton Demons began to lose HP.  Every time I attacked, it was enough to make the Skeleton Demons lose HP and the not so small damage figures continued to come out!

In the blink of an eye, the Skeleton Demons fell to the ground one after the other.  My experience points jumped up, going from 12% of level 37 to 23% of level 37 instantly.  It had actually gone up by 11%!

I thought about it about and decided to pick up the gold coins and equipment first!

Each Skeleton Demon dropped close to 60 silver coins, which gave me a total of 57 gold coins.  Adding in the gold coins that I earned from the Corrupted Skeletons, I already had 763 gold coins in my inventory.  I felt like this was a dream, was I collecting experience points or money?

However, the ingame currency exchange would open up in two days.  Just the gold coins I had on me would be enough to make a fortune.  700 gold coins could be exchanged for 3500 RMB based on the current ratio, but the price would decrease a bit after a few days, however it was still over 2000 RMB.  Like this, the money I earned was even more compared to some of the white collared employees!

The level of the equipment the Skeleton Demons dropped was not low, being around level 35, but they were all Dark Iron Equipment, not a single Bronze Equipment at all.  It seemed like Bronze Equipment were considered high class and normal monsters could not drop them.

After I cleared out the Skeleton Demons in this area, the Butterfly Orchids appeared in front of me.  So, I leaned down to a small flower and reached out, instantly hearing a system prompt in my ears.


System Notification: You have successfully harvested the Butterfly Orchid.  You have obtained the item [Butterfly Orchid] x4!

I was filled with happiness.  From the looks of this, I could actually save quite a bit of time, being able to pick four flowers at once!

So, I quickly ran through the cemetery and picked the flowers several times.  Soon, I had 57 Butterfly Orchids in my inventory and I only needed to sweep through the cemetery one more time!

Without saying anything else, I immediately charged into the large cemetery to the right.  I attracted a large amount of Skeleton Demons like before and divided them into three batches, killing them all in a single hour.  This time I killed quite a bit more, going from 23% of level 37 to 87% of level 37.  As long as I finish the quest, I will be the first player in the Chinese Server to reach level 38!

After losing the guaranteed hit effect of the Golden Bow, my accuracy dropped a lot, because I was an Archer and my equipment added quite a bit of Agility, my accuracy still reached a high 90% hit rate.  So, it didn't matter that I missed a few times because my attack power doubled after replacing my weapon.

However, my future path was becoming harder.  For an Archer that added all their points into Strength, unless they were able to find a set of equipment that added a lot of Agility, it would be difficult for me in the future.

Looking in front of me, the monsters were all dead and there were silver coins and equipment scattered all over the ground.

With the scattered placement, it took me an entire ten minutes before I was able to put all the silver coins into my inventory.  Currently, the amount of gold coins in my inventory had finally broken the one thousand mark!

I carefully began to collect the Butterfly Orchids one by one, spending half an hour of time before I finally had 100 Butterfly Orchids in my inventory.

Seeing the time, it was already 8 in the morning and I was finally feeling sleepy.  This deep sleepy feeling made it feel like I had been hit by magic and I couldn't help wanting to close my eyes.

So, I returned to the gravekeeper's little hut.  When I took out the 100 Butterfly Orchids, the gravekeeper's eyes lit up.  He couldn't help praising and sighing as he said, "Brave young man, you really are too outstanding.  I never thought that you would even be able to do this!"


System Notification: You have completed the quest [Collect Butterfly Orchids].  You have gained 280000 experience points, 80 gold coins, and 400 Prestige.

I didn't receive an equipment again, but what made me pleasantly surprised was the golden light that fell down around me.  I had successfully reached level 38!

Now, father was number one in the Chinese Server!

I couldn't help letting out a loud laugh as that pressure that had been in my chest for many years disappeared all at once!

However, the gravekeeper revealed a sad expression and muttered, "Although I have the skeleton ribs and the Butterfly Orchids, but to cure the toxins in my body, I still require a very important item!"


System Notification: Do you accept the quest?

I was stunned for a second.  Damn, it's still not over yet?  There was still a follow up quest.  Were you even going to allow me to sleep?

Seeing that it was the morning and I hadn't closed my eyes yet, my entire person fell into chaos.

However, I wasn't willing to give up this quest.  After all, this kind of open area quest was hard to find and the reward would definitely be lucrative…..

So, I gritted my teeth and decided to go all out!

I quickly pressed the confirm button.


System Notification: You have accepted the quest [Sorcerer's Heart]!  (Current Quest Difficulty: 450)

Quest Details: To get one of the ingredients to cure the toxin, you have to travel to a high cemetery to the southwest and find a Ebony Ghost House there.  Inside the ghost house, you have to defeat the Necromancer Ajiesi and bring the heart of Ajiesi to the gravekeeper!

Damn, a difficulty of 450, this was a super difficult quest.  It seems like I had to kill a boss before I could finish this quest!

I gritted my teeth and gripped my Star Chasing Bow, walking to the southwest while feeling sleepy.

After ten minutes, I reached a high area.  Looking down, there were just patches of cemeteries with dead earth that had a few skeletons wandering around.

Looking into the distance, I quickly found a black little hut up on a high area.  The little house was crafted from jet black ebony, so it was no wonder it was called the Ebony Ghost House.

Near the house, there were several Skeleton Demons that were patrolling around it.

In order for these monsters to not interfere with my work, I used the armour piercing arrow to take care of them.  I quickly cleaned up the monsters, only leaving the ghost house standing there.

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