
Chapter 11: Tomorrow’s Terror – Part 6.

Brian kept looking at his rune hoping it would give him something that showed deception. -Not even a tingle.-  He blinked and looked down. “I was asked to be polite and think about the fifties from Wendy and be respectful.”  Drinking some of his tea, Brian added, “I did the opposite.  If you don’t mind, I will keep calling you Loved One.  It is the least I can do for being …”

“...Stop, no need to apologize.  Water under the bridge.”  Denise handed the big man the sandwich she’d made and put everything away. “Wendy had a hold on you, Brian.  After you eat, we will deal with that matter.”  Denise calmly stated as she took off her apron and hung it neatly on a hook by the entrance of the kitchen. “Homemade potato chips in the bag.”  Denise mentioned and sat down in her chair. Taking a huge bite of the club, Brian tasted every flavor as it mixed on his tongue. -Strange. Ham is ham, right?  Why is this so..damned good?-  He thought to himself as he swallowed the first bite and popped a potato chip in his mouth, gladly crunching it. “This is…why is this the best meal I have ever had?”

“Another compliment.  I will take it.”  Denise gave Brian her signature smile. “When love is involved, everything is better.  I love making food, I love the people around me that have dedicated themselves to the path.  I love the animals that gave their lives for the food you are eating.”  Denise walked to the back door and picked up her galoshes. “Like you, I am in love with someone that I don’t understand fully.  I guess that means we are linked that way.”  She winked one of her dark socketed hazel eyes.

“Loved One.”  Brian asked after another few bites of his sandwich disappeared in his stomach, “Captain Mattson mentioned he wanted Wendy for some mission, can you tell me something about that?”

“Brian.”  Denise sat down and folded her arms on the table, leaning forward. “I am reluctant to tell you much unless you dedicate yourself to the path.”  She looked around the room and circled her finger to indicate the kitchen, “While I have freed you from Wendy’s little trickery, it doesn’t mean I can fully trust you.  Yet.”  Denise’s hazel eyes started getting a mixture of lime green through the irises, “I can teach you.  I can make you my only geomancer, but you have to become part of the Awakened.”

-System of trades.  Free Casey from the vampire.  Wendy lied.  No warnings…well now.- Brian quietly thought to himself as he finished up his delicious meal. -Casey.-  Brian peered up from his plate at the soft black aura that was pulsing around Denise. “Wendy offered much the same thing.  She wanted us to be partners and no matter what you said, I should trust her.”  Brian drank more of his tea quickly, “I do also want to know what these things I have seen mean.”  Brian sighed, “Okay.  What do I need to do?”

“Just shake my hand. Rune to Rune.”  Denise raised her eyebrow, and offered her left hand with her old rune on it.

Looking at the green light emanating from his hand, Brian outstretched his hand and grasped Denise’s hand into his own. “Aren’t you going to chant something?”  He offered comically, before he felt a rush of wind and electrical current flow into him.  Instinctively looking at their connection, he witnessed the green energy flow between them and fade quickly.

Denise rolled her eyes and half-laughed. “You have seen too many movies, like I mentioned before.”  She pulled on the rubber boots beside her, “You have two choices.  You can come with me to my studio, or you can talk to Captain Joanh.  He is in charge of our…”  Denise chuckled, “Wizards.  He teaches the basics.”  She pointed to herself and stood up. “I can certainly do it as well, but you will have to be patient a bit longer.”

“I would prefer to stay with you, D..Lo..”  Brian sighed. “Loved One.”

Denise opened the back door. “It has been a while since I had an apprentice.  Let me think for a moment.”  She watched Brian stand up, “Push in the chair please.” 

Brian did as asked and pushed the chair in and followed Denise outside. “I don’t get it, you said you have awakened everyone…well except me.  You also said that you taught Wendy.”

Denise stopped and spun gently in the snow, “I have it.  Novitiate Ashburn.”  Denise resumed her pace towards her barn. “Technically a novitiate is part of a religious order, but since I am teaching you an art through art…we can call it anything we want.”  Denise winked and saw one of her captains emerge from her barn. “Ah, Captain Jonah after all.  Good afternoon.”

Standing nearly as tall as Brian, Captain Jonah confidently walked to the pair. “Loved One.”  He bowed and his long blonde hair fell over his pale face and red eyes. “The others are awaiting your arrival to go over the plan.  I thought it best to…return the van back to the station.”  He offered his bony and bone white hand to Brian, “Mister Ashburn.  Captain Charles Jonah, I am glad The Darla convinced you to stay with us.”

“He is my Novitiate, Charles.  I will be handling his art personally.”   Denise looped her arm though Brian’s. “How did you plan to get back to the farm?”

“Are you suggesting that I don’t use magic?”  The captain stood straight and pushed his hair back. “I guess I could get a taxi or something, though that isn’t fun.”  Charles laughed.

“You have to limit your use, Captain.  Most of your body has lost pigmentation as it is, and we still haven’t discovered why.  I am reluctant to let you use what is left of your melanin just on a fun ride back to the farm.”  She patted Brian on the arm. “Perhaps you can follow him in my car, Brian?”  Denise let go of Brian’s arm and dug the keys out of her pocket, handing him a rabbit’s foot keychain. 

Reaching for the key and looking at the antique car, Brian smiled. “Oh, yeah.”  He let himself forget about his worries and happily walked to the immaculate Chevy. “I will take great care of it.”

Captain Jonah whispered to Denise, “Almost too easy. Are you sure about this guy, Loved One?”

Denise nodded, “I am, Captain.  He conjured auras without hesitation.  We have our first geomancer.  We knew they were possible, but no one has shown the affinity.”  She paused for a second, “He is focused on the Rivers girl.  Keep his mind occupied while you are gone captain, and be wary.  I haven’t assessed everything he knows yet.”

“Will do, Loved One.”  The captain bowed and took his leave.

Denise waited until they two had gone from view before turning to face her large three story red barn.  It was a light whimper from her right that drew Denise’s attention. “Dusty?”  She whistled and saw her tall yellow lab poke his head out from where the ducks nested within the bump-out she’d added so the birds could stay warm in the winter months. “What is it boy?”  Denise asked and got a light bark in response. “Alright, I’m coming.”  The big dog jumped and wagged his tail as she approached. “Have you been trying to play with the ducks again, boy?”  She knelt down and scratched Dusty behind his ears and was licked feverishly as a response.  Giggling lightly, Denise let the big lovable dog finish his greeting then followed him to one of her ducks nursing a wing. “Good boy, Dusty.”  The bright eyed dog gave a quick howl and ran out and back into the yard. “Well now, let’s get you to Heather and see what is wrong with your wing.”  Denise looked down as a brown spotted duck waddled up to her. “Yes, you can come too, missy.”  Scoping both of her birds under her arms, Denise walked to the rear of the barn with Dusty and the birds in tow. “Dusty, go get Raollet to open the door for me.”  Laughing quietly to herself as the big dog ran through his panel door, Denise smiled as her Captain unlatched the door and greeted her.

“Loved One.”  Raollet winked. “I love your messenger.”

Stepping inside her barn and art studio, Denise nodded and carried the two ducks over to the long brown haired medic, Captain Heather Addison. “I think the little guy here has a broken wing.  Can you take a quick look for me please?”

Heather stopped looking at the little table with paper all over it, “Loved One.”  She smiled and took the green headed bird from Denise. “Who is this lovely brown lady with you?” She chuckled.

“She wouldn’t let me take him without coming along.”  She winked at the medic, “I am sure it was just Dusty trying to play with them again.”  The dog heard his name and barked from the other side of the barn.

Captain Addison smiled for another brief moment and then got a serious look within her brown eyes. “Wendy.”  She whispered. “Captain Mattson is having a difficult time explaining the plan, she keeps…interrupting him.”  She raised one long eyebrow. “I have everything you asked for on the second floor beside your canvases.”

Denise nodded and took off her rubber boots, sliding on a pair of old sneakers with paint all over them. “We settle all debts now.”  The Darla’s voice became soft and dangerous. “I want you three and Wendy upstairs, Now.  Captain.”  Denise walked up the creaky wooden stairs to her enclosed art studio.  She took a few moments to gather three easels, arranging them in a semi circle around a small cart with pencils, paint, paint brushes, various inks, quills and charcoal.  Finally, Denise put her well used stool beside a dark cherry wood chair outlined with maroon cushions and matching armrests.

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