
Chapter 7: Blood Coursing – Part 2.

I apologize for the length of this part.  I tried to find a natural break in the chapter, but I couldn't.  I do hope everyone enjoys it anyway!

Vivienne lay quietly with her new girlfriend and progeny, spooning the green clad woman.  Gliding her hand and nails across Faye’s arm, the French blue eyed vampire enjoyed the silence that had finally settled between the couple.  While she deeply loved everything about her curious new girlfriend, Vivienne had grown accustomed to being alone and quiet, giving her time to think and plan her evening, down to the minute.  Unlike prior evenings, the upcoming one would be out of the norm and more akin to her teaching the lovely Korean currently pressed against her.  Recalling how Faye did not want to be a killer, Vivienne listed a few things in her mind that she would mention in the effort to get the newborn in the mindset of not killing.  Thinking about what to say to her partner, Vivienne reflected back to her first night and her first true hunt. 


Freed of her brother's trap, Vivienne ran miles in minutes.  Terrain didn’t mean anything to the fledgling vampire.  She leapt streams, climbed hills and crossed small canyons without stopping.  Driven by one single purpose.  She needed to stop the scorching of her throat, and knew instinctively that the only way to do it was blood.  Voluntary or involuntary Vivienne knew she needed the sanguine substance.  Hunger pressed the hunt.  Barely giving attention to the sweet scents of pine, fig and chestnut trees, Vivienne slowed when she caught wind of a heavy iron scent.  Slowing her pace so she would be undetected, the new vampire silently stalked her prey.  

She saw the man crouched and waiting for something, much like he too was hunting.  Feeling a shift in the wind, Vivienne moved fluidly to avoid detection.  Climbing a thick cypress Vivienne was finally able to see the entirety of the land where her mark lay in wait.  The small foot trail opened to her eyes, followed by the soft plodding of horses in the distance.  Another quick inhale told her everything she needed to know.  She knew that there were two humans, and the man below in wait.  His scent didn’t match the other two, and had an undertone of death that the youngling initially missed.  -He’s like me- Her mind echoed before her beast started laughing. -You are going to die, little one.  Do you think you can simply pounce on him and expect to win?-  A strange voice that didn’t belong to her came from a dark place, nearly causing her to gasp.  -Silence, keep him unaware.  I will help you this one time, little one.  You’ve seen your brothers hunt, Where do they spear?-  She didn’t have time for the games this thing was playing with her.  The horses clopped closer by the second, their own pumping blood urging Vivienne forward.  The heavy death blood from the man waiting, giving her visions of bathing in red. -They speared them through the heart- Her mind finally answered.  Cackling loudly the dark beast started clapping. -Good job, little beast.  Make a spear, use what you know.  You and I have a long time together, little one.-  Grateful for the silence of her annoying beast, Vivienne carefully broke a thick branch and prayed to herself that the one below her didn’t look up to see what was going on.  Using her claws to whittle the tip of the thick branch, she created a makeshift spear and held it in front of her as she made her way back down the tree.  Circling the tree like a squirrel, Vivienne crept until she was in lunging distance to her victim.  A pulse of uncertainty shot through Vivienne and her hands started shaking just as she crouched to spring from the side of the tree. -Get control of yourself.  You need to hit his heart squarely, and you cannot do that while you are shaking.  He has what you need.  Blood.-  The word made her throat flare up once more, sending fire through her body.  Willpower overriding confusion, her nerves calmed and her hands stopped shaking.

Using the tree to propel her faster, Vivienne leapt and landed on the man pinning him to the ground with her clawed feet.  A solid and swift swing, she plunged the spear through his back and perfectly through his heart and into the ground, pinning the other vampire in place.  Her prey didn’t die, but rather let out a piercing howl that startled the horses in the distance, making the riders start yelling in confusion.  She left the spear in place and sprinted towards the frantic sounds.  Driven into a frenzy with the heady scent of blood from her pinned victim and the two men trying to regain control of their horses, Vivienne blazed between the two humans, razor sharp claws tearing open the flanks of their horses, dropping them both to the ground, dazed.  Leaving the horses, she dragged the two men back to the site of her initial prey and threw them to the ground.


Vivienne lost herself in the frenzy of the moment.  Twisting her fellow vampire’s head to the side, she plunged her four fangs deep into his neck, and drained the rich dead blood from him within seconds.  His body turned to ash and blew away in the breeze.  The remaining two men started whimpering and begging for their lives.  Beautiful black hair blew over her blood stained visage and she shook her head no.  Vivienne didn’t care, she knew only one thing.  The delightful taste and scorch quenching fluid the two men had.  Desperate to get away from the vampiress, the two men attempted to scramble away and were quickly captured.  Vivienne gorged herself on the first man’s life as it pulsed from his neck, into her mouth and streamed down her throat and sides of her lips.  Crazy with blood lust, the blue eyed beauty pulled the last man close to her maroon lips and smiled, showing her four elongated fangs to him.  She saw the fear in his eyes and felt his heart racing in her grasp.  Puncturing a hole into his neck with a claw, his blood splashed into her hair and face, dribbling down her filthy handmade shirt. -This is what you are now, Vivienne.  A hunter and the world is your prey.-  Pulling the crying and dying man to her lips, the new huntress of the night consumed her last meal of the evening.

“Vivienne?” Faye whispered to her partner. “You’ve been quiet and I…it felt like you weren’t with me.”

The master vampiress snapped back to the present. “What?  Oh, Faye.”  She kissed her partner on the neck softly, “Yes, my love I am here.  I was just thinking about the past.”

“Nothing bad I hope.”  Faye sat up and cupped Vivienne’s cheek. “Want to tell me about it?”

“You are the reason I thought about it in the first place, mon amour.”  Vivienne gently leaned in to kiss her partner.  “I was thinking about how your hunt this evening will go, and it reminded me of my first kill.”  Shrugging Vivienne continued, “Upon reflection, it seems that you and I both consumed one of our brethren for our first meal.”

Faye wrapped her legs through Vivienne’s and glanced over her shoulder. “You think it means anything that we both did that?  Drake deserved it, I think.  I am still not really sure about this whole killing thing.”

Vivienne cooed with the gentle kisses to her neck and took an imperishable heated breath, “Your lips, mon amour…”  

Vivienne tapped Faye on the shoulder and helped her girlfriend turn over before kissing her softly, nibbling lightly on Faye’s lower lip for a split second before parting. “...I do love your supple lips against mine.”

Lost in the moment, Faye held her puckered lip in place for a couple seconds after Vivienne pulled back. “...That wasn’t fair.  You clouded my head again.”  She sensually expressed, “However, I didn’t forget my question.  Perhaps I am becoming immune to your little game.”  Faye smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

First tucking one of the pink braids she’d twisted earlier behind Faye’s ear, Vivienne ran her finger down the length of her partner's jawline then cupped her cheek. “I do believe that I have it within my ability to rectify that situation, my love.”  Vivienne lightly blew a whimsical warm breath over Faye’s face, “It is all part of my nefarious plan to keep you holed up in this dungeon with me as…”  Vivienne giggled when she noticed the glassy stare come over her partner’s pulsing green eyes. “...Faye?  I didn’t use anything with that breath.  Are you alright?”

-No, I am not alright!- Faye’s mind melted into a pool of mushy goo, when the intoxicating iron infused breath permeated her senses. -I wonder how fast I could tear off that gown?- Faye fluttered her eyes and forcefully banished the lustful thoughts to the back of her mind. “Really, unfair.”  Faye muttered and turned to kiss Vivienne’s hand, gasping lightly as she did so. “Wasn’t it you that said newborns and younglings have problems with control?”  Faye teased, “I…I feel low on blood, and you're teasing me right to the edge.”

“Perhaps I want to see you layered in tiger stripes again, mon amour.”

A warm pulse shot down Faye’s spine, “Pl……I…”  Faye babbled and closed her eyes to regain control of herself. “...You m-m-mentioned a way to…um not k-k-kill.” 

“Indeed, I did.”  Vivienne pulled her hand back and kissed Faye’s forehead. “Relax.  I saw the red rim in your eyes just now, we do not have much longer before the sun goes down.”  The vampiress soothed her partner, rubbing Faye’s tight shoulders. “I shall answer your inquiry right now, mon amour.”  Vivienne took another breath, “It is imperative that you understand your nature now.  We are not human any longer, although we appear as such.”  Vivienne waited a moment, “Your body just went through an abrupt change and it takes time for the mind and body to work as one.  It took me about eight years.”  Vivienne rubbed her chin a moment, “I have seen it as early as five years.”

“What does all that mean, Vivienne?”

“My love, it means that while you do not want to kill, it may be unavoidable.”

“A murderer for five years, Vivienne?  I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Allow me to try and impart this to you.”  Vivienne paused for a moment, “This will take us back to the moments where you first realized you were undead and a vampire.”

“Drake.  I said it was a dream, then the reality hit me.”

“Indeed.”  Vivienne paused to steal a kiss from Faye’s maroon lips. “I mentioned this before.  All you need is the willpower to not kill.”

“That is probably easier said than done, since I already feel like my throat is boiling.” Faye mentioned harshly.

“It is nature that we hunt.  You will figure out what works best for you, Faye.”  Vivienne held up her finger, “If you don’t want to kill, you follow your instinct to feed, then count to ten.”

“No way it is that easy, Vivienne.”

“Perhaps not, I did say that new and younger vampires have difficulty with self control.”

“That was a little condescending.”  Faye sat up and crossed her legs and arms, with a stern look on her face.

Vivienne sat up as well and raised one eyebrow, “Now you are just acting like a child, mon amour.”  She mocked and grinned. “Pulling away because you didn’t like what you heard.  It occurs to me that it is rather childish.”  Wiggling her finger playfully, Vivienne continued. “I will offer my apologies, Faye.  What I mentioned was not in any way meant to be obtuse.  It was a matter of fact.  You are newly transformed and have a drive to feed when you can.”

“Hey!”  Faye unfolded her arms and scooted back into Vivienne’s lap, “I am not a child.”  She gave Vivienne a quick peck on her perfectly sculpted cheek, “So, what happens after counting to ten?”

Gleefully wrapping Faye back in her arms, Vivienne refocused on the topic. “Please allow me to redeem myself with my insensitive comment about age.”

“I will allow it this time.” Faye smiled and giggled.

“Taking into account that you can stop, all you have to do afterwards is blow or kiss over the punctures.  Kissing will make the person susceptible to suggestion, the breath will make them dizzy and lose time.”  Vivienne took  a breath, savoring the chai sensation emanating from Faye. “Blowing will also make them forget anything happened.”

“Then why kiss the wound?” Faye asked curiously.

“You can plant a suggestion and still leave peacefully.  It can be almost anything plausible.”

“That isn’t overly complicated.”

Vivienne took Faye’s hands into her own, “Perhaps you should go and get dressed, it is almost time.”

Faye sprung from the bed and got a wide smile on her face, as she stretched her legs. “I want to flex my muscles again.”  She quickly kissed Vivienne, “I will be right back.”

Vivienne heard her progeny laughing to herself as she reached the bottom floor. “Might I inquire as to what is making you laugh, mon amour?  Obsessed with your legs, like before?” -Who wouldn’t be?- She told herself.  With one fluid and graceful move, Vivienne stood up and opened the doors to her antique wardrobe.  Pulling her silk nightgown from her frame, Vivienne grabbed a navy blue tee and a pair of faded button up jeans.  Rolling the top to pull over her frame, Vivienne heard Faye return to the room.  Twisting to face her partner, the elder vampire smiled when Faye placed the second armoire on the floor with a tiny ‘thump’. “Upset with its location?”  Vivienne teased.

“No, I wanted to…aahh….um…”  Faye stammered as she caught the glimpse of her girlfriend’s perky ivory breasts, sparkling blue eyes and lastly, her bare bottom.  Moving faster than she realized, Faye leapt over the bed and grabbed Vivienne by her hips and pulled the two into a tight embrace.  

Vivienne dropped her blouse and hugged Faye back, and relished in the soft pulses of pleasure racing up and down her spine.  Running her hands through Faye’s short black-pink hair, Vivienne let out a short gasp and threw her head back when her partner started kissing and nibbling on her neck.  “Mmhmm, Yes Faye, Yessss…”

Finally able to grab Vivienne’s perfect ass, Faye rumbled happily once before lavishing her tongue and fangs on her partner’s neck, trailing down until she’d nipped her way down and suckled Vivienne’s perfectly sculpted twin tits. -That’s it little tiger, take what’s yours.-  Faye paid almost no attention to the taunting voice in her head, and aggressively slipped one hand away from her ass to start rubbing between her slit.

Burning passion raced through her body with the sensations that Faye was producing.  Vivienne felt her knees beginning to get weak, and she lightly fell into her lover’s hungry grasp.  Rolling her hips to match Faye’s probing fingers, Vivienne found herself almost lost in the sensual moment. “Ohhh, juste comme ça mon amour…”

-Listen to her, little tiger.  She’s yours.  You know you want her blood. Take it.- Faye’s throat began burning with the intensity that it had moments before she’d started tearing into Drake.  Knowing the voice taunted with half-truths, Faye had to admit one part to herself.  She did want Vivienne’s blood, not to consume but to savor and revere as part of their lovemaking. -Lovemaking??-  Registering the French exclamation, Faye pulled away from Vivienne. “I…I…”  -Almost had you that time, little lilly.-  Her dark animal laughed and retreated.

Vivienne righted herself from the short sexual moment and tilted her head, her blue eyes dancing with excitement. “I..what…Aah..beg your pardon?” She stammered before seeing the deep red ring around Faye’s green eyes. “Future reference, my love…”  Vivienne quickly dressed in a blink of an eye and closed the gap that Faye created between them. “I can see you are very hungry, mon amour…” She cupped Faye’s cheek as she’d done a few times, “...I was indeed lost to the fun little moment, so whatever that was, know that I enjoyed it.”

“I saw you standing there naked again and couldn’t help myself.”  Faye leaned once more into Vivienne’s delicate touch. “I heard that voice thing in my head and you spoke French.  It was telling me to take you, take your blood.”  Her tone both tremulous and dubious, Faye kept speaking, “I knew I had to have your blood, but not because I wanted to feed…but because we’d share it.  Then it hit me to pull away, I am not ready to…but my body seems to be.”  

Vivienne planted a sweet kiss on Faye’s quivering lips. “Faye.  Be proud of yourself.”

“Why?  I lost control and…”  She glanced down at her slick sex coated finger. “...I nearly cost us everything.”

Purring lightly, Vivienne pulled the wet finger between her lips, cleaning it. “Lovely, if I say so myself.” Playfully saying before she stepped back. “Faye, you didn't cost us anything, my darling.  What I just saw gives me hope.”

Still upset with herself, Faye shook her head and hugged herself. “What hope?”

Darting over to Faye’s wardrobe, she opened the wooden doors and started flicking through the clothing. “You controlled yourself, my darling.  You stopped yourself when you knew something felt wrong.  Amazing for a newborn.”

“I heard you speaking in French and it kinda snapped me out.”  Faye paused. “What was it you said anyway?”

“Of all things to ask me, while I am digging around to find you something to wear, other than that sheer green nightie.”  Vivienne remarked.

“I can dress myself, thanks.”  Faye hopped over the bed and reached for a blouse that Vivienne was looking at.  “I don’t like that color.”  She played and started a small tug-of-war with the top.

“Perhaps I would enjoy seeing you in it.”  Vivienne held firm and lightly tugged back. “If you must know, I said “...just like that…”  and Vivienne let the garment go, causing Faye to stumble back and bump into the wall.

“Very funny.”  Faye tossed the lime green shirt in the closet and dug out a white one.

“You might want to reconsider your choice.”  Vivienne giggled, “You’ll clash.”

“What do you mean?  White is a normal color.”

“It clashes with red, silly.”  Vivienne laughed and pointed to a maroon blouse. “That might be better for camouflage.” 

Faye got the terrible joke. “You should really stop trying to be a comedian.”  Shaking her black and pink locks, the youngling pulled the maroon top and a pair of equally faded button fly jeans. “These jeans are way out of style, Vivienne.”  Faye hesitated and then slowly turned to look at Vivienne. “Um, where did all these clothes come from?”

“A store, I would assume.”

Faye squished her eyes shut and groaned. “Viv, please.  You really need to stop trying.”

“Perhaps I will become a comedian right after I have tried my hand at being a chef.”  Vivienne played.

Ignoring the comment, Faye pointed to her clothing. “Come on now, where did all these come from?  They don’t look like they fit you.  I mean look at this, a leather mini-skirt?”

“That is Casey’s.  The rest are, I suppose…um…”  Vivienne half smiled. “...Leftovers.”

“Really, Vivienne?  Three times in two minutes?...”  Faye held up her hand. “Wait, I am wearing other women’s clothes?”

“Indeed, you are.  An unfortunate side effect of becoming a vampire and losing your home in one evening.”  Vivienne closed the doors on her armoire and shrugged. “I didn’t have time to plan for your arrival, mon amour.”

“That is hardly the point, Vivi…” Faye stopped talking as Vivienne held up her finger.

“Perhaps it is wise to save the questions until after.” Vivienne then pointed towards the ocean and smiled.

 Faye’s eyes got wide and started gleaming with delight. “I felt it, Vivienne.  The sun just went down didn’t it?”

Vivienne finished her look by tying her long hair into a tight black bun. “Indeed, I hoped you would have felt it.”

The newborn nodded, “I am pretty sure I did.  There are just so many things in my head that I didn’t say anything.”  She paused and emulated Vivienne raising her finger. “It was when you motioned for me to stop talking.”  Faye knew that she’d felt the sun dip below the horizon and committed the feeling to memory so she wouldn’t forget again.  Jumping a few times in place, Faye looked like an athlete warming up before an event. Curling her toes in the plush carpeting, Faye realized she didn’t have any shoes on. “Oh, I forgot…”

“You won’t need them, and it will just destroy a pair of shoes.”

“You did that again…You have to be reading my mind, Viv.”  Faye chuckled and squatted as if she were about to sprint out of the room. “Here goes nothing.  Time to be a vampire, I guess.”

“I have done no such thing, Faye.”  Vivienne raised one eyebrow, “Tigerlilly, I learned fast that no shoes helped in hunting, if by accident you start to delve into your darkness.”  Closing the doors to Faye’s dresser, Vivienne spoke once more. “I cannot begin to tell you how many pairs of shoes I have lost.”  She headed to the door, “After you.  I will meet you on the beach.  I have one final thing to say before you sedate that burn, mon amour.”

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