Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 454

Chapter 2: 454. Living according to your desires (1)

“I think it’s rude. How dare you insult Master. ”

I grind my white teeth with a dandruff.

After returning from sympathy, her heart was filled with anger. I had to unravel the anger in my chest, but I couldn’t find a place to do it, so I was just getting bigger and bigger.

I wanted to find the blood of a lover and a Protestant teacher, but I couldn’t. Spinal cord blood was in front of the Grand Duke’s eyes for completion. At such an important time, the Grand Duke could be delayed or returned to the bullets. That is why she was forced to cut off her anger alone.

“Yeonggyeong, that dull thing. You’re drunk of the sacred object? ”

Clearly, the penis only took part of the sacred object. Nevertheless, it presented a force comparable to itself. It was proof that the invisibility of the Sacrament was far superior to her guess.

No matter how much he called it, it was not enough to be overtaken by a disciple. That’s why she couldn’t easily cut her anger out of her mind.

In fact, if I had had had had the time to think calmly, I would have seen something strange, but I couldn’t find the cold iron or reason to do it right now.

It was then.

“Can I come in for a minute? ”

I heard a familiar voice outside. At that moment, a semi-colored face came to mind.

“Come in.”

When her permission fell, a gruesome old man came inside. The moment I saw his face, a smile came to my mouth. Because the old man was the only thing she believed in and relied on: blood.

“Welcome home. I couldn’t bear it because I couldn’t bear it. ”

“Well? Can I hear why? ”

“I met an evil disciple who had abandoned my headquarters in Symphony a while ago. ”

Danhyun met with a penis and told the story of a breakthrough. Then the eyes of the bloody wrath turned dark, but Danhyun did not notice it.

Finally, the blood fury that heard all the stories of the monotony opened its mouth.

“Then they found the sacrament, and they learned nothing of it. ”

“I’m sure.”

“That would be a big threat. ”

“That’s right. You can’t stay like this. We need to move our troops and get her. I’m going to have to move the middle heaven even now. ”

“I’ll do that. ”

“Are you referring to your own bloodshed? ”


“It’s okay. I can do it myself. ”

“You don’t have to worry about that. You have to do something more important. ”

“What’s important? ”


In a moment, the eyes of a monotonous man were shining.

It was only when blood fury said that there was something really important. According to him, she was forced to concentrate because good results were always followed.

“What is it? ”

“Establishing an altar. ”


“Yes! A huge altar with honor. The majesty of Buddhism is proclaimed by thousands of people by building a huge altar that can be used as a sanctuary. ”

At that moment, the eyes of the monotonous became gloomy.

“Where do you build an altar? To the bad side of this place?”

“The original headquarters and altar are not built in one place. So it’s meaningless to build an altar. We need to be in the most energetic place in the world. ”

“An energetic place? ”

“Yes. Once you build an altar, it’s a thousand years away. There’s only one such place in the world. ”

“Where is it?”

“Noble Mountain!”

“Are you referring to the place where Shaolin lives? ”

My eyes were shaken by the smell of dandruff.

Among the five great mountains that encompass the Milky Way, the sacred mountain on which the Sorimsa sits was Mt.

The blood fury continued without a single blink of an eye.

“Sorimsa has settled in the mountains and has been able to continue its millennium history. Do you think the reason for this is simply because of the high turnover of Shaolin? ”

“Isn’t it?”

“I saw Dalma. A pure yet gigantic energy gathered in the mountains. That energy has sustained the film of Sorim for a thousand years. ”

“A thousand years on. ”

“The headquarters can do the same. As Sorim said, the main church can go on for a thousand years. You can build an altar in the mountains. Build the Altar of the Main Church on the bodies of the Thanksgiving. If you put the supply of blind people there and stay there, the film of our school will continue forever, and all the people of the world will honor you and Abu Ghraim. ”

The negative of the blood wrath was very rough and negative. But it sounded sweeter in the ear than any push.

It was a monotony that devoted a lifetime to the rise of the Protestant Church. Her tendency to abandon the position of Saint was strong enough when she felt overwhelmed by the many constraints that resurrected her religion.

“Establish an altar on the Mount of Noble. You built an altar that symbolizes Protestantism? ”

“And there’s a great deal to be done in the history of the Protestant world. Of course, you’re the one who’s in charge. ”


“Think of it as the sight of all the people of the world. from their mouths to their mouths forever. And it will be deeply embedded in their brains. And they’re going to believe in religion. ”

Dandong fell in love with the whisper of blood. And I imagined.

Build a huge altar to be erected on the summit of the Mount of Noble.

You and the Protestant masters who live there. And finally, the teacher’s spinal cord blood went up to the altar to decorate the damage.

He smiled unknowingly at the mouth of a singularly scented man who closes his eyes and imagines. And he smiled strangely, looking at the appearance of such a monotony.

All blood rage did was give way to the desire inherent in the heart of the monotonous spirit, so that it could naturally raise its head. That was enough.

Yes, as I have done so far, everything will flow naturally. It’s hard to start anything. If you bite it, it will flow and gather in the sea. That was the philosophy of blood wrath.

“I’ll take care of the penis, so you can run to Monsanto right now. ”

“I have to. I have to build the most spectacular altar in the world. ”

“The Teacher will love it if you come. ”


The dandruff spits out elasticity without even knowing it. Her face was filled with a light of desire that could not be hidden.

Blood fury came out quietly rather than waiting for a moment.

“Are we done here? ”

He looked like he was indifferent to blood.

He prides himself on having the strongest patience in the world. But for him too, the years of the past decades have been years of contemplation.

He has spent the last decades growing grain in the minds of farmers. Patience, caring, caring, prepared, and so he moved without a break. And soon you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Blood fury glanced at the monotonous residence.

I can already feel her moving diligently. Heavenly Heavenly Apostles will help her. Now what he has to do no longer exists here.

Blood fury moved her steps out with her backpack.

I had nothing to take.

I came barefoot when I came, so it was natural to go barefoot.

I came out through the front door of the corps.

He moved his steps without even looking back. I think he’s on a lexical walk, but he just passed downtown Malik and arrived near the sympathetic corridor. It was a demonic step.

Blood fury pauses and looks at the picturesque landscape of sympathy.

A vast lake reminiscent of the ocean, numerous boats floating on it, and water lovers.

Mueang Mountain was troubled by the battle between the Moorish and the Marxists, and it was like a different world. The girls sold laughter from daylight, and the limitless ones bought them for money. It was like living in a starry world where poets were reciting poetry at leisure.

“Peaceful. Too peaceful! ”

Blood fury frowns a little like someone who doesn’t like something. Then the wrinkled flesh filling his face twitched like a worm.

It was then.

“I don’t think I like peace. ”

Suddenly I heard a heavy basin. Surprisingly, I looked back with a smile as expected.

A giant man came into my eyes. It wasn’t just a big one, it felt huge. The atmosphere and eyes of the man were making him look like a giant.

There was only one man in the world who had such a unique and defeatist atmosphere.

Sword of God, he appeared in the sympathetic defense.

Blood wrath was not surprised by the appearance of the Sword Cloth. I looked at the sword cloth with a gentle smile, as if I knew it would happen beforehand.

Behind the back of the sword cloth was the New Moon and the penis. They stared at the bloody wrath with nervous eyes.

I knew the existence of a bloodstain, but this was the first time I saw it myself. After identifying the blood wrath, they tried to obtain information about him through several routes. But surprisingly, I couldn’t get any information.

I could not find the past, and there was no record of him. He seemed to have fallen from the sky. Like a man who had not existed before, all his things were covered in thick tents.

The fact that you don’t know the floor, the fact that you don’t know what the real figure behind that smiling face is, makes them nervous.

The gaze of blood fury passed through the penis and the new moon first. At the moment of receiving his gaze, the two trembled without even knowing themselves.

His eyes were invisible. I felt rather favorable. Yet it was frightening.

The eyes of the bloody wrath were wrinkled. I’m smiling.

“Saint, Duke’s Sword, and Sword Cloth. I’ve heard a lot about it, but this is the first time I’ve seen it myself. Nice to meet you.”

“I guess you all know us. ”

Sword cloth opened his mouth on behalf of everyone.

“How could I not know? No matter how nervous you are, if someone smells like a dog and comes after you, you’ll look back. ”

“Looks like we smelled it right. I see you don’t deny it. ”

“Tsk! You were born wrong. If I had been born a hunting dog, I would have been much prettier than my master. ”

The expression of the sword cloth was stiff in the words of bloodwrath. Even though I was talking softly, it was because I was comparing them to dogs during the year. But they were also seasoned UAVs who suffered from all the prenatal problems, so they quickly received a look.

Sword cloth approached the bloodbath and asked.

“Are you the Archangel? ”

“Exactly! I made an angel. ”

Unexpectedly, Blood Anger answered honestly. Then I was more surprised by the gum cloth and the penis. Because I thought my bloodlust would deny it. But, contrary to their expectations, his bloodlust revealed his identity purely.


Immediately, a white light was extinguished around the body of the Sword Cloth.

A storm was whistling in his eyes.

I finally found the man who is at the end of all this. To find this man, he supported all his youth. Of course, I had to be agitated. But he suppressed excitement.

I didn’t know anything about the opponent. For what purpose did he revive the angelic religion in the present age and promote the clash between the Mourim and the devil?

Sword cloth asked.

“Who are you? ”

“I don’t know! Who am I? I’m curious too. ”

“Escalate Iron Bloody God! Isn’t it?”

“Ho! Did you get there? ”

“Is that correct?”

“I’m bloody. And he’s anonymous. There are so many other names. I can’t guarantee that there are no names associated with the transfer. ”

It was like catching a rising cloud.

The eyes of the Sword Cloth became thinner.

Throughout his body, there was a defeatist movement that seemed to build the world. The power of the sword cloth was overwhelming enough to make the illusion that a huge mountain was before his eyes. However, I looked at the sword cloth with the eye that it was rather interesting without the blood fury shrinking downward.

“You must have learned self-defense skills. ”


“The ripening period wouldn’t have been so long, but I can’t believe I’ve already achieved that. Your talent is the foremost thing in the world. Few people have surprised me this much. You might as well think for yourself. ”

“I don’t want to hear your jokes. ”

“Is that so? Too bad! I can’t believe I’m telling you the truth. ”

“What is your true purpose? What are you trying to gain by encouraging chaos? ”

“It would be convenient to think of it as some kind of farmer. ”


“Yes! In winter, to get the fruits of the autumn, land is laid and sowed diligently in the spring, what can we say, not farmers? ”

“Is the clash between the Protestant and the Moorish a seed you sowed? ”

“I’m pretty sure he’s the biggest seed I’ve ever sown. ”

At that moment, the New Moon Moon, which had only been silently heard until now, went out.

“Big guy, you don’t have to listen to that crazy old man anymore. ”

His face flew up red like it was about to explode. He was feeling a ferocious hostility and anger to the bloody wrath, as if he were a spoiled man.

Blood fury smiled as he watched the new moon.

“You’ll have to fix that urgent temper first if you’re going to make a big deal. Otherwise, it’s hard to jump over the wall. ”


At this moment, the rope of reason that was barely grasping in the head of the New Moon was severed.


He pulls out two swords and runs toward the bloody fury.

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