Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 420

420 Ch 7. Welcomes the guest with all his/her heart (2)


The supernova glances at the foreground.

It was a prelude to the gathering of the brains of the union, including Jiang Jin. Only the Sulsando people fell in love and all the rest were gathered there.

He wanted to listen to the conversations that took place inside the church. However, the Qi membrane unfolded around the foreground angle, preventing sound waves from exiting. Because of this, I didn’t know what kind of conversation was going on inside.

“Do you have a secret to keep when you open your eyes? ’

After all, all those gathered in Ngabo were those who volunteered for the Corps. I had no choice but to wonder what secrets I had to keep from a borrowed stranger with the same purpose.

It was then.

“What are you doing here? ”

I heard a elegant voice on one of the stems.

When he turned his head, he saw a woman in purple mining clothes. The beautiful woman, with her hair like a finely twisted trident and a crescent eyebrow, was the full moon.

He smiled with a gorgeous expression.

“Just……! ”

“It won’t do you any good to be stuck in a membrane. ”

“ ……. ”

“I’ve tried. ”

“Damn it!”

At the end of the month, the supernova stops spitting without even knowing it. The Moon murmured at the foreground.

“I don’t know what secrets are so many. ”

The distance from Sorim Sa to this place was over a thousand lilies. Generally speaking, it was enough distance to come about ten days, but it had to take twice as long because it moved in secret.

No matter how one-sided they were, if they worked together for more than twenty days, they were forced to move, and the words were forced to twist.

In fact, the month of Sowowowowon was quite close. During the First World War, I was able to hear in detail how Sowowon participated in the fraternity and how desperate the fight was.

Dialogue with her was of great help to Thao So-moon. Sowowowon has taught a lot, especially since she saved the same woman. But the more I talked to her, the more I felt the unknown wall.

It’s invisible, but it’s clearly present, and it has a higher, rougher wall than Thasan.

Sovowon was definitely hiding something. The problem is, I can’t even guess what it is. So she also tried to secretly listen to the conversation in the foreground, like a supernova. Of course, her attempts were blocked by the membrane and turned into nothing.

“What are you hiding? Isn’t there something you’re guessing? ”

“I’m not sure yet. ”

The Great Jubilee hesitated and the month of the Season came to a close.

“The Great Canyon of Seconds! ”

“ ……. ”

“I think it’s a colleague we can trust. Don’t you think that’s what Early Barons is all about? Tell me a secret. We’re on the same boat. ”


At the end of the month, Najib sighed. Then the month of Decembercame one step closer.

“I’m already guessing that the Great Barracks or the Great Barracks know a secret they can’t tell anyone. that it’s very dangerous. So I was pretending I didn’t know, but now is the time for us to know. What do you think?”

The eyes of the seaweed moon were clear and deep. The moment I saw her eyes like that, I realized that I couldn’t hide any more about Angelism.


“I will keep my secret. ”

“Actually……. ”

Ultimately, he told me the truth he knew. Even the fact that there is an angel besides the devil, and they don’t know what their true purpose is.

Thao Sow Moon bravely listened to all that. She didn’t blink a single eye until the story of the supernova was over.

“Angelism……. ”

Truth was like a fang hidden behind a thin cloth. It seems to be thoroughly concealed, but it was designed to reveal the substance by piercing the cloth with a little force.

It reminded me of three years ago. When she came to Kangho to meet Eun-sung, she was raided by unidentified guests.

The events of that time were a catalyst for the creation of a blindness. At the time, I thought I was simply surprised by the pagan religion, and now it wasn’t one or two strange things to come back to.

One of the biggest doubts is that there is no reason for the pagan to be aiming for the Moon. Though the Sea Moon is one of the Gumuros, it was not a person who had a presence large enough to influence the Kangho generation.

There is no reason for a pagan to be alarmed by such a devastating moon.

‘In the end, did the angel use me to create a limelight? ’

Then all the questions were solved. But her face was not very comfortable.

‘A third force that promotes the clashes between the Mourim and the Horse. Who’s going to believe this? ’

In the end, Najib sighed at the end of the month.

Then she could see how eager the supernova might have been.

“Thank you for telling me the truth. ”

“I’m sorry I’m late. You know, I can’t talk about it. ”

“I understand.”

The Moon nodded and looked at the foreground.

“So some of them might have something to do with angels. ”

“Maybe it’s all of them. ”


The Moon finally sighed with a frightening sigh.

The truth was so heavy and scary that it was hard to breathe.

“Are you aware of this? ”

“Of course. He’s the one who told me this. ”


“He’s been fighting them for a long time. ”

“The Great Barracks were carrying too much burden alone. If so, it must be because of the angel who changed his mind. ”

“Well, I guess so. ”

“Thank you. That’s all I have to say. ”

At the end of the month, the supernova looked embarrassed. However, it also looked at the foreground within a moment. because the door that was firmly closed was open and they were coming out.

The rope is out of line with the long names of Sowowowowon, Goku, etc. Their faces were stiff without knowing where they were. But when I saw the supernova and the moonlight, I had a natural look.

“What are you talking about here? ”

“I just need to discuss something. ”

“Is that so?”

Zhang Jin nodded quietly in response to the odd answer of the supernova. But Zhang Jin’s eyes were shining sharper than ever.

The look of supernova has not changed, even in the eyes of a blade that seems to penetrate the inside. It was the same for the month of December.

Zhang Jin, who had been looking at them for a while, smiled.

“I feel good to see you guys getting along. Aren’t you the last hope and the last borough? ”

“I’m just grateful for the words. ”

“It’s not just words. I actually think so, too. ”

Zhang Jin said that without even blinking.

He couldn’t help but be impressed by the appearance of such a long name. During his arrival here, Jang Jin Myung never showed any loopholes to Seo-yeong.

The opponent was a seasoned fox. There was nothing as dangerous as exposing your feelings in front of the old man who suffered all the prenatal periods. Because of this, he also had to relentlessly try not to reveal his insides.

It wasn’t that time when the neurometastases were happening.


Eun-sung suddenly jumped into the empty office with a cheerful voice.

Everyone’s gaze naturally turned to the silver petition.

Eun-sung was a very urgent expression.

“What’s going on? ”

“From the mythical Merchant Guild……. ”

“Myth Merchant?”

“Yes! I received a delivery request from the Mythical Merchant Diary Saucer. ”

“What does that mean? ”

“This time, they’re asking us to deliver the cancer salt we brought to the bridge instead. ”

Lee Jin Nam and Sowowon looked at each other in the words of Eun-sung. The cancer salts carried by the Ho Merchant Guild of Ngabo were a disguised item to conceal the existence of Jin Nam and others everywhere. I didn’t think I’d have to deliver it somewhere.

When I first met the diarrhea, I brought out the story of the cancer with a passing horse. I didn’t know the diarrhea would ask me to deliver it to the horse instead.

“That’s usually what happens? ”

“Absolutely. There is no such thing as a mythical Merchant Merchant Guild or a larger Merchant Guild that asks you to deliver instead. Of course, it’s an exceptional situation right now. ”


“Yes! It turns out that the mythical Merchant Guild is the source of evil, and it’s blocked from going anywhere other than where the devil has taken control. Obviously it’s not easy to get salt. ”


The good eye of the supernova sank. Because I smelled something suspicious.

It was then.

“Deliver the Cancer Salt? Then, isn’t it a great opportunity for us to enter the church without undergoing any checks? ”

The owner of the voice was Zhang Jin Nam.

He was the most prolonged and powerful of all the protectors and was the leader of the group during the year.

The gaze of Seo-yeon, Seo-soo Moon, etc. turned to Zhang Jin.

“What is that supposed to mean? ”

“As I heard. If you disguise yourself as the Lagoon Merchant Guild of Ngabo, you’ll be able to do it bloodless. Then it becomes much easier to achieve our objectives. ”

“It might be a trap. ”

Zhang Jin looked at her in the words of Eun-sung.

“Why do you think that? ”

I felt a chill in my voice. As a silversmith who had not learned nothing, it was hard to handle.

Her natural face fluttered.

“Well, that….. ”

At that moment, the supernova naturally interspersed between Jin Jin Nam and Eun-suk. Then, the pressure and the time limit imposed on the silver petition were blocked.

Eun Socheong lowered his head slightly, thanking Choi Yeon-un, and continued his words.

“One Sorcerer of the Mythological Merchant Guild is never a person who benefits others. No matter how urgent the situation is. ”

“But didn’t I just say it with your mouth? There’s a traffic jam elsewhere, so they’re feeding on salt. ”

“Of course, but……. ”

“Salt is a must for everyday life. If you miss a day, there’s no big problem. Where were the foods that didn’t contain salt? Isn’t that why the lights went out on their feet? ”

The voice of Zhang Jin has naturally increased.

It was a long name called the Angel Enemy Sword. When an unmanned man, capable of dealing with a thousand people alone, raised his voice, others were forced to kill their natural breath.

Even the unarmed of the same battalion.

There was a static in the intestine.

“Of course I’m not unaware of your concerns. I’m afraid it’s not the enemy’s trap. But it’s not always a flower road in life. Sometimes you have to choose a thorn field path, even though you know it’s dangerous. Of course, we will make less sacrifices in the process. But if it was to establish the definition of the sign, where could there be a more glorious sacrifice? It was decades ago. Everyone thought it was dangerous. But under the guidance of the Priesthood, the Corps of Reformers ambushed the headquarters of the Democrats and eventually won. ”

Zhang Jin’s voice contained even a single stalk of madness.

The eyes of the supernova changed slightly.


That kind of madness was a way to make you unable to think rationally, not only about yourself, but also about the people around you.

Moreover, the madness of an absolute mastermind such as Zhang Jin’s name makes even a helpless mastermind irresistible.

In fact, not only the month of December, which is regarded as the best of the New Testament masters, but also the masters of the prehistoric period such as Sowowon and Goojin, were affected by the madness of Zhongjin.

In his madness, this was the only silver petition that was free of supernova and his protection.

“There is no glory without sacrifice. Those of you who volunteered for the Fellowship will know that better. You’re here to live anyway, aren’t you? If we can seize the chance of reversal at the sacrifice of the union, there is no glory beyond that. Isn’t that right? This is a great opportunity. When will this opportunity be missed again? ”

“ ……. ”

At the end of Zhang Jin’s words, a suffocating static came. No one answered quickly.

Even the supernova did not refute the words of Zhang Jin. At this moment, the only way to fight is to rebut Jang Jin Nam.

While I was here, Jang Jin Myung always showed me some respect. But it was just a thoroughly calculated look.

“Gather the Corps. You should never miss this opportunity. ”

Zhang Jin wedged.

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