Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 430

430 Ch. 2. The Great War (2)

There were many workshops in the naked eye. I asked Dust Jinbo to find the best workshop among them.

As soon as I entered the workshop, I felt a hot fever with the sound of knocking iron with a hammer. The skin was hot in intense heat, but the dustbin felt rather refreshed.


I was hammering because two artisans were living in front of a large furnace. Above the workbench where they were hammering, there was a longsword of this uncle’s length.

I didn’t think I was making a new one, but I felt like I was working with the old longsword dismantled.

“Son of a bitch! Screw it straight. You don’t have to. The bend is more curved. ”


“Knock a little harder. On top of that, give me about three pounds. That’s the blood of the sword. ”

“Got it.”

The old craftsman ordered the young craftsman relentlessly. Even though the old craftsman’s bruising may be offensive, the young craftsman was passionate about hammering without such a hue.


As the craftsmen trimmed their swords with the power of their own souls, the dust flattered without even knowing it.


At that time, I heard a buzzing voice from the back of the progress. Looking back in surprise, I saw a man leaning against the door in the middle of the forty.

I felt like a mountain from a man dressed in a scarlet robe.


Jingyeo instinctively noticed that I am a great master.

When his face hardened, the man smiled and said,

“You don’t have to be so vigilant. I’m just here to find my sword that they’re trimming. ”

“Oh! I’m sorry. ”

“No, I’m sorry I startled you. ”


“Are you here to buy a sword? Then you came very well. That wealthy man is very good, so I come here often if I need to trim my sword. ”

“It’s not black, but I came to buy it if I had the initiative to use it for cooking. ”

“Lead? So you’re a Suzuki? ”


The man humbled his head for a moment in response to the answer of the progress. Because the energy felt by the progress is definitely that of the unmanned. But within days, he looked at the craftsmen with his nerves drawn from the dust.

The work of the craftsmen was now at the last minute.

Land! Land!

The sound of the hammer reached its peak, and the heat also reached its peak. And the hammer just stopped like a lie.

The old craftsman, who stopped hammering, put the sword that had escaped without breathing.

Tooth profit!

When the hot sword entered, the water vapour rose from the barrel.

This was the most important moment.

This is because by hammering, it releases all kinds of impurities that have been learned unknowingly by the sword, and it is determined at this instant to what extent the weakened body will recover.

The old man closed his eyes with a dagger. A tremor was reported from the sword in the barrel. When the tremor peaked, the old man pulled the sword out of the barrel.


A sigh of relief gushed out of the old man’s mouth, looking at the smooth body for a while. Because the autopsy was better than I thought.

The old man’s body was strangely old. It seemed like it was black, absorbing even the light around it.

The old man gave it to the young craftsman who was waiting for the Old Light Sword.

“Now set the day. ”


The young craftsman retreated to one side of the workshop after receiving the sword with both hands. He began to grind the blade on a pre-prepared reed.

Zec! Zec!

Only the sound of the blade going to the silent workshop resonates.

The man who was watching him approached the old craftsman.

“That sounds good. Well done.”

“The sword has been severely wounded. This time, somehow, I saved my life, but next time, I’d rather change swords. ”

“I know. But what if I don’t have a sword in my hand? Now it’s not easy to ripen your hands and replace them with something else. Why don’t you make me a new one? ”

“Phew! Now even this old man is old, so he’s not good enough. ”

“Do you have a son? ”

I looked at a young craftsman who was grinding swords on one side. Then an old craftsman sighed.

“It’s not too far. You still have a lot to teach if you want to screw it up by yourself. I might be able to tell you everything before I die. ”

“Wasn’t it your blood? Surely you can inherit all your liquor. ”

“If that’s the case, would you rather die? ”

“That’s how it’s gonna be. ”

The man taps the shoulders of an old craftsman with his chunky hands.

Seeing what they looked like, Dust noticed that the man was much older than he looked. But I wasn’t surprised. Because there are sometimes masters in Kang Ho who suppress years with the power of the internal air. A man in front of his eyes would be one of them.

Who is it?

Dust was curious about the identity of the corporation.

It seems that the master of the sword looks clear when he trims the sword, but no matter how much he stumbles on his memory, he doesn’t remember anyone with a similar appearance.

Is it because of the hideout? ’

It was time for progress to frown a little.

“What about you?”

An old craftsman looked at the progress of the dust. He explained it to me instead.

“I heard you came to buy the lead. ”

“Lead? Suzuki? ”


“Let me see your hands. ”

In the sudden words of the old craftsman, the advancement panicked, but his hands were gently stretched out. Then the old craftsman looked closely at the hand of the advancement.

“This is more like the hand of an unarmed man than the hand of a successor. Have you learned nothing?”

“A little.”

“Then it doesn’t matter if it’s a little heavy. ”

“Yes! It’s okay. ”

“Let’s see. ”

An old craftsman searches the shelves and picks up a sack of blunt lead within a week.

“It’s made of silent steel that came in a while ago. I tried to make it as a test because it was too small to make a regular sword, but it was too heavy, so it wasn’t easy for ordinary students to even pick it up. That’s why I left it to melt again, but the owner seems to be on his own. ”

An old craftsman handed over the initiative to the Progress.

The first feeling of holding the lead was that it was as heavy as the old craftsman said. It felt twice as heavy as the market leader. I didn’t think I needed to see my hands.

I thought of a smile on the mouth of the progress.

“That’s great!”

“Not heavy? ”

“That’s why I like it more. I think it’s good to cut meat or bones. ”

The Progressive Movement moved around and replied.

“Thank goodness. Give me two pieces of silver. ”

“Isn’t that too cheap? I don’t think it would be too bad if I gave you five matches. ”

“It’s much more profitable to sell to you than to melt it back. I’m satisfied just by writing that heavy one right. ”

“Thank you. I’ll save it. ”

The advancement bows to the old craftsman. Then I remembered the old craftsman’s grin. But it also said in a sharp voice, within a moment.

“If you’re satisfied, go ahead and do it. ”

“Yes? Yes! ”

The advancement took two silver pieces out of his arms and gave them to the old craftsman. The old man turns around with his silver in his pocket. It was expounded during the year that there was no more work for the dust.

“Thank you for the good lead. I will use it well.”

The wanderer once again greeted the back of such an old craftsman and went out of the workshop. And the man who had kept his mouth shut said to the old craftsman,

“Isn’t that too bad? Apparently, the materials are more expensive. ”

“It’s more important to use it properly than the value. Like an elder.”

“You’re all right. I’m getting old with you and me. ”

“Are you all old together? But I’m thirty years younger. It’s frustrating when we treat them like they’re getting old. ”

“Tsk! You’re only four years older. It doesn’t taste as footy as it used to. ”

The man shook his head. An old craftsman smiled at him.

Then a young craftsman approached with a sword.

“I’ve set all the days. ”

“Let’s see. You’ve done well.”

An old craftsman looks around the sword blade and gives you a pass point. Then I remembered the expression of relief on the face of the young craftsman.

The old craftsman put the handle back on the sword brought by the young craftsman and finished it by hanging it to the thread.

“Here you are, Elder. ”

“Thank you!”

“Where are you going now? ”

“There are still children of the Bonga who have survived. I intend to reap those children. ”

“Really? Are there really any children who survived? ”

“I see.”

A man nods and a hot tear pours down the cheek of an old craftsman.

“Thank goodness. Bonga’s veins have not been cut. ”

“Yes! Thank God. ”

The man nodded.

The old craftsman was making a sentimental look. But the man couldn’t smile. It’s because there’s something I didn’t tell the old man. But I didn’t tell him that. Because I didn’t want to break the old man’s joy.

The old man waved the old light sword from the craftsman and said:

“Thanks to you, it would be easy to bring the children. Thank you!”

“No, I’m glad it helps a little bit. ”

“Then I’ll go. ”

“Please, I wish you well with those children. ”

“Thank you!”

The man left the workshop smiling.

The old craftsman stood here for a while and looked at the door where the man had left. Then a young craftsman approached.

“Father, is he really older than you? ”

“Yes. Even when my father was a child, he was like that. ”


The eyes of the young craftsman were wide open.

His father’s name was Southern Archery. He was the guardian of the Southern Palace. He was born in Mugha, but had no talent for swords, so he had to leave the Southern Archery.

Southern archers chose to make swords because they had no talent for swords.

Fortunately, he was talented at handling iron and quickly became a famous artisan. Since then, he has been nesting here in the land, far from the South Palace.

At that time, the man who helped him was the man who called the Southern Archery an elder. He comes to me once when he can be forgotten and entrusts me with the machining of the sword. Every time, the Southern Archery took a deep breath and trimmed the old man’s sword.

‘Who the hell is he? ’

When the young craftsman asked about the identity of the corporation, the Southern Archery did not inform him. Unlike the Southern Archery, a young craftsman who lived in a place unrelated to the Southern Archery from an early age did not know the identity of the company.

A young craftsman glances at the direction in which the man has disappeared.

The man who left the workshop touched the sword with his rough hands.


The sword that hides its appearance in the Sword House spills a deadly sword to make him feel his hand. He had a dark smile on his face.

He was not a recruit named after his black reindeer. There was nothing special about it except that it was made of good quality iron to make the strength better.

However, after decades of close use, I now feel like the sword knows my mind.

When he was nervous, the sword was nervous, and when he was alive, the sword’s foresight seemed sharper. But it was not time to reveal the sword’s vision.

As the man continued to touch the sword, his sharp foresight was slightly depressed.

His steps were speeding up a little.

I don’t seem to have walked long, but I can see the destination far away.

Pacific Cup.

It was a big cup at the entrance of the naked eye.

The company’s goal was right in the Pacific Cup. It’s not exactly a Pacific Cup annex.

By the time I saw the annex, the man suddenly hit the ground lightly. Then his body melted in the air without sound.


Only the wind blows when he’s gone.

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