
Chapter 7: Blood Coursing – Part 6.

Faye sighed and fought back her ever growing hunger when she looked into her partner’s gentle and equally hungry diamond blue eyes.  Faye happened to glance down and plucked a dried droplet of blood from her cheek. “I look like a nightmare, I don’t think I can just walk up and say hello.”

“I am not exactly presentable at this point either, my love.”  She pointed to her smeared blue blouse. “We have to be tactical at this point.”  Vivienne pointed to the grove of bay oaks that circled the small patio that the group was using.  “That is where I stood and watched the crowd for a few seconds.  It should provide enough cover for the two of us to feed quickly and quietly.”

“We could make it a bit more dark, so they won’t just see the others being jerked out of the area.”  Faye pointed to the twin circuit boxes near a makeshift stage where a live band could play. “Right now all I hear is a stereo playing a song, ‘It’s not over’ of all things.”

Vivienne nodded and smiled at her progeny, “Indeed.  I will be right back.  You sit tight, let me see if I can work a little magic.”  

Vivienne changed into her raven form and followed the little protected wires as her hollow bones allowed her to float silently and gently over the crowd.  A swift bank to the right and Vivienne made a loop behind the boxes and landed without making a sound.  Staying in the shadows, she took her normal shape and turned the lock into metallic dust.  Opening the tiny panel, she looked at the labels and mysterious symbols that were imprinted on the boards. -All this time and you never looked at electronics?-  Lacking any real idea what she was doing, pulled a bunch of wires at random.  The lights that lined the outside of the veranda went out, casting deep shadows everywhere there weren’t string lights attached.

Vivienne effortlessly turned back into her small raven form and flew between the trees, landing on the Korean vampire’s shoulder.  Faye glanced at the bird that landed on her shoulder and let out a little tiger-like purr when she lost herself in the dreamy crystal blue eyes.  “I am not sure I should be looking at you like that little birdie. I have a girlfriend and partner.”  She tapped her lips for a moment. “Although, I am sure that I could find a nice and decorative cage for you.”

Vivienne blinked her eyes once and hopped to the ground where she quickly changed into her natural form. “A cage is it, mon amour?” 

“As you would say, indeed.”

 “Indeed.” Vivienne mirrored, “You know me well already.”  She pointed to the dead lights before slipping her arms around Faye from behind, the elder vampire blew lightly across her partner's ear. “That should do it, my love.”

Faye felt the strength of her thighs fade and she fell comfortably into Vivienne’s arms. -How does she do that with one little whisper?!?-  Lacking the ability to speak to Vivienne, Faye twisted slowly in her partner’s arms and nodded in agreement.

“It’s alright everyone, give me a couple minutes to see if we can fix the lights.”  The hostess waved her hands frantically to the crowd.  “It is more cozy like this.”  A few from the crowd offered, with others nodding and humming in agreement. “Vote then.  All that want the lighting to stay like this, raise their hands.”  Vivienne and Faye watched silently as a majority of the crowd raised their hands and started giggling quietly.  “Looks like we keep it like it is.  Just keep things PG-13.”  The hostess laughed and resumed her seat by the stereo.

“You pilled… the right w-wires.” Faye breathed blissfully and crumbled into Vivienne’s arms when the ancient vampire teased her with another metallic blood-soaked breath. “That was sex in a breath, Vivienne.”

“Exploring that statement could take years, mon amour.”  Vivienne gave a delicate peck on Faye’s neck. “However, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that our current goal is just over there.”

“Can’t it be both?”  Faye winked and gave a playful lick to her partner’s fangs.

-She licked my fangs!-  Vivienne felt a sexual sliver race through her legs, making her lose focus on the task the two were about to embark on.  It took a heavy gust of wind carrying the delightful scent of blood to snap the French vampire from her tiny stupor. “When you are ready, mon amour.” Vivienne pointed out a quiet couple that had taken a seat close to the edge of the copse. “Together now.  You take the gentleman and I will handle the lady.”  

The hungry vampires wasted no time in plucking the quiet couple from the bench.  Vivienne quickly entranced the lady with her lips and carried her back a second before Faye returned.  Whereas Vivienne’s catch was in a grinning sleepy haze, Faye’s meal was kicking his legs wildly, grasping at the newborn’s fingers trying to pry them away from his throat. “I thought the goal was not to kill?”

“He’s not dead.”  Faye stated flatly as the guy's eyes started reflecting a maddening fear.

“We can’t return him like that either.” Vivienne shook her head and placed the man into the same trance the woman was in. “There we go, quiet and calm.”  Vivienne pointed at the man’s neck. “Find your spot and then drink.  Remember to try and count to ten and then close the holes with a breath or lick.”  

Using her index finger, Faye silently traced up and down the contours of the man’s neck until she found the heaviest source of blood.  Blood gushed from her meal in a steady pulsing stream of sweet-iron just after the Korean punctured the vein she’d just traced.  Closing her fierce green eyes, Faye tried to concentrate and began counting. -One, two, three…- Suddenly, an unfamiliar and virile flavor saturated her tongue as the man started to giggle lightly and begin touching himself. -Four, Five..oh shit!-  Faye pulled away after licking the wounds closed. “Viv…why is…??”  

Vivienne had just finished feeding and whispered a few fleeting innuendos for the woman to enjoy once she awakened, when she heard Faye stutter.  “Hmm, Yes.”  Her voice turned flat and clinical, “Humans do that on occasion.”  Grabbing the couple Vivienne returned the potential lovers back to the bench, “You can taste the difference.  I always feel oddly refreshed after dining on aroused blood.”

“Sexy blood.  Two words I never thought to put together.”  Faye finally started to feel the effects Vivienne just described. “Vigorous.  That’s it.  I feel more energetic.  The family didn’t make me feel this way.”  Smiling, Faye added, “At least I didn’t kill him, and I even counted to five.” She blew her partner a kiss, “I feel wonderful now that I have done it at least once.”

“Lick my fangs again, and you will need that vigor.”  Vivienne winked playfully at her partner. “Are you still hungry?”

-More.- Faye nodded her head excitedly. “I want to try it by myself this time.”  Spinning on her heels, she darted to the next bench where two disinterested women were talking.  Quick as a tigress, Faye darted between the two women and blew her enchanted breath across their faces.  Returning to their feeding spot, Faye triumphantly displayed both charmed women. 

Vivienne clapped lightly, “Sexy and impressive.”  She sauntered beside Faye, “Tiger…lily.”  Vivienne extended the name by rolling the ‘L’s. “Hunter’s choice.”

Losing focus, Faye drove her fangs into one woman’s neck and failed to seal her lips properly.   Flowing wildly from the corners of Faye’s lips, the blood coursed its way down her tanned neck and between the vampire’s breasts, staining her blouse deep red. -Damn it!- She cursed herself lightly and drained the catatonic woman completely, sending her ashes to the ground.  Opening her eyes, Faye glanced up in time to see a set of hungry luminous blue eyes staring back at her. “Vivi…”  

Caving into a quick craving from the plasma stained woman before her, Vivienne stepped in front of her partner and rolled her tongue over her fangs with an anticipatory moan.  Reaching up and tracing Faye’s lips with her finger, Vivienne swiped and smeared the remaining plasma so that her partner looked to be wearing a macabre lipstick.  Withdrawing her finger and licking it clean, she then leaned in and traced her fangs lightly over the wet corners of Faye’s mouth before licking both sides clean.  “MMmm, what made you think hunter’s choice meant you, mon amour?”  Vivienne teased and ripped open Faye’s shirt, exposing her bell-shaped chest. “Stand right there, Tigerlily.”  Vivienne teased lightly.

Exposed.  Faye felt her skin burning with delight as her tee was torn away, relishing in the partial fear of being seen in the semi-hidden grove of bay oaks she shared with her partner.  Faye heard the gentle words float into her mind asking her to stay put.  She knew it wasn’t an order, but a request from one partner to another.  Rustling like the leaves on the trees, Faye snapped a couple quick nods to Vivienne and waited with anticipation for what was to come.

Convinced that Faye would stand in place Vivienne purred, “That blouse was ruined anyway.”  Turning to the charmed woman in Faye’s grasp, the ancient vampire licked the woman’s ear and whispered to the stranger, getting her to emit a shy giggle.  Vivienne lightly pried the lady from Faye’s fingers and walked her slowly in front of her creation.

Goosebumps sprung up Faye’s arms and her skin flushed just below her neck.  Barely registering the cold air, Faye knew it wasn’t the environment that was causing her body’s reaction. -Is she yours or are you hers?  Look at yourself, naked from the waist up..again.- “Mine.”  Faye whispered into the wind.

Winking lightly at Faye, Vivienne leaned over and once more whispered into the woman’s ear.  Vivienne watched as the woman’s body tensed up and quaked all over, letting out an impassioned cry as she did so.  Waiting for the second convulsion to wrack the woman, Vivienne sank her four fangs deep into the woman’s heated neck and withdrew.  Four lines of hot and iron-aroused blood splattered on Faye’s chest, coursing its way over her nipples and creating rivers that flowed downward between both glorious globes.

“Yessss….”  Faye hissed with delight as the scents of cinnamon, hot chili and hints of chocolate waifed through her nose. -Amazing what one night makes- Faye thought, as she arched her back when two more pulses of blood impacted her chest. “More…give me more…”  Faye pleaded.

Vivienne licked the four wounds closed and left the woman swaying gently with the breeze, turning her attention to Faye. “Ebullient, mon amour.”  Vivienne started smearing the thick gooey lines over her partner’s ripe chest. “Three times we have done this, three different outcomes.”  Vivienne purred and worked the blood into Faye’s skin.  “All three times, the look on your face has been, Mmmm…priceless.”  

Her muscles relaxed and Faye opened her eyes slowly when Vivienne’s hands retreated.  Watching her partner lick her fingers clean of the aphrodisiac-scented blood, Faye finished off the unsteady woman quickly.  “Rude.” Faye added after licking her lips clean. “What am I supposed to do now?  I am excited, covered in blood with my blouse unusable.  So much for being discreet.”  She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at her bare chest. “Well?  Do we zip home and change, or do we keep eating.”  Faye felt the answer bounce in her head immediately. -More.  Always more.-

Vivienne grabbed the bottom of Faye’s tattered shirt and tied it in a tight knot just above her navel, recovering most of her body. “That was an easy solution.”  She cupped Faye’s chin and gazed into her partner’s green eyes. “Humm, not hungry.”  

“Depends on your view of being hungry.” Faye puckered her lips and blew the French woman a kiss.

“Love, You no longer have a red rim in your eyes.  I did tell you that before.”  Vivienne winked. “We still have a crowd that we can feed on.”  She plucked off a piece of clotted blood from Faye’s cheek, and placed it on her tongue to melt.

-Did she just pluck that from my face?-  Faye asked herself a half-second before the blood she’d just consumed dropped the newborn to her hands and knees in a wave of euphoria. “V..vv…” She sputtered as red spit went all over the ground.  The sudden scent of rosemary broke through the illusionary effects and Faye felt herself being pulled up.  Gathering her footing and leaning against Vivienne, after a few quiet minutes stopped shaking and meekly asked, “ that going to keep happening?  I don’t like losing control like that…so much.”  Faye glanced up into her partner’s eyes confused, “I know you said at least five years…but, I…don’t really remember who I am. I don’t know w..what I like…”  She pulled away and kept looking at Vivienne. “I am yours and you are mine.”  Closing her eyes, Faye tapped on her forehead gently, “I just don’t know what it all means and to have my body flooded with someone else’s last moments is almost too intense.” Wiping the spit from her lips she continued, “It is smothering me, the love…the reaction…the desire…the need..”  She trailed off in a haze.

“I am smothering you, Faye?”  Vivienne inquired softly.

“Yes, no…perhaps?”  She sighed, finding herself frustrated like she was a few hours before. “It has been so sudden and sweeping.  I have barely grasped any of the concepts we discussed during the day, and now I am thrust into this sexual tornado.”  Blinking her eyes open, Faye corrected herself. “No, you aren’t smothering me with love.”  She reaches out to grasp Vivienne’s hand, “I don’t know who I am anymore, I just want time with you to discover it.”

“I like this plan.”  Vivienne kissed Faye’s hand. “Let’s start with something I know you like.”  She points to the crowd.  “I promise to show you all the cute things I can do with blood, that doesn’t involve smearing it on our breasts.”

A warm shudder rippled through Faye and she ran her finger between her boobs, gathering the thickening blood on her fingers and licking it like ice cream. “It does feel great on them, doesn’t it?”  She wiggled her eyebrows.

“It is why I did it that time.  Your bloody rampage with Drake didn’t count as feeling great, then in the tub you pressed what was left of you on me… which made me feel your last moments.”  Vivienne paused and plucked another dried button of blood from Faye’s opposite cheek. “I wanted you to experience what it could be like without…death involved.”

“Thank you.”  Faye gave her girlfriend a quick kiss on the cheek. “No more killing.  What can I do looking like this?”

“Speed.  Speed is your only ally since you look like an un-living disaster. “  She pointed to the crowd. “The plan is simple.  Dart in and enthrall a small group at a time.  Carry them one at a time to a little spot outside their normal view and feed.  Count to ten like I said and return them.  You can do it without any of them knowing, if you are fast enough.”

“I would really like a working example.”  Faye smiled and pointed at the people milling about.

Rather than discussing it further, Vivienne pointed to the electrical box and took off.  She did one full loop around the people and settled on a small group of five chatting among themselves.  With precision accuracy, Vivienne stunned four and had the fifth one hidden behind the metal control box.  About a minute later she returned to Faye and kissed her gently, giving her a mouthful of blood in the process. “There you are, mon amour.  Was that the example you wanted?”

“T…that was incredible, Vivienne.” Faye expressed joyfully just after the kiss. “My turn?”  Faye raised her eyebrow and looked a little uncertain.

Creeping behind Faye, Vivienne wrapped her arms around her shorter companion’s waist. “I am certain you can do it, hunting will come to you naturally.” She pointed to where a small set of twin trees hid in the shadow close to the edge of the parking lot. “That should provide you cover.”  Vivienne kissed her lover’s neck once more, “Try not to think about it.  Just go.”

Feeling Vivienne push her in the direction of the group, Faye jumped a few times to steady herself and took off into the crowd.  Faye took a wider path in her scouting trip and noticed a small group of people heading to their cars. -Five easy and fast targets.-  She sped around and waited for the first man to use his key to unlock and open the door.  Darting around the car, Faye reached the guy and blew her vampiric breath quickly over his face and waited for him to pass out.  Feeding on the helpless human, Faye counted to ten and forced herself through willpower to stop drinking the precious fluid.  Satisfied with herself, she licked the wounds closed and closed the car door. -Success again!-  Faye praised herself, and tried to repeat the process to no avail.  Running back to the deeper grove of trees, she stopped in front of Vivienne dripping with blood. “I did it once and got overconfident.  I killed the other five.”  She muttered dejectedly.

Vivienne swiped some of the fresh blood from Faye’s cheeks and licked her fingers after. “Indeed.”  Kissing her lightly, “Nothing to be upset about.  Are you still hungry?”

Faye shook her sanguine soaked head, “I could eat more, sure.  I am not what I would consider hungry though.”  She waited a brief moment, “I had hoped I wouldn’t kill anyone.”

“Let’s get you home and cleaned up, so you don’t look like an extra from a horror movie.”  Vivienne chuckled and turned to leave the little grove of bay oaks.

Faye winked playfully and nodded her head. “Can we sprint home, I have a bit of…energy I need to expel.”

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