
Chapter 5: Immortality – Part Two.

Silence.  Faye knew that she was conscious and could think. -Is this what death is, Faye?-  Her mind said to her. -It is peaceful enough, no more pain.-  She let her mind float in the quiet dark, and let the questions go.  None of it mattered. -Wait, one thing matters.-  Searching the dark of her mind, she finally recalled what she desired.

Eyes.  Crystalline like sapphires.  Warm and soulful.  Twinkly and penetrating.  They popped out of the fog of her inky mind and once more she felt the love they contained.  Relief seemed to wash through her as the pair of eyes followed her while she floated.  Faye found that with her partner's gaze constantly following her, the silence and floating didn’t seem to matter.  She danced in the dark with Vivienne's gaze, silently spinning and absorbing every moment she could like a slow and silent ballet.  Her mind flashed moments she’d wished happened, living a silent fantasy lost in time.  -Your heart isn’t beating-  Faye searched for the familiar sound and beat and knew it wasn’t to be found.  Not caring, she kept dancing and even imagined a quiet kiss between the two. 

The kiss.

Moments later Faye could once again feel and hear.  She was no longer on the cold hard table, but on a soft bed atop a plush down and a pillow under her head. -That is the news? Building fire?  What?-  Seconds passed and her body became hers again, pushing the dark peace from her.  Once more she felt her arms and legs, and even registered that her bones were clicking back into place without a hint of pain or agony.  She tasted the remains of blood on her tongue and her eyes flashed open.


Insatiable hunger clouded her newborn vampire mind, until a soft hand grabbed her own.

“V-Vivienne?” She called out quietly.

“I am here, my love.”  Vivienne gently squeezed her partner’s hand reaffirming she was present. “I moved you upstairs, you may be a little disoriented.”  The ancient woman stretched her lips into a smile. “Mon amour, I thought I lost you..”  Vivienne moved closer to the side of the bed, one single streak of crimson staining her cheek.

Sitting up from the plush blankets Faye curled her knees under herself and pulled Vivienne’s hands to her lips, kissing them softly. “Even in my sleep, you never lost me.  I danced and did ballet in my silence, Vivienne.  I could feel you, when I couldn’t feel anything else.”  Faye’s voice, dulcet and soft, rang out between the couple.  Lifting herself from the bed so that the two of them were within breathing distance of each other once again Faye first cupped Vivienne’s cheek in her open hand, and slid a finger across her partner's ashen lips in a slow and soft dance.  Once she was finished with her tantalizing finger dance, Faye closed her eyes and dropped her hands to explore Vivienne’s form. 

Vivienne watched quietly as Faye slipped her hand free of hers and started exploring her unnaturally still form.  When one finger slipped slyly across her lips, Vivienne gave a light puckered kiss to the digit just before it disappeared.  The ancient vampire breathed deeply as Faye’s hands started to glide over her shoulders and along her arms, then released that same breath a soft moan as her newborn massaged the muscles she’d just felt.

It was a heated and sensual gasp that made Faye hesitate in her exploration of Vivienne’s form.  When she peeked open her eyes the sight was enough to keep her frozen in place.  Vivienne had canted her head back making her long jet locks of hair tickle and graze Faye’s fingers as it tumbled and bounced to its full length at the small of her partner’s back. -Remarkable- the newborn’s mind echoed and resumed touching Vivienne’s toned body. Faye quickly reflected to herself that the woman under her hands would be a model under any normal circumstance.  Her visage was near perfect with rounded cheeks, her nose without any harsh angles and with the shape to match her cheeks perfectly. -A photographer's dream, my dream- She marveled at Vivienne’s elegant and long neck that matched every slight movement of her head. -Lips that go from plump red to a hint of ashen purple?  She had olive tanned skin before? Now..mercy..its milky, creamy white.- Shaking off her distracting thoughts, the Korean woman re-focused on her hands that had reached her partner's unbound and plump breasts.

-When was the last time you had someone’s hands on you, Vivienne?- Her mind gently floated under the soft pressure of Faye’s hands as they pressed and squeezed her arms and shoulders. -Too long.- She decided to herself and let her head tilt back and pressed herself into Faye’s light grip.  The vampiress started to uselessly breathe faster from a sense of instinct, when her succulent teardrops were cupped and gently squeezed.  Her unbeating heart jumped and a light wave of electricity pulsed through Vivienne and her nipples went taut and started to ache with each passing second Faye’s touch lingered.

-She leaned into you, Faye.-  She thought to herself lovingly.  A warm sensation flowed through Faye as she felt her partner’s chest tighten and grow in her palms. -This is real, Faye.- The thought of ships passing in the night no longer lingered, replaced with the subtle heat of love realized.  Urged by the heat resonating throughout her body, Faye followed her instinct and moved her hands over the midnight blue silk bodice Vivienne was wearing.  Desperate to grasp her partner’s abdomen, she ran her elongated nails over the thin bloody fabric until it softly shredded and exposed the ancient vampire's tummy.  Pressing her hands flat, Faye felt each constriction of her loves muscles under her touch.  Unknown crimson tears dropped from the corners of the newborn’s eyes knowing that the woman in her touch had surrendered herself and removed the barriers that the two shared earlier in the evening.  Leaning forward, Faye placed a gentle kiss against Vivienne’s exposed pale stomach and dropped her hands to grip her partner’s curved hips.

Twitching uncontrollably as she did before, Vivienne lost control of her hands.  Shaking wasn’t something that the vampire was used to since her entire existence had been about exercising control since she had risen so long ago.  The loss of control while in the dainty hands of her newborn vampire was a new sensation that mixed softly with the realization that it was all flowing from the one word she knew upon seeing Faye that first time.  Love.  Trembling and unfocused, Vivienne let the wellspring of tied emotions free to mix with the sensation of her unbound body and started to cry tears of blood. -Crying, heart thumping. A new ache and a wanted desire.  So..many lifetimes gone..waiting for this moment.-  

Pulling her partner close so that there was almost no space between them, Faye stretched her small form and reopened her eyes, “Vivienne.”  She whispered softly.

Taking a deep breath, the ancient one opened her eyes and righted herself to look upon the love of her existence. “Faye..”  Her light accent whispered back.

Tightening her grip on the French woman’s round hips, Faye pressed and crushed herself into Vivienne pressing their lips together.  

Bonded by the passion, the twin vampires gave into the desire and ache of the moment.  Their lips squished and molded precisely to each other, equally.  Every flex and move of their heads caused them to squeeze into each other tighter until the lines between them disappeared and they almost looked like one.  

Faye’s rush of emotion overwhelmed her and the warm sensation turned to a burning passion within her chest.  Her hands clenched and burned within as she curled her fingers to the point they ached with the grip she had on Vivienne.  Butterflies trembled in her stomach with anticipation when she made the effort to push her small tongue out to tap lightly on her partner’s lips.

Feeling Faye’s soft and supple lips press into her own sent a shock pulse of renewed electricity through Vivienne’s body.  Her awakened emotions kept her shaking like a winter breeze had overtaken her senses. Lightly thrusting her hips into her lover’s tightly wound hands, Vivienne felt the knock of her partner’s tongue against her lips through the enlightened and loving confusion in her mind.  Her tongue danced out to meet Faye’s, still laden with the blood of the embrace earlier.

The Korean woman’s tongue tangled with her lovers and exchanged the sweet iron plasma that remained.  Love and hunger drove the passion of the moment into a frenzy for Faye and she moved her hands from Vivienne’s hips to the back of her head, pressing them tight enough so that the newborn felt the pleasurable pain from her nails as they strained from the pressure of trying to dig into her partner.  Twisting her head to the opposite side, Faye let a hungry moan escape her lips as they opened to allow the air between them to caress their swirling tongues.

Vivienne purred as the newborn grabbed her closer and willed her fangs to drop into place as she then opened a small pair of holes in her bottom lip, allowing the valuable maroon blood within her to escape into their kiss.  Still purring within the twisting of their tongues, Vivienne let herself fall into the new found strength of the vampire she’d created using Faye’s body to keep them both upright.  When Faye allowed the cool air pass between their open mouths, the shared blood dribbled out of her lips and made a slight pool of sticky iron in the dent of her chin.

Licking the messy pool from Vivienne’s chin, Faye once more pressed their lips firmly together renewing the embrace, now mixed with blood.  Iron, the sweet and heavy element drained down Faye’s parched throat awakening her further.  A new sensation, a second love mixed with the first. -Delightful, delicate..mercy..more.- Her mind told her as she felt herself suckle on Vivienne’s bottom lip pulling as much of the rich liquid she could, drinking part of it and the other part lavishing on her lover's tongue.  She felt a quick lick from Vivienne across the open bottom lip and the decadent taste slowly disappeared from the embrace they were in.  Faye let out a satisfying sigh and pulled out of the kiss, allowing her tongue to linger with Vivienne’s as their lips resisted pulling apart. “ Was that so unwise?”  Faye asked in a sensual whisper as her fangs dropped and  locked in place recalling the succulent taste of Vivienne’s blood.


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