
Chapter 12: Lines and No.9 – Part 1.

Vivienne laid silently, enjoying the comfortable embrace that her and Faye were sharing.  Faye was curled up tightly against her hip and running her fingers over her tummy and navel slowly.  Vivienne closed her soft blue eyes and let out a soothing sigh as Faye began caressing Vivienne’s long shapely legs with her own.  It was after Faye’s heavenly lips danced just under the hump of Vivienne’s breast that she started to shiver and murmur lightly. “Mon amour…If I knew this would be the result of your excitement, I would have taught you all this last night.” Vivienne shifted her body in relation to where Faye’s lips pressed.  Unlike other moments that had passed between them, Vivienne didn’t feel the pressure of her body urging her on towards a sexual climax.  Her mind simply went with the passion that her progeny was lavishing on her.  “Mmm…ah…you are a tease, mon amour.”  Vivienne purred when Faye’s lips encircled and pulled one of her nipples between her lips and gently suckled.  Vivienne stayed within the moment, and started running her fingers in the short black hair Faye possessed. “So, wonderful…mon…amour…”  Leaning up briefly, Vivienne kissed the top of her partner’s head. “Tes lèvres sont envoyées du ciel, mon amour. Viens ici et embrasse-moi.”  Vivienne coaxed softly.

Faye purred and pulled herself free of Vivienne’s breast and gazed at her partner. “W…what?”  Faye quickly planted a couple more kisses on Vivienne’s shoulder then her neck. “Excitement isn’t on my mind, Vivienne.”  Faye slinked her way up and kissed Vivienne slowly. “I am oddly calm.  I’m not…horny.”  Faye trailed a few more kisses to Vivienne’s ear. “I wanted to feel you pressed beneath my lips.”  She giggled, “I also wanted you to whisper sweet French nothings in my ears.”  Faye pulled away and slipped her naked form to sit on Vivienne’s hips. “What was that sweet thing you just said?”  Faye wiggled her black eyebrows and slid her hands gently back down Vivienne’s equally nude form.

“I said...”  Vivienne gulped and took a deep breath as she felt the tantalizing fingers going over her chest once more. “Loosely translated, I called your lips heavenly.  I said my love, then I said get up here and kiss me, which you did.”  Vivienne opened her blue eyes and smiled, blowing Faye a kiss.

“I didn’t tell you at the time, but when I saw you climbing the stairs in that body suit, it nearly drove me crazy.”  Faye grabbed the open bottle of blood-wine on the end table and took a small sip, then offered it to Vivienne. “Allow me.”  Faye whispered between them and tipped the bottle up to her partner's lips. “I don’t know how I resisted tearing your clothes off.”  Faye pulled the bottle away and held up her finger. “Don’t swallow, please.”  Placing the bottle back where it was, Faye leaned down and pressed herself breast to breast to Vivienne and crushed their lips together.  Faye’s fangs fell into place and she started biting lightly on Vivienne’s tongue as the couple shared the infused wine.  Faye flipped her tongue between her fangs and swirled it with Vivienne’s.

Vivienne sighed happily into the sweet blood shared kiss and embraced Faye tightly, feeling her girlfriend respond by pressing the couple tighter together.  After gliding her own hands to explore Faye’s sloped hips, Vivienne took a healthy grasp of her partner's ass.  Vivienne felt Faye push into her gentle grip and pant heatedly into their ongoing kiss.  Going with the heat of the moment, Vivienne released her grip and scooted her hands to the small of Faye’s back and held tightly as Vivienne sat up and pulled Faye into her lap.  Once Faye had wrapped her legs around Vivienne’s waist, the ancient vampire felt her body start to ache and burn with the heat that started pulsing from between her thighs. While Vivienne certainly enjoyed the rush of feeling that had started, She forced herself back into the no pressure mindset.  Carefully cupping Faye by her cheeks, Vivienne pulled out of the hot kiss. “We keep going down this path, Mon amour…and I will once more be dangerously close to breaking my vow.”  Vivienne exclaimed and traced her fingers down Faye’s shoulders and around her breasts, tweaking each nipple once for good measure. “I had the impression that this wasn’t about sex, but sensuality.”

Licking her lips and ending with a light smack-pop, Faye grinned and adjusted herself to get comfortable in Vivienne’s lap. “You have such a way with words, Vivienne.”  Faye brushed her hands down lightly until she rested them on Vivienne’s thighs. “You weren’t here for my earlier testing, so now since I have you as my captive…”  Faye leaned forward and kissed her partner’s heart shaped lips, “...My testing can continue.”  Faye snickered and massaged her fingers between Vivienne’s pearly legs.

“Mon amour?”  Vivienne gasped as she felt the small woman delve between her legs, “If your lovely intent is to dissuade my desire for sex, I should graciously tell you that your artful fingers are doing the opposite.”  Vivienne purred lightly as she felt the heated pulses of desire start in earnest.

When the scent of rosemary once seemed to permeate the air, Faye kissed Vivienne one last time and unfolded her legs and slipped to Vivienne’s side once more. “I love that scent from you.”  Faye whispered softly and gave Vivienne a light kiss on the neck. “If you would lay flat and just let me try this little test, I think we can both learn something.”  Faye leaned on her elbow a moment and looked directly into the blue eyes she adored so much, “Trust me, Viv.” Faye watched as Vivienne first perked one of her black eyebrows then took a deep breath and laid flat. “Good.”  Faye took her hand and placed it on Vivienne’s stomach once more and pushed blood so her hand would heat up. “Close your eyes and just follow the heat of my touch with your body and mind.”

Vivienne felt the heat of Faye’s touch immediately and when Faye started lightly pressing her fingers, she quivered as the muscle released its tension. “That is amaz-”  Vivienne began to say when a finger touched her lips.

“Shhhh..just follow the heat of my hand, Viv.”  Faye noticed Vivienne’s eyes were wide open and looking up at the ceiling. “That is tension in your face.  Close your eyes and let me do this.  Try and relax.”

Vivienne squished her eyes shut. -Just relax.  She touches me and I go into a frenzy.-  Vivienne bounced her head on the pillow a few times and finally succumbed to the delicate dance Faye’s fingers were doing in slow circles.  Vivienne started to focus on the heat like Faye asked and slowly her sexual frustration was replaced by tranquil feeling that turned her muscle to near putty.  “Mmmmhmm.”  Vivienne cooed lightly.

Faye felt Vivienne go limp and fall under the charm of her fingers as they worked past her hips and over both thighs.  “Right there, baby.”  Faye soothed and whispered into Vivienne’s ear. “Vivienne, love.  I know your legs are heavy and don’t want to move…”  Faye’s fingers reinforced the sensation, rubbing along the long grain of Vivienne’s thigh. “Follow my touch, my lead.”  She watched as Vivienne started opening her legs. “Lovely.  Just a little more, love.”  Faye noticed when Vivienne lost the strength in her knees and finally stopped urging her to open her legs. “There we go.  What are you thinking about?”

“I am thinking about how magical your fingers are at the moment.”  Vivienne softly whispered. “I admit that I am confused on how I am suddenly relaxed.”

Faye slipped a single finger through the small tuft of hair Vivienne possessed above her cunny. “Do me a favor, don’t think.  Just feel.”  Faye pressed slowly between Vivienne’s legs and did a soft outline of her pussy with the tip of her finger. 

Vivienne didn’t feel any flashes of heat or desire when Faye started doing the little circles.  Vivienne felt herself start to open as blood slowly filled her sexual petals. “Ah..oh… soothing, M-Mon amour.”

“So soft and lovely.  I feel you are completely open to my touch.”  Faye stopped the gentle outside circles and captured Vivienne’s nether-lips between her fingers gently and tugged lightly for a couple seconds. “Shhhh, no need to speak.  Just let your mind wander, relax under my touch.”

Vivienne felt like there was nothing except the rich sensation of Faye’s soothing touch.  Vivienne had long known she was dead, but at this moment, she’d never felt more alive.  Centuries and millennia passed through her mind, reliving all of the potential tender moments she’d experienced and none of them were like she felt now.  When Faye’s finger flipped to the length of her slit and started rubbing, Vivienne sucked a shallow breath between her teeth. “Wh…mercy, Faye…mo..mon amour…mon amour…mon amour…”

“Mmm, yes baby.  Test complete.”  Faye announced softly and pulled her finger free of Vivienne’s cunny. “I love you, Vivienne.”

Vivienne let out her breath and opened her sparkling blue eyes, half dizzy from the light trance she was in. “Words aren’t enough to…”  She shivered lightly once more. “ explain how that felt.”  Twisting to face Faye, “Faye, mon amour…mon amour.”  A single red tear streaked down Vivienne’s cheek, “Alive…Pampered and alive.  I felt like I could actually sleep if I wanted to.”  Vivienne cupped Faye’s cheek. “I love you too, always.”

Faye crawled over Vivienne once more and sat on her heavenly hips. “A successful test.”  Faye soothed and ran her hands over Vivienne’s chest. Faye spotted the streak of red that stained Vivienne’s otherwise perfect visage. “Viv?” She croaked out her partner's name.

Seconds passed as Vivienne let the sensations that Faye had carefully woven slowly fade away.  Taking a succulent deep breath as Faye’s fingers traced their way over her breasts once more, Vivienne managed to finally say something familiar to them both, “Mmmm, having your chai scent pierce me…it’s…it’s….sex in a breath.”  Vivienne giggled and stretched, slowly flexing her arms over her head. “The tear was from being happy, mon amour.”  Vivienne swished her feet on the sheets, and brought her knees up to support Faye. “Mmmm, yes.  Pray tell me what this test did, beyond its obvious effects.”  Vivienne purred happily.

“Just like I tested my comfort limit with Casey, I wanted to do the same with the woman I love.”  Faye reached behind her and used her fingernails on Vivienne’s thighs and smiled when she heard another pleasing moan escape her girlfriend’s lips. “You have been telling me how quickly I am doing things.  Much like I changed into a bird and used our mist form.”  Faye paused and leaned over to look Vivienne in the eyes. “The real challenge hasn’t been not killing, or the two forms.”  She started to shake her head slowly, “No…Vivienne…”  Faye felt a hot streak of blood race down her cheek and splash on Vivienne’s lips. “No…The hardest thing has been…you.”  Faye blinked a few more tears from her eyes and watched as the blood drops stain the line between Vivienne’s lips. “My test…my love…was to see if I could be here…like this..”  Faye bit on her bottom lip, “...Close to you, hold you and not have to fight my…myself to do it.  I didn’t think about blood, I didn’t think about your scent…I only thought about touching you…feeling you in my hands…”  Faye placed a slow kiss on Vivienne’s lips. “No frenzy.  Just you and I.”

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