
Chapter 4: Fate, Faye and the Flying Cannibals – Part Eight

“What the fuck, Drake?  You hid this bullshit from us?”  The vampire pointed to the body parts still flying through the walls, and splattering on the floor. “If you haven’t noticed, she’s coming.  Can the four of us handle her with you?  You are one of the oldest living, we are half your age.  Certainly we can kill her without a problem, even if…” The sub leader of the troupe was cut off with another barrage of vampire parts bulleted through the walls. “..if the younglings fucking can’t do it.”

Drake shot a disapproving look at his subordinate. “I was not asked to kill..”  The leader paused for a moment as he heard the two women talking to each other. “, kill Viv.”  Wiggling his eyebrows, he kept talking. “I was asked to bring her in so the others can talk to her.  I want Viv  immobile, not dead.”

“How do you plan to trap this..Viv woman, Drake?”

“If you have the fucking holy water I asked for, then that should cause enough damage that it will stun her long enough for the four of us to get her through the heart with a stake.”  The singer shrugged and flashed his blood stained fangs. “Keep the plan simple, we can adjust from that.”  Two vampires from the troupe came crashing through the walls of Drake’s throne room, spreading undead flesh all over the room.

Gazing over to their leader, the four sub-leaders of the Flying Cannibals frowned in disbelief at Drake.  One spoke up, “You are delusional, Drake.  That ‘thing’ is turning the entire band into sprays of crimson mist.  Let’s do the smart thing and get the fuck out of here.”

Another leader walked a step closer to Drake, “Or, foreign concept, actually try and talk to her and see how that works.” 

Drake had enough of his subordinates questioning his commands. “All of you, do what I told you to do, now.”  

They all spoke in unison, frozen in place. “Your plan, your action.”

Gleefully, Drake watched the burning anger reflect in the red rims of their eyes. “Good, at least you all know who is in control, right?  Spread out like I told you.”  He points at the one lieutenant, “You have the holy water.  When she comes in, you cover her in it.”  Pointing to the other three, “When she is stunned you hold her and I will stake her.”  Looking at his four close friends and leaders, “Are we clear?”

Speaking in unison once more, “Yes, Drake.  We are crystal clear.  Your plan, Your action.  Water, pounce, stake.  Do not kill.”

“See, I knew you would see it my way, you ungrateful fucks.”  He nodded once and the four were freed from the hold Drake had on them.

“I hate you, fucker.” One spat blood on the floor towards Drake and headed to his position.



Dragging herself from the comfort of the carpeted floor, Casey stood up and stumble walked around the lobby, still waiting for her new metabolic form to repair the damage from the punch the vampire gave her moments before.  Stepping on one of the small pamphlets that the hotel used to hold guest key-cards, she caught a glimpse of the little piece of paper and shook her head in disbelief. -Why didn’t you think of this before?-  She thought to herself as she picked up the holder and finally gazed over the map imprinted for guests to use.  Looking over the basic map, Casey aligned where she was in relation to the lobby.  Quickly ruling out the hallway she entered from and all of the guest rooms, the map left three locations that were possible locations to where Faye could be hiding out.

“Let’s think about this a bit, Rivers.”  She quietly muttered as she thought to scan around for more vampires. “These two look like they could only be small utility closets or housekeeping items.  That leaves, this one.” Tapping on the empty space on the map that was large enough to be a room, she memorized her route and shoved the map in her pocket.

Walking from the lobby and going down the opposite hallway from the fire-door, Casey made her way to the empty spot on map.  A sense of dread washed over the ward as she noticed that the door to the unmarked room had been shattered in the middle, with the shards still clinging to the frame and hinges.  Raising the crossbow, Casey peered inside and caught a vampire licking blood from the floor.  The lost creature turned its long haired head up the moment it caught the scent of the living.  “..Hunger..” Is all the tiny vampire girl uttered before a bolt pierced its heart.  Casey shivered a moment and reloaded her weapon. “You…you can’t be older than…Oh god.  Vivienne, I have to kill a child here.”

“Focus on your task, Casey.  Not all of my brethren have what you would consider decency.”  The angelic french accent enforced gently to her ward. “You are honestly saving the child from an eternity that it doesn’t understand.  You aren’t killing, you are granting mercy, my ward.”

Dragging the small and unmoving corpse from the bloody floor and into the hallway, Casey obeyed the words from Vivienne that echoed in her head.  -Granting mercy, my ward-  Mumbling a tiny prayer she learned as a child, Casey completed the horrific task and reduced the youngling into ash.  Tears welled up and fell across the young swimmers cheeks, leaving a small trail of mascara behind.  Her mind had been clear and so free just moments ago, freely enjoying the moments of both serving her mistress and removing the blood suckers that drained the life from the hotel, one bite at a time.  A single child changed it all for the ward. -That wasn’t anything but pure anguish in her eyes, Rivers.-  Her mind went foggy for a moment, causing her to lean back against a wall. “Viv..I-I..I can’t think.  I had to kill..”

“You didn’t kill a child, Casey.  You freed an innocent from prison.”  Vivienne’s voice coaxed and forced Casey’s mind into soft submission. “Clear your mind, my ward.  Keep the single focus, keep yourself alive and healthy.”

Wiping the black trailed tears from her cheeks, the ward sniffled a few more times and pushed herself from the wall, her mind once again locked on task. “Okay.  I got it, Viv.  I will deal with it later.”

Having the time to investigate the room, it became obvious to Casey that this should be where Faye should be.  One section of the room had been dedicated to the overall health of the hotel, monitoring the fire suppression system, the cameras on every floor quietly observing the hallways, the doors with alarms and finally the small restaurant located at the rear of the main floor.  Away from the technical and business side of the room, Casey could easily tell that it was a living and breathing space.  Pictures surrounded a small twin bed with peach sheets and a black comforter.  Stuffed animals strewn all over the floor, with some covered in blood.  Casey caught glimpses of what appeared to be programming manuals and a broken laptop with the name “Cyberlily” with a vampire claw mark going through it and the lid itself.  Walking over and looking closely at the line of pictures, the ward finally knew what Faye looked like. “I can see what you like about her, Viv.”  She paused for a short breath, “Bad news though.  Her room is a wreck, nothing is working and there is blood all over the place.”

“I see.”  Vivienne’s voice dark and gravelly, sent a primordial shiver of fear along Casey’s spine.

“I-I will head up to you, Viv.”  Casey sputtered after what seemed like a dreadful long silence between them.

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