
Chapter 17: Reflections and Refugees – Part 3.

Darting her blue eyes across the scene, Vivienne watched a car drive by firing various guns out of the windows, striking people on the sidewalk.  Once the spraying of bullets finished, the car sped off and promptly crashed into another car, flipping over in the process.  Vivienne noted the chain reactions after the car flipped.  There was return gunfire and a couple more cars wrecking into one another.  Vivienne felt her hand being pulled and squatted down with Heather. “It would appear that there are a great many people hurt out there.”  Vivienne smelled the abundance of blood from the injured people around the scene. “I am going out there to see what I can do, Doctor Addison.”  Knowing that her eyes would start forming a red ring around them, Vivienne looked away and pulled on the door handle. “Aren’t we sworn to help?”

Holding her hands over her ears and screaming, Heather could only see that Vivienne’s lips were moving.  She shook her head and lay on the floorboard, shaking.  It was only after Vivienne opened the door and slipped out, that Heather peeked up and out of the window.  Heather happened to look in the front seat and see the cab driver slumped over. “Oh god!”  She screamed and pointed to the man, “V…Vivienne…”  Near frantic, Heather yanked hard on the metal latch of her door and tumbled out of the cab and into the street.  When Heather landed on her butt with a hard thud, she let out a heavy grunt that also broke her out of her state of panic. “Vivienne, The cab driver…um..”  Heather felt herself get hefted up and turned to face Vivienne’s elegant blue pearl eyes. “I think he is de…”

“Miss Addison, We don’t have much time.”  Vivienne grabbed Heather's purse and opened it quickly, digging out a couple of colored lipstick and eyeliner pencil. “Mark everyone you see.  You remember the codes right?”

Heather quickly thought about her lessons on triage, “We don’t have the tags.”  She closed her eyes and thought about the tags. “Black..expected, Red..Immediate, Yellow…Serious, Green…Minimal.”

“Correct.”  Vivienne kept the eyeliner pencil and handed the lipstick back. “We don’t have colors, but you can write a letter on their foreheads for each color.”  The vampiress patted Heather on the back, “You can do this, doctor.”  Then headed for the overturned car that started the entire scene.  

Vivienne managed to hide herself from view and looked into the car, counting four in the back seat and two in the front.  Confronted with a massive pool of blood, Vivienne felt her fangs lock into place and her own body craving the delicious treat that was currently pouring uselessly into the street.  Vivienne heard the hearts of all six instigators still lightly beating.  Vivienne carefully scanned the area for onlookers a final time, before quickly feeding from the driver.  Drinking until the girl's heart barely beat, Vivienne took the pencil and marked her with a large “B” on her forehead.  Wiping her lips free of blood, Vivienne stood up and made her way over to the other passenger in the front seat.

“Ple…”  He coughed up blood and dropped the hand he had reached out for Vivienne.

“Unlike the others you shot, you won’t feel a thing in a few moments.”  Vivienne offered before crawling into the wreckage and feeding from the young man until his heartbeat matched the shallow fluttering that the drivers did.  Vivienne had just started to sedate the bloodlust she had on the four in the backseat when she felt a quick prickly feeling. -Blood is life- She told herself and quickly finished off the four gunmen so that they wouldn’t survive long enough for EMS to arrive.  Marking them all with the ominous black letter, Vivienne left the six and made her way over to Heather. “The ones in the car are not going to make it.”  

Heather had just written a letter ‘G’ on a gentleman with a bullet hole in his lower leg. “Most of them here have minor injuries.  I just wish I had something else other than this lipstick.”  Heather looked at the man and tore a couple sections off his shirt.  She folded a bigger section into a thick square and then pressed it to his wound, before wrapping the dressing tightly with the last section of the torn garment. “Keep your hand pressed on the bandage.”  Heather lightly tapped the man’s cheeks to get him to open his eyes. “Stay awake, and hold pressure.”  She tapped her own ear, “Hear that?  Emergency is coming, just stay awake.”  The man half smiled as tears started to roll down his cheeks and he simply nodded to Heather.

“You are doing just fine, doctor.”  Vivienne mentioned as she started looking over a woman with a few injuries.  She marked the woman with the letter ‘Y’ as she discovered a couple bullet wounds on her patient.  Vivienne looked up as she started smelling the scent of gasoline and pointed in the direction of the secondary accidents. “Heather get dow….”  Vivienne didn’t have the time to get her warning out before the car caught fire.  Vivienne grabbed the woman she was looking over and dragged her further up the street to the cab she’d been in minutes before.  Vivienne quickly blew a heated breath across the woman’s nose and spoke clearly above the crackling of flames. “You will make it, Keep your eyes open for me, Yes?”  Entranced, the woman shook her head and smiled. “Once you are in the hospital you won’t remember a thing.”  Vivienne watched as the woman feebly nodded in apparent bliss.

Heather had managed to get most of her patients that were able to move to relative safety and in a small semi-circle.  “I think we have everyone marked, Vivienne.” she flatly commented and walked over to the cab, checking the driver again. “Wait, He’s alive…what a miracle.”  After opening the door, Heather reached in and started probing the cabby with her fingers. “Two shots hit him in the right side of his chest.”  Heather took her blood soaked hand and ran it along his back, “I have the exit wounds.  He can’t breathe.”  Desperate to keep the man alive, Heather shook the cab driver until he groaned and opened his eyes. “Stay with me and only shake your head for yes or no, okay?”  Heather marked the man with the letter ‘R’ and spotted a cellophane wrapper balled up that once held a quick mart sandwich. “When I tell you, breathe out and hold it the best you can.”  Heather tore the wrapper in half, “Okay, now.”  When a weak huff escaped the man’s lips, Heather twisted the plastic into the holes the best she could and created a small barrier that allowed the cabby to breathe a little easier. “It isn’t perfect, but the best that I can do right now.” 

Pointing to the lights as they reflected blue and red off the buildings, Vivienne took a deep breath and tapped Heather on the shoulder. “Look there,  Your relief will be here shortly.”  The vampiress winked her crystal blue eye once, “You will be a great physician.  You should consider doing something for the military, they could use a quick thinker.”  Vivienne strode over to Heather and blew lightly in her face. “I was never here, Heather.  Let them all think you did this.”  Vivienne darted off into the night as the first police and EMS workers arrived.

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