Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 444

444 Ch. 7. The Inferno will be opened (1)

The supernova turns its head and looks at the side. Then I saw him walking quietly with his shoulders bent.

The appearance of the young silver petition was not a word yet. Above his head and shoulders, he sat down with a dusty face.

When was the silver petition that favored the Big Merchant Cow called Ngabora? Clearly it would be quite painful, but the silver petition did not vote at all.

He considered such a silver suit to be extraordinary.

I escaped the crisis with the help of the Sword of God, but I didn’t know when the Horseman would send a tracker, so I moved very little rest in the last few days. It was too harsh a schedule for Yeon-seok to handle. Nevertheless, the silver petition was following a supernova without saying it was difficult. But the weary complexion was potent.

“Let’s take a break. If we come this far, we won’t be able to follow the Horse Tracer anymore. ”

Eun-sung raised his head and raised his head.

“It’s okay if it’s because of me. I can walk more. ”

“It’s not about you. I’m tired. Let’s all take a break here. ”

The choreographer spoke loudly to the choreographer. Then he sat in his place as if the Corps had waited.



A new voice came out from all over.

I wasn’t talking, but they were quite exhausted. I was just not thinking about my colleagues at all.

The supernova approached Thao Sow and Chungwoon.

“What about Socheon?”

“Much better. But I still need a place to heal properly. ”

There was a dark shade on the face of the Sea Moon.

A minor wound, which I wanted to heal a little bit, exploded again in a collision with a teenager, and the situation was getting worse all the way down. Socheon was enduring with superhuman patience and great manoeuvrability, but needed proper treatment.

“Amitabul! I’m fine. So don’t mind. ”

Socheon replied with a delicate expression. But everyone here knew his wound was serious.

At that time, Eun-sung came near and said,

“Cheer up. Just a little further north from here, you’ll find the safe house of Ngabo. If you’re there, you’ll get the right treatment. ”

“Really? There’s no way. ”

“Target groups like us have shelters all over the city just in case. We don’t know what the future will be, so we need to make sure we’re prepared. Fortunately, there is one such place not far from here. Externally, it has nothing to do with the main house, so you can rest assured for a while. ”

In the confident words of Eun Soyeong, the guards looked relieved.

“Thank goodness.”

“You’ve been in Eungabo’s shoes so many times. Never forget this grace. ”

“Thank you so much. ”

The guards have greeted me with indignation.

They were very familiar with the silver petition, accompanying them from the Mourimblings to the Horse Church and from the Horse Church to here. They all thought they were gracious to the silver petition and the silver gazebo.

The survivors were all the best of the midwives. It was clear that most of the members of the coalition who had been with him had died, and that the ensuing reinforcements would lead them.

I made a connection that I would never get without paying a billion dollars, but I didn’t think the silver petition was happy at all.

I didn’t try to vote, but she was exhausted.


At this moment, the one she desperately wanted to see was the progress. One way or another, I had the possibility of encountering progress only if I came back strong and became blind. The penis warned her not to go to Moorim, but she couldn’t stop her heart from advancing.

He looked at the silver petition with a dismal gaze.

It would be better if I cried because it was too hard, but I looked more pathetic to bear it all the time.

The supernova reminded me of the damho and the progress. And he said it with his heart.

‘Don’t worry. I will take the lawsuit safely. ’

* * *


Abuse came to mind with a new voice.

His pupils gradually became clear as the focus unfolded. After that, I turned my head and looked around.

The first thing that came into his sight was a campfire shining alone in the middle of the darkness. And when the light was ripe in his eyes, he saw four men gathered about him. Among other things, a poisonous man came into my eyes.

He was a faceless man with a dark breeze that was indistinguishable from the darkness. Abuse recognized him in a single breath.

“Dam…… No. ”

He looks at his head to see if he has heard his voice.

The face of the abuser was red. It is disgraceful that he ignored Damho and hated him more than anyone else, but saved his life with his help. However, it was not so thick as to pretend not to know, even with grace.

Abuse has forced me to build up. Then blood spilled again from the scar where the plaque barely sat. It was painful, but I kept my face up.

“Thank you. I lived thanks to you. I will surely repay this favor. ”

After confirming that he had saved his life, the tone of abuse changed confidently. His tone of tone was disturbing, but he didn’t care.

“What happened? ”

“I don’t know. I remember meeting an old man who tried to escape from the pagan church, but I don’t remember anything since. I was in my right mind and I was being held by them. ”

When he opened his eyes, his body had no power. It is trapped in a large wagon with a sealed enclosure.

Abuse focused on pretending to faint and restoring maneuverability, while looking at trends outside the wagon. As a result, they found out that those who took them were angelic people. He explained that he broke the window and escaped when the internal air recovered to some extent.

Damho and Jin Jin heard his story without saying anything.

Namhaek talked about how frightening the angelic community was. That way you can offset even a little of your embarrassment.

“They are encouraging the commotion of witchcraft and blindness. We need to inform the Mourim Blind of their existence and take action. So I hope you can help me get home safely. ”

Abuse confidently asked Damho for protection. The first disgraceful look was already disappearing without coming.

Damho asked instead of answering.

“What happened to the blindness? ”

“The ambush went back to failure. I don’t know what happened, but they’ve already noticed our existence and are waiting for us to be ready. In the end, most of the soldiers were either killed or taken captive. At least I remained until the end to stop the enemy, so many of them were still able to escape. ”

Abduction lied without blinking a single eye.

I didn’t think there was a way to find out the truth, even if I lied anyway.

“Who escaped? ”

“I don’t know exactly what that is. If I hadn’t been overcome by the old man at the end, I would have known. ”

“Explain. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“About the old man. ”

“That’s….. ”

At that moment, the face of abuse was distorted.

I tried to recall the old man in Damho’s words, but it was blurry as if there was a mist in my head. I saw it clearly, but I didn’t remember the face of the old man.

“That is……. ”

The face of the abuser was dull and sweaty. Damho looked indifferently at such abuse.

“I don’t remember. I think he said something. Ugh!”

Suddenly, the abuser shook his body and lathered in his mouth.

“What do you mean?”

The Brothers and Sisters of the South Palace were amazed at the appearance of such abuse. They retreated without even knowing themselves.

I couldn’t help but notice the blood on my forehead and my eyes were red.

“Well, he….. snuff! ”

Abduction shook his head on the floor.

Damho raised his body.

He no longer looked at abuse. It’s because I felt an unusual energy around me from the moment I had a seizure.

A gust of wind was blowing. Something invisible is blowing the wind from Mount Cheonan.

It was unpleasant and disturbing, as if you were poking your nerves with thousands, tens of thousands of fine needles.

Damho’s eyes sank deeply.

The abuse of rolling on the floor was no longer his concern.

I felt an unusual atmosphere and my face hardened. The whole body was disgusting, as if I were a body. The Southern Palace brothers were tired of white faces.

“Come here. ”

The Jingbo retreated, hugging the brother of the Southern Palace. His response seemed very resourceful. Now he was no longer a kid. I was an adult who knew how to judge the situation on my own rather than relying on Damho.

Damho had no words. He gazes at the darkness with his mouth firmly shut. The darkness flickers as if it were a living creature, and then it hovers around as if it were blocked by the light of a campfire.

It was the strangest scene I’ve ever seen in my life. But there was no shaking in the eyes of the Wall.

Naturally, it was a phenomenon that could never happen.

“Is it a disease? ”

As Damho proved, the Dark Horn reacted to me.

It contained the tomb of Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heart, the master of the volcanic faction. The oldest and heaviest deep hole in the volcano, the Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy


Unlike Dam Ho or Jin Progress, the Southern Palace brothers, who are still weak in inner space, were distracted by the fierce energy of magic.


At that moment, the wall rolled its feet wide.

It was a right angle ( ) that focused its manoeuvres.

The earth shook as if an earthquake had happened. The darkness that surrounded the campfire came out of the rocks of the earth. Then he reveals the monster that was hiding in the dark.

He was a monster dressed in a strange form covering his head to toes. I heard there were people in the west dressed like that, but it was the first time I saw it myself.

The darkness that surrounded him gave him a panic for a moment, but the monster regained his peace in an instant.

“That’s amazing, Bokma! I can’t believe I’m waving an asphyxiator. ”

His voice scratches people’s nerves anxiously, roughly like a crow’s cry.


Immediately the wall moved.

A new replenishment was unfolded and overwhelmed by monsters.

The Phantom is fierce and has a big hole in the monster’s chest. I murmured as if the monster were ridiculous.

“Khh! As I heard, you are an impolite wretch. ”

Still with a harsh voice, the monster’s body fluttered and melted like ice on a summer day.

The fist-picking wall opens its mouth looking at the molten monster.

“What made you so afraid? ”

I didn’t feel anything about the fist I had on the monster. It was as if it had hit the air. It was a fantasy, not a genuine one.

Suddenly, the darkness in the back of the wall fluttered, and a monster appeared like a liar. It’s like falling from the sky.

I looked at the newly emerging monster behind Damho’s imagination. Then the monster raises his head and looks at the wall.



After seeing the face of the monster, the advancement and the Southern Archery brothers burst into guard at the same time. The face of the monster was ambiguous as if it had been clumped at once. It’s like a fog.

The advancement draws its power and focuses its attention on both eyes, but it fails to recognize the monster’s true face through the fog.

Deeper shadows were cast in the eyes of Damho.

“Are you an angel?”

“Yes, my name is your company. ”

The monster was your company.

He who is the forerunner of Angelism and acts on behalf of the will of the Orthodox Church. He revealed himself in front of the wall.

In his body, morale was flowing to be processed. His morale was so horrible that if he had not mastered the innards of Hyundai, he would have lost his life.

In fact, the face of the Southern Bow brother who was directly confronted with his scam was pale white, and his body was fluttering like an epileptic.

“You’ve been tracking abuse? ”

“No, I came to see you. ”


“If you wanted to see your face, you wouldn’t believe it, would you? ”

“ ……. ”

“I’ll be honest. I’ve come to erase you from the world. ”


“No way? If you were a professor, wouldn’t you know? I am not confident in dealing with you by force. ”

“And yet you’re here? ”

“So I’m trying to erase it, not kill it. By banishing you from this world. ”

The fog covered your face. When he saw it, he felt like he was smiling and trembled. In your body, you felt an ominous aura that was unknown in substance.

The scam your company was driving was twitching like a sunday. However, the scam dared not reach the edge of the wall and was only wiggling. The energy of Damho is preventing fraudulent access. So Damho didn’t care much about morale. And you knew that.

No matter how great the encroaching morale was, it would be meaningless if it could not be swallowed up.

Your eyes are shining.

“That’s why I needed him. ”

At this moment, the brow of the wall twitched. I noticed that your gaze is towards someone other than yourself.


“Turn it off!”

Strange screams burst from behind my back.

It was abusive.

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