
Chapter 5: Immortality – Part Six.

Faye let her mind float in silence while she followed her maker through the house and to the corkscrew stairs leading up into the manor.   Through her silent haze, the new black-pink haired vampire looked over the decor of the twisted stairs as the two ascended.  She concluded that the rails were made of some sort of hardwood, perhaps mahogany.  Glancing down, she marveled at the metal bands that were both twisted and entwined with the same wood as the rails and hugging the heavy cut squares of tiger striped sandstone.  Oddly, Faye didn’t hear Vivienne’s footsteps and curiously looked up to see the dark visage gliding up the stairs.

Vivienne’s body hadn’t been a pressing issue in Faye’s mind until the moment she looked up.  Much like a percolator boiling over, Faye’s desires took a very erotic turn.  Seeing her partner’s soft black leather boots Faye noted to herself that the curvaceous vampire in front was still wearing the tattered remains of ‘The Raven’.  Her midnight blue bodysuit clung to her and outlined her legs perfectly. Faye noticed that her calf would gently curve up and down, exposing a bit of the white creamy flesh from the holes in Vivienne’s outfit due to the claw marks of other vampires.  Letting out a little stressful sigh, Faye squeezed her eyes shut trying to focus on anything else except what was happening before her.  Yet, her mind wouldn’t let her look past Vivienne’s thighs flexing tightly and releasing much like her calves were doing.  Fluid and exotic, Faye couldn’t remove the smooth and curved image of Vivienne’s..-Yes, Faye.  Say it.  Her ass.  Her ass is remarkable. Have mercy on me.- Faye thought to herself.  The newborn hadn’t forgotten one important thing about her past life, she loved the look of a nice shapely bottom.  Vivienne had the perfect one, and it took all the willpower the young vampire had not to reach out and touch or even nibble on the black peach teasing her with every step.

“Faye?”  Vivienne’s light accent softly called to the youngling. “Come along now, it isn’t much further.”  Vivienne spoke lovingly.

Faye pressed her hand to the bridge of her green eyes to remove the voluptuous image from her mind and stopped ascending without realizing it.  She dropped her hands to grapple the railing, but not hard enough to crush the expensive wood in the effort to stabilize herself. “Right.  I needed a moment.”  The Korean lady muttered with a hint of frustration in her voice.

The elder vampire turned and looked at Faye softly, her blue eyes twinkling. “Take your time, my darling.”  Her French accent seemed to echo throughout the small stairwell.

 -How does she do that?-  Faye asked herself and reflected as Vivienne spoke.  The tones were innocent enough, but the light accent and the way it coursed through her own ears made everything seem downright sultry and like an incantation had been weaved through her senses.  Seductive heat pulsed through Faye and her body suddenly got burning hot from her chest down to her thighs and back up to her sexual folds themselves, where a light sweet metallic scent heavy with musk began to emanate into the air.  Finally, her mind started getting flashes of the white flesh of her maker across her lips, kissing the slight perfect curve of her ass to the back of her thigh…

Vivienne giggled lightly to herself as Faye sounded exacerbated behind her.  She reached the top of the stairs and offered her hand to Faye, and walked over to a set of twin doors. “After you my dear.” The doctor offered with a smile.

Clearing the steps had cleared the lustful image from Faye’s mind until she heard the French woman’s giggle and her voice once more.  “Thank you.” Faye managed to half sputter out while the renewed heat that echoed in her ears challenged her resolve by images of Vivienne’s creamy skin and oddly hearing the sound of milk pouring into a glass.

Vivienne locked the doors behind them and patted her partner lightly on the shoulder as she headed to her armoire. “This room has special meaning to me.”  She points to the far side where an open pocket door exposes the bathroom. “Let’s get you out of those bloody rags, mon amour.”

Faye scanned the new room after the twin doors closed and locked behind them. This room was much different than the rest of the house.  This room actually felt alive.  Faye could almost feel a heartbeat that belonged to Vivienne in here.  The floor was covered in a sandy carpet that almost seemed to shimmer in the lowlight that was being given off by the torch lamps in each corner.  Faye knew the carpet was as expensive and specialized as it looked the moment that she allowed her toes to curl and absorb the plush feeling under her feet.  Faye’s eyes scanned the richer colors the walls had.  They were painted a shade of off white, with a hint of the tan to offset the brightness that an eggshell would have.  The walls were decorated with different scenes of farmlands and rounded hills, all with little signs that Faye could easily read with her new eyes. ‘A French day’ or ‘Hills of Gaul’ written in majestic calligraphy.  Hanging on the back of the door had a lab coat with a visible tag embroidered on it ‘Dr. Moreau’ on it, while a four layered shoe rack, containing leather and thin heels that seemed to actually have wear on the soles and toe imprints in the sandals that could be seen close by on the floor.  

She let her eyes scan further and that was when she noticed two shelves with little trinkets on them that had no place in this time, but more like belonging to a museum of ancient works.  Faye walked over and picked up a very worn and used spoon, then its matching small hand-held bowl, both made from an imperfect bronze.  “Where did you find this?” Faye casually said while still trying to ignore her fuming sexual desires.
Vivienne opened the doors to her armoire, then started pulling off her black boots when she felt her phone start vibrating.  Sitting down on the plush bed, the doctor answered. “Dr. Moreau.  How can I help you?”

“Its me, Viv.  You know Karen Collins.”

Nodding and unintentionally ignoring Faye’s question, Vivienne caught the little code Casey was using, “Ms. Collins.  How might I help you?”

“I have a very hurried nurse here that needs doctors orders to release me.”

“Allow me to speak to the nurse, Ms Collins.”  Vivienne requested and heard the phone’s movements and the various alarms and shouts within the emergency room.

The young vampire didn’t get an immediate answer and looked up to see Dr. Moreau in action.  -At least you know it wasn’t her not answering thing this time.-  Faye thought and smiled to herself.  Picking up an old and ashen pair of leather boots, Faye looked inside at the worn padding and much more pronounced foot imprint. “These look very uncomfortable, Vivienne.”

Leaving the faded boots, Faye then picked up a neatly folded ashen leather tunic letting it fall open showing the cuts and curvature of the woman sitting on the bed. “That used to have a shirt that matched it, though it's long gone.”  The ancient vampire smoothly commented from the side of the bed while holding her hand over the phone receiver so she wasn’t heard.

“Good evening, Nurse White.” Vivienne held up her hand a moment to Faye. “You have a patient in my care, Karen Collins.  I need her released please.”  Vivienne watched as Faye dug around her old trinkets, barely paying attention to the woman on the line.  “..We haven’t done any investigation to see if she is well enough.  We would need a medical..”  Vivienne sweetened her voice to calm the nurse on the other end. “I will happily fill out the forms right now.  I have my laptop here.  Just release her to my care and I will provide transport, how does that sound?  It sounds very busy there tonight.  Let me help you out here.”  Vivienne reached to her end table and powered on her laptop. “I won’t be a moment, Nurse White.  You are so very kind to walk me through this.”

“You are doing me the favor, Dr. Moreau.”  The nurse sighed with relief on the other end.

Vivienne connected to the hospital’s servers and using her lightning fast reflexes, loaded and filled out every form that the administration would need to release Casey that moment. “Nurse White, how much has been filled out on my patient?”

“The bare minimum.  She is not very forthcoming with information.”  

Vivienne found the record of Karen Collins and filled out the release order with the address of her offices in the deeper part of town. “There we are Nurse White.  Process her out and I will have a friend pick her up.  You have been so delightful.  Let me know if I can ever help you in the future.”

“The orders came through perfectly, doctor.  She will be released immediately.  Would you like to finish talking to her?”

“If it isn’t too much trouble, you have already done more than enough.”  Vivienne hears the phone get handed over to Casey. “Ms Collins..”  Vivienne laughed and continued, “..There will be a taxi with a driver named Daniel to take you to the 17th street parking deck.  The Lamborghini is parked there.  You know my code, right?  Use that to unlock the doors and get the extra key-fob from the trunk so you can drive out.  Go home and relax.  You did a fantastic job this evening.  Sleep everything off and I will see you soon enough.”

“How is Faye?”  Casey asked quietly.

“She is..adjusting, my ward.”

“Good.  Alright Viv, I will head back and see you later.  See, I told you the plan would work.”  Casey gleefully announced and the line went dead.

Holding her finger up to her annoyed looking progeny, Vivienne smiled and said, “One small phone call and it is you and I.”  Vivienne closed her eyes and got the image of the card the cabby from the prior night gave her.  She tapped out the numbers silently and heard the same gentleman pick up. “Hello, Daniel.  Do you remember me?”  Her voice angelically rang into the man’s ear. “Yes, Last night.  I had a very drunk friend with me…Oh how sweet, you do remember me.”  She paused for a moment purposefully taking a soft and theatrical breath. “Will you do me a huge favor?  The young lady I was with last night needs a ride from the hospital to the 17th street garage.  I will pay you triple for the fare.”  She heard the man’s excitement over the phone. “Daniel, I knew I could count on you.”  She waited a moment and let her French accent roll over the phone. “Now you have my personal number, should you need to use it.”  Vivienne nods and gives a few ‘mmhmms’ over the phone and then hangs up with a giggle.

Vivienne closed her laptop and placed both the phone and computer back on the nightstand. “Where were we?  I do apologize for not answering before.”  She wiggled her eyebrows to the blood-caked woman across from her. “I wasn’t trying to do anything, love.”

“Only time will tell.”  Faye offered comically and looked at the top shelf.  The hand-carved and deep brown wood above had old medical instruments, a pithing rod, an old clay jar labeled in the same script of the paintings ‘leeches’.   Faye picked each of the old items up and looked back to Viv.  “What is this?”  The Korean asked mindlessly, flipping the ancient rod in her agile fingers.

“A pithing rod.”  Vivienne stood up and opened the armoire doors, and unzipped her bodysuit, first slipping her arms free and rolling the tattered garment to her waist, exposing part of her chest and glancing over her shoulder to Faye.  “It was meant to more or less kill someone.”  She tapped the back of her neck at the base of her skull. “It was thought of as humane at the time.  I guess today it would be used as a shiv or something.”

Faye placed the torturous device back on the shelf. “Why keep that?”

Vivienne shrugged while still trying to pick out something else to wear from the small closet. “I never really thought about it.  It just seemed to fit.”

Faye knew it was much simpler and that it was a tie to the woman’s past, a past she clearly remembered and cherished but never would admit it.  Moving on, the younger woman barely touched an old stethoscope, where the rubber was broken in places, then poked at what looked to be a glass syringe.  She stopped being nosey after noticing a World War two jar that had a bright red cross and the label of ‘blood’ on it.

Below the ancient trinket shelf sat a very fifties looking medical bag that seemed to be clean and still being used.  “You actually carry a bag, Doctor?”  Faye laughed and spun her head back to Vivienne.

Faye’s next line was trapped in her throat by the visual that she’d spun to see. “Ah..uhh..”  Her eyes locked on Vivienne’s sculpted and mostly pale body.  The raven haired beauty had gone a step further in the few seconds of the question and was completely free of the body suit.  Pulling the pins holding her hair up, Vivienne shook out the tight bun so her hair hung thick and black down to the dent of her back.  Her exquisite and velvety skin peeked through the long mane with every light move Vivienne made while searching for something to wear.   

Faye certainly had been in other relationships with women, and even seen them naked after a period of time.  Most of the time her girlfriends enjoyed taking the time to get to know each other, and being fairly old fashioned when it came to intimacy.  Holding hands in public, a quick little kiss on the cheek and the general feeling of joy when together.  It sometimes took months until they found time in private to fondle and explore each other’s bodies.  Faye was the one that never took the next step into sex and that had to do with the inability to deal with the nude form.  Faye shivered at the revelation her mind offered. -Sex has meaning and value, sex is unbridled passion.  Faye, you won’t stop.-  Chewing lightly on her lips, the Korean vampire knew that was the truth.  She chased all her passions with limitless energy, and was fearful that her girlfriends couldn’t handle the pressure of it all, so she never took the final step.

The last few hours and a metabolic change, turned Faye’s life upside down.  A chance meeting with an impossibly delicate and entrancing vampire led to her family’s hotel being burned to the ground, her parents killed in front of her, and Faye being left for dead in a corner after being discarded like trash.  Even consuming the very man that tried to kill her.  It was all trauma and it all started with falling for the voluptuous woman across from her at first sight.

None of that mattered while admiring the beauty before her.  Faye absorbed every contour that she could see from this angle.  Purring to herself as she now saw Vivienne’s bare form, Faye’s dead heart roared with a flame wanting to reach out and touch Vivienne’s round and balanced shoulders.  One burning touch wouldn’t be enough, she wanted to roll her fingers down the soft slopes until she could cup both of her partners' perky breasts that had a heavenly violet hue to them, rather than the rich pink she’d seen in other women. -Oh how I want to have them both in my mouth swirling under my tongue- Faye’s mind panted.  Viv tilted her head slightly exposing her long luscious neck to Faye, causing the youngling to take a steady step backward, holding onto the table where the doctor’s bag lay. -Does she even know what she is doing to me?- Faye’s hot rush and flush stained her cheeks, by imagining placing her lips once on the length of her love’s muscular and creamy neckline.  Just one opportunity to lightly bite and lick on where her blood should have been pulsing, enjoying the feeling of just being so close to her again.  Lost in the hungry haze of heated wonderment, Faye heard the woman of beauty speak out of nowhere.  The comment almost lost to her because of her gazing at the woman she claimed as her own. “W-what?”

“I said, I like carrying that bag.  It has something that is missing from what I think of as a doctor nowadays.  I look at that and see a simpler time for myself.”  Vivienne gave a minor exhale with a light chuckle.

“I-I can’t think, Vivienne.” Faye stammered and closed her eyes, still engaged with the creamy vision of Vivienne taunting her willpower to crumble and tackle her partner into a bundle of desire.

Vivienne gave a look over her shoulder, the blue eyes blazing with lighted crystal that bore the idea of desire right into Faye’s stomach.  Faye crouched down, doubled over and extended her tiger claws so she could clutch at her internal butterflies while still trying to get Vivienne’s sexy eyes and shapely form from her mind. “Stop doing that.”

“Doing what exactly?”  Vivienne asked, then thought to breathe in from her nose. Catching the obvious gentle scent of sex heated with a bit of blood and Faye’s natural sea salted scent. “Ah, that.”

“Yes, that.” Faye grunted and fought back the urge to tackle Vivienne again. “While you are at it, you could put some clothing on to help me not, well you know.”

“It didn’t even occur to me, Faye.  I am used to being nude.”  Vivienne then pulled out a slender and body-hugging sky-blue robe that almost matched her eyes perfectly.  “I often forget how people here think about the body in its natural form.” She wrapped her robe tightly against her form and closed the doors to the armoire. “You still look a mess, my love.  Let’s take care of that.”

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