Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 450

450 Ch. 8. Still I don’t give up hope (4)

After a while, the abstraction of the month of Gisan, which returned to Gyuzan, changed unknowingly. He was wearing a coffin on his head, holding a supply line that didn’t match the white packaging and the season.

In both hands of the month of Gisan, there was a garment.

“He seems to like black, so he bought clothes. ”

The clothes that the month of Gisan gave to Damho were black packaging and bottoms. Damho took his clothes and changed them without a word.

And the brothers of the south and the south were changed into new clothing. I realised that I had returned to particle reality with my new clothes on.

Everyone changed their clothes and said with a smile.

“When I came in, I ordered a meal from the guest owner. You’ll all go out, so go out with me. ”


At the end of the month of Gisan, the South Palace brothers cheered. It was because I was sending a signal that I was still hungry in the boat.

They headed to the first floor along the month of the month. In the guesthouse, the first floor was being used as a whole restaurant.

There were about twenty tables inside the restaurant, most of them full. Half of these occupying positions appeared to be Mulim, while the rest were merchants.

Merchants gave a brief glance to the advent of the Damho group, but within days they focused on their conversations with each other.

“Ha! What the world is going to be like. I’ve only been believing in the Mourim Blind and the Sorimsa, and I can’t believe I’m being pushed here so hard. ”

“That’s it. Who would have guessed that the power of the devil would be so frightening? Phew!”

“A man like this should soon become a realm of witchcraft, right? ”

“Wouldn’t that be the case unless there were different variables? ”

“Ha! That’s a big deal. ”

Those who were seen as merchants sighed that the earth was gone.

On the other hand, the unarmed were not saying anything but eating food. For them, even the atmosphere was splashy.

They were eating food with their heads down without paying attention to the group.

He said in a loud voice that progress had been made.

“Still, it looks like the limelight and the shaman are holding back. Thank goodness.”

There was a light of relief on his face.

I was afraid that I would not be able to measure the passage of time in the dungeon where I was trapped.

Then the guest owner approached with a tray full of food.

“You’re out. Here’s some food. ”


When the owner put the food on the table, the face of the month of mourning changed as if crying at once. His eyes were moistened with moisture, and his mouth was drooling without his knowledge.

I didn’t know how long I was going to taste it. In the meantime, I didn’t feel any faults, but the first time I saw human food, I was shaking like crazy in my stomach. It was the same for the others.

“I’ll eat well. ”


They began to eat food competitively with the necessity of a basic month.

“There’s a lot of food, so take it slow. ”

The embarrassed owner dried up, but it was of no use. Their appetite, once the salivary gland exploded, was terrifying.

Damho ate as usual, unlike them. A little bit of chewing contrasts with others.

Even his experience in Hell did not seem to have a significant impact on his mind.


A thick drop of tears poured over the cheeks of the month of Gisan.

I could live there without eating. I didn’t know I was hungry, so I didn’t have to be tempted to eat anything. But he always felt a blunder. I didn’t want to eat until I was hungry.

Appetite was one of man’s greatest desires and the driving force behind human life. I didn’t even know the passage of time when such a primitive need was forcibly blocked, so I didn’t even know what the effect would be.

The feeling of warm food entering the mouth, the sensation of smooth passage through the esophagus, made the menstrual month emotional.

As yet, the younger brother of Nam Palace did not fully understand the response of the month of birth. But the dustbin who was cooking as a karma understands and empathizes with the harsh emotions that the month of Gisan is feeling.

“Try this, too. ”

The Jingbo gave up to the month of Gisan even the dishes he had left for himself. Then the month of the month began to be impressed.

“Thank you, Confucius. I will not forget this grace. ”

“Haha! That would be gracious. I’ll make you the right food later. ”

“Oh, you said Suzuki. ”

The Southern Archery Brothers opened their mouths as the month of Gisan opened their eyes.

“Progressive cooking is nothing compared to this. It doesn’t taste like heaven. ”

“Really. I think progressive cuisine is the best in the world. ”

“Oh! That much? ”

The progression turns its head as it sweeps. It was because the eyes of the month of birth were burdensome.

His gaze stopped at the damho.

Damho was quietly eating the food in front of him. Little by little, he looked like a soothsayer. There was a tendency from the beginning, but this time, while spending time in Hell, the tendency of the Wall was even more inclined towards you.

‘It was a hell of a time. ’

It was enough to recall the memory of the time.

In the eyes of the advancement, who trembled for a while, his biceps plunged. It was because of the unarmed people who saw the back of the dam.

The unaccompanied people sitting around the table were spontaneously talking and eating food. I couldn’t find anything strange on the outside. But their pupils were constantly looking inside and out of the dining room, as if they were slightly stiff and wary of their faces and surroundings.

Above all, they did not carry a single cup of wine in front of them. Obviously I’m taking it in my mouth, but it doesn’t reduce the amount at all.

Something was strange. So it was time to take a closer look.


Suddenly, I called for progress with a loud voice.


“It’s not polite to look through someone’s face like that. ”

“But……. ”

“It’s not just them. The people in the back of the room, and the people in that corner, are the same. ”

“Yes? Then….. ”

“The Lord already knows. ”

“Uh, since when? ”

“From the moment you came in here? Even if you pretend to be calm, it’s not easy to hide your eyes, your breathing, your heartbeat. They haven’t reached that level yet. But even so, it’s really great that you know what’s weird about them. ”

The month of Gisan looked at the progress of the dust with the eyes that his brother was as magnificent as praising his brother. In response, a slight reddening of the face.

The month of Gisan turned his head out the window and spoke.

“This is not the only guest. On the other side of the road, on the other side of the street, there are a lot of unarmed people like them. ”

“Like that?”

“They’re probably looking for someone who passes in front of the guest we’re staying in. I don’t know who their goal is, but I think they’ll be close soon. ”

The progress of the war looked to the wall. It seemed that the words of the month of birth were not easy to believe.

If the words of the month of birth are true, it means that his senses have evolved beyond this guesthouse to grasp the entire street.

Damho nods slightly. It meant that the words of the month of birth were true. I was forced to be alarmed by that.

“Is the law so great? I can’t help but extend my senses even though my inner pores aren’t so strong. ’

It was true that Damhoya was the owner of such a strong innards and senses that she could think of it, but it was also true that the month of birth was slightly shrinking because she had such a wide sensation. But within days, the dust had recovered its usual appearance.

‘There’s nothing to be conscious of. I can walk my own path like this. I don’t even have the skills to compare with others. ’

When I thought about it, my heart calmed down. On the one hand, I was also curious. Who are their goals and why so many unarmed people have been mobilized?

I heard the sound of horseshoes and wheels rolling out of the window at the same time. Looking out the window, I saw a crowd enter the beginning of the western review.

An endless procession of carts was continuing. The cattle and horses were covered in waterproof bullets with loads like a pile of sandalwood.

At the head of the crowd was a quadrilateral with four horses, a large flag embroidered with golden silk on the roof, waving in the wind.

The South Bow brothers and sisters, who looked indifferently at the letters embroidered on the flag, almost simultaneously threw up a new voice.

“What about that?”

“Myth…… Merchant? ”

The eyes of the Brothers of the Southern Palace and the Liberation Army were shaken. I didn’t expect to see the Mythical Merchant Guild again here.

The fact that the mythical Merchant Guild is the best of all religions no longer exists.

There was also a strong line of money called the Mythical Merchant Guild that was defeated during the First World War and was able to recover the original Holy Land at a fast pace.

The greatest power of the underworld made the pagan religion stronger at the same time as the fattening, and as a result, half of the underworld went into the hands of the pagan.

Those who had a slight glance knew. In order to defeat the pagan religion, the mythical merchant must first be eliminated and cut off the line of money.

‘So their goal is the mythical Merchant Guild? ’

The advancement focuses its manoeuvres on both eyes and looks at the cart. I saw a sack of grain in the middle of a sackcloth.

Is it food?

If there were more than fifty carts full of food, it would be of great help to the marshmallows who were fighting the Mourim.

If the fight became as long as it did, the victory and defeat would depend on who would get more supplies and food smoothly. Because of this, the pagans were using the Mythical Merchant Guild to provide food.

It was then.

“Everybody be quiet. ”

A cold voice echoes inside the guest glass. One who looks like the leader of the unarmed will open his mouth.

The elderly man, a sharp impression of the early forties, looked around the crowd and said,

“We are the unarmed men of the Moon Faction who have a home here. I came together to add a little power to the Mourim Blind. We are trying to block the supply from here to the Demon camp. It might be a little uncomfortable, but I want you to stay quiet and not leave here. I won’t do as much damage as I can. ”

The merchants who have been talking to the boss have killed their breath. They will also notice that the unarmed are trying to ambush the mythical Merchant Guild.

There were also unarmed people by the windows of the other guests’ glasses. They exchanged eyes, looking at each other. Their eyes were filled with such sarcasm.

A cart full of grain is now completely in the street. However, the mythical Merchants were wary of their son-in-law without being careless.


Suddenly, a wagon caught fire popped out and blocked the front.


“Be careful, everyone. ”

The Mythical Merchant Guild’s unarmed men pulled out their swords and looked out for the surroundings. Their reaction was astonishing, as it consisted of skilled foreigners.

The fire cart also pops out behind the mythical Merchant Guild procession and blocks the retreat. The mythical Merchant Guild is isolated in the street where the guests are gathered.


As the chief’s orders fell, the unarmed in the crowd ran out in unison. The unarmed who were waiting in the other guesthouse raided the mythical Merchant Guild accordingly.


“Kill the Horseshoe. ”

It was spectacular to see so many unarmed men swinging their weapons in unison. But more than that, the minister was a mythical mercenary who reacted with even more agitation.


“Protect your food. ”

Even though I was embarrassed by the sudden raid, I reacted by forming dust without such a hue.

Stop it!

Swords and swords clashed, and unmanned and unmanned men got into a bloodbath.

There was a sudden breeze in the quiet streets. The guests in the crowd trembled and were afraid of sudden bloodshed, and the merchants feared that the sun would not come upon them.

“We must burn all the food that goes to the Mount of Noble. ”

The raiders’ leaders raised their voices and encouraged them.

If only the Myth Merchant Guild burned grain that was being transported, it could do great damage to the Horse Bridge. If that were the case, it would be of great help to the Mulim Blind and the Sorim.

The chieftains and raiders were mostly associated with the Shaolin. Some learned to be free from speculators, while others learned to be free directly from Sorim. Therefore, their aspiration to keep the Sabbath was enormous.



Screams burst all over the place and the streets became red with blood.


At that time, the window of the Sadu Wagon, which was at the forefront of the mythical Merchant Guild, was quietly opened and someone saw his face.

He was a middle-aged man with a round face. The jaws overlapped in three layers to determine how old they were, and the eyes and nose were embedded in the flesh, making no distinction.


A middle-aged man who looked around for a while out the window finally opened the door and revealed himself. He was wearing a fancy costume, and his body was as thick as his face.


The Mythical Merchants, who were guarding Sadu Wagon in his presence, bowed their heads indignantly.

He murmurs, looking around.

“Hm! Are they the shivers of the limelight? ”

“I’m sorry, it should be cleared up soon. ”

The unarmed who were guarding Sadu Wagon replied with a singular expression. They were the best guardians of the mythical Merchant Guild, the Blood Ten Sword.

The only one who could give them an order was the mythical merchant, the true owner of the mythical merchant, and the outsider of the pagan religion.

The fat middle-aged man who got off the wagon was the most objectionable of all. He first appeared in the world in a few years after giving birth to his daughter, Diary.

A little eye buried in the flesh shines sharper than a blade.

“You don’t usually have the guts to target things that go into Buddhism. Of course it’s a guest cup. Search all the villagers, search all those involved, and get rid of them. ”


The Blood Siege was scattered all around with a powerful answer.

One of them jumped into the passenger seat where the damho’s back was, and the circus looked at the view with sharp eyes and went back into the wagon.

“The place where the Blood Decimal Sword moved will be cleared in no time. ”

I was standing there for a long time and I was tired. I felt like I had to rest in the wagon and wait for the time to sink.

It was time for him to sit in the chair.


A single stalk sounded wide.

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