Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 41

Jn 6: 41.Wind always blows in unexpected places (1)

I often use the word “swords” and “swords”. These are the words that a master craftsman on the horizon uses when he is satisfied with the results of a sword made with great care over a long period of time.

A swordsman or a swordsman was a human realm. Depending on the craftsman’s efforts and the quality of the materials, you can create a sparse chance.

But being a Shrine was a treasure beyond the realm of man. It could only be made when human conception, the will of the heavens and the sea were in harmony.

In that regard, the current state of affairs in the hands of the Galactic Star is not insufficient to be called the Divine.

In the red body, which curved and stretched out modestly, an overwhelming scent and a clear energy were gushing out simultaneously.

“Finally……. ”

The light of upheaval flashed in the eyes of the galaxy.


It was the name of the province he had difficulty saving.

There was nothing that could not be cut off, and the foresight alone could make the master a loser.

Galaxies have been trying for five years to save aptitude. His efforts and wealth were unimaginable.

I was able to find aptitude a while ago, and eventually put it in the water.


Galaxies look at the body with their hands, and aptitude vomits itself. The galaxy looked awe-inspiring for a moment at the elegant painting.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of now. Nothing will stop me. ”

Galactic aptitude is put in the gauntlet, muttering.

It was then.

“My lord, it’s blood. ”

Beyond the door, I heard the voice of a deep, bloody mountain.

“Come in.”

“My lord.”

Hematopoietic acid rushed in. That look seemed unusual.

“What’s going on? ”

“The law……. ”

“What’s wrong with you? ”

“You seem to have been sidelined. It’s a rumor that we found a body near the wheat field. ”


Galaxies stood up without even knowing themselves. Because it was such shocking news.

The Reverend was the number he believed in most.

I knew better how brilliant his defenseless galaxies were.

“Who? Who dared to kill a thousand people. ”

“Not yet……. ”

The hematopoietic acid raised its head with a mouthful expression.

The glance of the galaxy is deeply encroached. The hematopoietic acid then lowered its head even deeper.

It was a young expression of the owner’s anger that I had seen for a long time. Five years ago, the Milky Way had that look in its eyes. As a result, many people were killed or injured.

“You must find the plexus. If necessary, move them. ”

“What if it’s them?”

“You already know that. ”

Hematopoietic acid raised its head anesthetically. Because the words from the mouth of the galaxy were so shocking.

“But if we move them fast, they won’t stop bleeding. ”

“It’s a wall you’ll have to cross one day anyway. I’m already in a situation of suspicion. There’s no reason to hesitate. ”

“Got it.”

“There’s always a time like this. Everything seems to be going well, but it’s time to swing like you’re caught in a protruding boulder. ”

His voice was sinking colder than ever.

The joy of gaining aptitude has long since disappeared.

“I can’t believe a thousand people died….. ”

Sim Jaok and Blackno were sitting by the window of the annex enjoying their tea.

“The night breeze is cold. ”

“It’s probably the wind that flows through the mortar rod. ”

“How good would it be to have our bloodstream in such a cool place? ”

“Let’s ask the youngest Lord to move this way. ”

“If I did, I’d be hit first. ”

“The youngest is not a child. ”

“If you were a son, you wouldn’t do that to your daughter, would you? ”

“That’s the charm of the youngest. Isn’t that fair to everyone? ”

“Fairness is a bitch……. ”

The prison grumbled.

Black Noh looked at that prison with a cute face. It was like looking at an immature granddaughter.

He was laughing and chatting with a face that was different from his usual, but his hands were moving secretly.

Sim imprinted the tea with his finger and wrote on the table.

[What about surveillance?]

[One on the ceiling, one outside the window. Both.]

In the same way, Black Nose wrote in tea and replied.

[Can you solve it?]

[It seems difficult, but not impossible.]

[Then please!]

At the end of the speech, the prison searched the table with the palm of its hand. Then the writings on the table were wiped clean.

Black fury looks at the prison with a worried expression.

He thought that the prison would not be tempted to take on this task. It’s because the risk is too great. But the prison volunteered for the mission, and the blockade allowed it. It was for this reason that he had to be as strong as his successor.

I had no choice how he would intervene. I was forced to follow orders from the prison.

“I need to stop sleeping. ”

The prison turned on the base and stood up.

“Good night, then, young lady. ”

Black fur also rose from the scene with a delicate expression.

After a while, the lights went out on the annex.

Then, those who were watching the detachment relaxed for a while.

I’ve been watching jails and blackouts all day. However, the two of them were only confined to an annex, and there was no particularly strange movement.

‘I don’t think there’s any problem…. ’

It was such a timid moment for the watchers.

Suddenly, I lost my mind. I embraced the body of a fallen watchman so that I could not hear a sound.

After quietly beating the Watcher, Blackno even defeated the other Watchers. That was what happened instantly.

When Black Fury defeats all the Watchers, the prison escapes the annex. She was changed into a black nightmare one day.

“Let’s go.”

The prison did not hesitate, but jumped over the wall behind the constellation. Black fury quietly followed her.

They escaped the Seocheon Cabin without a sound and headed for the mortar rod.

Being in an annex did not mean not being aware of external movements. They found out that a significant amount of supplies came into the Seocheon Lodge during their stay at the villa.

And some of them were coming down from the mountain, not under the mountain. If it was a mountain, it was only a mortar rod. And there were no supplies coming down from the mountains in common. A typical doorbell.

‘There is something in the foothills. There’s something we don’t know. ’

That was the conclusion of the imprisonment and black wrath during his stay at Seocheon Lodge.

The two of them climbed the mountain with great horror.

“This way.”

He pointed to a trail of black fury on the ground and said:

What was left clear on the floor was the wheel marks on the wagon.

“The wagon came all the way up here? ”

The prison looked around.

At least five hundred chapters came up the mountain. If it was that high, the duct would be too big. It wasn’t easy to clean the roads. It was even more impossible to find a way to carry a wagon.

But what was impossible before my eyes came true. Although it was narrow, the wagon paved the way.

Seocheongshan used this place to bring something from the mortar rod.

Once the conjecture turned out to be true, the two moved at an even faster pace. In doing so, the place of arrival was a cave in the middle of the mortar rod.

There was a cave large enough to allow some adults to come in side by side. The entrance to the cave was heavily guarded by unmanned lights.

“Young lady, you must be particularly careful from here. ”

“I know. Watch out for black paddles.”

“Then……. ”

Black Nose moves first.

The black furnace in a nightmare approaches the entrance as if the water were flowing naturally, but quickly.

The unarmed who were guarding the cave did not notice his presence until Black Fury reached the threshold.

The black furnace that seeped into the entrance of the cave without sound or presence moved like a flash.


The moment his hand flashes, the unmanned fall in unison. Then on their foreheads there was a sparkling coin.

They couldn’t even scream and screamed.

It was a cancer technology worthy of a star called Daytime Soul.

Black Noe was the person who used memorization best among those known by the Prison. Some people considered that Black Noe was the owner of a dark technology that was not behind the unquestioned.

The prison quietly followed behind the black fury. It was usually a prison that comforted Blackfury, but by this time it had moved as he had instructed.

The cave was vast. There was a torch on the wall and a wagon on the floor left a clear mark.

They went deeper into the cave. As I entered the cave, the cave became narrower and darker. It felt like walking towards the entrance to hell.

‘What the hell is this place? ’

It was time for the prison to spill the invasion.


He whispered in a fierce voice.

The eyes of the prison followed the black fury. In doing so, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, surprised by the sight that came into her eyes.

Her eyes shook. It was the same for Blackno.

A huge underground cavity was open before their eyes. In the underground cavity, numerous people were digging under the watchful eye of the unarmed.

They seem to have been working in the underground community for a long time. Dry face, dusty shoulders, and a harsh breath.

“Can’t you move fast in there? ”

“Why don’t you do the trick? ”

If they can rest a little, the whip of the unarmed flew.



The bitter sound of whipping flesh and screaming echoed in the underground cavity at the same time.

No matter what the sound, those who were in labor were united. Then he flies without a whip.


When the screams rang again, the people were pickaxed again.

There were no unarmed people on surveillance. If you want to be a little negligent, you immediately whip, and every time, people scream in the underground cavity.

In the eyes of the prison, the underground cavity was hell.

“What the hell is in here? ”

At first, I thought I’d crack a gold. However, the workers were just pickaxing and didn’t seem to be picking gold.

“It looks like all the missing merchants and travelers have been taken here for a while. ”

The eyes of the Black Fury glow with dazzling glow.

In the meantime, a number of people have been missing on their way to trade with the West. Some of them were found dead, but most disappeared without a trace.

The youngest of the bloody membranes, Deep Life questioned him.

If people’s anxiety grows and trade with the West shrinks, the damage will eventually return to the bloodstream.

It was only a short time ago that Seocheon Cabinet found a clue that there was a connection to people’s disappearance. Not necessarily, the deep water life of Seocheon Cabin, which was thought to grow like a thorn, dispatched a prison and a black furnace to dig into the reality.

Because if the Seocheon Sanctuary really had something to do with people’s disappearance, there was enough cause to punish them.

“You must be behind the disappearance of Seocheongshan. ”

“The question is, what the hell did they do to you? ”

It was time for the black wrath to be quenched.

“You really don’t listen. I told you to stay at the mansion, and you came all the way here. ”

An unimaginable voice came from behind their backs. When the two of them turned their backs, they saw a familiar figure.

He was the owner of the Seocheon Cabin, the Galaxy Castle. Behind his back, there were bloody mountains of ambush and unarmed men in Seocheon Mountain.

The prison stares at the galaxy.

“Why the hell did you take them? How could you do something so artificial? ”

“I had no choice. This is the only way to find Eugene in the blood. ”

“Blood horse? No way? ”

At that moment, the face of the prison became white. Then the galaxy smiled.

“You’re right. There’s a bloody horse that swallowed the entire New River over a hundred years ago. ”

It was not well known to Zhongwon, but the name of the blood horse in the Shin River was the same as death.

I wonder if there are rumors that the Horseman tried to recruit him.

However, for some reason, the hematoma refused to accept the offer to recruit the Holy Spirit and only operated in the New River.

Numerous Neolithic Munchies were exterminated by the Blood Horse at that time. That led to a public outburst of new rivers, but also led to the disappearance of numerous unmanned pursuits.

At that time, the number of newcomers killed by the blood horse was at least a thousand. It was incredibly damaging to a single individual.

Because of this, the name hematoma remained in the brains of the neorigid people with fear.

Galaxies smiled to live in prison and black fury.

“I saw something I shouldn’t have seen, and I heard something I shouldn’t have heard. ”

“Did you do something like this because of the Eugene of Blood Horse? ”

“It’s too close……. Can you even look at this and say that? ”


I picked out the way the galaxy was kicking at my waist. Then, aptitude scattered its energies everywhere.

Depending on the owner’s will, it was appropriate to be a congregation and a urethra.


“Godly aptitude, a bloody lover. Not long ago, I was able to find it in the blood cannon here. ”

The whole body of the galaxy with aptitude has given rise to a horrible life. It was a tremendous life that Jail had never experienced before.

A moment later, a black wrath blocked the front of the prison.

“Lady, run. ”

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