
Chapter 11: Tomorrow’s Terror – Part 2.

As if on cue Martin’s phone rang.  Casey drained the bourbon in her glass and handed it back to the concierge and with a pleading nod for more, answered the phone. “Casey Rivers.”  She smiled at Martin as he went out of view.

“Miss Rivers.  May I call you Casey?”  The voice on the other end questioned.

“Sure, who are you by the way?”  Casey inquired and heard the soft splash of bourbon hitting the glass once more.  She covered the receiver and quickly echoed to Martin, “More than the last time?”

“We call that asking for a double, Casey.”  Martin laughed, “Coming right up.”

The voice on the other end of the phone interrupted, “Douglas Dunbar, Esquire.”

Martin smiled, “That is your attorney, it is the official title of a lawyer, Casey.  Interesting fact; Esquire is a knight’s shield bearer….”

Casey held up her hand and shook her head, her auburn locks swishing lightly, “Later Marty, thanks.”  She winked and spoke into the phone, “Mr. Dunbar, I have a bit of a problem.  The police are looking for me and it won’t take much for them to find me.  I am on my way to Petersburg ahead of my Mi–Employer and I need to get this settled before I do anything.”

“I know what Dr Moreau has told me about and what is being presented on the news.  You have at least a dozen witnesses willing to say where you were all night, as I understand?”  Douglas queried. 

“More than that, really. Mister Shores was with me all evening, I don’t think there was a moment I left his sight.  I spent the evening making sure Vivienne’s items were packed up.  I spent the morning with my mother.  Before that I was at home with my boyfriend, Brian Ashburn.”

“Alright Casey, I will have my associates meet you at the manor and they will take statements from everyone.  I will handle the police right now.  Sadly, the news has made it where you sound wanted.  It sounds like you are only wanted for questioning.  Your official statement is nothing.”  Douglas blurted out in one long breath.

“What if the police here in Petersburg are waiting for me?”  Casey asked and bit on her fingernail lightly.

“Assuming they know where you are, the plan is the same.  Do not fight, do not say a word.  Nothing.”  Douglas sighed, “Understand this much.  If you are under arrest, there is no way to talk yourself out of it.  So anything you say will be recorded and used if necessary.  It is important, you say absolutely nothing.”

“Okay.”  Disconnecting the call, Casey thought about the prospect of getting arrested and breaking herself free without any problem. She even smiled at the idea of hearing the metal of the handcuffs breaking as she pulled her hands free. -Reckless.-  Casey heard Vivienne’s quick warning in her head and dismissed the notion.

“Have something on your mind, Casey?”  Martin asked as he watched her brown eyes just stare into the distance for a moment. Handing the young lady her drink, Martin retrieved his phone and sat in the swivel chair he’d been using the entire trip.

“Lot’s really.”  Casey realized she’d stopped shaking and brought the drink to her lips, sipping it slowly. “Linda was a very good friend, close friend like I said before.”  Shaking her head slowly, Casey had more of her drink, “She wanted to be a pediatrician.”  Watching as she shook the single piece of ice in the glass, Casey kept with her story. “She loved kids.  Adored them, it was how she paid her way through school.  She worked in a daycare part time and even volunteered at a couple child crisis centers.”  

“Sounds like Linda was a noble soul, Casey.”  Martin offered. “You shared the same dorm room for how long?”

“The entire time I have been there, so three years.” Finishing off the double bourbon, Casey set the glass in the holder on her chair. “She was very cool, I don’t think we ever argued.”  Casey wiggled her finger, “She did think I was too wild for my own good.”

Martin pointed to the empty glass, “I would suggest water at this point, Miss Casey.”

“Huh?” Casey looked at the empty glass, “Sure. Water’s great.”  Taking a deep breath and leaning back in the luxurious chair, “I mostly just ignored those comments.  You called her a noble soul?”  Casey lightly laughed, “I guess that fits, she was always far more responsible. Every semester she and I spread out on her bed, looked at all of the classes she and I needed and planned everything nearly to the minute.”  Casey closed her eyes, “Keep in mind she made the plan.  I didn’t stick to it very well.  I attended classes, did my work and even swim practice, right on schedule.”  Just as soon as she said swim, Casey’s mind slowed, became sloshy and felt like she was swimming from the bourbon she’d hastily consumed. She kept quiet for a few minutes and let the euphoric sensation fog the anxiety that had been pressing on her.  “I-I was saying I didn’t stick to the plan but then I just said I did.”  Casey laughed, “What I meant was that for the most part I stuck to the plan.  I did the things I wanted outside of things I needed for school and to keep my scholarship.”  

Martin handed Casey the water. “That will help clear your head.”  Martin knelt down beside Casey and watched her until she opened her rich brown eyes, “You just had three shots of what I consider the best bourbon.  Van Winkle, aged twelve years.  It doesn’t burn like I am sure you are used to, so the taste might have fooled you into thinking it was a light drink.”  He patted Casey on the hand and went back to his seat. “You should be fine by the time we arrive.”

“Thanks.”  Casey laughed. “Full of information aren’t you?”

Martin shrugged, “I have to keep a large array of topics in mind, as I have all kinds of clientele.”  He laughed. “Most of them do not wish to play trivia games with me.”

“Thanks for changing the subject.”  Casey took a couple gulps of the bottled water, thankful that she was able to push her memory of Linda back. “Are all of your clients…Vampires?”  Casey stopped herself, “...No, you said that before.  Sorry.  My head is a bit foggy, like you said.”  Drinking another sip of water, Casey started over. “What are the other…vampires like?  I mean how do you avoid know…getting killed?”

“Ah, the million dollar question.  I wondered when you would get to that question, Casey.”  Marin raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Allow me to show you.”  Martin meticulously removed his tie, setting the fine silk over the arm of his chair, then opened the top button on his shirt to expose a tight silver chain with a quarter moon on it.

Casey immediately felt the charm on it and her senses registered that she was sitting in front of another ward.  The high she’d been experiencing faded fairly quickly. “Why-Why didn’t I sense you?  I sensed the vampires and wards from the band before.”

“So, Vivienne and you were the reason The Flying Cannibals aren’t with us any longer.”  Martin buttoned up his collar and re-knotted his tie perfectly. “I suspect that the reason you noticed before is because you were expecting them.”  He tapped on his chest. “It is much like seeing when a brake light is out.  You only notice because it sticks out or is different than you expect.”

“Does Vivienne know?”  Casey looked at the bottle of water questioningly.

Martin waved his hand, “Please.  Miss Rivers.  I am the same person you knew two minutes ago.  Of course Vivienne knows.  Not only did I tell her, she confronted me years ago about it.”

“I guess that makes sense?” Casey replied, still slightly confused. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell me.”

“I wouldn’t think too deeply about it, Casey.  What happened in the past isn’t of consequence to you right now.”  Martin lightly touched the necklace under his shirt, “It is better that you met me first.  What you are walking into, isn’t going to be the safest place.  Perhaps Vivienne wanted me to prepare you for what is coming.”

“What do you mean?”  Casey picked up the bottle of water and drained it. “Is that why you said all that stuff about being a castellan?”

“Yes.  You are the only ward I have ever seen Vivienne have.”  Martin got up and took the empty glass bottle and replaced it with a full one for Casey. “I do not wish to diminish your feelings for your friend, but you have much bigger issues to confront in the coming days and hours.”  Martin sat down once more, “I am under the employment of a fine lady named Sylvie Miakoda.  I belong to the troupe named Ventricular Venus.  As you can guess, my role is to keep watch on others and report back to my mistress.”

“I thought you said you keep your clients separate.”  Casey folded her arms and raised her eyebrow defiantly.

“I do keep my…clients… separate.  My mistress isn’t my client.  She is my employer.” Martin cleverly twisted out of the accusation. “I will add this. I have never spoken of Vivienne, to anyone.  Sylvie has never asked me directly so I have never had the reason to bring her up.”  Martin’s eyes grew wide, “Besides, I am completely frightened by your boss.  By telling my mistress anything about Vivienne endangers Luna and the entire troupe.”

“Luna?”  Casey started smiling. -Yep, you belong to the best, Rivers.-

“That is Sylvie’s nickname.  You will see why when you meet her.”  Martin smiled and winked.

“Vivienne told me our job was to hunt other vampires, which means that you and I should be at odds right now.”   Casey added calmly.

“She did?”  Martin’s smile waned and he raised his eyebrow. “When a vampire says something to you, it is important to be clear on the subject, or you could end up dead…much like you asked me before.”  Martin started shaking his head, “What you just said doesn’t make sense given she knows about me.  What were you told exactly?”

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