Viscount’s Rise

Chapter 66: Easy, Just Grow Wings

“How do we get there?” This was a question that had stumped Braydon for a few days. It was all well and good deciding that he would go to Narabun to negotiate but he had to find a way there first. He could not just cross the border, there was a civil war going on and the noble alliance controlled the east and north of the country. But it was equally difficult for him to go south. These negotiations were meant to be kept secret and Duke Burn was very stringent in controlling the merchants that came and went through his lands. There were only so many places to hide on a ship and that would require a merchant who was willing to cooperate.

“Easy, just grow wings.” Was the helpful reply that Gerald had when he came into the room. 

“If that is your only contribution, I’ll tell Nela where the wine that she brought back went.” Braydon threatened, it was super effective. Gerald paled at the thought of Nela locking her sights on him. Nela had taken such a liking to the wine from the Rosy Glasshouse that they had bought several bottles before they returned. He had only taken one bottle but she had made sure to search his living quarters several times before she was certain she would not find it there. Even now, several days later, she was suspicious of Gerald.

“Rhydian is back, he and Roan have finished changing the border patrol to account for the methods that bandits were using to get in. It should be a long while before they find another way.” Gerald got onto what he had actually come here to do. If he said anymore, he was sure that Braydon would make good on his threat.

“And Roan is not with him?” If they were finished with that, Braydon saw no reason for Roan to stay on the border permanently.

“He is staying for a few more days to make sure that there are no problems with the new patrol routes.” Gerald explained. Braydon thought that it was something that only Roan and Rhydian would do. Those two just did not let up until they were certain that everything was done.

“Well there is nothing for me to do here, I won’t be thinking of any solutions any time soon. Let’s go get some exercise, we haven't had a spar in some time. And that’s an order.” Braydon stood up from his desk, ignoring all of the menial chores that he often left to Colin. Instead, he was going to relieve his boredom and frustration on Gerald.

“But that’s…” Gerald tried to object but was stopped short by Braydon’s words.

“Nela’s wine.”


When word spread that Braydon and Gerald were going to be sparing, anybody with free time came to watch. After Rhydian’s brutal training, the garrison were especially enthusiastic about watching other people getting beaten down instead of themselves. It was well known that Braydon was only bested by Rhydian in the entirety of his territory. Though nobody knew quite how good Roan was, they presumed that he would be about on par with Gerald. While he often lost against Braydon and Rhydian, Gerald was actually a very skilful swordsman. Those who had been there for the siege of Mapjess had relayed the stories of Braydon and Gerald fighting on the town walls. Of course Rhydian had also come to watch.

“You two just can’t sit still, can you?” Rhydian said with a smile, obviously happy that they were training.

“We aren’t boring old men like you.” Gerald replied, back to his cheeky self.

“Be careful that I don’t ‘invite’ you to spar too.” Rhydian was on the ball today, causing the usually talkative Gerald to be mute for the second time in the day, not long after Braydon did it the first time. Both Braydon and Gerald put down their regular swords for more blunted ones, neither man was wearing much in the way of armour and they did not want to ruin their clothes. If they got injured, it was their own fault but that was no reason to waste perfectly good clothes.

“Alright, let’s get started.” Braydon proclaimed once they both held their swords, standing in a ready stance. 

Gerald had decided to use one of his unorthodox strategies, not waiting to see how his opponent would move. He went for an overhead slash which Braydon tried to defend but it had been a feint. Instead Gerald sent a kick to the shins, causing him to stumble a bit.

“So you want to play like this today?” Braydon asked as he regained his footing and defended off the actual overhead slash.

“I play like this every time.” Gerald responded as he sidestepped a stab at his chest.

“Fair enough.” Braydon turned his stab into a swing at Gerald’s arm. Gerald blocked the swing before body slamming Braydon back, and onto the floor.

“And how about you two take this seriously before I make you.” Rhydian had let them have their fun for one round. Now he wanted to see them use some actual skill. Braydon and Gerald quickly got back into position to start another round.

“So you are bored or frustrated, which is it?” Rhydian asked Braydon once he and Gerald were done sparing, he knew Braydon well enough by know to know what he was like.

“I can’t think of a way to make it to Narabun undetected.” Braydon admitted neither, going straight into the problem that was getting him stuck.

“So both. And why don’t you ask if Lady Graham or Viscount Ellis owns a ship. They both control settlements on the river, one of them should own one right? I am sure that you have the money by now to  pay one of them to borrow a ship.” Rhydian came up with a simple solution easily, almost causing Braydon embarrassment. Almost.

“Good idea, but would a river fairing ship stand the southern sea?” Braydon asked, it would not be good if they got out to sea only to find that the ship could not handle it.

“The southern sea is fairly calm, it is the northern ocean that is fierce. Anything that can sail River Harmony should be able to go a short stint in the open sea.” Rhydian assured Braydon, the latter had never been that far south to know, but Rhydian had. 

“Why would one of their ships be any different from a merchant ship?” Gerald was confused at why it had to be so convoluted.

“Because Duke Burn has every right to stop a merchant but these are the ships directly owned by other nobles. Not to mention that he does not own any riverside cities himself, they are all owned by members of his faction. He might have been able to force that demand if we passed by one of the cities under his direct control but those around him do not have that much authority.” Braydon explained, too tired to make any snide comments this time.

“So you are going to borrow a ship. That means that more people can go with you.” Nela and Mireille had made their way to the three men after the sparing had finished. They had come to watch the action at some point. Instead of going back to what they were doing, they decided to join them.

“Is it really safe to bring many people to a country in an active civil war?” Braydon was sceptical, this was not quite the same as going to the capital of Fiveria. There was no active fighting in Fiveria, at least not yet. But Narabun was in Shuluk, where they had been fighting for months at this point.

“The fighting is nowhere near the capital; and if they are smart, they won't hurt people from other countries. Not unless they want to give someone an excuse to intervene in the conflict.” Nela countered. Braydon was speechless, it was as if she was trying to tempt fate.

“So you want to come along?” Braydon knew what she was getting at.

“Why of course!” Nela was obviously not happy just because she could come along, there was going to be another reason.

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