Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 72

Chapter 67: Underground Secrets

Xiao Baihong stood on a tree, vigilantly observing the surrounding movement.

“Only those two cars, nothing else.” He said to everyone. “Wait for them to come.” The commander ordered.

I saw that the two trucks clearly noticed the situation here, and immediately approached. A soldier with a gun ran quickly and shouted loudly: “Which army are you from?” Wu Xiaode said: “We are the engineering corps, the second exploration team.””Why not Gone?””The car is a little broken and is being repaired.””Documents!””I have it, give it.”

Wu Xiaode handed over his documents.

The soldier carefully checked the documents, and his tense face gradually showed a look of relief.

“Aren’t there ten of you? Why are there only six?” he asked. The head of the regiment said: “The other four Dongs have run away, and we are preparing to report.” The soldier showed a clear look and waved to the two trucks.


Several soldiers got off the truck, surrounded by a man who looked like an officer, and walked in front of the crowd.

“Where are you going?” the officer asked. ‘s11-4798 base.”The head of the group said.

She rubbed her hands together, stomped her feet lightly, and glanced at the truck.

At this time, everyone was very relaxed on the surface, but everyone knew that the leader was already in a hurry.

The gunman understood and knocked somewhere in the engine. The roar of the machine suddenly roared.

“Fixed! Squad Leader Wu!” Falcon said loudly.

“Okay, let’s go, we must go to the base as soon as possible, after all, we have military affairs!” Xiao Baihong answered immediately.

Wu Xiaode wanted to jump directly from the tree, but he was firm, he just restrained his thoughts, and slowly slid down holding the tree.

The gunman and the eagle were already running towards the truck.

Xiao Baihong reached out and shook hands with the officer, and said solemnly: “Time is running out, let’s go together?””Okay, you are ahead, we will follow you.”The officer said. Everyone got in the car.

The military truck erupted with a violent roar, raising dust on the mountain road, and driving towards the depths of the lofty mountains. About ten minutes passed.

The crowd reached a base in the deep mountains in danger.

It is said to be a base, but it looks like dozens of large and small tents.

Soon someone came to check the documents, and then took everyone into the camp to rest temporarily, saying that there would be a new order soon.

Xiao Baihong observed for a while, and said strangely:

“I really can’t understand””What can’t I understand?”Wu Xiaode asked.

“This world can manufacture high-tech things like space teleporters, why are they still using such backward trucks, and even the camps are so luxurious, you see, their mobile phones are similar to ours.” Xiao Baihong said.

Outside the tent, a soldier was anxiously dialing with a mobile phone, but he couldn’t get through.

“It’s really not right, it’s impossible to only develop space technology – so I’ve been tracking down the reason, and I just found it here.”The head said.

“What should I do now?” Xiao Baihong asked.

“It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders, let’s see what will be arranged first, and then make a long-term plan.”The regiment commander said.

Not him.

An old man with a sword and shield embroidered on his epaulets walked to the center of the camp, surrounded by the crowd.

“This is a general, probably the most powerful person here.” The head of the regiment reminded slowly. At this time, the entire camp stopped their movements.

I saw the general standing on a few boxes of military supplies and said loudly:”I’d like to tell you the good news, the excavation work some time ago has been affirmed by the World Coalition Government, and everyone will be rewarded after returning this time!”

The crowd immediately cheered and applauded.

“Not quite right, when this old guy spoke, there was a problem with his language and he was not sincere.”The eagle whispered.

“I feel the same way, I wanted to kill him when he was talking just now.” Wu Xiaode smiled.

No matter how privately the squad members communicate.

The atmosphere in the camp has become warm.

Morale is high. on stage.

General    smiled, raised his hands and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet.

“Okay, now everyone listen to me.”

“I order, all staff will start the next round of work immediately.”-

We will end the most important exploration of this mission!”

“Yes!” Everyone responded together.

The whole camp became busy.

The senior officers around General    went crazy, running back and forth in the camp, loudly giving orders to each team to urge everyone to speed up, and making various preparations for entering the crypt.

The general had already brought a lot of soldiers and headed towards the location of the underground cave. “Not quite right…” The head of the regiment frowned and said softly. “Would you like me to take a look?” Wu Xiaode asked.

“Price’s soul power?””Recovered by two points.”

“Be careful, don’t take action, come back immediately when you get information.” said the head of the regiment. “understood.”

Wu Xiaode opened the black umbrella, walked out of the tent, and suddenly disappeared. after awhile.

He came back with an umbrella and whispered:

“The general has two correspondents by his side, and has been trying to contact the world coalition government in various ways, but they can’t get in touch.”

“Impossible,”Falcon said in surprise,”The communication technology in this world is similar to ours, and there are satellites in the sky, it is impossible to contact the higher authorities.

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His chest was still bleeding.

Xiao Baihong stroked his forehead and turned his eyes.

Watching this happen all the time, but not daring to touch it at all, this kind of situation is really maddening.

“They also contacted other troops, but they couldn’t get in touch.”Wu Xiaode said.

The crowd fell silent.

Xiao Baihong suddenly felt something and looked up.

I saw the Book of the Undead fly down quickly and opened it in front of him, revealing lines of small words in ice crystals:

“This book senses an unwilling undead.”

“His long-cherished wish was too strong, so he stayed in the current world and did not leave.””With this long-cherished wish, this book reached an ordinary commission with it:”

“The secret of the underground.”

“The undead said: My teacher and other experts died deep underground. As his student, I couldn’t even figure out what happened underground.”

“Please help me find out why the underground scientists died, and if you find the answer, I will do my best to repay you.”

“Mission penalty: unknown.””Do you want to accept it?”

is the undead mission again.

The last time they came, the soldiers asked themselves to help block the monsters so that the people in the fifth secret passage could be evacuated

This time, I actually encountered more undead. Would you like to take this assignment?

Xiao Baihong pondered for a few breaths, and suddenly remembered the talisman of the head of the regiment just now.

“Captain, what does that talisman…. mean?” He simply asked directly.

“Using our Taoist understanding, the lives in this distance are heading for destruction, and no one can save them.” The head of the regiment sighed.

“Don’t talk about them, many of our professionals have died, and maybe more people will die today.” Ji said half-jokingly.

Xiao Baihong glanced at him.

Brother, can you keep your mouth shut, do you know how you killed yourself?

He lowered his eyes, thought for a few breaths, and said to the Book of the Undead:

“Accept the commission.” – Too little information right now.

Those who died must know what they did not know.

You need to cooperate with them! The Book of the Dead is shocked.

A strange wave emanated from the book.

Xiao Baihong glanced at it, and his heart was vague. This was the Book of the Dead calling for the undead who made the entrustment.


A senior officer came over and shouted at this side: “Engineer Corps, the second exploration team?”

“Yes!” Xiao Baihong ran forward and responded.

The    officer looked at him with consideration, and then at the people behind him.

“Apart from digging, do you have any other specialties?” he asked.

Other specialties? Tang Qiaohuan was stunned.

This question was too abrupt, and my eyes were darkened, I just didn’t know how to answer.

“You must tell your strengths and let him arrange work for you and go to the underground cave.

A voice sounded.

I saw a translucent figure appearing in the void beside the senior officer.


He is also wearing a military uniform, with a slender body and a gentle appearance. The pattern on the epaulette is exactly the same as that of the senior officer in front of him!

It seems that he is the one who entrusted him! Xiao Baihong’s expression changed, and he said with his mind:

“I know you want me to explore the secrets of the underground, but now our situation is also very safe, I have to ensure the danger of the team first, and then find a way to help you explore.”

The undead said: “I’m here to help you, listen-

“Humans can no longer withstand the attacks of monsters, and this area has also been completely captured. The army of monsters will search for humans all over the mountains and plains. You can only go underground and have a chance to survive.”

“Go underground as soon as possible, at least it is more dangerous than the ground!”

Xiao Baihong took a deep breath.

I see!

He looked at the senior officer, and was a little impatient when he saw that the officer had not received an answer for a long time.

“Report sir, our team has some strength and is proficient in combat.”

Tang Qiaohuan said loudly.

The senior officer shook his head and said: “Have strength? I see that there are lesbians in your team – Xiao Baihong gave the regiment commander a wink.

The head of the regiment naturally knows what to She walked to a trailer full of supplies and lifted it with both hands-

Two wheels of the trailer were off the ground.

The commander immediately put down his hand, stood up, gasped for breath, and looked tired.

Not bad! Tang Qiaohuan gave a secret praise.

When he only had three points of soul power, his physical quality was several times that of a special person. With the team leader’s physical fitness far exceeding 10 points of soul power, it is not too difficult to lift the truck with one hand.

But that would be too shocking.

Now this level is just right, and it leaves a deep impression, and it is just stuck at a level f that is a little stronger than the abnormal person.

The officer    praised; “Very energetic! Female soldiers have such strength, and you are proficient in underground search, but you just said that you are also good at fighting—”

The gunman stepped forward and gave a military salute: “Report sir, please allow me to shoot.””One bullet.”The senior officer said. “Yes!”

The gunman grabbed the sniper rifle and took a careful aim.

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