
Chapter 14: Revelations – Part 6.

USA, Virginia 2022.

Vivienne watched the stunned people across her triangle table, “Alas, even with his pompous proselytizing of faith, he was never able to detect me.”  She shrugged. “I left them after about a month and let them clear out the rest of Spain.”

“Catalina huh?”  Faye giggled. 

Sylvie leaned back in her chair, “I do love a good story now and then, thank you Doctor Moreau.”  She turned to Casey, “What Vivienne described and what we’ve seen seem to be parts of the same shadow.”  Her eyes passed into twin full moons, “Your boyfriend…”

“Ex…boyfriend.”  Casey corrected and sighed, then reached over to squeeze Luna’s hand. “I am not going to think about it anymore.  Thank you though.”

Sylvie froze in place for a few seconds, staring into Casey’s chocolate eyes. “Y..your welcome.”  Sylvie offered and looked at the rest of the table. “Where were we?”

Franco chimed in, “Phantasmagoria.  Miss Vivienne was about to explain why this is a bad idea.”

Walking though she was on a hidden cloud, Vivienne floated back to her chair and sat down. “Astute, Franco.”  She cleared her voice and resumed speaking in her light French accent. “I think we have been here long enough and much to my surprise, I am having quite a bit of entertainment.”  She crossed her regal legs, “Please.  All of you call me Vivienne.”  Watching as Franco seemed to have a huge weight lift from him, Vivienne blinked her gorgeous and sparking blue eyes. “I consider you friends now.”  She winked at the four blood bunnies. “You four are welcome here as well.”  She held up her finger. “Only you four.”  She laughed, “We can’t have a parade of volunteers in Ravenstead manor.”

All four of the blood bunnies smiled and made a peace sign, Veronica the only one speaking. “Franco takes great care of us, Vivienne.”  She paused and looked at her other companions who nodded, “Yes, we will take you and the lovely Faye on the offer.”  Veronica looked at Franco, “Consider us the bond of friendship between you both, master.”

Franco nodded and scratched his salt and pepper hair. “A very good plan, my dear.”  He looked at Vivienne, “What do you think?  A bond of blood?”

“We accept!”  Faye giggled and quickly gave Vivienne a kiss on the cheek before the ancient vampire could confirm. “You have my word, Franco.”

Vivienne nodded slowly with a grin on her face as Faye bolted back to her chair after the sweet kiss, “Apparently we have accord, Franco Tarsey.”  Vivienne winked at Faye, “Mon amour, I love you.”  Quickly changing the topic back to the bazaar, Vivienne tapped lightly on the black wooden table. “Phantasmagoria.”  She paused. “I suspect that the magic has returned because there are too many of us in one region.”  She looked over to Sylvie then back to Franco, “It is why I move around about every twenty to thirty years.”  She shrugged, “Virginia Beach was my longest tenure for centuries.  Roughly seventy years.”  Vivienne added, “I cannot confess to knowing the inner workings of how human magic manifests, but I do know that the inquisitors employed things far worse than that sunbeam I explained.”

Sucking in a deep and hesitant breath, Franco clicked his teeth in thought. “Worse.”  He gulped, “I have witnessed one of their captains escape an embrace, just to kill one of Issac’s best with, chopsticks.”

Rubbing her chin and blinking softly, Vivienne gave a concerned look to Faye then back to Franco. “I have never witnessed a broken embrace unless it was from a true believer.”

“It would seem that these Ripped have the innate ability.”  Sylvie solemnly stated, “Issac is desperate and making new vampires almost daily to keep up with the Ripped.”

Faye shook her head, having pieced everything together. “That is just making things worse, if Vivienne is right.”  Her green eyes moved to Vivienne. “It is a circle without end.”

“Agreed, mon amour.”  Vivienne watched Sylvie pat Casey on the arm once more, “We should see this Phantasmagoria.”  She bore her blue eyes into Franco, “Question is, will the council accept my presence there, or will they do the idiot thing and attack me?”

Franco pet one of his blood bunnies and heard the girl purring softly, “I have informed them that should Drake be successful, that you might appear.”  He paused, “You are under Crimson Muse’s protection, Vivienne.”

Sylvie laughed before Vivienne, “Franco, you arrogant ass.”  She pointed to Vivienne, “You can’t even hunt, how would you protect Vivienne?”

Vivienne laughed and shook her head, “Alas, The concern wasn’t for me, but the council.”  She stood up and walked beside Faye and kissed her hand, “Because of Faye and Casey..”  She pointed to her ward, “...I am getting a new perspective and do not want to destroy anything.”  She leaned down and kissed Faye, “Mmm, I will always love those lips.” Vivienne stood up with a harder look in her blue eyes, “I will do what I can to keep the peace.  I will not tolerate any attacks on Faye or Casey.”

“Reasonable.”  Franco agreed with his new friend. “I am older than the others, so they honestly can’t hurt me either.”  He stood up and bowed, “So, the meeting is over?”  He watched as Vivienne nodded and resumed kissing Faye. “I will take that as a sign.”  He giggled, “What shall we do the rest of the day?”

Sylvie turned and began staring at Casey, “We could tell more stories or..”  She curled her eyebrows, “Or figure out puzzles.”

“What is the plan once the sun goes down, Franco?”  Vivienne picked Faye up and carried her back to the chair at the head of the table. “I would enjoy seeing Phantasmagoria before the council meeting if that is possible.”

Faye giggled and swung her feet playfully before Vivienne resumed her seat, “Oh, goody!  I get to the tech person.”

“Kody.”  Casey mentioned softly still locked on Sylvie’s moon shifting eyes. “Sylvie…here…”  Casey giggled as her heart skipped a beat, “...said Kody ran the nerd group.”

“They are mindlessly boring..”  Franco sighed and walked around to stretch his legs and looked over at Vivienne and Faye, “I am sure you are vaguely aware of the social situation beyond this palace, Vivienne?”  He watched Vivienne’s inquisitive eyebrow perk. “Or not.”  He cleared his voice, “There have been changes in language and greeting by a great many people.  They and them are used in place of gender.  Kody prefers not to be seen as either, but known for their technical savvy.”

Faye nibbled lightly on Vivienne’s ashen lips, “Don’t worry, Viv.  I can explain it on the way to Phantasmagoria.”

Purring lightly with the gentle teasing Faye was doing, Vivienne shook her head. “I was familiar with the concept, mon amour.”  Vivienne trailed one of her nails down the smooth contour of Faye’s cheek. “I have a few employees that have politely asked for that very thing.  I will not insult Kody, mon amour.”  She chuckled. “I know what meeting a fellow electronic enthusiast will mean to you.” 

 Casey stood up, “I think I am going to stretch my legs and get something to eat Vivienne.”  Casey waited for Vivienne to nod before grabbing her phone and striding to the rear entrance of the room.  Casey felt a cold arm wrap around her own and saw Sylvie was now walking with her. “Yes?”

Sylvie smiled, “So..”  She blinked her quarter moon irises, “...Tell me more about yourself, if you please.”

Casey giggled, “Viv says that all the time.” Casey patted the cool tanned hand, “What would you like to know?”

Sylvie smiled, “I know she does, that is why I said it.”  She laughed as the two left the room.

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