
Chapter 15: By Dusk’s Early Night – Part 5.

Faye scrunched her nose, “Was this the impression you wanted them all to have of you, love?”  

“I wanted to be left alone and did it very forcefully.”  Vivienne pulled Faye into her arms and gazed into her partner's green eyes, “There is the possibility I lived in a touch of denial as to the effect of what I started.”  Vivienne bent down and kissed Faye, “Mmm, Mon amour.  I doubt I will ever tire of your lips.”

Faye felt herself wanting to melt into Vivienne’s arms and to forget about where they were currently standing, “I love you.”  She panted, “I love the way you make my mind go hazy when you kiss me.”  Faye lay her head between Vivienne’s breasts and dreamed about being wrapped in the chiffon cape she was wearing once more. “Mmm, I regret leaving our room now.”

Franco walked up just after Faye spoke, “You two are simply charming.”  He laughed politely, “I have not seen a connection between creator and progeny such as you have.”  

“Love at first…I am not sure if it was sight or heat.”  Faye pulled herself away from Vivienne, “It was very close and…”  Faye fluttered her eyes, “...almost indescribable.”

Vivienne entwined her fingers with Faye’s, “What do you have here, Mister Tarsey?  I cannot ascertain what exactly your company does.”  Vivienne followed Franco as he walked past the cubicles, “I thought with the name, your company would be some sort of artist or dealer.”

“Much like the rest of Phantasmagoria, I sell fantasy.”  The gentleman vampire pointed to an open cubicle, “It is a one on one place of self discovery and a little blood on the side.”  He winked at Vivienne. “My progeny all help by using their abilities to find out the person’s deepest desire and try to get them to express it semi-private in the little cubes here.  It can be anything really.”  Franco smiled, “Most of my clients tend to want to do something with their hands and imagination.”  Walking to one of the empty cubes, Franco opened a drawer and showed Vivienne the contents. “We keep the supplies to what the client may want in the back, here we keep the suggestions.” 

Faye peered into the drawer, “Paper?  Why not just keep all of the ideas on a tablet or something that they can download?”

“I don’t allow electronics.”  A devilish crimson smile crossed Franco’s lips, “That would defeat the entire purpose.  I can’t have them taking pictures of what goes on in here.”  He closed the drawer and faced his two companions, “I want them to remember where they came and the fulfillment they had while here.”

Vivienne noted that the chatter in the shop had resumed, “They also pay for this privilege, right?”

“Yes.”  Franco pointed to the second half of his shop, “They say that blood and money tend to go hand in hand, right?”

Faye heard her parents in her head as Franco spoke, “We sold an idea.”  She flatly spoke, her eyes glossed over in memory, “Families come to the beach to live another life for a few days. Surfing, tanning, and building sandcastles.”  Faye clutched her stomach tightly still hearing the echoes, “Others come out to show off their bodies, get pampered, drink, and go a little crazy.”  Finally able to push the voices to the back of her mind, “All of them will get some sort of souvenir…”  Faye trailed off.

“It would appear that you have recovered more of your past, mon amour.”  Vivienne walked behind Faye and hugged her tightly, caressing her lover's hands. “Are you struggling?”  Vivienne looked at Franco, “Would you happen to have..”

Franco held up his hand, “Let’s go into my office, Patricia is in there to serve your needs.”  

Vivienne scooped her near comatosed lover into her arms and followed the Israeli vampire to his private lair.  “I appreciate this, Mister Tarsey.”

Sitting down in his executive chair, Franco summoned one of the four blood bunnies that were entertaining themselves on a leather sofa. “Patricia, Miss Faye there could use your services.”

“Really?”  The more mature looking woman jumped up and hurried over to Vivienne and knelt down, “When you are ready, Mistress.”  Patricia cleared her long frosted hair aside to expose her neck.

Spotting an open lounge chair, Vivienne placed Faye down gently. “Miss Patricia, please sit with my partner, Faye.”  Vivienne helped the woman to her feet, “Call me Doctor Moreau.” 

“As you wish.”  Patricia smiled and bounced her way over to Faye, and squished herself in the chair with the young vampire. “When you are ready, Mis…Um…Faye.”

Vivienne took the next empty seat and crossed her legs, “Overall, I am impressed with the way Phantasmagoria runs.  Although I think it is the concept in itself that is causing your problem with the Ripped.”  Vivienne pulled her hair to one side, “Alas, when do I get to meet this council?”

“We can head up to the chambers once Faye comes around.”  Franco leaned on his desk, “The good news is, I have managed to get Issac to be polite.”  He pointed at Vivienne and snickered. “He insists on arresting you.”

Reaching over to run her fingers through Faye’s black-pink hair, Vivienne shook her head. “That would not end well for anyone in the room.”

Faye blinked her eyes and weakly whispered, “Be nice.”  Feeling the woman tight against her frame, Faye sniffed the blood bunny’s long and exposed neck. “Vivienne..a little help?”

Kissing the top of Faye’s head, Vivienne laughed. “It is still in place, mon amour.  Patricia is quite safe.”  Vivienne winked at the thirty something woman. “Thank you for your service, Miss Patricia.”  Vivienne heard the bunny start moaning softly as Faye drank from her. “I suspect that you wish for me to tell the council the same story that I told you this morning?”

“That is the game plan, Vivienne.”  He stood up just after Faye got to her feet. “That was fast.”  Franco watched as Patricia walked over to him and adjusted his tie. “Thank you dear.”

“Very welcome, Master.”  Patricia knelt down. “Will there be anything else?”

Franco squatted down and cupped the woman’s chin. “You have been faithful for years.  After this council meeting, You and I will have a discussion about joining Crimson Muse.”  Stopping short of enthralling Patricia with a kiss, he stood up and then helped her to her feet. “I would ask you to accompany me to the chamber, but Miss Faye just drank from you.”  Franco laughed as she wrapped her arm through his. “Very well, Patricia.”

Vivienne quickly wrapped Faye in her arms, “Feel better now, mon amour?”  Vivienne felt Faye bury herself in her chest and shake her head. “Good.”  Vivienne lifted Faye’s chin so they could see each other, “Do you wish to stay here or come to the council chamber with me?”

“Wild horses couldn’t pull me away from you, Viv.”  Faye stole a quick kiss from her lover, “Together.”

Patting his escort's arm a few times, Franco smiled and looked at Vivienne, “Shall we head up?”  He strode confidently from his office and headed for the main staircase. “Let’s see Doctor.”  Franco looked up in thought as they ascended the steps, “I will spare you the deeper details of this council.”  Turning to see the intent blue eyes, Franco hesitated a moment. “I…um…”  Pushing the quick echo of fear back, Franco clutched Patricia’s arm a little harder until he regained his composure. “This council isn’t a veil mee…meeting.”

Passing over the carpet and stairs without a sound, Vivienne gave a playful look to Faye when Franco seemed to stumble over his words.  “I am being nice, mon amour.”  Vivienne lightly laughed as if she read Faye’s thoughts.

“Sure you were.”  She playfully stuck her tongue out, “I have seen that look before, you know.”  Faye raised one of her eyebrows and patted Vivienne on the ass. “See?!  There it is.”  Starting to bop lightly while they climbed the second set of stairs, Faye swished her black-pink air. “You would be a terrible poker player.  Your tell is in your lovely blue eyes.”

“Miss Faye, you certainly have a way of making Doctor Moreau less frightening.”  Conscience of Vivienne within claws reach of his neck, Franco re-lived the Raven’s dreadful attack on the original council, “Pl..please don’t mistake what I am saying.”  His throat burned anxiously and pushed the vision from his memory, making him pause and quickly feed from Patricia. Licking the bright red blood from his lips, Franco resumed talking, “I meant that you are more…open when Faye speaks with you.”  Patricia leaned heavily on Franco and he kept her steady on his arm, “Allow me to finish.”  They reached the third floor and he pointed to a room with dark windows. “This is a regional meeting, so expect the folks you have met so far…”  Quickly lost in thought, Franco squinted for a couple seconds. “Including yourself there should be twenty-one leaders.”

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