Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 12

12 Ch 4. The two of you walk together (3)

The shoulders of the knelt wall were twitching.

The lungs were dilated to receive fresh air, and the heart was pounding like it was about to explode. Damho squeezes his hands tightly to calm the two legs trembling.

As his breathing calmed for some time, the wall raised its head and looked forward. I saw a circle of rocks.

I ran towards the rock like every day, and I ran again.

The target is a small circle painted on a rock. He ran countless times to stab his fist in it.

At first, his fist touched the circle of the rock, and he struggled to get away from the line drawn at the bottom for a long time.

Running right, running straight.

For him, he had to know his condition with certainty. It was necessary to know the angle of curvature of the legs, and even the movements of the muscles and the loads that could withstand when examining the ground.

It took me almost a month to get it right. Since then, the distance has increased slightly.

True hell was the beginning then.

Pain was no joke because I pushed the earth with my twisted legs. The whole leg seemed to be twisted and the muscles torn apart.

Still, I ran with this evil. I tried to be insensitive to the pain. Then I really felt no pain at any point. No, I seem to have forgotten the pain.

It took a month to increase it to one chapter (3 meters), and another two months to double it. And today the Wall was finally able to stab his fist in a circle drawn on a rock.

The evidence shows that blood was flowing in the fist of the wall. It hit the rock and tore the skin.


Damho raised his body.

Now I just climbed the first stairs I wanted. There were still countless stairs to climb. I couldn’t rest because I was only one step up.

Damho further drew a line from the rock. The distance has increased.

‘Faster, more intense. ’

Simply touching the rock was not the end of it.

I had to unleash enough strength and inner porosity to crush that huge rock.


The damho blows back at the rock.

A drop of sweat he shed in the air was scattered.

Even at night, I couldn’t rest.

I took the transport team and made a decision. His stakes were piling up differently one day.

There was a real man at the side of the fortress.

There was a book in front of the current Jinn. It was an empty booklet with nothing written on it.

The current Jinn began to tease the pourer over an empty booklet. A human figure is drawn on a blank sheet with nothing on it, and a writing is written.

In the last four months, I have been discussing the wall and the air without a single day’s rest. As a result, it was able to hold a distinct direction and concept.

This has been the process of documenting the results to date. I couldn’t write a single letter.

It was a brochure for Damho. No matter how much I knew it with my head, I still felt it with my body, but it was different to see it in letters.


Finally, Jinjin put down his current brush.

In a booklet that had just been empty, there were drawings of people spreading their voids and little letters.

Jinjin looked at the book he had created for a long time. In his eyes such a fullness was crossing.

“I don’t know if I’m doing well. ”

It was too dark for me to live in the book. Unbelievable that it was made in a doorway, a volcano wave.

I didn’t even know it was because of the tendency of Damho and the sincere mind of the present man when he first made the anarchy.

I wanted to show something to the smith and the real man who ignored Damho. So I took out the blood angle that I had hidden for a long time, and I tried to fuse the little hairless ones.

It had nothing to do with the volcano waves, and so I couldn’t stand the distance. But as time passed and my mind calmed to a certain extent, I was able to look at everything coldly.

When the void in the book is completed, it will surely have tremendous power. Because the door in the book did not contain the compassion you should have in the palace.

“I guess I was blind to anger. I can’t believe my pupils live in such a strong lifestyle. ”

The current Jinn shakes his head. But I wasn’t so worried.

It is now devoid of concepts. There were few herbivores, and I couldn’t even figure out when to complete them.

Short grips are decades, and it may take generations to pass. It was so long ago that I created a new anarchy.

Perhaps when the dam completes a new aerodynamic form, it is very old, and by that time it will be somewhat shriveled with anger and life in the blood of the dam.


It was then. The dam-ho, who was just doing his work now, finally opened his eyes. Then the light in his eyes faded away.

Now I wanted to know the true use of the mediocrity decision.

The stakes accumulated by the middleweight were infinitely heavy. Simple but heavy, heavy but not slow.

I would not have realized the use of the Heavenly Council so quickly without the help of the Transport Division.

Damho now knew for sure why Master Zhang had become familiar with mediocrity and hematology.

The two anarchies were natural, as if they had been one body from the beginning. If we fuse these two nuggets together into the nuggets that we’re building right now, we’ll have tremendous power.

The current Jinn smiled as he looked at the wall.

“If you can put that heavy energy in your fist, no one will be able to stand in your way. ”

Damho lowered his head.

The current true man was a torch of a trunk shining in his darkness, invisible to none. Because of his guidance, he was able to measure direction and move forward.

“Take this book. ”


“I wrote down the concepts I captured with you. If anything gets stuck, take a look at this book and think about it. ”

“Thank you.”

Dam Ho received a book written by the current Jinman with both hands. There were far more empty places than there were yet to be filled.

“The beginning is with you, but it is up to you to complete it. It’s entirely up to you how you develop it. ”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Master. ”

After that, Damho and Hyundai Jin talked for a long time about the nonsense written in the book.

Damho told me what he felt as he learned nothing, and Jin sought to solve the question of Damho by using his knowledge of nothing he knew.

Smile at the mouth of the dam.

I couldn’t tell how much harder I would wait for a conceptual journey. But Damho enjoyed this moment now.

This is the moment to be with Master.

* * *


The forehead membrane of the northern landmark ( ) wiped the sweat drops on the forehead with its sleeve.

There was still less sweat in the cold. Because the sun was so intense.

“It’s almost spring time. The spring flowers must have already flowered in Jungwon. ”

A smile came to his mouth.

Then one of the young leaders drove his horse to his side. Now, in his early thirties, Lim Ho was his younger brother.

“I think you’ve missed him already, brother. ”

“Wouldn’t it be like you? It’s been seven months since I left the show. I’m going to die because I want to smell my wife’s flesh. ”

“So am I. I want to go home quickly and see my wife and children. ”

I missed the light on Imho’s face.

It was an ascent to the west. The Northern Merchant Guild pioneered the supreme western merchandise trade and entered the ascent of fortune.

In fact, I could not see that the seven months were too long. It usually took more than a year to get to the west. I was that hasty, and I did my best.

As a result, we have broken through the trade line with the West, so now we only have more emergencies left.

The two looked back.

Hundreds of people and numerous wagons were following them. Merchants belonging to the Northern Merchant Guild and representatives belonging to the landmark. There was a smile on their faces.

Their steps back to the midwifery were very light, as they had achieved as much fruit as they wanted.

Their current location is not far from Shin Kang Napo Park, the gateway to Jungwon.

If you move diligently, you will enter maturity in ten days. From maturity to North Korean Merchant Guild headquarters, there is one more month’s journey left, but I still had to take a lighter step because I almost got there.

I asked.

“What about the Lord?”

“You fell asleep in the wagon. ”

“You should be tired. How eager have you been? ”

“You’ll still be able to sleep comfortably because you got the results you wanted. ”

Seong-gyeong, the short-lived leader of the Northern Merchant Guild, was an impassioned disciple of the Great North Castle.

Thirty years since I started the ascent believing in nothing but a sword and a sack of ashes I learned from the Muang faction. In the meantime, the Northern Merchant Guild has become the top of the North.

In order to protect the Northern Merchant Guild, the Northern Marking Office was established and the Chief Executive Officer became the total head.

“Brother, congratulations in advance. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“If you go back to North North North Castle, you will be the sovereign of North Korea, right? Congratulations in advance.”

“Granite, that’s the story when you got back safely. ”

Zhu Seung Kyung said that he would give Makkah his place as the National Capital Region. It was an honour that could not be added to the youngest, who began with a solemn expression.

“We’re all here now, Lieutenant. Are you sure something’s going on? ”

Imhojeong laughed singly. He also burst with a fluffy smile.

It was then.


Suddenly, a bitter wave burst into the air.


Subsequently, the sound of the leopard’s screams burst.

The complexion of Makmum and Im Ho has changed.

“What do you mean?”

They hurriedly looked back. Then I saw a sign that fell from the horse by the arrow.

“Raid? Who the hell….. ”

At that moment, those who covered the whole body with a black bloodwind over the hill were blown away. There were over a hundred of them.

“What are they? ”

Makmum and Imho shouted with their swords drawn. Their faces were full of tension. Because the prayer felt by the raiders was not unusual.

Oh Seung Gyeong, who was sleeping in the wagon, came out. He shouts, staring at the raiders.

“I am the soothsayer and merchant of the Northern Merchant Guild. How dare you raid the Northern Merchant Guild? ”

Oh Seung Kyung put out a mobster.

One of the Old Moon Societies and the leader of the Oakgum Society (Oakgum Society), he set out to intimidate his enemies. But the returned answer thoroughly trampled on the expectations of Seung Kyung.

The mouth of the one who looks like the leader of the raiders is twisted.

“A shaman or an aquarium? ”

“How dare you despise the shaman. ”

Oh Seung Gyeong-gyeong smokes and raises his guitar.

Other things were intolerable, but it was intolerable to insult an apostle, the Mujahideen.

The chief approached the place where Seung Gyeong and others spoke.

“You have great pride in shamans. But even such a great shaman did not dare to breathe heavily when we were active. ”

“What do you mean?”

When the light of suspicion appears on the face of Seung Gyeong-gyeong and Makmum, the leader throws the man out of the bloody robe. Then a clearly engraved pattern was revealed on his chest.

A simple emblem of a burning flame. As soon as I saw him, the complexion of Seung Gyeong and others changed.

“The inscription stands, Sanctuary? Are you a pagan?”

A group known to have perished twenty years ago, a place known as the mainstream of all the worlds.

That was a pagan.

At that time, all the lieutenants gathered their strength to drive out the pagans.

After three years of desperate fighting, the lieutenant was able to destroy the pagan religion. But the damage sustained by the lieutenant was also enormous. Numerous munitions lost power or were exterminated, and those who had still not escaped the aftermath were the premiers.

The chief man’s mouth dries up.

“Now you see? Why we’re not afraid of the shamans. ”

“Am I really a pagan? ”

“Let’s check it out for ourselves. ”

The man at the head did the hand.

At that moment, the unarmed who were behind him rushed toward the Northern Merchant Guild and the landmark in unison. And a unilateral massacre began.

Oh Seung Kyung’s face was wretched. He and Magnus traded eyes. Bicentricity, each noticing the other’s thoughts.

Makmum looked at Imho’s decree.


“Yes! Leader. ”

“Survive to the end no matter how you do it. ”

“What do you mean? I will fight together to the end. ”

“If they were really pagans, we would never survive. But someone must survive and inform the lieutenant of their presence. You’re the only one of us who’s likely to. Please, Hojo. ”

“Argh! Leader. ”

Im Ho’s face was wretched.

Lee Seung Kyung and Mak Mae moved behind Im Ho’s decree and stepped toward the battlefield. Their faces were filled with such sarcasm.

That day, the Northern Merchant Guild and the landmark disappeared from the world.

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