Viscount’s Rise

Chapter 63: Mother’s Matter

“I did not think that you two would know of such a place, while business is good here, most people go to more grand places.” Lani expressed her surprise, she had not expected to meet them here. She had thought it would be more likely to find them in more well known areas, like the Royal Library or a well known park in the city.

“Braydon was going to introduce me to the place, but we had not reserved a booking.” Nela giggled at the slight embarrassment that he showed, though he was unsure if it was a standard reaction by this point or that she genuinely enjoyed seeing him uncomfortable. 

“Oh, I did not think that someone such as yourself would know a place like this. Forgive me but you do not take me for the type to enjoy such niche places.” Lani thought that it was Nela, considering that she had lived in the capital for an extended period.

“It isn’t that I am well versed but I simply don’t know anywhere else. This was where we ate whenever I came to the capital with my father. Apparently my mother used to love what they serve here. It was her favourite place.” Braydon made a soft smile when thinking about that.

“I thought you didn’t like your father?” Nela was not going to mince words after all this time, though it did get a raised eyebrow from Lani. ‘That was blunt.’

“I didn’t, but that has nothing to do with my mother. I was never able to go with her before the…” Braydon stopped his words. Even though his father, Isaac, died recently he did not really mourn the loss. But his mother’s matter, that was different. It might have been years ago but it was still a raw subject for him.

“Then what would you like to eat? Since I booked the table it is my treat.” Lani jumped right over the topic, giving a sympathetic glance to Braydon. His mother’s matter had happened back before Lani had even come of age, he was just a small child at the time. Instead, she moved on to what they were going to have.

“If we have come here, then we must have the wine. It would be a crime not to. As for what we eat, I have no real preference. The food is all brilliant here; Nela, you can choose.” Braydon answered, giving a grateful glance as he did so. It was not odd that she knew what happened. Most people knew what happened, unless they were a small child at the time. It was never spoken of after the fact.

“I have no frame of reference, so just let the chef surprise us.” Nela would have spent more time thinking of what to eat if she were not looking suspiciously at Braydon and Lani. They clearly both knew what Braydon had referenced but left her in the dark. She had no clue what they were talking about and by the way they acted it was fairly common knowledge, even if it was sensitive. Though, that both of them knew it was what really gave it away as common knowledge, they were two of the biggest recluses among the nobility. If both Braydon and Lani knew of something, it was certain to be known by a lot of people. 

“Then we know what we are all getting.” Lani made a light clap with her hands, immediately followed by the appearance of a waiter. ‘The quality of service never fails to surprise me.’ Braydon could not even see where the waiter had come from but he was there when needed.

The plates were quickly served. They had not even had time to have a proper taste of the wine, though Braydon’s version of ‘proper taste of the wine’ was more than one glass. Nela seemed to not have noticed the food had arrived. Uncharacteristic for someone who hated drunkards with a passion, she was enamoured by the wine. She had not had much, but she was savouring every taste that she had.

“Nela, the food is here.” Lani smiled, she had had a similar reaction the first time that she had tried the wine from here, that still did not stop Nela from going bright red, however. Braydon was trying to press down his laughter. This was a tale that he would find great joy in regaling to Gerald, consequences be damned. When they had made it to the restaurant, he had dismissed Gerald for a few hours. The man needed to eat too, probably more than he or Nela did.

“It looks delicious.” Nela said with a completely neutral tone, belied by her red face and that she had not taken her eyes off of her glass. That did not stop her from planting her foot directly into Braydon’s shin. Even if he suppressed his laughter, she could still hear him. 


“Hrgh.” Braydon made a pained groan. Maybe the consequences would not be worth it after all.

“It more than just looks delicious, it is delicious.” Lani replied, pretending to ignore the small feud that had just taken place. After that, Nela finally dragged her eyes away from the wine to eat her food. Though whenever somebody grabbed the bottle to refill their glass, Nela’s was also presented to them. Regardless of how much she had left. It was only one glass if she never finished it.

“Thank you for treating us to this meal, it has been a long time since I came here. It is just as I remembered.” Braydon thanked Lani. Nobody had spoken much during the meal, too occupied with what was on their plates for idle chatter. Though Braydon was amazed that Nela was still completely sober, she had ended up having more than a bottle of wine. More, in fact, than either he or Lani had combined.

“It was my pleasure. It’s a rare occasion where I get to enjoy a meal with friends.” Lani’s response resonated with both Braydon and Nela. Neither one of them had really had friends, due to their own circumstances. And eating together in Cliforge or on the road did not quite feel like the same thing.

“Would you prefer we talk about trade after this, or do you want to leave that until tomorrow?” Nela asked, it had slipped Braydon’s mind entirely. He had thought it had slipped hers too considering how captivated she was by the Rosy Glasshouse’s wine. Apparently that was not the case.

“We can do it now if that is okay with you.” Lani agreed, looking to Braydon for his thoughts.

“That would be good, it saves a few back and forth trips for both of us.” Braydon was more than happy to get this sorted. And right on queue, a refreshed and revitalised Gerald came back from his break. If Braydon and Nela had actually noticed his condition earlier, one of them would have commented on how he had risen from the dead. At least Gerald thought so, but both of them were still pretending  that they had not noticed his plight.

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