
Chapter 15: By Dusk’s Early Night – Part 2.

One long shapely leg at a time, Vivienne emerged. “Simply stating a fact, mon amour.”  Pointing to her right, “Faye, please escort me on the right.”  Turning to face her ward, “Casey, appear serious and keep only slightly behind us.” Vivienne smiled, “Our guardian angel.”

“Celestial.”  Faye corrected and laughed. “Come on, Viv.  I have been waiting three days for this.”

Waiting until Franco and Sylvie had walked a few feet towards the opening of the sinful building, Vivienne pointed to the blood red brick that lay in the middle of concrete slabs and intersected in a big macabre cross. “A pleasing path outlined in soft yellow light.”  She pointed to the huge crowd waiting to get in. “A trap that you willingly step in.”

“Why hunt when you can bring them to you?”  Faye echoed the sentiment.

“Yeah, I can feel the others close by.” Casey tapped Vivienne on the shoulder. “This is…”

Vivienne turned and looked at her ward, “I agree, Casey.” Vivienne started walking toward the entrance, “Humans enjoy their vices and it would appear our brethren have found a perfect little setup.”  She looked back at Casey, “This is little more than a food processing plant with pretty lights.”

Casey shivered and followed Vivienne, “Seriously making me think about becoming a vegetarian.”

Faye looked at her two companions, “You both are a killjoy.”  She took a deep breath, “I like it.”  Seeing the concerned look on Casey’s face, Faye stuck out her tongue playfully. “Might I remind you that we just killed probably fifteen people in the last few days?”  She points to the line of people. “You both are funny.  Morality when it suits you.”  She shrugged, “I am willing to bet that not everyone going in gets fed on or even dies.”  She paused and bopped her head to the music that was playing softly over the speakers outside the building. “This is the veil at its best.  If they killed too many, it would draw too much attention.”  Faye wrapped her arm around Vivienne’s, “This seems more symbiotic than it does a processing plant.”

“You both have great points.”  Vivienne looked at them both, “It is perspective, I suppose.”  Vivienne stopped walking and faced them both, “I prefer to hunt like I always have.”  Focusing her wild blue eyes on Casey, “You are safe, my ward.  I know that you might have some reservations upon reflection.”  Vivienne paused, “You are free to go back to the manor if you want, I will not force you to attend.”

Casey shook her head, “I’ll get over it.”  She took a deep breath and offered a grim smile, “I know what vampires do, Vivienne.  I also know that you are different.”  She looked around and then back into Vivienne’s soft blue eyes, “I am in service to a lovely vampire.  I am your ward and I know what that entails.  Let’s just go.  I won’t think about it.”

Finishing the short walk to the doors, the three met up with Franco and Sylvie waiting patiently so they could bypass the lines and the wards guarding the entrance. “What kept you?”  Franco questioned with a friendly voice and turned to the guards. “Remember their faces, they can come and go as they wish.  They are with my personal guests.”  

The two watchful wards nodded to the trio. “Welcome to Phantasmagoria.”  One of the wards pointed to Faye, “Keep your blood bunny close, others might want to hit that.”  

Faye quickly covered Vivienne’s mouth as she was about to speak, “Thank you, I will keep a close watch on this one.”  She gently pushed Vivienne through the door, “Go on bunny-blue, inside with you.”

Casey snickered as they walked into the huge lobby. “Holy crow.”  She quickly scanned the area, “There are others like me all over the place.”  She saw them take note of her. “They know me too, Vivienne.”  

Lavish didn’t begin to describe what Vivienne saw as she scanned the area and walked further into the lobby.  “Theater.”  Vivienne pointed out and began walking towards the well decorated stage.  Carpeted flooring gave way to a solid black stone floor with rich yellow lighting emanating in a semi-circle to outline the section.  The middle of the circle had the standard fare of tables and chairs, covered with tablecloths and a tiny candle flickering for shadow effect.  A long curved bar made of brass had been built up one step up so the patrons could watch the events without being blocked by the people below.  Finishing up the lush venue, Vivienne noted the long gold curtains with complimentary navy blue valances that outlined the entire theater. “Gold is the theme here, mon amour.”  Vivienne walked to the edge of the carpet, “Marvelous.”  She shook her head and pointed to the effects in the room, “the lighting and metal on the chairs were meant to reflect gold instead of actually being gold.”

“It is beautiful.”  Faye added and slipped beside Vivienne. “What are you thinking?”

Vivienne looked at her lover, her blue eyes sparkling with the gold reflected from the room. “I am thinking that our brethren have done a fantastic job.”  Pointing to the stage, Vivienne kept talking. “The stage is made of a wood that is giving off a pleasing purple.  It is almost calming to look at.”  She turned to Casey who was standing mesmerized. “Casey?”

Blinking her chocolate eyes, the ward shook herself free of the sight before her. “Viv.  I…um, yeah.”  She scratched her auburn-blonde hair a moment, “Right…it got me just then.”  Nodding to the side sections, “Look there, that looks to be either a VIP section or a place where the others can feed without being caught.”

“Correct.”  A light British female accent came from beside the trio, making Casey jump slightly.

Vivienne gently grasped Casey’s hand for reassurance, “Good evening.”  Vivienne spoke and turned to face the woman that had interrupted them.

“My, aren’t you the morsel?” the woman spoke again, and quickly sniffed Casey and Vivienne. “Ward and..”  She laughed, “Another bunny.”  Spotting Faye’s green tiger eyes, the well built lady outreached her hand, “Livia Vegas, I knew there was a sister close to these lovelies.”  She raised one of her white eyebrows, “A young one too.  Impressive.”

Faye shook the woman’s hand, “It is all about control, right?”  Faye winked and stepped forward. “I would have preferred that you talk to me before sniffing out my thrall and prize package here.”

Livia bowed lightly, “My error.  It's rare when we have such a fine specimen of humanity here.”  Livia flicked her platinum blonde hair behind her and looked into Vivienne’s crystal blue eyes. “Although…those eyes…”  Livia felt a shiver travel the length of her voluptuous body, “...are to be wary of.”  She shook her head, “I have never in my hundred and seventy years seen…them..”

Vivienne raised one of her eyebrows and crossed her arms, “I think I would have remembered eyes like your own, Miss Vegas.”  Vivienne half pointed to the stage, “Violets on the tables to match the purple flower pattern in your eyes.”

“Yes!”  Livia took an uneasy step back from Vivienne and company, “This little outlet is only half of my operation.  The rest of it is backstage.”  Adjusting her form fitting leather bodice and licking her lollipop red lips, Livia continued in a whisper. “The after evening shows happen back there, if you get my meaning.”  Her flowery eyes opened as if hit by the sun, “Please tell me that your blue eyed beauty here wants to perform.”  

Faye snickered and looked at Vivienne, “What do you think bunny-blue?”

“Adorable!”  Livia swaggered a few steps towards the stage, “Bunny-blue dancing, I love it.”  She held up her fingers in a little square. “A lovely star is born, right?”

Ignoring the comments from Faye and Livia, Vivienne “So a brothel and a stage.  Certainly sounds like Vegas to me.”  Vivienne tapped on Casey’s shoulder again, “Look away from the glow, dear.”

Casey suddenly woke up and walked behind Faye, “Sorry about that Viv.  I just can’t help it.”  Casey addressed Livia, “What did you do that the glow does that, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Trade secret of The Velvet Underground.”  Livia pointed to herself, “That is our name.”  She then pointed to Faye, “I assumed that since you were looking intently over the area, you might be interested in joining us?  I seldom see a freeborn vampire anymore.”

“Freeborn?”  Faye inquired.

“Yes.” Livia’s British accent sweetly sang out, “Who ever made you isn’t here, so I assume they freed you after turning you.  It is rare, but it does happen.”  She pointed to Vivienne and Casey, “They would be perfect for us.  I mean your thrall is delicious too.”

Faye stepped deliberately in front of Vivienne, her kaleidoscope green eyes swirling. “I will have to pass on the kind offer. This is our first time here, invited by Mister Tarsey.”

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