Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 464

Chapter 5 464. It is not over yet (2)

The whole body of Damho was bowed in blood.

I don’t know how many of them I killed, but I felt a terrible blood flow and confused my mind. Still, the supernova didn’t erase his smile.

He was his only friend in the world. The warmth I feel in my hand has filled my heart.

The supernova opened its mouth.

“Too late.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, now that I’m here, I’m done. ”

The supernova shakes its head at the words of Damho. At that time, the advancement of the dust from the back of the dam raised its head.

“I’m here, too. ”

He was straight ahead.

At that moment, a bright smile spread over the mouth of the supernova.


I’m tired of getting hurt and I’m laughing strangely. And I was reassured.

The moment his legs were released, his body twisted. Then the advancement quickly supported him.

It wasn’t just the progress. The month of Gisan watched as he protected the Southern Palace brothers.

‘His friendship with the lord is truly great. ’

Just one look could tell how much they could trust each other.

I felt jealous.

The condition of the wall was not normal either. The fight against escalation also hurt Damho a lot. Even with a heavy injury, he gladly ran to the supernova.

He had no friends to share his friendship with. So unfortunately, I was jealous again.

It was then.

“How dare you shudder the courtroom. ”

A power that was ignored by Damho is furious and blows itself away.


His sword flew towards the back of the wall.

“Risk……. ”

He tried to scream when he saw the sight. But the wall was moving faster than that.

His right hand lamp pops out like a viper. It was Danyang.


The back of the hand and the sword of the river collided. But the sound of iron exploded. But the lieutenant was not surprised. Because if a master is at the same level as a damsel, he can exert a power comparable to that of a bare hand.

The Sword of the River releases the Jay and the Three in a row. A sword with lightning speed and power, like a star called the Flashmare Sword, has overflowed the Salmon Pool Dam.

Immediately, the palm of the wall was struck by the surface of the air and exploded. It was a phenomenon that occurred when the monolithic wall was unfolded.


The riverbed bayonet is blocked by a monolithic wall.

At that moment, the new prison of Damho was shot. It was a replenishment.


The rupture exploded.


The body of the river is pushed backwards without breaking.

Shortly before being struck by a shattered spine, I lifted the biopsy and stopped it. Thanks to it, he avoided direct bodily harm, but he was unable to completely relieve the shock.


I stepped back five steps, but the shock didn’t go away. He had to take more than a dozen steps back. Only then did the shock go a little.

Blood came up through the throat choking. It’s an internal injury. But he didn’t have time to control his internal injuries. Because Damho was running like a demon.

His bloody head was scattered. In the meantime, I saw a bloody face. I don’t know where the wound came from, but it didn’t look light. Nevertheless, his eyes were glowing with horror.

Absolute masters like the River were amazed, and the gaze of the Wall was scary enough to take a breath.


Once again, a wave exploded.

Again, I stopped his attack with the sword. The sword that stopped Damho’s fist bent like a bow.

Oh, shit!

At that moment, his sword was spinning like a spider web. It is not able to cope with consecutive shocks and its durability is at its limits.

The river’s eyes shake.

He was a horseman who was also called me in the black religion he was carrying. Strength and sharpness were so great that even in the underworld. The fact that such a horseman was being destroyed in a few chambers before the fist of the Wall made him frightened.

He grows old just as he trembles at fear.



At that moment, a round glow came out of his sword.

The glowing bead-like fruit was the condensed pillow of the sword. The destructive force was also far superior as the steel condensed. It was five, not one or two.

It was the number of splenomegaly that the river had.


The sword broke like sand in exchange for issuing a quarantine, but it didn’t matter.


Five swords flew towards the wall in different directions and trajectories, as if they were living creatures.

“It’s over.”

The river shouted.

Everyone who watched their fight thought so.

That power of censorship was absolute, and the Wall was blocking all defences that could be avoided.


“No! ”

Several unarmed people who saw the sight shouted for blood on their necks. But he did not avoid the discourse, but rather sped it up.


At that moment, a stormy air flow swirled through his entire body.

The thermoscope was triggered.

As it stands, the wall hit the checkpoint.

Quack, quack!

An explosion shook the heavens and the earth.

Blade-like waves swirled everywhere, causing massive shock waves. Because of this, all the people within a radius of twenty chapters fell back.

Everyone thought it was over.

No matter how strong the wall was, it was impossible to survive such an explosion. That was people’s idea.

It was then.


A wall appeared through the explosion.

His appearance was disastrous. Not necessarily, there was a new scar on the flesh that was scary. It was scar enough to reveal the bone. Normally, even though he was instantly wounded, he was shattering toward the river.

At that moment, the lieutenant realized for the first time what the fear was.


I’m afraid of shaking my flesh.

That was the emotion that the power felt at that moment.

He had never had a fight like this.

So far, the opponent has either self-destructed or abandoned himself by showing him one or both of his desperate swords. Thanks to that, he was able to achieve an easy victory.

There was nothing different about fighting an opponent who was known to be comparable to him. They were shrunk to the fame of the river, overwhelmed by fierce sentiments and surrendered.

No one dared to run towards him with such a glance as a wall.

That wasn’t the eyes of the challenger.

It was the motto of a man who was determined to kill his opponent.

At that angle, the wall rushed toward him.


A workforce was created to process around the dam and attract the body of the river. The body of the river was dragged to the dam without breaking it. Then the wave exploded.


A few times faster than the speed at which the river’s body was drawn, it bounced off.

Damho followed such a force.

I wanted to twist my neck and keep my body close to the river, but it soared to the sky within.

Damho became a dragon breeze and swallowed the power.

The earthquake unfolded.

The river opened its eyes with a dazzling flourish. The earth was then rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

“Oh, no! ”


At that moment, his head was thrown into the ground.

“ ……. ”

Static came.

Everyone’s gaze was focused on the upside-down power of the earth.

The river has not moved. Because the head blower can’t move.

It was an unrealistic sight.

The opponent was a lieutenant.

Flash-Man Sword Lieutenant.

A member of the military chieftaincy who boasts of paganism.

The absolute masterpiece that encompasses the world by the power of God alone became a thin carcass.

The lieutenant was a man who should not die like that. Never!

The unrealistic sight gave joy to the Shaolin and the Mourim blind, and despair to the non-religious.

Damho shook his back and raised his body. Sweeping his head up with his hands, his bloody face appeared intact.

He seemed to have bathed in blood. I couldn’t even conceal how many people I had to kill so bloody.

“Don’t …… Sun. ”

One of the unmanned horses mutters as he looks at the wall. He said it without thinking, but the destructive power was scary.

The word ‘chariot’ spread like a plague all over the pagan faction.

A marshmallow.

Maturity in a Protestant legend.

The existence of the processing created by the bloodwrath materialized and appeared before them.


Lord Myung has spilled an invasion.

He was fighting fiercely with him, and the Moon and Sothon withdrew sometime later. A little more fighting could take their lives, but they were already out of the military’s interest.

The gaze and nerves of the Lord were drawn to the wall. His intense presence and fragrance that dominates the battlefield prevents the armor officer from taking his gaze off him.

The man who suddenly appeared and killed the Sword of Flashlight.

His power to process was making everyone here full.

I don’t know what happened before I came here, but the wall must have been severely wounded. Scars all over his body, even though he was a culprit, were deadly things that were not unusual, even though he was already dead. Nevertheless, he stood still, and the pagans were overwhelmed by the presence of such a wall, so that they could not speak.

It was the presence and control that seemed insane.

Those who destroyed the Shaolin and the Mourim Blind are tired of the pity of only one man. It was an unbelievable sight to see directly with both eyes.

I want to deny it, but it was a reality I was strictly faced with.

Lord Zhang realized that fighting was no longer meaningless.

I broke my heart to fight.

In this state, the wall will be crushed by the Mulim blind and the remnants of the Shaolin.

The master grinds his teeth.

It was just about to achieve its purpose, and it was hard to easily accept the current situation in which everything was frustrated by only one Dalho.

‘It’s a bluff. Killing the Lieutenant has seized his last power. He doesn’t have the power to move anymore. ’

I knew it with my head. But even his own foot did not fall toward the wall. The body refuses.

I didn’t want to admit it, but it was true that it was also compromised by the existence of Damhoe. Once it shrunk, it was not easy to make an adventure.

Lord Moon stares at the wall with a frightening eye.

I put everything in his eyes. And it was deeply imprinted on the brain. It was his motto never to forget today’s wool.

Finally, after imprinting everything in the wall, he turns around and shouts.

“Everyone goes back. ”

“ ……. ”

There was no answer. But I followed the orders of the officer, as everyone waited. That look made the officer even more miserable.

The pagans retreated from the corpses of their comrades, and the young men of Mourim and Sorim looked at them without saying a word.

I wanted to save this opportunity and wipe them all out, but I knew how embarrassing it was. It was time to be grateful just for surviving.

He watched them retreat without saying a word.

As Lord Zhang thought, his condition was at its worst. He was seriously injured in the fight against the transfer of Iron Blood God.

He absolutely needed time to heal his wounds. Nevertheless, it was because there was a supernova here that ran too far.

The supernova approaches Damho.

“Come on! I don’t know when they’ll change their minds and come back. ”

As a long-time friend, he was looking through the walls.

Damho nods and turns around.


A tremendous cheer burst at the moment.

The unarmed who risked their lives for their comrades were cheerful. Their eyes were filled with awe.

The month of Gisan was a miracle when I saw the sight.

A great miracle created by a single person.

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