Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 447

447 Ch. 8. Still I don’t give up hope (1)

The evil streets with the headquarters of the Demon Church were shattered.

It is because many troops have fled to Murimblin and Shaolin. Most of the main power went out, so only minimal troops remained in the Demon Corps to protect it.

Even though it was a minimal force, even the dizzy midfielder moonwaves were too powerful to be rigorous. Because of that, no doorman or unidentified person dared to come in here.

The front door of the corporation, which had been firmly closed for some time, was opened at the time when the sun was about to slip into the West.

A huge iron gate opens and a splendid quad wagon comes out. Where the wagon was headed was a sympathizer right nearby.

The sympathy of many poets has been rare for some time. When the devil took control of the evil, people were terrified and did not approach him. But unlike people’s expectations, paganism did no harm to those who had nothing to do with the Moorish. Then, increasingly, as before, many found sympathy.

Numerous lamps hung on the sympathetic side of the lake lit up. A fluorescent lamp appeared on the surface, creating a fantastic view.

Many of them wandered around the sympathetic side of the lake and were intoxicated by the fantastic landscape. Those in a hurry were already looking for mold and enjoying a drink.

There came a Sadu wagon that escaped from the pagan church. Sadu Wagon stopped at a sympathetic wharf. Many boats were docked at the docks.

Most of the boats anchored here were for windmills, not for vessels that run longliners on a periodic basis. The windmills carried the maidens aboard and enjoyed the breeze in the sympathy.


A middle-aged woman got off in a Sadu Wagon with a skirt pull. The body of a woman in red cotton cloth on her face had a noble energy that could not be overcome.

At the moment, the head jumped out of the biggest balloon and prostrated before the woman.

“The predisposed golden kite is looking for wear. ”

“Long time no see, golden shareholder. ”

A middle-aged woman walks on a red cotton thread that covers her face. Then a beautiful face was revealed.

A woman who was a saint, but worn by her own will.

She was short-lived.

The large boat in front of the Danube belonged to the pagan family.

“I’ve heard that compassion is beautiful, but this is the first time I’ve seen it myself. ”

“Why did you come without any news? ”

Geum Yeon’s face was full of embarrassing colors.

Danhyeong was also the most honorable person in the pagan community. Apart from the teacher’s spinal cord blood, no one was more precious than her. Then I had to panic because I didn’t know she would come without such notice.

“I’ve come to see because the sympathy is beautiful. Can you float a boat? ”

“Right now? ”


“Joe, if you’ll just give me a moment, I’ll be on my way. ”

“What’s there to prepare for? Just float the boat. ”

“But you still need to be prepared for wear. ”

“That’s it.”

Dandong walked past the golden age and moved to the ship. Geum Yeon-yeon couldn’t say a word due to the force of such a short-lived scent.

“Phew! I can’t help it. ”

After all, he was forced to follow her with his head down.

Originally, she had to arrange for the masters of the pagan before she came. It was for her safety.

On the one hand, I also thought so.

‘What’s the matter? This is the headquarters courtyard. ’

All the sailors on the boat were masters who had learned nothing, and the masters of the horse who would run with a shout were poached on the sympathetic side.

In the end, the golden kite floated in sympathy.

And the great ship went forward with no sound, and cut off the water.


Dandong burst into admiration as he looked around the sympathizer.

After coming to the Evil Goat, Danhyang spent most of his time with the teacher’s spinal cord blood. Only after a dreamy time had passed did she think she wanted to explore the ocean.

The world was dizzy, but the sympathy boasted a beautiful landscape like a separate world. When the sun fell completely, one or two ships came out of sympathy.

With a splendid lamp on the ship, a fluorescent light sets the water like a flower blossomed on the surface. The light of the lamp, the glow of sleep, and the moonlight combine to create a mysterious sight that cannot be expressed by words.

“Beautiful. The night view of the sympathy is the greatest. ”

When I looked at the night vision of the fantastic sympathy, I felt a little frustrated in my heart.

I don’t know when it started, but there were times when my heart became as dim as if I had put a rock on it. At that time, dreaming in my head seemed like a dream.

“Since when?”

She shakes her head as she thinks it’s strange. But I didn’t think deeply.

Even though she was a master who had learned nothing, she was also a person. I had to have several menstrual phenomena as long as I was human. She thought it was the same this time.

I was thinking of showing off my fancy lamps.

“By now, the power of the headquarters will be near the Mourimblin. ”

It was a heavenly war in which the destinies of the pagans and the underworld were divided. It was unfortunate that she could not participate in such a historic battle, but she had work to do here.

The teacher’s goal was to stabilize the spinal cord blood.

Ever since he was assaulted by the Monkey Moon Festival, spinal cord blood has occasionally seized. Spinal cord blood was the best thing to do, but it would not be too bad.

When his photophobia exploded like that, it was hard for him to handle it. Fortunately, it is noticeably stable if there is a monotony.

After returning to the pagan church, the monotony was attached to the side of the spinal cord for the same reason.

“The Protestant world is not far now. Soon all the peoples of the world will believe in religion. ”

She had no doubt that the new era was coming. And the master of the new age will of course be a Protestant.

I caught a cold smile on the mouth of the dandruff. Her smile shines beautifully with moonlight.

Over time, more ships appeared in the sympathy. There were a variety of musicians, from windmillers who laughed with their maidens on their sides to poets. Some boats even let the bad guys ride their bullets.

Hangi passed by in her eyes.

‘Things like garbage. ’

Useless humans who consume the present without any representation or anomaly. Dandong hated those humans. And most of the people who are floating on the compassion ship now seem to be useless to her.

It was then. A small boat slipped towards the ship she was on. Like all ships, it was a ship with tons of lanterns. One other thing is, there’s no guitarist on the boat, no musician.

The boatman had a woman standing alone scattering her clothes in the wind. I couldn’t see my face because I lost the shadow on the lamp, but Danhyun thought that somehow the woman’s appearance was ripe. Her thoughts then turned to conviction as the ship drew closer.

When the shadow that covered the woman’s face gradually disappeared and became visible, a frost lay on her face.

“How dare you….. ”

The woman on the other boat was someone she knew well. That’s why I’m embarrassed. She was never supposed to be here.


“Long time no see, Master. ”

“You look like you’re pouring liver. How dare you come in here knowing where this place is? ”

“I deserve that, Master. I’m still the saint of the main school. Whether the Master recognizes it or not. ”

The woman who answered boldly was a penis.

Her appearance was enough to upset the singularity. This was where the headquarters of the pagan community was located. There was no ground for a filthy traitor, such as a penis, here to be the new sanctuary of Murim.

“Who still says you’re a saint? You have already been deported from the headquarters. ”

“No one can question me. If I don’t want to. ”

“How dare you!”

I had a life of dandruff. Then the sailors on the boat took out their weapons. Even though they drove many boats here, they were also masters of martial arts.

Danhyun gave them an order.

“Grab her now and kneel before me. ”


It was the moment that Geum Yeon tried to blow himself up with his superiors while performing his vows.


Suddenly, the penis raises its hand and cries out. She had a round iron shield in her hand.

Dandong tried to laugh at the penis. It was because the attitude of the penis to give orders seemed to be something with only one iron shield.

But the next moment, her face hardened. This is because the engraved pattern on the iron shield came into my eyes.

“Is that…? ”

“Don’t worry, Mister Abu? ”

Not only did he look embarrassed, but he also looked embarrassed. Because the object in the hand of the penis was lost in this world a long time ago.


“Exactly. It’s a sacrament of headquarters. You wouldn’t deny the authority of the Sacrament, would you? ”

“How did you know that? ”

The face of the monotony was full of mistrust.

She was once a saint. Because of this, I was able to recognize that what was in the hands of the penis was a real sacrament.

He said in a silent voice.

“I will give my orders to the authority of the Sacrament. Disarm now and step back. ”

“Stand, receive the order of the Sacrament. ”

I bowed my head with a dull, white face.

The sacrament is of equal authority to the bishop. Because of this, ordinary mundos, such as the Golden Jubilee, were forced to receive the sacred commandment.

It was a moment when I tried to unravel even the sword with my waist full of gold and gold.


With sharp cuts, the head of the golden smokes and baggage was cut off in an instant.

His head blinked as if he was not even aware of his death.

The look on his penis was stiff as if he was wearing iron armor.

“Are you denying the authority of the Sacrament now? ”

“No, I admit it. If it were me. But I am not a saint now, but a wearer. The Iron Piece is just an old relic to dream of a new religion, and it doesn’t work for me anymore. Hohoho!”

The prison of Dandong resonated with sympathy. At this instant, the surface of the squadron fluttered greatly. It caused waves in her prison’s quiet sleep. It was an internal vessel to be processed. But the surprise of the penis is that the authority of the sacrament was thoroughly denied, not because of her inner manhood.

The sacrament symbolized the first monarch who founded the Protestant Church. That is why I had the authority to take precedence over the bishops. However, the monotony was thoroughly denying the authority of such a sacrament.

‘I expected it might be like this…. ’

Denying the authority of the Sacrament itself meant that the present Protestants were disconnected from the past. It was hard to accept as a penis.

The penis raised its voice.

“Wake up, Master. He was the master who taught me that I must find the sacrament and establish the law. ”

“I must have done it in the past. But I am different now. There is no need for such an order in the newly born Protestant past. ”

A spectacular spectacle bursts out of the eyes of a monolith. Facing her gaze in front of her, her penis felt instantly dazzled.


The energy felt in the eyes of the monolith was clearly a blurred scam. It couldn’t be. If it’s normal.

‘Did Master also suffer from Angelism? ’

At that time, Danhyun had crossed the ship and attacked. I fought back without delay.


A storm swept through the silent sympathizer.

The two women became two dragons and attacked each other.

If it had been before, the penis would not have been a short-lived opponent. But now the penis is different from before.

The first thing she noticed was that she was a master.

“How can you be so strong? Did you get the Holy Grail? ”

“I took some. ”

“What about the rest? ”

The penis didn’t answer. But that alone was a big shock.

‘It is dangerous if she has learned the art of the real sacrament. ’

Danhyun gathered strength to attack the penis. However, her attack was split by a dagger wielded by the penis.

The scrotum tried to attack the monotony again. But at that moment something unexpected happened. He fled into the air for a long time.


The penis stopped in a hurry to track down the shortness of breath.

It was because there was a booklet that I had never seen on a ship that had been on a Dandelion until now. It was a downpour.

The penis quickly picked up the brochure.

Angelic Heart Disease.

That’s what it said in the booklet. But I couldn’t afford to look at the brochure. Because the masters of the pagan religion who were waiting on the side of the sympathetic lake were coming to drive a boat or pay for water.

The penis had no choice but to drive the boat out to the other side.

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