
Chapter 12: Lines and No.9 – Part 9

Faye unzipped the back of her dress and licked her lips. “I wonder how fast this version takes effect, Vivienne.”  She popped one eyebrow up lightly and giggled. -I could use you about now, you taunting tiger.  Give me those stripes.- Faye reached into her darkness, laughing.  The young vampire had expected that the menacing voice would tempt her with something that would cloud her judgment or place her on guard, but no sound came.  Thick black stripes wrapped themselves around Faye’s soft skin until she’d fully taken on her tigress form.  Faye emitted a soft growl as she slid the one strap that held her dress on from her shoulder.

Vivienne had started giggling and spinning in the chair when she heard the sensual cat-like sound come from the other side of the small space. “I just kissed mine empty, mon amour…and I feel…”  Vivienne had just gotten the chair where she could see her tiger striped beauty when Faye had jumped out of her dress and landed squarely in Vivienne’s lap.  Vivienne eagerly caught her girlfriend and embraced her in a gentle hug. “Mmmm, yes…well.”  Vivienne had been about to comment on the speed of the elixir’s in their bodies when Faye pressed her lips desperately into Vivienne’s.  Vivienne rolled her tongue with Faye’s and pushed her hands through her partner’s silky black and pink toned hair.

Casey opened the door to the helicopter and saw Faye nude except for her panties and leather boots. “Viv…Oh..”  Casey started laughing and pulled the door so it was a little more discrete for the couple.  Casey closed her eyes to try and push the sexy sight of Faye’s lightly tanned and creamy body outlined in black stripes from her mind.  Casey lightly hit the door, “Brian, where are you when I…”  She felt her own body starting to heat up from the sounds behind the door. “Um..guys?”

Feeling the sudden rush of cool air swirl through the cabin, Vivienne reluctantly pulled out of the kiss the couple was sharing. “Ahem…Yes.”

Faye started laughing and nibbling on her lover’s ear. “I don’t care, let them watch.”  Faye’s glossy and lustful eyes scanned the small army that had been waiting for them to land. “We could just have them as dinner mints.”  Faye purred softly to Vivienne. 

Vivienne stood up, breaking the seatbelt with a loud crack. “Mmmhmm, perhaps a light snack without leftovers.”  Vivienne scooped Faye into one arm and with a swish of her long black chiffon cape, covered her mostly nude girlfriend. “Inhibitions or not, I am the only one that gets to see you, mon amour.”  Vivienne planted a kiss on Faye’s lips once more. “We are going to make a graceful exit.  Hold on to my neck.”

Faye laughed and stayed completely covered by her partner’s thin cape.  The warm and sensual feeling being held added to the intensity that the mixture was having as it permeated her unconcerned mind.  An important thought breezed into her carefree mind. -The soil-.  “Mmm,”  Faye whispered and unzipped her partner's dress. “I left the soil in the little bag I was carrying.”

Vivienne had long been feeling her electrical pulses zapping through her ancient body, centered on the tiny tigress in her arm.  “Casey…darrrling.”  Vivienne giggled when she felt her dress loosen. “Faye, you are being naughty.”

Faye licked and swirled her tongue on Vivienne’s long ashen neck. “I plan to get much more naughty.”  Faye’s chest rumbled before she started pressing her fangs into Vivienne’s earlobe.

Casey heard her name called and spun to see the couple locked in a hold that sent a wave of sweet heat between her legs. -Fuck…-  Casey licked her lips and was barely able to answer the French woman’s teasing voice. “V..Vii..oh”  She cleared her throat. “Vivienne.”  She pulled on her new business jacket to try and remind herself about the station she was appointed to.

“Would you be a doll and get Faye’s handbag?  Hang it over my opposite shoulder, please.”  Vivienne winked and darted her tongue over Faye’s mostly hidden cheek. “Faye and I have…ahem…business.  We will be unavailable the rest of the evening.”

“More than that, Vivi-bean.”  Faye snickered and wrapped her arms around Vivienne’s neck. “Be sure to get those extra bags..please, Casey.”

Vivienne ignored the two small steps leading out of the helicopter and floated down until she landed on the red carpet that had been placed down.  Graciously bowing once, Vivienne walked steadily past the lines of people that had awaited her arrival.

Faye felt Vivienne’s pace slow for a split second and she looked to see who she assumed was the young Hasselberry woman standing beside a smiling Martin. “Don’t you dare stop.”  Faye breathed into her lover’s ear.

The potions power ended the debate of eroticism versus etiquette for the ancient vampire and she hastily headed into the manor.  Crossing over the stone floors of the kitchen, and onto the blue pearl granite flecked with gold, Vivienne hastily made her way to the grand staircase of her Ravenstead home.

Faye stopped suckling on Vivienne’s neck and looked up once Vivienne let the chiffon cape fall off of her small form. “Beautiful.”  Faye commented in a nibbling whisper. “You, not the staircase.”

Vivienne unhooked the cape and let it float gently to the floor, then ascended the Brazilian mahogany staircase lined with brass railings. “I am walking and wondering why I didn’t just jump to the top floor, mon amour.”  Vivienne felt another ripple of current across her form when Faye danced her fingernails over her shoulder. 

“I smell rosemary.”  Faye purred and wiggled her feet.

Vivienne didn’t feel any different than she did the moment she drank the blood and realized that her hesitation wasn’t out of fear or indecision, but passion.  Her heart started to bounce in her chest from the excitement of the moment and she was going to treasure it. “Mmm, love.”  Vivienne turned Faye so she could see the green tiger eyes. “Soon…”  Vivienne wiggled out of her form fitting dress and kept walking to the master bedroom. “...liquid…”  Vivienne whispered slowly as she turned to the huge double doors that lead into their chambers. “...roseeee..mary.”  

Faye’s body erupted in goosebumps when the doors were flung open to their room.  Vivienne set the small striped woman on the king sized bed covered in maroon silk and swaggered to the door and closed it.  Faye bit gingerly on her bottom lip thinking about the words that Vivienne had just been selectively saying. -Oh fuck…did she just say liquid rosemary?- Faye took a deep breath and admired the perfect French born woman by the doors when she heard an audible click. “Trapped.” Faye sighed and scooted back on the bed, and laid back against the half dozen pillows. “Vivienne…”  Faye didn’t speak but simply watched as the soft light seemed to dance off Vivienne’s skin at just the right angles that showed off much of her body, yet kept her hourglass form hidden in some secret shadow.  Faye leaned down to unzip her boots and felt her hands stop as though commanded. -Hot.- Faye giggled and once more laid back.

Purring as she made her way over to the bedside, Vivienne winked. “...mmm, darling.  You don’t get to pull those off..that is my job.”  She wiggled her long finger at the leather boots. “Look at this…”  Vivienne pulled the strap of Faye’s handbag across her chest, making sure that it tweaked one of her small nipples so it would enlarge. “You protected something very valuable to me and I think a reward is in order.”

“How did you…?”  Faye knew the question was pointless and quickly decided to brush it aside.  She watched as Vivienne slipped onto the bed one knee at a time and crawled over on all fours until she was hovering over Faye. “Mmmm, hello there.”  Faye softly spoke and followed her urge to reach up and cup both of Vivienne’s breasts, twirling both nipples between her fingers.

Vivienne had been about to respond to the playful greeting when Faye sent the first two spine sparkling twists through her body, nearly making her lose strength in her arms. -Just fall into her.- Vivienne both begged and defied herself.  Rather, Vivienne tossed her head back and sucked in through her teeth and fangs.  Vivienne enjoyed the feeling for a few seconds longer before regaining her senses.  She pulled both of Faye’s hands to her lips and gently kissed, then suckled both hands once finger at a time.

Once Faye felt her fingers slip between Vivienne’s lips, she started digging her booted heels into the silk blanket as her excitement started to build. “Viv…vivv..oh lord…mmm.”  Faye tried to express the warming sensations shooting from her fingers and radiating through her body and starting to pool between her legs.  Faye gasped when Vivienne took a moment and pin pricked her middle finger and drew blood from the small puncture then swirled the hole closed with her fluid-like tongue.

Lingering over Faye, Vivienne smiled and parted her lips enough so the blood she was holding came out one drop at a time, splashing on Faye’s soft tanned lips. She watched as Faye darted her tongue out and daintily consumed the drops as they splashed.   Once Vivienne heard the desperate gasps coming from her lover, She closed the distance and pressed their blood soaked lips together, sharing the heavy iron taste between them.

Living in the moment, Faye ran her fingers through Vivienne’s black silky hair that tickled her face when the two embraced.  Blood shared and blood consumed, Faye felt the burn of her throat subside as well as her own slow burning arousal from the sanguine that had been returned to her.  Faye danced and twisted her tongue with Vivienne’s for a few seconds more then pulled away drawing in a sinfully desperate breath. “Fangs..soo…fucking good…mmm..”  She curled her fingers and tugged on the handfuls of hair. “Don’t…you…dare…”  Faye panted and begged, “...fucking stop…”

Vivienne kissed and bit Faye’s neck, “Mmm…mon amour…don’t forget to use blood…” Vivienne playfully whispered, “...intensify…”  Vivienne coaxed and started dragging her lips lightly over Faye’s shoulders.  Vivienne had started scraping the points of her fangs down one of Faye’s arms when she heard silk tear from behind her.  Pulling away and wiggling her finger at Faye, Vivienne raised her eyebrow. “Naughty…boots.”

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