Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 393

Chapter 393 6. Making Hell Better (3)


I frowned at the glance of the sun for a very long time. Her face was so pale and delicate.

I looked around. The view of the mansion, surrounded by lush forests, came at a glance.

This was the secret bunta of the pagan unholy man. It was months ago that she came here wounded.

The appearance of her severely injured was, of course, an emergency in Bunta. All the skilled senators mobilized and cured her. It didn’t take long to treat the trauma.

Treating internal injuries took longer than that, but that didn’t mean it was too difficult.

The problem was the mental wound she had suffered.

The encounter with Damho was a great wound to her spirit. It was a kind of wound that was too deep and sharp to heal.

When I think of him, I go to bed and I play, and I sweat all over my body. The fragrance of horror that Damho planted in her heart was so deeply embedded that it tormented her.

I couldn’t sleep well for a while, so I had a vision. At least for a few months, I was able to live a normal life.

“Did you come out?”

“I see wear. ”

Bunta’s unarmed have greeted Danhyun indignantly.

The position and symbolic significance of monotony within the pagan community was never small.

Immediately after she came to Bunta with her wounds, the masters were dispatched from HQ to guard Bunta without any water gaps.

At that time, Buntaju ran to Danhyang.

“Abrasion. Are you fully recovered now? ”

“Thanks to you, I was able to cure it. Thank you.”

“No, more than that, we have a guest from the middle heaven. ”

“In Heaven?”

At that moment, the eyes of the monotonous scent glittered.

“He manifested himself as blood. ”

“Take him where he is right now. ”

“Very well, follow me. ”

Buntaju led the way. Arriving after him was the innermost heart of Bunta.

Soon after arriving at the heart of the heart, the face of the dandruff widens.

“Blood Rage.”


The old man in his heart bowed politely and replied.

A face full of wrinkles and black mushrooms blooming all over. The wrinkled eyes were full of true water, and the hands revealed between the shabby veils that covered the entire body were also full of wrinkles reminiscent of the bark of the old tree.

The old man’s name was bloody. He was the most trustworthy man on the planet.

He has lived long enough to know the age of blood wrath, even within the pagan world. I wasn’t even sure when he was in the church.

I didn’t know exactly how old my blood temper was. What Danhyun remembers is that even when she was very young, her bloodlust was as it is now.

Neither was his real name. Just at some point, everyone called him bloody, and from then on, bloody became his name.

Blood fury lifted its head and looked at the dandruff.

“How are you feeling? ”

“Much better. ”

“Thank God. I was so worried. ”

“Thank you, Blood. ”

Danhyun bowed his head to his blood and thanked him.

Aside from the teacher’s spinal cord blood, her bloodlust was almost the only one who bowed her head.

Blood fury looked closely at the monotony. His retina, where the true matter is falling, has a fine, solid face.

“I heard that the cloth laborer of the bayonet and the young master of the wallpaper were dead. Is it true?”

“Exactly. They were killed in the hands of a horseman. He……. ”

“Were you scared?”

“ ……. ”

The dandruff did not answer easily and bit his lips. Blood fury looked through the face of such a monotonous scent.

I could not tell a lie in front of his eyes, as if I were piercing through them all.

“I was scared.”

“I see.”

“He…… was really scared. He’s like, like… ”

“Okay, you don’t have to talk anymore. That’s enough. ”

It was like the father of a young daughter.

“This made it clear. It is clear that the headquarters is a lively venue. ”

“What do you mean…? ”

“Yes, he who rejects the world of prestige must be the only opponent of our school. ”

My eyes were shaken by the smell of dandruff.

Zhongcheon was not just a pagan, but an organization that established and organized the doctrine of paganism. Gyeonggi has an abrasive monotony, but the one who moves is practically bloody.

Blood fury, based on its know-how, has redefined the doctrine in the direction in favor of the current bishop. The one who appeared in the process was the Horseman.

It was the theory of bloodshed that a zone without a threatening existence was an arrangement for corruption. So he showed up.

It unites the prisons and raises awareness.

Absolute evil against the God of Honor.

He was the horse racer.

Dandong thought that the horse race was simply a fictional existence. It is based on a newly established doctrine. It is seen as impractical.

But in front of her eyes, the bloody wrath commanded that the wall was a pillar.

The dandruff shook his head.

“That’s ridiculous. It can’t be real. ”

“Nothing makes sense. Everything a person imagines is real. ”

“Blood Rage!”

Dandong raised his voice without even knowing it. But the blood fury did not flatter the horse.

“I’d rather be good. ”

“What did you say went well? ”

“It has been proven that the chariot is real, so aren’t we sure that the priesthood will believe in it even more? ”

The voice of blood fury seemed to be whispering. But the resonance in it is so deep that it digs into the heart of man.

The wrinkled lips of the blood fury rise, and the teeth of the nose are revealed. I’m smiling.

The moment I saw his smile, I felt strangely comforted.


“The crisis is soon an opportunity. I’ve suffered a lot of damage from the horse-drawn horses, but if I use them well, I’ll be able to gain even more. If you think about why we’re redefining all the doctrines, it’ll be easier to understand. ”

Danhyun nodded without even knowing himself.

She was completely embracing the fact that she had just rebuffed before.

“Highlight the horizon to induce inner unity? That’s what I’m saying.”

“That’s right.”

“Okay, I’ll do that. ”

“Please tell the Teacher well. ”


“And……. ”

Blood Rage suddenly took a brochure out of her arms and handed it to Danhyun.

“What is this? ”

“It’s a scare I found in a white pistol a while ago. ”

“In a white horse gun?”

My eyes were shining with dandruff.

The White Rifle was the place where the body of an ancient martyr was buried. Of course, it was designated a no-brainer, which prevented it from trespassing. However, when he was defeated in the First World War and swamped to the corners, the spinal cord opened the white bullet. Because there were so many insights left by the bishops just before the death of the White Horse.

The spinal cord and the pagans were desperate enough to scrape even the hearts of the dead. They opened the White Rifle with a sinful heart and collected all the insights left by the archbishops of all time.

The insights gathered have become a solid foundation for the current pagan community.

“Was there anything left? I thought we collected them all. ”

“I was lucky. ”

“The sky hasn’t abandoned the headquarters yet. At this crucial time, it’s scary. ”

“As long as Myeong-joong takes care of you, the headquarters will last forever. ”

“Thank you. I’ll use this. ”

Dandong looked at the bookshelf of my bloody martial arts.

“Angelic Heart”? Was there such a scare in the main school? ”

“I think I have summarized the enlightenment that the eighteenth great bishop gained just before his death. ”


“Anyway, I think it’s worth a look. ”

“All right. I’ll take a closer look at the Angelic Mage and pass it on to the Master. ”

Dandong put the Angelic Symbol Ball in his arms. His blood fury quietly smiled and bowed his head.

“I have to go to headquarters now. Get ready.”

“Me, too? ”

His blood fury looked amazing.

The monotony is due to the fact that it has not been well exposed to the outside with the blood and heavy clouds hidden.

“At times like this, I need help with my bloodlust. The Teacher also greatly acknowledges the existence of Heavenly Heaven, so I will welcome your blood wrath. ”

“Got it.”

I touched the brochure in my arms. I’ve been filled with my heart for some reason.

She took the first step forward.

Her bloodlust followed her and Najj murmured.

“Bohemian….. It’s a good match. It fits very well. ”

Otherwise, the wrinkled face was deeper and Nuron revealed.

* * *

“This way.”

Silk Il Gwang led the group.

Anhwaysung, who had a defeated palace, was like his front yard. It was rare for ordinary people to see a shortcut or a mountain pass like that.

Silk Il Gwang led the group to the shortest distance.

Sometimes I had to cross the river, sometimes over a large mountain. Yet there was not a single person left behind.

Silent and ecliptic spirits were as desperate as they were, and the damned and the dusty were on horseback. There was no reason to lag behind.

Just follow the instructions given by Silent Sunlight on the back of Black Ear.


Damho murmured his name.

The one who resurrected the fallen angel in this world.

He still remained hidden.

There was no single certainty as to why he was encouraging a clash between the pagan and the Moorish, what he truly wanted, and what he thereby gained.

It was like fighting a mist that didn’t exist.

If there had been no encounter with the Monsignor, who was a member of the same priesthood, Dharma would not have believed in the existence of Escalation.

Damho shakes his head.

‘If it’s real, we’ll meet. ’

I didn’t need a complicated thought at this point.

Damho decided to focus only on the situation he was facing right now.

At that time, the silent light pointed to the front and shouted.

“This is Zhonggang. We need to get on the Unmado River here. ”

As he said, a vast river stood before his eyes. It was a bowel called the cord of a midwife.

This enormous river was cutting the Anhui Castle north-south. There was a southern palace to the north of Anhui Castle, and a supreme monument to the southern Sulphur Mountains. The implicit boundary between the cliff and the greenery was the longitude.



The Emperor and the Jin advancement sighed as they stopped speaking.

I didn’t tell them, but their faces were exhausted. It’s been three days. How he was enduring with his high internal porosity and stamina, but he was exhausted. A little rest was desperate for them.

“Take a little rest until the Unmado River arrives, young lady. ”


The Emperor barely nodded as he breathed.

In the meantime, I also sighed as I stepped down from the horse. It was never easy for the rebels to get used to Kang Ho Nomads.

I looked at the wall with a red face reminded of the progress.

I knew it!

Even though he was such an enforcer, there was no change in the face of the Wall. He was looking at the longitude that flowed through his indifferent face.

The moment progress tried to speak to the dampho, there was a voice calling the dampho first.


It was silent.

He was pointing upriver with his hand.

“What about that?”

“The ship?”

At the same time, progress and the Emperor’s Decree took place.

A large boat was descending from upstream of the river. It was an unmado line that normally operates the Zhongyang River. But the condition of the ship was strange.

There were holes all over the hull and the railings were broken. The sail, which was supposed to stay with the wind, was wretched and the arms and legs were squeezed out of the railing, shaking vigorously.


The floating ship stopped as it entered the dock where the wall was.

At the same time, the dam-ho and the silent light blew themselves up on the deck.

What they saw there was hell.

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