
Chapter 9: Plausible Denial – Part 7.

Final Section to chapter 9, I do hope everyone enjoyed it!

Faye spoke first, “You know, I did ask you.”

Casey chimed in right behind, “I heard it.”  Pointing to Faye then herself, Casey added, “She said manor and I said entourage. Plain as day.”

“Indeed.”  Vivienne calmly leaned back in her seat, and crossed her legs. “It would appear that from the surprised look on your faces, that this was not the trip you were expecting.”  Vivienne paused for a split second to look towards the kitchen. “Yes, well.  Manor.  It is one of my many estates, I named it Ravenstead Manor.”

Faye walked across the room and stood in front of Vivienne. “Might I have a seat in the lady’s lap?”  She giggled and curtsied.

Casey stretched out on the sofa once Faye got up, “She’s right Viv, all you need is a crown.”  Casey caught Vivienne as she glanced at the kitchen, “Vivienne? That is a few times you have gotten a strange stare.”  Fluffing a pillow and shoving it under her neck, the ward got more comfortable. “I didn’t see anything upstairs, or close by when I came down.”

Focusing her blue glistening blue eyes on her ward, “I keep thinking I see something out of the corner of my eyes.”  After watching her girlfriend bow lightly, Vivienne outstretched her hand and uncrossed her legs, “Traditionally when you greet a noble, it is expected that you address them as their title first.  Subsequently you may use, ‘My lady’ or ‘my lord.’  Now then, officially I do have the title of Duchess of Chaulenet.”  

Faye raised one of her solid black eyebrows, “Is that so?”  Gently kissing her partner’s hand daintily, the newborn reiterated, “My Duchess…”

“...Yes, Madam Park?”  Vivienne interrupted, causing a giggle from Casey on the sofa.

“...I would like the opportunity to sit in your lap, please.”  Faye sputtered.

“To what end, Ma’am? Etiquette dictates that using my lap as your seat would be very personal in a formal setting.”  Vivienne winked and laughed softly.

Faye plopped down on Vivienne’s lap and pressed her lips into Vivienne’s with a gentle purr rumbling from her chest.

Casey smiled and picked up her phone, “That resolves that issue.”  Waiting until she heard the pair stop kissing, Casey continued, “You could just go upstairs and take care of all that.”  She waved her hand to both of them. “I mean you two are acting like you haven’t messed around.”  She opened the phone and started responding to Brian’s text.

Vivienne opened her calm and satisfied blue eyes once the kiss Faye planted on her ended, “Mmm…”  Vivienne licked her lips and casually answered Casey between little returned kisses on Faye’s cheeks and neck. “How do I put this delicately, Casey?”  Vivienne bit into Faye’s neck and pulled a small mouthful of blood before licking the wound closed and letting it drain seductively from the corners of her mouth.

Faye moaned and shivered all over when Vivienne pulled her blood free of her body.  Catching the scent of her blood still in her partner’s mouth, Faye broke out into tiger stripes and hungrily licked her own blood from Vivienne’s draining and maroon lips.  Once the thin streams of dreamy crimson were cleared from Vivienne, Faye threw her arms around her partner's neck and eagerly kissed her once more, flinging her tongue to meet Vivienne’s while sharing the blood the elder had stolen moments before. 

Grasping Faye’s hips with her sculpted hands, Vivienne pulled Faye tightly into her body.  Vivienne’s mind scattered as she felt the orgasmic pulses rippling through her body with every twist of Faye’s tongue.  Vivienne had just started catching the earthy scent of rosemary when Faye pulled away, licking her lips and a glazed look in her cat-like green eyes.  “Pourquoi diable as-tu arrêté, mon amour?” Vivienne desperately whispered and tried to kiss Faye once more.

Faye pulled back and let her hand drop between Vivienne’s legs, rubbing her mound through her jeans lightly. “Casey.  It isn’t from lack of trying.”  Faye smiled and kissed Vivienne’s chin lightly, “I asked her to give me time to adjust to everything and make sure when we finally mess around it was the right time.”  Faye pulled her hand away and twisted to see the ward on the sofa, “Viv was saying… delicate…that was her trying to protect the vow she made me.”

Casey giggled and pointed at the couple, “Faye you made her speak French.”

Looking back at Vivienne smiling, Faye added, “She does that a lot when she’s getting excited.”  Faye wiped a lingering drop of blood from Vivienne’s stained lips and licked her finger clean. “What was it you said that time?”

“It has occurred to me that in the light of my excitement, the two of you are making fun of the French vampire.”  Vivienne gently touched the thick stripes that covered Faye’s face. “Excitement it would seem, goes both ways, mon amour.”

“There will be a time where I don’t have to ask you what you say.”  Faye added and turned completely around in Vivienne’s lap so they were comfortably in each other’s arms.

“Very Well…Loosely translated I asked…why in the world you stopped, my love.”  Vivienne turned her head towards the front door. “Someone is about to ring the…”  Vivienne was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

“Who’s that this late at night?” Casey sat up and started walking to the door.

“It would be Faye’s deliveries.”  Vivienne kissed the top of the Korean vampire’s head gently. “I told you, didn’t I?”  

Casey opened the door and greeted the delivery person, ushering him inside, catching a faint whiff of coffee in the process. “Strange.”  She pointed to the living room, “Just head in there.”

Faye quickly focused enough blood use to clear her tiger stripes before the first of her boxes hit the floor. “You weren’t kidding, Viv.”  She started tearing open the boxes, giggling.

Vivienne gracefully stood up and pulled Faye to her feet. “No. They will unbox everything.”  Almost floating to the foyer, Vivienne stood by the door and greeted a well groomed man as he entered her home. “Martin.”  Vivienne leaned forward, giving him a traditional la bise. “I have not seen you in ages.”  Vivienne gracefully took a step back and placed her hands on her hips.

Returning the twin air kisses, Martin clapped. “I was excited when I saw the orders come in.”  He scanned Vivienne from head to toe, “My word, Doctor.  Is it possible that you have gotten even more beautiful since the last time we saw each other?”

Vivienne clasped the concierge’s arm and let him lead her back into the living room. “This is my lovely partner, Faye.”  Vivienne politely giggled, “Martin, believe me when I tell you her wardrobe was so awful..”  She fanned herself, “...I simply had to have it all burned on the spot.”  Vivienne winked at the man, “That is the soft glow from the backyard that you saw when the crew arrived.”

“Still not as dreadful as that foyer, darling.  Please let me redecorate.”  Martin put his hand on his chest, then reached out to Faye. “My pleasure to meet you Ms Faye.”  He winked as Vivienne walked over to Faye. “My, my.”  He walked around the Half-Korean woman. “You are a pleasant sight as well.  There must be something about the beach that makes all women gorgeous.”

“Martin, you are too kind.”  Vivienne grinned wide before leaning to whisper in Faye’s ear. “Are you in control or do you need my help, Mon amour?”

“I’m not starving, but I could eat.”  Faye blurted out and grasped Vivienne’s hand as tight as she could. “Sorry, sir.  I am still … um … new to this.”

“Our lovely doctor here will certainly take care of you, Ms Faye.”  Martin added and walked into the kitchen. “Hasselberry Associates contacted me, Vivienne.  I bet you didn’t realize they contracted me to renovate your kitchen.”  Martin laughed, “What in heaven's name happened here, darling?”

Vivienne escorted Faye to the entrance of the kitchen, “I simply decided that the floor, my table and the paint color were not working for me.  So, I took a hammer to it all.”  Vivienne rattled off in a fake annoyed and arrogant tone. “Very well, you silver tongued devil, go crazy.  Do what you want to, just to this floor though.”

“Same terms apply?”  Martin grinned and watched as the remaining boxes made it into the house. “Awful pictures of…what’s this, the pyramids?”  He pointed at the wall dismissively.

“Same terms.  I will be unhappy if I return and find windows or mirrors in my home.”  Vivienne added flatly.

“Don’t sound so morose, love.”  Martin scanned the clothing and went down the list he had of the items purchased. “Vivienne, do you notice something here?”  

Vivienne pulled Faye with her once more, “I do believe I see an issue, Martin.”  Wiggling her finger at Faye, “Love, you forgot dresses and evening wear.”

Martin pulled a tape measure from his pocket and started going over Faye’s small frame. “Worry free, Faye.  I will return shortly with a wide range of things for you to pick from.”

Faye shot a hungry glance to Vivienne as Martin zipped around her pushing the cloth measuring tape into places she wasn’t expecting. “Vivienne. Can we talk upstairs, please?”

“Mon amour, that would be extremely rude to our guests.”  Vivienne pulled Faye closer to her and noticed the red rim forming, “I am sure Martin will…assist you if necessary, Faye.”

Martin pulled out his phone and started tapping furiously and finally saw Casey casually talking to the delivery men as they came and went. “Word alive!  I apologize, Miss?”

“Casey Rivers, Vi-um..Doctor Moreau’s personal assistant.”  She took Martin’s hand, shaking it quickly. 

“Do you need a wardrobe as well?”  Martin inquired.

Vivienne looked over to Casey and Martin, “Indeed, she does.  Casey has the most dreadful leather mini skirt upstairs.  I nearly burned that as well.”  Vivienne placed her hand over her chest. “I would consider it a personal favor if you had this worked out by tomorrow night.”

“Love, You are the whole reason I have the opportunity to do this.”  Martin smiled and blew a kiss to Vivienne.

“You give me too much credit.”  Vivienne offered playfully. “I only invested in the company, you are the one that runs it so well.  I saw the potential.”  The ancient vampire winked.

“Your reputation, love.” Martin added, “The moment I told folks that you were my first client, the orders started lining up.” Martin points to Faye, “Your lovely lady here, took a chance on my concept.  Her investment has paid her back tenfold.”

“Lovely lady…” Faye giggled, “...Martin, tell me something.”

“I will answer what I can for you, Ma’am.” Martin responded eagerly.

“How well do you know Vivienne?” Faye inquired.

“Well enough, Ms Faye.”  Martin raised his eyebrow, “Was there something specific you wanted to know?”

“Do you know about my partner's special needs?” Faye’s green eyes sparkled with a rim of red.

The concierge looked over to the French vampire, a worried look in his hazel eyes. “I know of …”  He saw Vivienne shake her head, “...her special requests, yes.”

“I have the same needs, Martin.”  Faye smiled and raised one eyebrow.

Martin averted his eyes from the young vampire and then clapped, “Of course!  You need some of her bottled wine.  I anticipated that she might want to try our newly acquired label.”  He took a worried step back and then headed to the door, “Allow me to get a couple bottles.”

Vivienne smiled and kissed Faye on the cheek, “Martin. Two cases please, if  you have it, love.”  

“Right away.”  Martin excused himself.

Vivienne turned and looked at her companions, “I would like to point out that it was not me that interrupted the inquiry about Ravenstead Manor.”  Vivienne once again sat down in her chair, “Since I do not wish to be accused of avoiding a topic yet again, would you like to know?”

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