Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 148

148 Ch 8. There is more pain than death (2)

The residence of the Emperor was outside the Palace Hall. Her own personality has chosen a place where people can’t walk if they like to be quiet and hate the hustle and bustle.

The room she was staying in was a mess. There were no fancy furniture, few accessories for women.

There is only one sword that adorns the wall. Nothing else seems desolate.


The Empress sighed.

Strange heartache.

Her gaze was toward the residence of the Emperor’s Gate beyond the window.

“You’re good at meetings, aren’t you? ”

It was the gathering place of the creditors of the vegetables representing the greenery. Unfortunately, she did not deserve to be there.

Knock, knock!

At that time someone hurriedly knocked on her visit.

“Lady, it’s daylight. ”

He opened the door and came inside without even hearing the answer of the Empress.

“Lady, we have to get out of here. ”

“What’s going on? ”

“I don’t have time to explain. ”

There were blood drops on the body of the silent woman answering.

The Empress bites her lips. She also instinctively realized that something was wrong.

The Empress hurriedly followed the silent light with the sword on the wall.

It was the moment they left the door.


Suddenly, dozens of unarmed men blocked their front.

The gaze of silence changed sharply. Not necessarily, the harsh impression changed even more terribly, but the unarmed did not change their faces.

A man at the forefront of the unarmed walks forward. He was the owner of a sphere and impression that would not be traced back.

“Where are you going in such a hurry? Sunlight.”

“Guangcheon! How dare you! ”

I remembered living in the eyes of the silent light.

The name of the man who stopped him was Yu Gwangcheon, the leader of the dorsal dragon, and a close friend of Kwangcheon.

In the sword held by the shepherd, blood was pouring out. It was a trace of Ben, who killed the same equinox.

Just a few days ago, Yu Guangcheon ambushed and killed five of the equinoxes under his command.

They were all silent and kind.

“Do you want to be safe again? Guangcheon.”

“Soon the sky of melting will change. Why should I hesitate? ”

“The sky is changing….. No way?”

“Yes! It’s going to change by now. ”

Yu Guangcheon glanced at the direction where the Huanggyeong Gate is located.

The complexion of the Ecliptic Spirit changed pale.

“Did Gear do this? Other creditors. Even if you say you can, how do you do it? ”

The dorsal dragonfly was a tissue that Yellow Gyeonggi-do raised with great care for the future of melting.

It was the eclipse that knew better than anyone how much investment and effort had been put into raising them.

It was the dormant dragonfly that everyone else thought would not betray until the end. The shock she felt was even greater because she thought no matter what, she would never betray them.

“There are a lot of things in the world that are not common sense. Don’t try to understand. ”

Yu Guangcheon smiled, revealing his face.

The giants around him sympathized with him.

The Empress couldn’t believe the situation before her eyes. It was a moment of despair driven by a terrible betrayal.

“Young lady, not everyone at the dorsal tower sympathizes with them. ”

I reached for her heart, where the loud voice of silence shook.

His words were true.

The Eugwangcheon is known as the equinox dragon, but it did not take full control of the equinox dragon. Yu Guangcheon did not fully gain the impression of the equinox dragon. A significant number of equinoxes were following the Silent Light rather than the Fu Gwangcheon.

Knowing that, Cheonbae also ambushed and eliminated the first unarmed who could hear the half-day.


Her eyes were no longer shaken when the Emperor breathed heavily and exhaled again.


“Yes, young lady. ”

“Let’s go to the Penance. ”

“Why don’t you go to the gross debtor? ”

“It won’t help if we go to our power. It would be much more helpful to release my brother. ”

“Got it.”

Silent light nods with all its might. Yu Gwangcheon tries to be silent by looking at such silence.

“It won’t work. ”


“Do you think I left him with a golden stable? All to prepare for this time. He probably died vomiting blood by now. Hhh!”


“No matter how strong I am, it’s no use tying my hands and feet and poisoning them. ”

An unmanned man from the dorsal dragon said a word.

But their provocation did not shake their silent eyes.

‘You will never be easy. They don’t know anything about you. ’

Oh, shit!

Silent light pulls out two axes and hears them.

‘The more time you spend, the more disadvantaged it is this way. Save the tomb of the Essential Winner. ’

When he made up his mind, he was hesitant.


Silent light rushed toward the flowing sky, spreading the law of blood.

Strong swelling ( Qi) flew towards the effervescent cloth.


I swung the sword that Yu Guangcheon was holding in fear.


Along with the noise, the body of a flowing spring burst into flames.

The futility of the two was a blur. But one uses a giant axe as a weapon, and the other uses a sword.

I was forced to push the sword against the axe in a sense of weight.

“How dare you!”

“Kill him!”

The equinoxes went out to help the Great Cloth, and some moved to capture the Emperor.

Muay Il Gwang was the most knowledgeable of all the giants of the Eastern Dragon Clan.

If the Silent Canyon had remained in the dorsal dragon until the end, it would never have been a great master. That much silent silence was the footman, and there were many who followed.

‘We must kill him. That way, you can take complete control of the dorsal dragonfly. ’

Yu Gwangcheon attacked him with a malice.

While they were fighting with power, the Empress was doing her best. But the opponent was a dorsal dragon.

Among the many unarmed of the greenery, those with the power of the footsteps. The way to Damho seemed to be through them.


Damho opened his eyes.

I saw an unfamiliar face guard in the midst of a tightly closed iron spear.

On a tray held in the hands of the keeper, there was a dishwasher with teeth and a spoon.


The keeper speaks bluntly and pushes the tray between the iron bars.

After Damho was imprisoned in the penitentiary, it was distributed like this once every day. It’s only rationed once a day, so I never die.

The keeper thought the damho would do it again this time. However, the wall that received the tray only looked at it and did not intend to eat it.

When Damho doesn’t eat, the guard screams.

“Why do you do that? Come on, have some. So you’re going to clean the tray? ”

“Have you started?”


The keeper’s eyes widened.

Damho stood up from his seat with a tray. The guard then retreated behind the dance.

“W-what are you doing? ”

I stuttered to the point where I was surprised.

Damho reaches out to him with a bowl of death.

“Eat it. ”

“Crazy! Why would I eat that? Don’t waste your time eating. ”

“Not poisoned? ”

“Do you mean poison? ”

The keeper pondered how surprised he was. Damho looked at the keeper like that.

The guard trembled at the sight that he already knew everything.

Beyond the Iron Spear, the existence was a vortex horse.

Voodoo Mara has a powerful power like a star, and it is like a beast.

The number of the dead in his hands was inexhaustible. His life was a candlelight in front of the wind, if he only had a heart.

In the eyes of the fearful guardian, a golden horse is thrown at the foot of the wall. And the railroad that stands between him and himself.

The Iron Age made the Rumored Silk Chul refined to be solid. The dizzy master could not scratch the iron bars.

Thinking about it, there was no way that the damsels trapped inside the Iron Age could carry themselves through.

The guard laughed.

“You noticed the poison in Yonke. But there’s nothing you can do about it. You’d better eat poison and die comfortably. Hhh!”

“Did Seo Yoon San buy it? ”

“Hhh! What then? ”

The guard slams the wall of the Confession with his hand as he spills the phoneme. Then dozens of unarmed men rushed in, waiting in the balance outside the Praetorium.

Those who developed a vicious posture were those who borrowed from black and white leaves.

They look alternately at the wall and the caretaker trapped inside the iron spear.

“You’re still alive, right? ”

“I noticed he was poisoned to death. ”

“Yeah? Tsk! It’s incredibly fast. Well, it made me die more painfully. ”

The man who kicked his tongue was the Lepidopteran, the ambush of Mt.

Seo Yoon San has given him the important task of poisoning the dam.

I bought the executive who was guarding the Confession and gave him the poison called Blood Dandelion Mountain.

Blood glucocorticosteroids were a horrendous poison that, once taken, severed the viscera and bled to death with tears in the eyes. There was no surrender, so once taken, death was a fact.

The Lepidopteran looked at the wall and said,

“I’d rather poison myself than do this. If you don’t want to die more painfully. ”

“How are you going to kill him? I’m in here. ”

“Do you think the Iron Age can protect you? ”

The Lepidopteran raised his hand. Then about a dozen of those who followed him took the silver cylinder out of their arms. There were dozens of tiny holes in the one-length cylinder of a child’s forearm.

Apart from an exit that only one person could enter, it was a narrow, clogged frostbite. Once the memorization was fired, there was no room to avoid.

The unmanned man aims at the hole in the cylinder.

“It is the golden memorization of the Faction. Once heavy, the bones and flesh melt and become a handful of blood. Hhh!”

Deafness was thinner than hair. Once fired from the cylinder, it was almost impossible to stop it because it was invisible.

The smile of the Lepidoptera darkened.

On the other hand, the light of the Wall sank into darkness indefinitely.

He had seen the same object one day.

A longitudinal rhombus that was headed to the sea.

The object that the leading landmark was transporting looked exactly like that. They also said they were transporting a note from the Faction Gate.

‘Did the goods sent by the Faction Gate come here? ’

I didn’t know what power the deafening chaos possessed. It was clear, however, that he had an extraordinary power given his designation as a golden memorizer.

Once triggered, more than a dozen needles will fly. There are dozens of such deafening confusions. More than a hundred needles fly at a time.

I don’t have clogged blood everywhere. There was nowhere to be avoided.

As the Lepidopteran mocks the wall.

“It would be more convenient to drink the bloody dandruff than to die from a deathbed. What will you choose? ”

“Blood glucocorticosteroids……. ”

“I thought well. At least….. ”

“I’ll put it in your mouth. But if you can float, you can float. ”

In a cold voice that didn’t even contain the emotions of the day, the Lepidopteran felt the creeps come up.

He cried without even knowing himself.

“Shoot him! Make him a hive. ”


More than a hundred stings pour down the wall like rain.


At that moment, the body of the wall turned blurred and the sound of tens of thousands of bees flapping in unison spread.

Shield, the strongest shield pore has been activated.

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